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Pokémon TCG Game Shark Codes

Game Shark and Game Genie CodesPokémon TCG Game Shark Codes

HP Modifiers:

       01 XX XX XX
        |  |  |  |
        |  |  |  ------- Player (C2 = You; C3 = Opponent)
        |  |  |--------- Position (C8 = Active; C9 - CD = Bench)
        |  |------------ Number of damage counters minus 256
        |--------------- Always 01

You Opponent
Infinite HP Active 01FFC8C2 01FFC8C3
Infinite HP Bench 1 01FFC9C2 01FFC9C3
Infinite HP Bench 2 01FFCAC2 01FFCAC3
Infinite HP Bench 3 01FFCBC2 01FFCBC3
Infinite HP Bench 4 01FFCCC2 01FFCCC3
Infinite HP Bench 5 01FFCDC2 01FFCDC3
No HP Active 0100C8C2 0100C8C3*
No HP Bench 1 0100C9C2 0100C9C3
No HP Bench 2 0100CAC2 0100CAC3
No HP Bench 3 0100CBC2 0100CBC3
No HP Bench 4 0100CCC2 0100CCC3
No HP Bench 5 0100CDC2 0100CDC3
Unlimited Energy cards each turn 01000BCC
Control opponent (one-player game) 01000DCC
Teleport to any room 01??BBD0
Coin lands on heads 01012FC2
Coin lands on tails 01002FC2
Modify Number of cards owned 01??CDD3
Modify number of medals owned 01??CCD3
* Quick win if opponent attacks you. Don’t use this code in the Pokémon Dome since the game may delete itself.

Modify Booster Packs

01XX00C4 - 1st Card
01XX01C4 - 2nd Card
01XX02C4 - 3rd Card
01XX03C4 - 4th Card
01XX04C4 - 5th Card
01XX05C4 - 6th Card
01XX06C4 - 7th Card
01XX07C4 - 8th Card
01XX08C4 - 9th Card
01XX09C4 - 10th Card
Your changes will appear on the next booster pack. With these codes, you should not put more than 3 codes on at once to get the cards, or it could freeze when you get the next booster pack.

Infinite booster Packs by Email

01811ED1 - Mail 1 (Colosseum)
01851FD1 - Mail 2 (Evolution)
018420D1 - Mail 3 (Mystery)
018221D1 - Mail 4 (Laboratory)
What the codes above do is make the game think the messages are unread even after you’ve read them. Unread messages will contain the booster packs.
Replace ?? with the following Digits for the "Teleport to any room" code
00 - Map Screen
01 - Mason’s Lab (Main Room)
02 - Mason’s Lab (Deck Machines)
03 - Ishihara’s House
04 - Fighting Club (Lobby, Reception Desk,Boss Room)
07 - Rock Club
0A - Water Club
0D - Lightning Club
10 - Grass Club
13 - Psychic Club
16 - Science Club
19 - Fire Club
1C - Challenge Hall
1F - