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Pokémon TCG for Game Boy Color - Auto Deck Machines

Pokémon TCG for Game Boy ColorPokémon TCG for Game Boy Color - Auto Deck Machines

This is a list of decks you can build using the Auto Deck Machines in Mason Laboratory. Cards exclusive to the Game Boy are in italics. To activate the machines, you need to earn the appropriate Club medal. The Legendary Machine is found in the Pokémon Dome, and is available when you receive the Legendary Cards.

Fighting Machine

All Fighting Pokémon Deck

A Deck of Fighting Pokémon: Feel their Fighting power!

26x Fighting Energy
2x {F} Sandshrew LV12
1x {F} Sandslash LV33
2x {F} Diglett LV8
1x {F} Dugtrio LV36
2x {F} Mankey LV7
1x {F} Primeape LV35
3x {F} Machop LV20
2x {F} Machoke LV40
1x {F} Machamp LV67
2x {F} Geodude LV16
1x {F} Graveler LV29
1x {F} Golem LV36
1x {F} Onix LV12
2x {F} Cubone LV13
1x {F} Marowak LV26
1x {F} Hitmonlee LV30
1x {F} Hitmonchan LV33
2x {F} Rhyhorn LV18
1x {F} Rhydon LV48
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
1x Switch
2x Potion

Bench Attack Deck

A Deck of Pokémon that can attack the Bench.

12x Lightning Energy
14x Fighting Energy
4x {L} Voltorb LV10
2x {L} Electrode LV42
2x {L} Zapdos LV40
4x {F} Hitmonlee LV30
2x {F} Hitmonchan LV33
4x {C} Meowth LV14
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
1x Mr.Fuji
2x Energy Retrieval
2x Switch
1x Scoop Up
2x PlusPower
2x Defender
1x Item Finder
1x Gust of Wind
1x Maintenance

Battle Contest Deck

A Deck which uses Fighting Attacks such as Slash and Punch.

24x Fighting Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
3x {F} Mankey LV7
4x {F} Machop LV20
3x {F} Machoke LV40
2x {F} Hitmonlee LV30
2x {F} Hitmonchan LV33
3x {C} Meowth LV14
2x {C} Persian LV25
3x {C} Dratini LV10
2x {C} Dragonair LV33
1x {C} Dragonite LV45
1x Professor Oak
3x PlusPower
3x Defender
2x Potion

Heated Battle Deck

A powerful Deck with both Fire and Fighting Pokémon.

8x Fire Energy
4x Lightning Energy
15x Fighting Energy
4x {R} Magmar LV24
2x {L} Electabuzz LV35
3x {F} Mankey LV7
2x {F} Primeape LV35
3x {F} Hitmonlee LV30
3x {F} Hitmonchan LV33
2x {C} Kangaskhan LV40
2x Energy Search
2x Scoop Up
3x PlusPower
2x Defender
3x Potion
2x Full Heal

First-Strike Deck

A Deck for fast and furious attacks.

25x Fighting Energy
4x {F} Machop LV20
3x {F} Machoke LV40
2x {F} Machamp LV67
2x {F} Hitmonchan LV33
4x {F} Hitmonlee LV30
4x {F} Mankey LV7
1x {F} Primeape LV35
2x Potion
2x Defender
2x PlusPower
2x Switch
3x Gust of Wind
4x Bill

Rock Machine

Squeaking Mouse Deck

A Deck made of Mouse Pokémon. Uses PlusPower to Power up!

8x Lightning Energy
15x Fighting Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
2x {L} Pikachu LV12
2x {L} Pikachu LV14
1x {L} Raichu LV40
1x {L} Raichu LV45
4x {F} Sandshrew LV12
3x {F} Sandslash LV33
4x {C} Rattata LV9
3x {C} Raticate LV41
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
1x Pokémon Trader
2x Energy Retrieval
1x Computer Search
3x PlusPower
2x Defender
2x Potion
1x Super Potion

Great Quake Deck

Use Dugtrio’s Earthquake to cause great damage.

25x Fighting Energy
4x {F} Diglett LV8
3x {F} Dugtrio LV36
4x {F} Onix LV12
3x {F} Rhyhorn LV18
2x {F} Rhydon LV48
2x {C} Kangaskhan LV40
1x {C} Tauros LV32
1x {C} Snorlax LV20
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
2x Pokémon Trader
3x Switch
4x Defender
3x Potion

Bone Attack Deck

A Deck of Cubone and Marowak - A call for help.

24x Fighting Energy
3x {F} Sandshrew LV12
2x {F} Sandslash LV33
3x {F} Geodude LV16
2x {F} Graveler LV29
1x {F} Golem LV36
4x {F} Onix LV12
4x {F} Cubone LV13
1x {F} Marowak LV26
2x {F} Marowak LV32
2x {F} Rhyhorn LV18
1x {F} Rhydon LV48
2x Bill
1x Mr.Fuji
2x Poké Ball
1x Pokédex
3x Defender
2x Pokémon Flute

Excavation Deck

A Deck which creates Pokémon by evolving Mysterious Fossils.

15x Fighting Energy
8x Water Energy
3x {W} Shellder LV8
1x {W} Cloyster LV25
3x {W} Omanyte LV19
2x {W} Omastar LV32
4x {F} Sandshrew LV12
2x {F} Sandslash LV33
3x {F} Cubone LV13
1x {F} Marowak LV32
3x {F} Hitmonchan LV33
2x {F} Kabuto LV9
1x {F} Kabutops LV30
2x {F} Aerodactyl LV28
2x Professor Oak
2x Bill
2x Pokémon Breeder
4x Mysterious Fossil

Rock Crusher Deck

A Deck of Rock Pokémon. It’s Strong against Lightning Pokémon.

24x Fighting Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
4x {F} Diglett LV8
2x {F} Dugtrio LV36
4x {F} Geodude LV16
3x {F} Graveler LV29
2x {F} Golem LV36
3x {F} Onix LV12
3x {F} Rhyhorn LV18
2x Professor Oak
1x Pokémon Breeder
2x Energy Removal
2x Switch
1x Computer Search
2x Defender
1x Super Potion
2x Potion

Water Machine

Blue Water Deck

A Deck of Water Pokémon: Their Blue Horror washes over enemies.

25x Water Energy
2x {W} Psyduck LV15
1x {W} Golduck LV27
2x {W} Poliwag LV13
1x {W} Poliwhirl LV28
1x {W} Poliwrath LV48
2x {W} Seel LV12
1x {W} Dewgong LV42
2x {W} Shellder LV8
1x {W} Cloyster LV25
2x {W} Krabby LV20
1x {W} Kingler LV27
2x {W} Horsea LV19
1x {W} Seadra LV23
1x {W} Magikarp LV8
1x {W} Gyarados LV41
1x {W} Lapras LV31
1x {W} Omanyte LV19
1x {W} Omastar LV32
1x {W} Articuno LV35
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
1x Pokémon Trader
2x Mysterious Fossil
1x Energy Search
1x Poké Ball
1x Potion
1x Super Potion

On the Beach Deck

A well balanced Deck of Sandshrew and Water Pokémon!

16x Water Energy
10x Fighting Energy
2x {W} Seel LV12
1x {W} Dewgong LV42
3x {W} Shellder LV8
2x {W} Cloyster LV25
3x {W} Krabby LV20
2x {W} Kingler LV27
3x {W} Staryu LV15
2x {W} Starmie LV28
3x {F} Sandshrew LV12
2x {F} Sandslash LV33
2x Bill
2x Energy Retrieval
2x Energy Removal
2x Gust of Wind
3x Potion

Paralyze! Deck

Paralyze the target’s Pokémon: Stop 'em and drop 'em!

8x Grass Energy
14x Water Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
3x {G} Caterpie LV13
2x {G} Metapod LV21
3x {W} Squirtle LV8
2x {W} Wartortle LV22
3x {W} Shellder LV8
2x {W} Cloyster LV25
4x {W} Staryu LV15
3x {W} Starmie LV28
2x Professor Oak
2x Bill
2x PlusPower
2x Defender
4x Potion

Energy Removal Deck

Uses Whirlpool and Hyper Beam to remove opponents' Energy cards.

15x Water Energy
8x Psychic Energy
3x Double Colorless Energy
3x {W} Psyduck LV15
2x {W} Golduck LV27
4x {W} Poliwag LV13
3x {W} Poliwhirl LV28
2x {W} Poliwrath LV48
4x {P} Gastly LV17
3x {P} Haunter LV17
3x {C} Dratini LV10
2x {C} Dragonair LV33
1x Professor Oak
1x Bill
1x Lass
2x Energy Search
2x Energy Removal
1x Super Energy Removal

Rain Dancer Deck

Use Rain Dance to attach Water Energy for powerful Attacks!

24x Water Energy
4x {W} Squirtle LV8
3x {W} Wartortle LV22
2x {W} Blastoise LV52
4x {W} Goldeen LV12
3x {W} Seaking LV28
3x {W} Horsea LV19
2x {W} Seadra LV23
2x {W} Lapras LV31
2x Professor Oak
1x Pokémon Breeder
1x Energy Retrieval
1x Super Energy Retrieval
2x Energy Removal
1x Super Energy Removal
2x Switch
2x Potion
1x Gambler

Lightning Machine

Cute Pokémon Deck

Pokémon Flute Deck

Use the Pokémon Flute to revive opponents' Pokémon and Attack!

9x Water Energy
12x Lightning Energy
2x {W} Staryu LV15
2x {W} Lapras LV31
3x {L} Pikachu LV12
1x {L} Raichu LV40
2x {L} Magnemite LV13
3x {L} Electabuzz LV35
2x {C} Rattata LV9
1x {C} Raticate LV41
2x Professor Oak
4x Bill
3x Energy Removal
1x Computer Search
3x PlusPower
2x Item Finder
4x Gust of Wind
4x Pokémon Flute

Yellow Flash Deck

A deck of Pokémon that use Lightning Energy to zap opponents.

26x Lightning Energy
2x {L} Pikachu LV12
1x {L} Pikachu LV14
1x {L} Raichu LV40
1x {L} Raichu LV45
2x {L} Magnemite LV13
1x {L} Magnemite LV15
1x {L} Magneton LV28
1x {L} Magneton LV35
3x {L} Voltorb LV10
1x {L} Electrode LV35
1x {L} Electrode LV42
1x {L} Electabuzz LV20
1x {L} Electabuzz LV35
1x {L} Jolteon LV24
1x {L} Jolteon LV29
1x {L} Zapdos LV40
1x {L} Zapdos LV64
3x {C} Eevee LV12
1x Energy Retrieval
2x Energy Removal
2x Poké Ball
2x PlusPower
2x Defender
1x Gust of Wind

Electric Shock Deck

A Deck which Shocks and Paralyzes opponents with its Attacks.

24x Lightning Energy
1x Double Colorless Energy
2x {L} Pikachu LV14
1x {L} Pikachu LV16
1x {L} Pikachu LV16
2x {L} Raichu LV40
2x {L} Magnemite LV13
2x {L} Magnemite LV15
2x {L} Magneton LV28
4x {L} Voltorb LV10
3x {L} Electrode LV42
1x {L} Zapdos LV64
3x {C} Porygon LV12
2x Energy Retrieval
2x PlusPower
3x Defender
2x Item Finder
3x Gust of Wind

Zapping Selfdestruct Deck

Selfdestruct causes great damage - even to the target’s Bench.

24x Lightning Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
4x {L} Magnemite LV13
3x {L} Magneton LV28
4x {L} Voltorb LV10
2x {L} Electrode LV35
4x {L} Electabuzz LV35
2x {C} Kangaskhan LV40
1x {C} Tauros LV32
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
2x Switch
4x Defender
1x Gust of Wind
4x Potion

Grass Machine

Insect Collection Deck

A Deck made of Insect Pokémon Go Bug Power!

24x Grass Energy
3x {G} Caterpie LV13
2x {G} Metapod LV21
1x {G} Butterfree LV28
3x {G} Weedle LV12
2x {G} Kakuna LV23
1x {G} Beedrill LV32
4x {G} Paras LV8
3x {G} Parasect LV28
2x {G} Venonat LV12
1x {G} Venomoth LV28
1x {G} Scyther LV25
1x {G} Pinsir LV24
2x Bill
2x Pokémon Breeder
2x Switch
2x Poké Ball
2x Pokédex
2x Potion

Jungle Deck

A Deck of Grass Pokémon: There are many dangers in the Jungle.

25x Grass Energy
1x Double Colorless Energy
2x {G} Ekans LV10
1x {G} Arbok LV27
2x {G} Zubat LV10
1x {G} Golbat LV29
2x {G} Oddish LV8
1x {G} Gloom LV22
1x {G} Vileplume LV35
2x {G} Paras LV8
1x {G} Parasect LV28
2x {G} Venonat LV12
1x {G} Venomoth LV28
2x {G} Bellsprout LV11
1x {G} Weepinbell LV28
1x {G} Victreebel LV42
1x {G} Pinsir LV24
1x {C} Lickitung LV26
1x {C} Kangaskhan LV40
2x Bill
1x Switch
1x Poké Ball
2x PlusPower
2x Defender
2x Potion
1x Full Heal

Flower Garden Deck

A Deck of Flower Pokémon: Beautiful but Dangerous

24x Grass Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
3x {G} Bulbasaur LV13
2x {G} Ivysaur LV20
2x {G} Venusaur LV67
3x {G} Oddish LV8
2x {G} Gloom LV22
2x {G} Vileplume LV35
2x {G} Bellsprout LV11
1x {G} Weepinbell LV28
1x {G} Victreebel LV42
2x {G} Tangela LV8
1x {G} Tangela LV12
2x {C} Lickitung LV26
2x Pokémon Trader
3x Pokémon Breeder
1x Energy Search
2x Switch
2x Potion
1x Full Heal

Kaleidoscope Deck

Uses Venomoth’s Pokémon Power to change the target’s Weakness.

10x Grass Energy
4x Fire Energy
4x Water Energy
4x Lightning Energy
3x Double Colorless Energy
3x {G} Venonat LV12
2x {G} Venomoth LV28
1x {R} Flareon LV22
1x {R} Flareon LV28
1x {W} Vaporeon LV29
1x {W} Vaporeon LV42
1x {L} Jolteon LV24
1x {L} Jolteon LV29
4x {C} Ditto LV19
4x {C} Eevee LV12
4x {C} Porygon LV12
2x Bill
2x Mr.Fuji
2x Energy Search
4x Switch
2x Gust of Wind

Flower Power Deck

A powerful Big Eggsplosion and Energy Transfer combo!

18x Grass Energy
4x Psychic Energy
4x {G} Bulbasaur LV13
3x {G} Ivysaur LV20
2x {G} Venusaur LV67
4x {G} Oddish LV8
3x {G} Gloom LV22
2x {G} Vileplume LV35
4x {G} Exeggcute LV14
3x {G} Exeggutor LV35
2x Professor Oak
3x Bill
2x Pokémon Breeder
2x Energy Retrieval
2x Switch
2x Potion

Psychic Machine

Psychic Power Deck

Use the Psychic power of the Psychic Pokémon to Attack!

25x Psychic Energy
3x {P} Abra LV10
2x {P} Kadabra LV38
1x {P} Alakazam LV42
2x {P} Slowpoke LV18
1x {P} Slowbro LV26
1x {P} Gastly LV8
2x {P} Gastly LV17
1x {P} Haunter LV17
1x {P} Haunter LV22
1x {P} Gengar LV38
2x {P} Drowzee LV12
1x {P} Hypno LV36
1x {P} Mr. Mime LV28
1x {P} Jynx LV23
1x {P} Mewtwo LV53
1x {P} Mew LV23
1x {C} Clefairy LV14
1x {C} Clefable LV34
1x {C} Snorlax LV20
2x Professor Oak
1x Pokémon Trader
1x Pokémon Breeder
2x Switch
1x Pokémon Center
2x PlusPower
1x Devolution Spray

Dream Eater Haunter Deck

Uses Haunter’s Dream Eater to cause great damage!

7x Grass Energy
17x Psychic Energy
3x {G} Zubat LV10
2x {G} Golbat LV29
4x {P} Gastly LV8
1x {P} Haunter LV17
2x {P} Haunter LV22
2x {P} Gengar LV38
3x {P} Drowzee LV12
2x {P} Hypno LV36
2x {C} Jigglypuff LV14
2x {C} Meowth LV15
2x Professor Oak
2x Bill
2x Energy Retrieval
1x Super Energy Retrieval
2x Switch
1x Computer Search
3x Revive

Scavenging Slowbro Deck

Continually draw Trainer Cards from the Discard Pile!

23x Psychic Energy
4x {P} Slowpoke LV18
3x {P} Slowbro LV26
3x {P} Jynx LV23
2x {P} Mewtwo LV53
2x {P} Mew LV23
2x {C} Jigglypuff LV13
2x {C} Jigglypuff LV14
2x {C} Eevee LV12
2x Energy Retrieval
3x Energy Removal
2x PlusPower
3x Defender
3x Potion
4x Recycle

Strange Power Deck

Strange Psyshock Deck

Use Alakazam’s damage Swap to move damage counters!

22x Psychic Energy
4x {P} Abra LV10
3x {P} Kadabra LV38
2x {P} Alakazam LV42
2x {P} Mr. Mime LV28
3x {C} Chansey LV55
3x {C} Kangaskhan LV40
2x {C} Snorlax LV20
2x Professor Oak
2x Pokémon Center
3x Energy Removal
3x Gust of Wind
4x Scoop Up
4x Switch
1x Gambler

Science Machine

Lovely Nidoran Deck

Uses Nidoqueen’s Boyfriends to cause great damage to the target.

20x Grass Energy
4x {G} Nidoran[F] LV13
3x {G} Nidorina LV24
2x {G} Nidoqueen LV43
4x {G} Nidoran[M] LV20
4x {G} Nidorino LV25
4x {G} Nidoking LV48
3x {C} Lickitung LV26
2x Professor Oak
3x Pokémon Trader
3x Pokémon Breeder
2x Energy Retrieval
3x Switch
1x Computer Search
2x Item Finder

Science Corps Deck

The march of the Science Corps! Attack with the power of science!

26x Grass Energy
2x {G} Ekans LV10
1x {G} Arbok LV27
2x {G} Nidoran[F] LV13
1x {G} Nidorina LV24
1x {G} Nidoqueen LV43
3x {G} Nidoran[M] LV20
2x {G} Nidorino LV25
1x {G} Nidoking LV48
2x {G} Zubat LV10
1x {G} Golbat LV29
2x {G} Grimer LV17
1x {G} Muk LV34
2x {G} Koffing LV13
1x {G} Weezing LV27
2x {C} Meowth LV15
1x {C} Persian LV25
1x Professor Oak
1x Bill
1x Pokémon Trader
1x Pokémon Breeder
1x Potion
1x Full Heal
1x Maintenance
1x Gambler
1x Recycle

Flyin' Pokémon Deck

Pokémon with feathers flock together! Retreating is easy!

13x Grass Energy
10x Lightning Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
4x {G} Zubat LV10
3x {G} Golbat LV29
2x {L} Flying Pikachu LV12
4x {C} Pidgey LV8
3x {C} Pidgeotto LV36
1x {C} Pidgeot LV38
1x {C} Pidgeot LV40
4x {C} Spearow LV13
3x {C} Fearow LV27
2x Imposter Professor Oak
2x Lass
2x Bill
4x Potion

Poison Deck

A Deck that uses Poison to slowly Knock Out the target.

24x Grass Energy
3x {G} Weedle LV12
2x {G} Kakuna LV23
1x {G} Beedrill LV32
4x {G} Ekans LV10
3x {G} Arbok LV27
4x {G} Nidoran[M] LV20
3x {G} Nidorino LV25
2x {G} Nidoking LV48
3x {G} Koffing LV13
2x {G} Weezing LV27
1x Professor Oak
2x Imposter Professor Oak
1x Pokémon Breeder
2x Potion
2x Full Heal
1x Gambler

Wonders of Science Deck

Block Pokémon Powers with Muk and attack with Mewtwo!

15x Grass Energy
8x Psychic Energy
4x {G} Grimer LV17
3x {G} Muk LV34
4x {G} Koffing LV13
3x {G} Weezing LV27
2x {P} Mewtwo LV53
1x {P} Mewtwo LV60
1x {P} Mewtwo LV60
2x {C} Porygon LV12
1x Imposter Professor Oak
2x Professor Oak
2x Bill
2x Energy Search
2x Switch
2x Computer Search
2x Pokédex
2x Maintenance
2x Full Heal

Fire Machine

Replace 'Em All Deck

A Deck that shuffles the target’s cards

24x Fire Energy
4x {R} Vulpix LV11
2x {R} Ninetails LV32
1x {R} Ninetails LV35
4x {R} Growlithe LV18
1x {R} Arcanine LV34
1x {R} Arcanine LV45
4x {C} Pidgey LV8
3x {C} Pidgeotto LV36
1x {C} Pidgeot LV38
1x {C} Pidgeot LV40
3x {C} Doduo LV10
2x {C} Dodrio LV28
2x Professor Oak
2x Imposter Professor Oak
2x Lass
3x Gust of Wind

Chari-Saur Deck

Attack with Charizard - with just a few Fire Energy cards!

12x Grass Energy
10x Fire Energy
4x {G} Bulbasaur LV13
3x {G} Ivysaur LV20
2x {G} Venusaur LV67
4x {R} Charmander LV10
3x {R} Charmeleon LV32
2x {R} Charizard LV76
3x {R} Flareon LV22
4x {C} Eevee LV12
2x Bill
3x Pokémon Trader
3x Pokémon Breeder
2x Energy Retrieval
1x Energy Removal
2x Potion

Traffic Light Deck

Pokémon that can Attack with Fire, Water or Lightning Energy!

10x Fire Energy
8x Water Energy
8x Lightning Energy
3x {R} Charmander LV10
2x {R} Charmeleon LV32
3x {R} Ponyta LV10
2x {R} Rapidash LV33
2x {R} Flareon LV22
2x {W} Vaporeon LV29
2x {L} Pikachu LV12
3x {L} Voltorb LV10
2x {L} Electrode LV42
2x {L} Jolteon LV24
4x {C} Eevee LV12
2x Energy Search
2x Switch
3x PlusPower

Fire Pokémon Deck

With Fire Pokémon like Charizard, Rapidash and Magmar, it’s hot!

24x Fire Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
3x {R} Charmander LV10
2x {R} Charmeleon LV32
1x {R} Charizard LV76
3x {R} Vulpix LV11
1x {R} Ninetails LV32
1x {R} Ninetails LV35
2x {R} Growlithe LV18
1x {R} Arcanine LV45
2x {R} Ponyta LV10
1x {R} Rapidash LV33
1x {R} Magmar LV24
1x {R} Magmar LV31
1x {R} Flareon LV22
1x {R} Flareon LV28
1x {R} Moltres LV35
3x {C} Eevee LV12
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
1x Pokémon Trader
1x Pokémon Breeder
1x Energy Retrieval
1x Super Energy Retrieval
1x Switch
1x Gust of Wind

Fire Charge Deck

Desperate attacks Damage your the target and you!

21x Fire Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x {R} Growlithe LV18
3x {R} Arcanine LV45
2x {R} Magmar LV24
3x {C} Jigglypuff LV12
1x {C} Jigglypuff LV14
1x {C} Wigglytuff LV36
2x {C} Chansey LV55
2x {C} Tauros LV32
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
2x Energy Retrieval
1x Poké Ball
1x Computer Search
2x Defender
3x Potion
1x Full Heal
3x Recycle
1x Gambler

Auto Machine

Charmander & Friends Deck

A Fire, Grass and Water Deck: Charmander, Pinsir and Seel

8x Grass Energy
10x Fire Energy
6x Water Energy
2x {G} Caterpie LV13
1x {G} Metapod LV21
2x {G} Nidoran[F] LV13
1x {G} Nidoran[M] LV20
1x {G} Pinsir LV24
2x {R} Charmander LV10
1x {R} Charmeleon LV32
1x {R} Charizard LV76
2x {R} Growlithe LV18
1x {R} Arcanine LV45
2x {R} Ponyta LV10
1x {R} Magmar LV24
2x {W} Seel LV12
1x {W} Dewgong LV42
2x {W} Goldeen LV12
1x {W} Seaking LV28
2x {C} Rattata LV9
1x {C} Raticate LV41
1x {C} Meowth LV14
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
1x Switch
1x Computer Search
1x PlusPower
2x Potion
2x Full Heal

Squirtle & Friends Deck

A Water, Fire, and Lightning Deck: Squirtle, Charmander and Pikachu

8x Fire Energy
11x Water Energy
6x Lightning Energy
2x {R} Charmander LV10
1x {R} Charmeleon LV32
1x {R} Growlithe LV18
1x {R} Arcanine LV45
1x {R} Magmar LV24
2x {W} Squirtle LV8
1x {W} Wartortle LV22
1x {W} Blastoise LV52
2x {W} Seel LV12
1x {W} Dewgong LV42
1x {W} Goldeen LV12
1x {W} Seaking LV28
1x {W} Staryu LV15
1x {W} Starmie LV28
1x {W} Lapras LV31
2x {L} Pikachu LV12
1x {L} Magnemite LV13
1x {L} Magneton LV28
1x {L} Electabuzz LV35
2x {C} Rattata LV9
1x {C} Raticate LV41
1x {C} Meowth LV14
1x Professor Oak
1x Bill
1x Switch
1x Poké Ball
1x Scoop Up
1x Item Finder
1x Potion
1x Full Heal

Bulbasaur & Friends Deck

A Grass, Lightning and Psychic Deck: Bulbasaur, Pikachu and Abra

9x Grass Energy
8x Lightning Energy
6x Psychic Energy
2x {G} Bulbasaur LV13
1x {G} Ivysaur LV20
1x {G} Venusaur LV67
2x {G} Nidoran[F] LV13
2x {G} Nidoran[M] LV20
1x {G} Nidorino LV25
1x {G} Tangela LV12
2x {L} Pikachu LV12
1x {L} Raichu LV40
1x {L} Magnemite LV13
1x {L} Electabuzz LV35
2x {P} Abra LV10
1x {P} Kadabra LV38
2x {P} Gastly LV8
1x {P} Haunter LV22
1x {P} Jynx LV23
1x {C} Jigglypuff LV14
1x {C} Meowth LV14
1x {C} Kangaskhan LV40
1x Professor Oak
1x Bill
1x Switch
1x Poké Ball
2x PlusPower
1x Defender
1x Gust of Wind
2x Potion
2x Full Heal

Psychic Machamp Deck

Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan Gengar and Alakazam are furious!

