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Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - List of Moves

Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - List of Moves

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View moves by name - View moves by effect

Name Type Power Accuracy PP Add'l Effect Range Flags
PoundNORMAL40100350Single exc. userabef
Mega PunchNORMAL8085200Single exc. userabef
ScratchNORMAL40100350Single exc. userabef
ViceGripNORMAL55100300Single exc. userabef
CutNORMAL5095300Single exc. userabef
Wing AttackFLYING60100350Single exc. userabef
SlamNORMAL8075200Single exc. userabef
Vine WhipGRASS35100100Single exc. userabef
Mega KickNORMAL1207550Single exc. userabef
Horn AttackNORMAL65100250Single exc. userabef
TackleNORMAL3595350Single exc. userabef
Water GunWATER40100250Single exc. userbef
Hydro PumpWATER1208050Single exc. userbef
PeckFLYING35100350Single exc. userabef
Drill PeckFLYING80100200Single exc. userabef
StrengthNORMAL80100150Single exc. userabef
Rock ThrowROCK5090150Single exc. userbef
Egg BombNORMAL10075100Single exc. userbef
WaterfallWATER80100150Single exc. userabef
MegahornBUG12085100Single exc. userabef
Hyper VoiceNORMAL90100100All opposing Pokémonbe
Dragon ClawDRAGON80100150Single exc. userabef
If the target is using Dive, this attack’s power is doubled.
SurfWATER95100150All opposing Pokémonbef
01: Puts the target to sleep.
SingNORMAL055150Single exc. userbce
Sleep PowderGRASS075150Single exc. userbce
HypnosisPSYCHIC060200Single exc. userbce
Lovely KissNORMAL075100Single exc. userbce
SporeGRASS0100150Single exc. userbce
GrassWhistleGRASS055150Single exc. userbce
02: May poison the target.
Poison StingPOISON151003530Single exc. userbe
SmogPOISON20702040Single exc. userbe
SludgePOISON651002030Single exc. userbe
Sludge BombPOISON901001030Single exc. userbe
03: If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the target because of this attack, but not less than 1 HP.
AbsorbGRASS20100200Single exc. userbe
Mega DrainGRASS40100100Single exc. userbe
Leech LifeBUG20100150Single exc. userabe
Giga DrainGRASS6010050Single exc. userbe
04: May burn the target.
Fire PunchFIRE751001510Single exc. userabe
EmberFIRE401002510Single exc. userbe
FlamethrowerFIRE951001510Single exc. userbe
Fire BlastFIRE12085510Single exc. userbe
Heat WaveFIRE100901010All opposing Pokémonbe
05: May freeze the target.
Ice PunchICE751001510Single exc. userabe
Ice BeamICE951001010Single exc. userbe
BlizzardICE12070510All opposing Pokémonbe
Powder SnowICE401002510All opposing Pokémonbe
06: May paralyze the target.
ThunderPunchELECTRIC751001510Single exc. userabe
Body SlamNORMAL851001530Single exc. userabe
ThunderShockELECTRIC401003010Single exc. userbe
ThunderboltELECTRIC951001510Single exc. userbe
LickGHOST201003030Single exc. userabe
Zap CannonELECTRIC100505100Single exc. userbe
SparkELECTRIC651002030Single exc. userabe
DragonBreathDRAGON601002030Single exc. userbef
07: User faints as part of this attack’s use, after damage calculation. The target’s Defense is treated as halved in damage calculation.
SelfdestructNORMAL20010050All exc. userbef
ExplosionNORMAL25010050All exc. userbef
08: Fails unless the target is asleep. If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the target because of this attack, but not less than 1 HP.
Dream EaterPSYCHIC100100150Single exc. userbe
09: Uses last move that successfully targeted user, with no particular target.
Mirror MoveFLYING00200No particular target
0A: Raises user’s Attack by 1 stage.
0B: Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
0D: Raises user’s Special Attack by 1 stage.
10: Raises user’s evasiveness by 1 stage.
Double TeamNORMAL00150Userd
11: Can’t be evaded.
SwiftNORMAL600200All opposing Pokémonbef
Faint AttackDARK600200Single exc. userbef
Shadow PunchGHOST600200Single exc. userabef
Aerial AceFLYING600200Single exc. userabef
Magical LeafGRASS600200Single exc. userbef
Shock WaveELECTRIC600200Single exc. userbef
12: Lowers the target’s Attack by 1 stage.
GrowlNORMAL0100400All opposing Pokémonbce
13: Lowers the target’s Defense by 1 stage.
Tail WhipNORMAL0100300All opposing Pokémonbce
LeerNORMAL0100300All opposing Pokémonbce
14: Lowers the target’s Speed by 1 stage.
String ShotBUG095400All opposing Pokémonbce
17: Lowers the target’s accuracy by 1 stage.
Sand-AttackGROUND0100150Single exc. userbce
SmokeScreenNORMAL0100200Single exc. userbce
KinesisPSYCHIC080150Single exc. userbe
FlashNORMAL070200Single exc. userbce
18: Lowers the target’s evasiveness by 1 stage.
Sweet ScentNORMAL0100200All opposing Pokémonbce
19: Resets all stat stages on all Pokémon in battle to zero. (This effect is not considered to reduce stat stages.)
1A: If this attack is successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins and X is set to 0. During effect, user uses this attack during each of its attack segments and can’t take any other action, and whenever the user is damaged by an attack by another Pokémon, the HP lost by the user because of that attack is added to X. At user’s second attack segment after this one, deals X times 2 damage to the Pokémon at the position of the last Pokémon (other than the user) that damaged the user with an attack during this attack’s effect, or if there is no such Pokémon, to one of the opposing Pokémon chosen at random, and this effect ends. Accuracy check is performed only when this attack is returned. Affected by type immunities. Returned attack is considered an attack by the user. Effect ends without returning an attack if, during effect, user is prevented from using this attack or leaves the battle,, this attack’s PP is reduced to 0, or user falls asleep or becomes frozen.
1B: If this attack is successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins. Effect lasts for two or three turns, including this turn. During effect, user uses this attack during each of its attack segments and can’t take any other action. When effect ends at the end of the last turn, user becomes confused unless it’s already confused. Effect ends without causing confusion if this attack’s type is ineffective against the target’s types, if this attack’s PP is reduced to 0 during effect, if user is prevented from using this attack, or when user falls asleep, becomes frozen, or leaves the battle. If user is asleep as it starts to use this attack, this attack deals damage and lasts one attack segment (doesn’t cause confusion).
ThrashNORMAL9010020100Random opposing Pokémonabef
Petal DanceGRASS7010020100Random opposing Pokémonabef
OutrageDRAGON9010015100Random opposing Pokémonabef
1C: Ends wild Pokémon battles. In Trainer battles, replaces the target with a random unfainted non-Egg Pokémon not in battle with the same controller as the target, and this attack fails if there is no such Pokémon. Fails either way if Ingrain is in effect for the target, or if user’s level is less than the target’s level and int( ((user’s level) + (the target’s level)) * X / 256 ) + 1 is less than or equal to the target’s level divided by 4, rounded down, where X is a random integer from 0 through 255. Priority level -6.
WhirlwindNORMAL0100200Single exc. userbe
RoarNORMAL0100200Single exc. userbe
1D: Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% chance for two or three times; 12.5% chance for four or five times.
DoubleSlapNORMAL1585100Single exc. userabef
Comet PunchNORMAL1885150Single exc. userabef
Fury AttackNORMAL1585200Single exc. userabef
Pin MissileBUG1485200Single exc. userbef
Spike CannonNORMAL20100150Single exc. userbef
BarrageNORMAL1585200Single exc. userbef
Fury SwipesNORMAL1880150Single exc. userabef
Bone RushGROUND2580100Single exc. userbef
Arm ThrustFIGHTING15100200Single exc. userabef
Bullet SeedGRASS10100300Single exc. userbef
Icicle SpearICE10100300Single exc. userbef
Rock BlastROCK2580100Single exc. userbef
1E: User’s types become the type of one of the user’s moves, except Curse, chosen at random. (Considers Hidden Power and Weather Ball as Normal.) It reverts to its original types when user leaves the battle. Fails if each of user’s moves (except Curse) is of either type of the user, since it chooses a type other than one of user’s types.
1F: May make the target flinch.
Rolling KickFIGHTING60851530Single exc. userabef
HeadbuttNORMAL701001530Single exc. userabe
BiteDARK601002530Single exc. userabe
Bone ClubGROUND65852010Single exc. userbe
Rock SlideROCK75901030All opposing Pokémonbe
Hyper FangNORMAL80901510Single exc. userabe
20: User gains half of its maximum HP. Does nothing if user’s HP is full.
Slack OffNORMAL0100100Userd
21: Badly poisons the target.
ToxicPOISON08510100Single exc. userbce
22: In wild Pokémon battles and in Trainer battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, if this attack is successful and the user is controlled by the player, an amount equal to five times the user’s current level (during attack’s use) is added to the money to be obtained when the player wins the battle, up to 65,535. (Not obtained if running occurred in the battle.)
Pay DayNORMAL4010020100Single exc. userbef
23: Effect lasts for five turns, including this turn. During effect, damage from special attacks that aren’t critical hits against any Pokémon in battle on the user’s side is halved as long as there is only one Pokémon in battle on the user’s side, or divided by 3 then multiplied by 2 otherwise. During effect, this attack fails for any Pokémon in battle on the user’s side.
Light ScreenPSYCHIC00300Userd
24: May either burn, freeze, or paralyze the target.
Tri AttackNORMAL801001020Single exc. userbe
25: User gains all HP; user sleeps with a sleep count of 3, even if user is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, or frozen. Does nothing if user’s HP is full. Fails if user is already asleep or can’t fall asleep.
26: One-hit KO. Deals damage to the target equal to the target’s current HP. Ineffective if the target’s level is greater than user’s level. When used, this attack’s accuracy is its original accuracy plus the level difference. Affected by type immunities. Other effects that affect this attack’s accuracy are ignored for this attack.
GuillotineNORMAL13050Single exc. userabe
Horn DrillNORMAL13050Single exc. userabe
FissureGROUND13050Single exc. userbe
Sheer ColdICE13050Single exc. userbe
27: Two-turn attack.
Razor WindNORMAL80100100All opposing Pokémonbef
28: Deals damage to the target equal to half of the target’s current HP, but not less than 1. Affected by type immunities.
Super FangNORMAL190100Single exc. userabe
29: Deals 40 damage to the target. Affected by type immunities.
Dragon RageDRAGON1100100Single exc. userbef
2A: Multi-turn attack. If this attack is successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins. Effect lasts for three to six turns, including this turn. During effect, the target can’t switch out or run, and at the end of each turn except the last, the target loses 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP). Effect ends when user or the target leaves the battle. The effect is not reset when a Pokémon in battle uses this or another multi-turn attack against the target during effect.
BindNORMAL157520100Single exc. userabef
WrapNORMAL158520100Single exc. userabef
Fire SpinFIRE157015100Single exc. userbef
ClampWATER357510100Single exc. userabef
Sand TombGROUND157015100Single exc. userbef
Power is doubled if the target is using Dive.
WhirlpoolWATER157015100Single exc. userbef
2B: Good chance for a critical hit.
Karate ChopFIGHTING50100250Single exc. userabef
Razor LeafGRASS5595250All opposing Pokémonbef
CrabhammerWATER9085100Single exc. userabef
SlashNORMAL70100200Single exc. userabef
AeroblastFLYING1009550Single exc. userbef
Cross ChopFIGHTING1008050Single exc. userabef
Air CutterFLYING5595250All opposing Pokémonbef
Leaf BladeGRASS70100150Single exc. userabef
2C: Attacks twice in a row.
Double KickFIGHTING30100300Single exc. userabef
BonemerangGROUND5090100Single exc. userbef
2D: If this attack misses (but not solely if it becomes ineffective), user loses HP equal to half of the damage the attack would have dealt, or 1, whichever is greater (not considered recoil), but not more HP than half of the target’s maximum HP (can be 0 HP).
Jump KickFIGHTING7095250Single exc. userabef
Hi Jump KickFIGHTING8590200Single exc. userabef
2E: For five turns, including this turn, for each Pokémon in battle on the user’s side, attacks and abilities by other Pokémon can’t lower that Pokémon’s stat stages. (An effect that merely changes stat stages without necessarily lowering them, such as Haze and Psych Up, is not affected.) During effect, this attack fails for any Pokémon in battle on the user’s side.
2F: During effect, attacks by the user have a heightened chance for a critical hit. Effect ends when user leaves the battle (except Baton Pass).
Focus EnergyNORMAL00300Userd
30: If this attack is successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the target because of this attack, but not less than 1 HP (recoil).
Take DownNORMAL9085200Single exc. userabef
SubmissionFIGHTING8080250Single exc. userabef
This attack’s damage isn’t affected by the target’s or user’s types. (This effect doesn’t change this attack’s type.)
StruggleNORMAL5010010Single exc. userabef
31: Confuses the target.
SupersonicNORMAL055200Single exc. userbce
Confuse RayGHOST0100100Single exc. userbce
Sweet KissNORMAL075100Single exc. userbce
32: Raises user’s Attack by 2 stages.
Swords DanceNORMAL00300Userd
33: Raises user’s Defense by 2 stages.
Acid ArmorPOISON00400Userd
Iron DefenseSTEEL00150Userd
34: Raises user’s Speed by 2 stages.
35: Raises user’s Special Attack by 2 stages.
Tail GlowBUG0100200Userd
36: Raises user’s Special Defense by 2 stages.
39: User’s Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed, and Attack stats; types; moves; species; individual values; ability; and stat stages become those of the target (even if those values are the same). Gender is not copied. Ends the effect of Disable against the user. Moves copied have 5 PP. (Their maximum PP depends on the number of PP Ups used for each move slot for the user.) Fails if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, or Fly. These attributes revert to their originals when user leaves the battle. During effect, user can use this attack, and this attack fails against user.
TransformNORMAL00100Single exc. user
3A: Lowers the target’s Attack by 2 stages.
CharmNORMAL0100200Single exc. userbce
FeatherDanceFLYING0100150Single exc. userbce
3B: Lowers the target’s Defense by 2 stages.
ScreechNORMAL085400Single exc. userbce
3C: Lowers the target’s Speed by 2 stages.
Cotton SporeGRASS085400Single exc. userbce
Scary FaceNORMAL090100Single exc. userbce
3E: Lowers the target’s Special Defense by 2 stages.
Fake TearsDARK0100200Single exc. userbce
Metal SoundSTEEL085400Single exc. userbce
41: Effect lasts for five turns, including this turn. During effect, damage from physical attacks that aren’t critical hits against any Pokémon in battle on the user’s side is halved as long as there is only one Pokémon in battle on the user’s side, or divided by 3 then multiplied by 2 otherwise. During effect, this attack fails for any Pokémon in battle on the user’s side.
42: Poisons the target.
PoisonPowderPOISON075350Single exc. userbce
Poison GasPOISON055400Single exc. userbce
43: Paralyzes the target. Affected by type immunities.
Stun SporeGRASS075300Single exc. userbce
Thunder WaveELECTRIC0100200Single exc. userbce
GlareNORMAL075300Single exc. userbce
44: May lower the target’s Attack by 1 stage.
Aurora BeamICE651002010Single exc. userbe
45: May lower the target’s Defense by 1 stage.
AcidPOISON401003010All opposing Pokémonbe
Iron TailSTEEL100751530Single exc. userabe
Rock SmashFIGHTING201001550Single exc. userabe
Crush ClawNORMAL75951050Single exc. userabe
46: May lower the target’s Speed by 1 stage.
BubbleBeamWATER651002010Single exc. userbe
ConstrictNORMAL101003510Single exc. userabe
BubbleWATER201003010All opposing Pokémonbe
Icy WindICE559515100All opposing Pokémonbe
Rock TombROCK508010100Single exc. userbe
Mud ShotGROUND559515100Single exc. userbef
47: May lower the target’s Special Attack by 1 stage.
Mist BallPSYCHIC70100550Single exc. userbe
48: May lower the target’s Special Defense by 1 stage.
PsychicPSYCHIC901001010Single exc. userbe
CrunchDARK801001520Single exc. userabe
Shadow BallGHOST801001520Single exc. userbe
Luster PurgePSYCHIC70100550Single exc. userbe
49: May lower the target’s accuracy by 1 stage.
Mud-SlapGROUND2010010100Single exc. userbe
OctazookaWATER65851050Single exc. userbe
Muddy WaterWATER95851030All opposing Pokémonbef
4B: Two-turn attack. Good chance for a critical hit. May make the target flinch.
Sky AttackFLYING14090530Single exc. userbef
4C: May confuse the target.
PsybeamPSYCHIC651002010Single exc. userbe
ConfusionPSYCHIC501002510Single exc. userbe
Dizzy PunchNORMAL701001020Single exc. userabe
DynamicPunchFIGHTING100505100Single exc. userabe
Signal BeamBUG751001510Single exc. userbef
Water PulseWATER601002020Single exc. userbef
4D: Attacks twice in a row. May poison the target. (Additional effect occurs after all hits of the attack have resolved.)
TwineedleBUG251002020Single exc. userbe
4E: Can’t be evaded. Priority level -1.
Vital ThrowFIGHTING70100100Single exc. userabef
4F: Creates a substitute using 1/4 of user’s maximum HP. Effect ends when user leaves the battle (except Baton Pass). More information.
50: If this attack is successful, on the next turn, user can’t take any action and pauses during its attack segment. (That move is prevented from being used during that attack segment.)
Hyper BeamNORMAL1509050Single exc. userbef
Blast BurnFIRE1509050Single exc. userbef
Hydro CannonWATER1509050Single exc. userbef
Frenzy PlantGRASS1509050Single exc. userbef
51: When user uses this attack and this move has at least 1 PP (before PP reductions), even if the attack misses or becomes ineffective, the effect begins if this attack isn’t in effect already, unless Protect or Detect is in effect for the target. During effect, whenever user loses HP because of a damaging attack by an opposing Pokémon, user’s Attack rises by 1 stage. During effect, whenever an opposing Pokémon uses Future Sight or Doom Desire against user, user’s Attack rises by 1 stage. Effect ends when user doesn’t choose this move for use or when user leaves the battle.
RageNORMAL20100200Single exc. userabef
52: Copies last move used by the target. That move replaces this move. The copied move has 5 PP. (Its maximum PP depends on the number of PP Ups used for this move’s move slot.) Fails if there is no such move or that move is Metronome, Mimic, Sketch, Struggle, or any move user knows. Fails if Transform is in effect for user.
MimicNORMAL0100100Single exc. userb
53: Uses a random move. Doesn’t use Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. (Can choose a move the user otherwise can’t choose for use.)
MetronomeNORMAL00100No particular target
54: During effect, at the end of each turn, if there is a Pokémon at user’s position, the target loses 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP), and the Pokémon at user’s position gains HP lost by the target this way. Effect ends when the target leaves the battle (except Baton Pass) or uses Rapid Spin. Fails if the target is a Grass type.
Leech SeedGRASS090100Single exc. userbce
55: Does nothing.
56: For two to five turns, including this turn, the last move used by the target when the effect began can’t be used or chosen for use by the target. Fails if the target doesn’t have that move or it has zero PP. During effect, this attack fails against the target. Effect ends when the target leaves the battle.
DisableNORMAL055200Single exc. userbe
57: Deals damage to the target equal to user’s level. Affected by type immunities.
Seismic TossFIGHTING1100200Single exc. userabef
Night ShadeGHOST1100150Single exc. userbef
58: Deals damage to the target equal to (user’s level) * (N * 10 + 50) / 100, rounded down, where N is a random integer from 0 through 10. Affected by type immunities.
PsywavePSYCHIC180150Single exc. userbef
59: If the last Pokémon (other than the user) that damaged the user with a physical attack this turn is one of user’s opposing Pokémon, and there is a Pokémon at the position of that attack’s user, deals damage to the Pokémon at the position of that attack’s user (or the other opposing Pokémon if there is no such Pokémon) equal to 2 times the amount of HP lost by the user because of that attack. Fails if that amount is 0. Affected by type immunities. Considers Hidden Power as Normal. Priority level -5. (For multi-hit attacks, deals damage based on the last hit of that attack.)
