Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - Nature
The remainder of a Pokémon’s personality ID divided by 25 identifies the nature of that Pokémon. Most natures raise one stat by 10% and lower another stat by 10%. Most natures also make Pokémon like or dislike certain kinds of food. Shown here are the food preferences of Pokémon with those natures (what Pokéblocks they like), and the stats to increase and decrease.
Value | Nature | Like | Dislike | Stat increase | Stat decrease |
0 | Hardy | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
1 | Lonely | Spicy | Sour | +Attack | -Defense |
2 | Brave | Spicy | Sweet | +Attack | -Speed |
3 | Adamant | Spicy | Dry | +Attack | -Special Attack |
4 | Naughty | Spicy | Bitter | +Attack | -Special Defense |
5 | Bold | Sour | Spicy | +Defense | -Attack |
6 | Docile | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
7 | Relaxed | Sour | Sweet | +Defense | -Speed |
8 | Impish | Sour | Dry | +Defense | -Special Attack |
9 | Lax | Sour | Bitter | +Defense | -Special Defense |
10 | Timid | Sweet | Spicy | +Speed | -Attack |
11 | Hasty | Sweet | Sour | +Speed | -Defense |
12 | Serious | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
13 | Jolly | Sweet | Dry | +Speed | -Special Attack |
14 | Naive | Sweet | Bitter | +Speed | -Special Defense |
15 | Modest | Dry | Spicy | +Special Attack | -Attack |
16 | Mild | Dry | Sour | +Special Attack | -Defense |
17 | Quiet | Dry | Sweet | +Special Attack | -Speed |
18 | Bashful | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
19 | Rash | Dry | Bitter | +Special Attack | -Special Defense |
20 | Calm | Bitter | Spicy | +Special Defense | -Attack |
21 | Gentle | Bitter | Sour | +Special Defense | -Defense |
22 | Sassy | Bitter | Sweet | +Special Defense | -Speed |
23 | Careful | Bitter | Dry | +Special Defense | -Special Attack |
24 | Quirky | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
A Pokémon with a Bashful, Docile, Hardy, Quirky, or Serious nature doesn’t like or dislike any particular kinds of food and doesn’t experience any special increase or decrease in a particular stat.