12x Fighting Energy
12x Psychic Energy
2x {F} Diglett LV8
1x {F} Dugtrio LV36
2x {F} Machop LV20
1x {F} Machoke LV40
1x {F} Machamp LV67
1x {F} Onix LV12
1x {F} Hitmonlee LV30
1x {F} Hitmonchan LV33
2x {P} Abra LV10
1x {P} Kadabra LV38
1x {P} Alakazam LV42
2x {P} Gastly LV8
1x {P} Haunter LV22
1x {P} Gengar LV38
1x {P} Mr. Mime LV28
1x {P} Jynx LV23
1x {P} Mew LV23
2x {C} Pidgey LV8
1x {C} Pidgeotto LV36
1x {C} Pidgeot LV40
2x {C} Rattata LV9
1x {C} Raticate LV41
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
1x Switch
1x Gust of Wind
2x Potion
1x Full Heal

Water Beetle Deck

An Evolution Deck with Weedle, Nidoran[M] and Bellsprout.

14x Grass Energy
10x Water Energy
2x {G} Weedle LV12
1x {G} Kakuna LV23
1x {G} Beedrill LV32
2x {G} Nidoran[M] LV20
1x {G} Nidorino LV25
1x {G} Nidoking LV48
2x {G} Bellsprout LV11
1x {G} Weepinbell LV28
1x {G} Victreebel LV42
1x {G} Scyther LV25
2x {W} Poliwag LV13
1x {W} Poliwhirl LV28
1x {W} Poliwrath LV48
2x {W} Krabby LV20
1x {W} Kingler LV27
2x {W} Magikarp LV8
1x {W} Gyarados LV41
1x {W} Lapras LV31
1x {W} Articuno LV35
1x {C} Lickitung LV26
1x {C} Kangaskhan LV40
1x {C} Tauros LV32
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
1x Energy Retrieval
1x Energy Search
1x Switch
1x PlusPower
1x Full Heal

Legendary Machine

Legendary Moltres Deck

Gather Fire Energy with the Legendary Moltres!

25x Fire Energy
4x {R} Vulpix LV11
3x {R} Ninetails LV35
4x {R} Growlithe LV18
2x {R} Arcanine LV45
2x {R} Magmar LV24
2x {R} Magmar LV31
2x {R} Moltres LV35
2x {R} Moltres LV37
3x Bill
2x Lass
1x Pokémon Trader
1x Energy Retrieval
1x Super Energy Retrieval
2x Energy Removal
2x Switch
1x Potion
1x Super Potion

Legendary Zapdos Deck

Zap opponents with the Legandary Zapdos!

25x Lightning Energy
4x {L} Voltorb LV10
3x {L} Electrode LV35
4x {L} Electabuzz LV35
2x {L} Jolteon LV29
1x {L} Zapdos LV40
1x {L} Zapdos LV64
2x {L} Zapdos LV68
3x {C} Eevee LV12
4x Bill
2x Energy Retrieval
2x Switch
3x PlusPower
3x Potion
1x Gambler

Legendary Articuno Deck

Paralyze opponents with the Legendary Articuno!

25x Water Energy
4x {W} Seel LV12
3x {W} Dewgong LV42
4x {W} Lapras LV31
2x {W} Articuno LV37
2x {W} Articuno LV35
3x {C} Chansey LV55
2x {C} Ditto LV19
2x Professor Oak
2x Pokémon Trader
3x Energy Retrieval
3x Switch
4x Scoop Up
1x Gambler

Legendary Dragonite Deck

Mysterious Pokémon Deck

A very special Deck made of very rare Pokémon cards!

12x Grass Energy
14x Psychic Energy
4x {G} Bulbasaur LV13
3x {G} Ivysaur LV20
2x {G} Venusaur LV64
2x {G} Scyther LV25
4x {P} Abra LV10
3x {P} Kadabra LV38
2x {P} Alakazam LV42
2x {P} Mr. Mime LV28
1x {P} Mew LV8
2x {P} Mew LV15
1x Professor Oak
2x Bill
2x Pokémon Breeder
1x Energy Removal
2x Switch
1x Pokémon Center