CounterFIGHTING1100200No particular targetae
5A: Effect lasts for three to six turns, including this turn. If this attack is successful, the target, during its attack segment this turn, uses the last move used by the target when the effect began (the "affected move"), with no particular target, instead of any other move, unless all of its moves can’t be chosen for use. During effect, the target chooses the affected move for use automatically and can’t choose the other moves it has for use. ( The target can switch or run as normal. No obedience check is done for the target during effect.) This attack fails if the affected move is Encore, Mirror Move, or Struggle; if the target doesn’t have affected move; or if affected move has zero PP. During effect, this attack fails against the target. Effect ends when the target leaves the battle . At the beginning of the target’s attack segment and at the end of the turn, if the target doesn’t have affected move, effect ends. At the end of the turn, if affected move has zero PP, effect ends.
EncoreNORMAL010050Single exc. userbe
5B: User’s HP and the target’s HP become equal to the average of user’s and the target’s current HP, rounded down, and are adjusted so that they don’t exceed their maximum HP. Not affected by type immunities.
Pain SplitNORMAL0100200Single exc. userbe
5C: May make the target flinch. Fails unless user is asleep.
SnoreNORMAL401001530Single exc. userbef
5D: User’s types change to a random type the type of the last attack that successfully targeted user is "not very effective" or ineffective against. Fails if there is no such attack. User reverts to its original types when user leaves the battle. Considers determined types of Hidden Power and Weather Ball. Can choose one of the user’s types. More information.
Conversion 2NORMAL0100300User
5E: Until the end of the next turn, attacks by the user against the target can’t be evaded and do not miss the target because it’s using a two-turn attack. (Includes attack returned from Doom Desire and Future Sight, and all hits of multi-hit attacks, including Triple Kick. Overridden by Protect and Detect.) Effect ends when user or the target leaves the battle (except Baton Pass). If user leaves the battle with Baton Pass during effect, effect is reset. This attack can be used against the target during effect. When this attack is used, effect of this attack ends for all Pokémon in battle (other than the user and the target) against the target.
Mind ReaderNORMAL010050Single exc. userbe
Lock-OnNORMAL010050Single exc. userbe
5F: Permanently copies the last move used by the target (different variable). That move replaces this move even after the battle ends or the user leaves the battle. Doesn’t copy Sketch, Struggle, or any move user knows. Fails if Transform is in effect for user. A move copied this way has its current PP set to its original maximum PP, and its maximum PP depends on the number of PP Ups for this move’s move slot.
SketchNORMAL0010Single exc. user
61: Uses one of the user’s moves, at random. Fails unless user is asleep. Doesn’t choose Bide, Sleep Talk, Assist, Mirror Move, Metronome, Focus Punch, Uproar, any two-turn move, or a move the user can’t choose for use (but not solely because it has zero PP). (A move used this way will fail to be used if it can’t be used because it has zero PP.) No PP is spent for the move used.
Sleep TalkNORMAL00100No particular target
62: Until user’s next attack segment, if an attack (other than a multi-hit attack) by an opposing Pokémon causes the user to faint, that opposing Pokémon also faints. Effect ends when user leaves the battle. Effect ends when the Bag command is used to use an item on the user or when the Run command is used and the user fails to run.
Destiny BondGHOST0050User
63: This attack’s power is 200 if N is less than 2, 150 if N is 2 through 4, 100 if N is 5 through 9, 80 if N is 10 through 16, 40 if N is 17 through 32, or 20 if N is 33 or greater, where N is equal to (user’s current HP * 48 / user’s maximum HP), rounded down.
FlailNORMAL1100150Single exc. userabef
ReversalFIGHTING1100150Single exc. userabef
64: Lowers PP of last move used by the target by 2 to 5. Fails if that move’s PP is 1 or less, if there is no such move, or if the target doesn’t have that move.
SpiteGHOST0100100Single exc. userbe
65: If this attack’s damage would reduce the target’s HP to less than 1, it reduces it to 1 instead. (This attack doesn’t fail if 0 damage would be dealt this way.)
False SwipeNORMAL40100400Single exc. userabef
66: Each Pokémon (both in battle and not in battle) on the user’s side stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep.
Heal BellNORMAL0050Userd
67: Priority level 1.
Quick AttackNORMAL40100300Single exc. userabef
Mach PunchFIGHTING40100300Single exc. userabef
ExtremeSpeedNORMAL8010050Single exc. userabef
68: Hits three times. Stops if a miss is caused. This attack’s power is multiplied by 2 for the second hit and by 3 for the third hit.
Triple KickFIGHTING1090100Single exc. userabef
69: If this attack is successful, user receives the target’s held item (even if the target has zero HP) if user is not holding any items, if that item is not a Mail or an Enigma Berry, if user didn’t have an item "knocked off" this battle, and unless the target is one of the player’s Pokémon in a battle (other than Battle Pyramid) in which the Bag can be used, and the user isn’t. (Not considered an additional effect.)
ThiefDARK4010010100Single exc. userabe
CovetNORMAL4010040100Single exc. userbe
6A: During effect, the target can’t switch out or run. Effect ends when user or the target leaves the battle (except Baton Pass). During effect, this attack fails against the target.
Spider WebBUG0100100Single exc. userbce
Mean LookNORMAL010050Single exc. userbce
BlockNORMAL010050Single exc. userbce
6B: Fails unless the target is asleep. As long as the target remains asleep, the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) at the end of each turn (including the current turn). Effect ends when the target leaves the battle or wakes up.
NightmareGHOST0100150Single exc. userbe
6C: Raises user’s evasiveness by 1 stage. Even if user’s evasiveness can’t be raised, until user leaves the battle, damage from Astonish, Extrasensory, Needle Arm, and Stomp, when used by other Pokémon, is doubled against user (effect is not cumulative).
6D: If user isn’t a Ghost type, lowers user’s Speed by 1 stage and raises user’s Attack and Defense by 1 stage. If user is a Ghost type, user loses half of its maximum HP but not less than 1 HP (even if HP reduced would faint user) and at the end of each turn until the target leaves the battle (except Baton Pass), the target loses 1/4 of its maximum HP< (but not less than 1 HP). During effect, this attack fails against the target. (As commands are chosen, if user isn’t a Ghost type, user can’t choose a target. If user doesn’t choose a target, a random opposing Pokémon is chosen as the target as this attack is used.)
Curse???00100Single exc. user
6F: User avoids attacks with flag "b" when they are used this turn by other Pokémon. Those attacks with an accuracy check will miss the user. This attack fails if user strikes last this turn. A variable, X, starts at 0, and resets to 0 if the last move called for the user is not Detect, Endure, or Protect as user uses this attack or if this attack fails, and rises by 1 (up to 3) each time this attack is successful. This attack has a 50% chance of failing if X is 1, a 75% chance if X is 2, and an 87.5% chance if X is 3. Priority level 3.
70: Can be used up to three times. During effect, whenever an opposing Pokémon enters the battle, that Pokémon, unless it’s a Flying type or has Levitate, loses HP: 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) for one use; 1/6 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) for two uses; and 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) for three uses. Effect ends when any opposing Pokémon uses Rapid Spin.
SpikesGROUND00200Opposing Pokémon's side
71: During effect, evasiveness stat stage modifications on the target are ignored in accuracy checks against the target. During effect, Normal- and Fighting-type attacks against the target (even non-damaging ones) are normally effective against the Ghost type. Effect ends when the target leaves the battle. This attack can be used against the target during effect.
ForesightNORMAL0100400Single exc. userbe
Odor SleuthNORMAL0100400Single exc. userbe
72: Each Pokémon in battle without a perish count receives a perish count of 4. (Fails if no Pokémon in battle received a perish count this way.) At the end of each turn (including the current turn), for each Pokémon in battle with a perish count, in turn order, that count is reduced by 1 and the Pokémon faints (and a new Pokémon enters the battle immediately) if that count is then 0. (The game is not decided until after reducing the count of all those Pokémon.) A Pokémon’s perish count is removed when it leaves the battle (except Baton Pass).
Perish SongNORMAL0050User
73: Weather. Lasts for five turns, including this turn. During effect, at the end of each turn except the last, each Pokémon in battle, except Ground, Rock, and Steel types, loses 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) in turn order (the game is decided after applying the effect to each one of those Pokémon, but a new Pokémon in battle isn’t chosen at that point).
74: Until the end of the turn (before end-of-turn effects) , if an attack by other Pokémon would reduce user’s HP to less than 1, it reduces user’s HP to 1 instead. (Doesn’t affect damage calculated by Future Sight and Doom Desire.) This attack fails if user strikes last this turn. A variable, X, starts at 0, and resets to 0 if the last move called for the user is not Detect, Endure, or Protect as user uses this attack or if this attack fails, and rises by 1 (up to 3) each time this attack is successful. This attack has a 50% chance of failing if X is 1, a 75% chance if X is 2, and an 87.5% chance if X is 3. Priority level 3.
75: If this attack is successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins and X is set to 2. During effect, user uses this attack during each of its attack segments and can’t take any other action, and X is doubled whenever this attack is successful. During effect, this attack’s power is multiplied by X, or by 2 times X if Defense Curl is in effect for the user. Effect ends when user leaves the battle; when this attack is prevented from being used, misses, or becomes ineffective; when this attack’s PP is reduced to 0 during effect; when the attack is used for five attack segments; or when user falls asleep or becomes frozen. If user is asleep as it starts to use this attack, this attack’s effect lasts one attack segment.
RolloutROCK3090200Single exc. userabef
Ice BallICE3090200Single exc. userabef
76: Raises the target’s Attack by 2 stages and confuses the target.
SwaggerNORMAL09015100Single exc. userbce
77: A multiplier, X (which begins at 0), rises by 1, up to a maximum of 4, if this attack is successful. X is reset to 0 when user leaves the battle; when user falls asleep or becomes frozen; when this move’s PP is reduced to 0 during effect; or when this attack is prevented from being used, misses, or becomes ineffective. This attack’s power is multiplied by 2 to the power of X. (Each Pokémon has a different X value.)
Fury CutterBUG1095200Single exc. userabef
78: Makes the target fall in love. (There is a 50% chance that the attack of a Pokémon in love will be canceled.) Fails if user or the target is gender-unknown, or if both have the same gender. Effect ends when user or the target leaves the battle. Fails if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, or Fly. During effect, this attack fails against the target.
AttractNORMAL0100150Single exc. userbce
79: This attack’s power is (user’s friendship * 10 / 25) or 1, whichever is greater.
ReturnNORMAL1100200Single exc. userabef
7A: At random, the target gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and this attack doesn’t deal damage (52/256 chance), or this attack’s power is 40 (102/256), 80 (76/256), or 120 (26/256). If this attack would deal damage, it’s ineffective against the target if the target is immune. If this attack would restore HP, it does nothing if the target is immune because it has Wonder Guard or if the target’s HP is full.
PresentNORMAL190150Single exc. userbe
7B: This attack’s power is equal to int((255-User’s friendship)*2/5) or 1, whichever is greater.
FrustrationNORMAL1100200Single exc. userabef
7C: For five turns, including this turn, attacks can’t cause poison, burn, paralysis, freezing, sleep, or confusion against each Pokémon in battle on the user’s side if they are used by other Pokémon . (During effect, Yawn will fail against any Pokémon in battle on the user’s side.) During effect, this attack fails for any Pokémon in battle on the user’s side.
7D: May burn the target. If user is frozen and it would use this attack at the beginning of its attack segment, it becomes defrosted before this attack is used.
Flame WheelFIRE601002510Single exc. userabe
Sacred FireFIRE10095550Single exc. userbe
7E: This attack’s power is 10 (5% chance), 30 (10%), 50 (20%), 70 (30%), 90 (20%), 110 (10%), or 150 (5%) (Magnitude 4 through 10, respectively; power is not determined separately for each target). If a target is using Dig, this attack’s power is doubled for that target.
MagnitudeGROUND1100300All exc. userbef
7F: Replaces user with a different unfainted non-Egg Pokémon not in battle with the same controller as the user of user’s choice and transfers user’s stat stages, confusion count, and effects of certain moves to that Pokémon.
Baton PassNORMAL00400User
80: When the target switches, if user chose this move for use and the target is one of user’s opposing Pokémon, and if user is not asleep, frozen, or about to skip its attack this turn because it has Truant, user uses this attack against the target with its damage doubled, and user skips its attack this turn. (This effect doesn’t depend on user having used this attack beforehand. Using the attack this way doesn’t change whether user strikes before or after other Pokémon. No accuracy check is done if the attack is used this way.)
PursuitDARK40100200Single exc. userabe
81: If this attack is successful, effects of multi-turn attacks and Leech Seed end against the user, and effect of Spikes on the user’s side ends.
Rapid SpinNORMAL20100400Single exc. userabef
82: Deals 20 damage to the target. Affected by type immunities.
SonicBoomNORMAL190200Single exc. userbef
84: User gains 2/3 of its maximum HP during Sunny Day; 1/4 of its maximum HP during Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm; 1/2 of its maximum HP otherwise. Does nothing if user’s HP is full. If the user would gain 0 HP this way, it gains 1 HP instead.
