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Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - Places to Train

Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - Places to Train

Tags: pokemon-ruby-sapphire-and-emerald, in-depth-guides, places-to-train

Here are suggested places to train Pokémon efficiently. Defeating the species given below at the given places will earn a Pokémon 1 or 2 base stat points (EVs) for a specific stat.

Pokémon Ruby Version, Pokémon Sapphire Version, and Pokémon Emerald Version

  • HP - Whismur (+1, Rusturf Tunnel); Marill (+1, Petalburg City water; Route 102/111/114/117/120 water)
  • Attack - Trapinch (Route 111, desert); Poochyena (+1, Route 103); Shuppet (+1, Mt. Pyre, Sapphire/Emerald only)
  • Defense - Clamperl (+1, underwater); Aron (+1, Granite Cave B1F/B2F)
  • Speed - Zubat (+1, Meteor Falls entrance); Smeargle (+1, Artisan Cave, Emerald only); Magikarp (+1, Sootopolis City water)
  • Special Attack - Numel (+1, Route 112); Spinda (+1, Route 113)
  • Special Defense - Tentacool (+1, Routes 103/105/118/119/121/122/125/129/130 and so on, water)

Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version

  • HP - Caterpie (+1, Viridian Forest), Wooper (+1, Ruin Valley/Four Island water)
  • Attack - Paras (+1, Mt. Moon B1), Mankey (+1, Route 22/23)
  • Defense - Tangela (+1, Route 21)
  • Speed - Diglett (+1, Diglett’s Cave), Zubat (+1, Mt. Moon)
  • Special Attack - Gastly (+1, Pokémon Tower); Psyduck (+1, Celadon City water, Route 6/22/23/25 water, FireRed only)
  • Special Defense - Special Defense - Tentacool (+1, Route 4/10/11/12/13/19/20/21/24 water); Hoppip (+1, Memorial Pillar)