Morning SunNORMAL0050Userd
85: User gains 2/3 of its maximum HP during Sunny Day; 1/4 of its maximum HP during Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm; 1/2 of its maximum HP otherwise. Does nothing if user’s HP is full. If the user would gain 0 HP this way, it gains 1 HP instead.
86: User gains 2/3 of its maximum HP during Sunny Day; 1/4 of its maximum HP during Hail, Rain Dance, or Sandstorm; 1/2 of its maximum HP otherwise. Does nothing if user’s HP is full. If the user would gain 0 HP this way, it gains 1 HP instead.
87: This attack’s power is equal to (X*40/63)+30, rounded down, where X is 0, plus 1 if half the user’s HP individual value (IV) is odd, plus 2 if half its Attack IV is odd, plus 4 if half its Defense IV is odd, plus 8 if half its Speed IV is odd, plus 16 if half its Special Attack IV is odd, plus 32 if half its Special Defense IV is odd. This attack’s type is equal to (X * 15 / 63), rounded down, where X is 0, plus 1 if the user’s HP IV is odd, plus 2 if its Attack IV is odd, plus 4 if its Defense IV is odd, plus 8 if its Speed IV is odd, plus 16 if its Special Attack IV is odd, plus 32 if its Special Defense IV is odd, and the type is selected from this list: 0 = Fighting; 1 = Flying; 2 = Poison; 3 = Ground; 4 = Rock; 5 = Bug; 6 = Ghost; 7 = Steel; 8 = Fire; 9 = Water; 10 = Grass; 11 = Electric; 12 = Psychic; 13 = Ice; 14 = Dragon; 15 = Dark.
Hidden PowerNORMAL1100150Single exc. userbef
88: Weather. Lasts for five turns, including this turn. During effect, damage from Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5, and damage from Fire-type attacks is halved.
Rain DanceWATER0050User
89: Weather. Lasts for five turns, including this turn. During effect, damage from Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5, and damage from Water-type attacks is halved. During effect, effects can’t freeze a Pokémon .
Sunny DayFIRE0050User
8A: May raise user’s Defense by 1 stage.
Steel WingSTEEL70902510Single exc. userabef
8B: May raise user’s Attack by 1 stage.
Metal ClawSTEEL50953510Single exc. userabe
Meteor MashSTEEL100851020Single exc. userabef
8C: May raise user’s Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage.
AncientPowerROCK60100510Single exc. userabe
Silver WindBUG60100510Single exc. userbef
8E: User loses half of its maximum HP and user’s Attack rises by 12 stages. Will fail if HP reduced would faint user or if user’s Attack can’t be raised.
Belly DrumNORMAL00100Userd
8F: User adopts all of the target’s current stat stages.
Psych UpNORMAL00100Single exc. userd
90: If the last Pokémon (other than the user) that damaged the user with a special attack this turn is one of user’s opposing Pokémon, and there is a Pokémon at the position of that attack’s user, deals damage to the Pokémon at the position of that attack’s user (or the other opposing Pokémon if there is no such Pokémon) equal to 2 times the amount of HP lost by the user because of that attack. Fails if that amount is 0. Affected by type immunities. Considers Hidden Power as Normal. Priority level -5. (For multi-hit attacks, deals damage based on the last hit of that attack.)
Mirror CoatPSYCHIC1100200No particular targete
91: Two-turn attack. On first attack segment of use, raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
Skull BashNORMAL100100150Single exc. userabef
92: May make the target flinch. Power is doubled if the target is using Fly or Bounce.
TwisterDRAGON401002020All opposing Pokémonbef
93: Power is doubled if the target is using Dig.
EarthquakeGROUND100100100All exc. userbef
94: Does a damage calculation, which is not a critical hit and whose damage isn’t affected by the target’s or user’s types, by the user against the target (won’t fail); at the end of the turn that follows the next turn, if there is a Pokémon at the target’s position (even if the user is that Pokémon), deals damage to that Pokémon by the damage calculated. Accuracy check and damage variance are performed only when attack is returned. (Doesn’t deal damage if the Pokémon at the target’s position is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, or Fly.) Remains in effect even if user or the target leaves the battle (except if the battle ends). Damage returned is not affected by type immunities. During effect, this attack fails against the Pokémon at the target’s position. Returned attack is not considered an attack by the user. (If more than one Pokémon uses this attack in the same turn, each of those hits will occur when the attacks are returned, in turn order of the effects' targets, and the game is not decided until all those hits resolve. If a Pokémon faints this way, a new Pokémon in battle is chosen before the other hits resolve.)
Future SightPSYCHIC8090150Single exc. user
Doom DesireSTEEL1208550Single exc. user
95: Power is doubled if the target is using Fly or Bounce.
GustFLYING40100350Single exc. userbef
96: May make the target flinch. Damage is doubled if Minimize is in effect for the target.
StompNORMAL651002030Single exc. userabe
Needle ArmGRASS601001530Single exc. userabe
AstonishGHOST301001530Single exc. userabe
ExtrasensoryPSYCHIC801003010Single exc. userbe
97: Two-turn attack. Damage is halved during Hail, Rain Dance, and Sandstorm. During Sunny Day, this attack takes one attack segment.
SolarBeamGRASS120100100Single exc. userbef
98: May paralyze the target. During Rain Dance, this attack can’t be evaded. Otherwise, during Sunny Day, this attack’s accuracy is 50. Can hit the target even if it is using Fly or Bounce.
ThunderELECTRIC120701030Single exc. userbe
99: User runs from the wild Pokémon battle. Fails if battle is a Trainer battle.
9A: Does one hit for each Pokémon (both in battle and not in battle) on the user’s side, excluding Eggs and those that have fainted or that are poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep. Fails if there is no such Pokémon. For each of those Pokémon, Attack used in damage formula is the Attack race value (commonly called "base stat") for that Pokémon’s original species; the Level used in damage formula is the level of that Pokémon; and the Defense used in damage formula is the Defense race value (commonly called "base stat") for the target’s current species. Effects that change this attack’s damage aren’t applied, except the effect of Helping Hand, critical hits, and damage variance (in that order). Accuracy check is performed only once. Considered a multi-hit attack. All hits are considered attacks by the user. (The order corresponds to how the user’s controller listed the Pokémon as the battle began. If there are two Trainers on a single side, the Pokémon controlled by the Trainer on the left, when their backs are seen, go before those of the other Trainer.)
Beat UpDARK10100100Single exc. userbef
9B: Two-turn attack.
While user is using this attack, user is unaffected by attacks other than Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude, and user doesn’t lose HP because of Sandstorm and Hail.
DigGROUND60100100Single exc. userabef
While user is using this attack, user is unaffected by attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister.
FlyFLYING7095150Single exc. userabef
While user is using this attack, user is unaffected by attacks other than Gust, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, and Twister. May paralyze the target.
BounceFLYING8585530Single exc. userabef
While user is using this attack, user is unaffected by attacks other than Surf and Whirlpool, and user doesn’t lose HP because of Sandstorm and Hail.
DiveWATER60100100Single exc. userabef
9C: Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage. Even if user’s Defense can’t be raised, until user leaves the battle, Ice Ball and Rollout, when used by user, have double power (even if user is asleep). (Effect is not cumulative.)
Defense CurlNORMAL00400Userd
9D: User gains half of its maximum HP. Does nothing if user’s HP is full.
Milk DrinkNORMAL00100Userbd
9E: If this attack is successful, makes the target flinch (considered an additional effect). Fails unless it’s the first turn of the battle or the user entered the battle after commands were chosen in the previous turn. (Using an item from the Bag happens as commands are chosen.) Priority level 1.
Fake OutNORMAL40100100Single exc. userbe
9F: If this attack is successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins. Effect lasts for two to five turns, including this turn. During effect, user uses this attack during each of its attack segments and can’t take any other action. During effect, no Pokémon can fall asleep and each sleeping Pokémon in battle wakes up at the beginning of its attack segment and at the end of each turn including the last one. Effect ends if this attack’s type is ineffective against the target’s types, if user is prevented from using this attack, if this move’s PP is reduced to 0 during effect, or when user falls asleep, becomes frozen, or leaves the battle.
UproarNORMAL5010010100Random opposing Pokémonbef
A0: Raises user’s Stockpile count by 1. Fails if user’s Stockpile count is 3 or greater. The Stockpile count is reset when user leaves the battle.
A1: Damage is multiplied by the user’s Stockpile count. Can’t cause a critical hit, and damage variance is not performed. Does nothing if user’s Stockpile count is 0. Unless this attack misses (other than with Protect), even if this attack becomes ineffective because of type immunities, user’s Stockpile count resets to zero.
Spit UpNORMAL100100100Single exc. userbf
A2: User gains HP according to the user’s Stockpile count: 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) if it’s 1; half of its maximum HP if it’s 2; and all HP if it’s 3. Does nothing if user’s Stockpile count is 0. Does nothing if user’s HP is full. Even if user’s HP is full, user’s Stockpile count resets to zero.
A4: Weather. Lasts for five turns, including this turn. During effect, at the end of each turn except the last, each Pokémon in battle, except Ice types, loses 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) in turn order (the game is decided after applying the effect to each one of those Pokémon, but a new Pokémon in battle isn’t chosen at that point).
A5: During effect, the target can’t choose for use the last move it used. Effect ends when the target leaves the battle.
TormentDARK0100150Single exc. userbe
A6: Raises the target’s Special Attack by 1 stage and confuses the target.
FlatterDARK0100150Single exc. userbce
A7: Burns the target.
Will-O-WispFIRE075150Single exc. userbce
A8: User faints as part of this attack’s use. Lowers the target’s Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages each. Fails if the target’s Attack and Special Attack stat stages are -6 (doesn’t cause fainting).
MementoDARK0100100Single exc. userbe
A9: Damage is doubled if user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.
FacadeNORMAL70100200Single exc. userabe
AA: Does nothing if, this turn, user loses HP because of a damaging attack by another Pokémon. Priority level -3. (PP is still consumed for the move; move is not prevented from being used this way.)
Focus PunchFIGHTING150100200Single exc. userab
AB: If the target is paralyzed, damage is doubled and, if this attack is successful, the target is cured of paralysis.
SmellingSaltNORMAL60100100Single exc. userabe
AC: Whenever an opposing Pokémon uses an attack with a range of "single Pokémon except user" this turn and there is a Pokémon at the position of this attack’s user, it’s directed to the Pokémon at the position of this attack’s user instead of to any other potential target of that attack (other than its user). Effect remains even if user leaves the battle (except if the battle ends). (Applied before Magic Coat. Affects Future Sight and Doom Desire only when attack is used, not when it’s returned.) Priority level 3.
Follow MeNORMAL0100200User
AD: In tall grass, uses Stun Spore. In very tall grass, uses Razor Leaf. In caves or on ice, uses Shadow Ball. On rocky ground, uses Rock Slide. In moving water (rivers, sea), uses Surf. In still water, uses Bubblebeam. Underwater, uses Hydro Pump. In sand, uses Earthquake. Elsewhere, uses Swift.
Nature PowerNORMAL095200No particular target
AE: Until the end of the next turn, damage from Electric-type attacks by the user is doubled. (Considers Hidden Power and Weather Ball as Normal.) Effect ends when user leaves the battle. User can use this attack during effect.
AF: Until the end of the next turn, non-damaging moves can’t be used or chosen for use by the target. Effect ends when the target leaves the battle.
TauntDARK0100200Single exc. userb
B0: Damage of attacks by user’s partner this turn is multiplied by 1.5. Effect ends when user’s partner leaves the battle. Fails if user doesn’t have a partner or if user struck after its partner. (Doesn’t fail if the partner switched out this turn before the user’s attack segment.) Priority level 5.
Helping HandNORMAL0100200User
B1: Simultaneously, user receives the target’s item, and the target receives user’s item. Fails if user, the target, or both each hold a Mail or an Enigma Berry; if neither one holds an item; if user had an item "knocked off" this battle; or if the target is one of the player’s Pokémon in a battle (other than Battle Pyramid) in which the Bag can be used, and the user isn’t.
TrickPSYCHIC0100100Single exc. userbe
B2: Changes user’s ability to that of the target. Fails if the target’s ability is Wonder Guard or if the target doesn’t have an ability. (Doesn’t fail if user and the target have the same ability.)
Role PlayPSYCHIC0100100Single exc. user
B3: At the end of the next turn, if there is a Pokémon at user’s position, that Pokémon gains half of its maximum HP. Effect remains even if user leaves the battle (except if the battle ends). During effect, this attack fails for the Pokémon at user’s position.
B4: Uses a random move from a random Pokémon (both in battle and not in battle) on the user’s side, other than the user and Eggs. Doesn’t use the following moves: Assist, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, Thief, or Trick. (Uses original moves of Pokémon in battle. A move will be counted more than once if more than one eligible Pokémon has that move. In Pokémon Colosseum, a move from a fainted Pokémon is not chosen.)
AssistNORMAL0100200No particular target
B5: During effect, user can’t switch out or run, and at the end of each turn, user gains 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP). Effect ends when user leaves the battle (except Baton Pass).
B6: Lowers user’s Attack and Defense by 1 stage if this attack is successful.
SuperpowerFIGHTING12010050Single exc. userabe
B7: The next time this turn, as an attack with flag "c" is used by another Pokémon (even if that attack is used by another move), if the user is the first target of that attack, instead user uses that attack against that other Pokémon or that other Pokémon then its partner (depending on the attack’s range), the other targets of the previous attack are ignored, and effect ends. Otherwise, if the user is not the first target of that attack, user uses that attack against that other Pokémon and effect ends. Effect ends when user leaves the battle. (Attack is used at the time that attack’s effects against the user would resolve. Soundproof takes precedence over this effect.) Priority level 4. More information.
Magic CoatPSYCHIC0100150No particular target
B8: If user isn’t holding an item, user receives the last item that was consumed this battle and was held by a Pokémon at user’s position just before it was consumed. That item is reset if user receives an item this way.
B9: Damage is doubled if user lost HP because of a damaging attack by a Pokémon at the target’s position this turn and that Pokémon was the last Pokémon in battle (other than the user) to hit the user this turn with a damaging attack. Priority level -4.
RevengeFIGHTING60100100Single exc. userabef
BA: Unless this attack misses, even if this attack becomes ineffective because of type immunities, ends the effects of Reflect and Light Screen on the opposing Pokémon’s side before dealing damage.
Brick BreakFIGHTING75100150Single exc. userabef
BB: At the end of the next turn, if the target isn’t poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep and remains in battle since this effect began, the target sleeps. (Safeguard and Substitute don’t prevent this.) Fails if the target can’t fall asleep when this attack is used, or if the target is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep. (Fails if the target has a substitute.)
YawnNORMAL0100100Single exc. userbce
BC: If this attack is successful and the target’s HP is greater than 0, the target drops the item it’s holding for the rest of the battle (the target has the item "knocked off"). Effect remains even if the target leaves the battle and enters the battle again. (That item is not consumed, but the target won’t be holding any items afterward.)
Knock OffDARK2010020100Single exc. userabe
BD: Deals damage to the target equal to the target’s current HP minus user’s current HP. Affected by type immunities. Fails if user’s current HP is equal to or greater than the target’s current HP.
EndeavorNORMAL110050Single exc. userabef
BE: This attack’s power is equal to int(user’s current HP * 150 / user’s maximum HP) or 1, whichever is greater.
EruptionFIRE15010050All opposing Pokémonbef
Water SpoutWATER15010050All opposing Pokémonbe
BF: Simultaneously, user adopts the target’s ability, and the target adopts user’s ability. (The abilities are not revealed.) Fails if user, the target, or both have Wonder Guard, if both Pokémon have the same ability, or if neither one has an ability. (Doesn’t fail if user and the target have the same ability.)
Skill SwapPSYCHIC0100100Single exc. userbe
C0: During effect, moves that the user knows can’t be used or chosen for use by each opposing Pokémon. Effect ends when user leaves the battle. Fails if neither opposing Pokémon knows a move that the user knows.
C1: User is cured of burns, poison, and paralysis.
C2: Until user’s next attack segment, if an attack by an opposing Pokémon causes the user to faint, the PP of the move that attack’s user chose for use is reduced to 0. Effect ends when user leaves the battle. Effect ends when the Bag command is used to use an item on the user or when the Run command is used and the user fails to run.
C3: The next time this turn, if a Pokémon in battle other than the user uses an attack with flag "d" (even if that attack is used by another move), instead this attack’s user uses that attack against that other Pokémon. (Follow Me Can’t affect this. If two or more Pokémon used this move this turn, the attack is taken by each of those Pokémon in turn order, earliest first, each time targeting the attack’s previous user for Psych Up.) Effect ends when user leaves the battle. Priority level 4.
SnatchDARK0100100No particular targete
C4: This attack’s power is 20 if the weight of the target’s species is less than 10 kilograms (kg), else 40 if less than 25 kg, else 60 if less than 50 kg, else 80 if less than 100 kg, else 100 if less than 200 kg, else 120.
Low KickFIGHTING1100200Single exc. userabef
C5: In tall grass, may poison the target. In very tall grass, may put the target to sleep. In caves or on ice, may make the target flinch. on rocky ground, may confuse the target. In moving water (rivers, sea), may lower the target’s Attack by 1 stage. In still water, may lower the target’s Speed by 1 stage. Underwater, may lower the target’s Defense by 1 stage. In sand, may lower the target’s accuracy by 1 stage. Elsewhere, may paralyze the target.
Secret PowerNORMAL701002030Single exc. userbe
C6: If this attack is successful, user loses 1/3 of HP lost by the target because of this attack, but not less than 1 HP (recoil).
Double-EdgeNORMAL120100150Single exc. userabef
Volt TackleELECTRIC120100150Single exc. userabef
C7: Confuses the target.
Teeter DanceNORMAL0100200All exc. userb
C8: Good chance for a critical hit. May burn the target.
Blaze KickFIRE85901010Single exc. userabe
C9: During effect, power of Electric-type attacks by any Pokémon in battle is halved. (Effect is not cumulative.) Effect ends when user leaves the battle (except Baton Pass). During effect, this attack fails for the user, and other Pokémon in battle can use this attack.
Mud SportGROUND0100150User
CA: May badly poison the target.
Poison FangPOISON501001530Single exc. userabe
CB: This attack’s damage is doubled during weather. During Sunny Day, this attack’s type is Fire. During Rain Dance, this attack’s type is Water. During Sandstorm, this attack’s type is Rock. During Hail, this attack’s type is Ice.
Weather BallNORMAL50100100Single exc. userbef
CC: Lowers user’s Special Attack by 2 stages if this attack is successful.
OverheatFIRE140905100Single exc. userabef
Psycho BoostPSYCHIC140905100Single exc. userbef
CD: Lowers the target’s Attack and Defense by 1 stage.
TickleNORMAL0100200Single exc. userbcef
CE: Raises user’s Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage.
Cosmic PowerPSYCHIC00200Userd
CF: Can hit the target even if it’s using Fly or Bounce.
Sky UppercutFIGHTING8590150Single exc. userabef
D0: Raises user’s Attack and Defense by 1 stage.
Bulk UpFIGHTING00200Userd
D1: Good chance for a critical hit. May poison the target.
Poison TailPOISON501002510Single exc. userabef
D2: During effect, power of Fire-type attacks by any Pokémon in battle is halved. (Effect is not cumulative.) Effect ends when user leaves the battle (except Baton Pass). During effect, this attack fails for the user, and other Pokémon in battle can use this attack.
Water SportWATER0100150User
D3: Raises user’s Special Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage.
Calm MindPSYCHIC00200Userd
D4: Raises user’s Attack and Speed by 1 stage.
Dragon DanceDRAGON00200Userd
D5: On and under water, user’s type becomes Water. In caves, on ice, and on rocky ground, user’s type becomes Rock. On tall grass and very tall grass, user’s type becomes Grass. In sand, user’s type becomes Ground. Elsewhere, user’s type becomes Normal. Fails if determined type is the same as one of the user’s types.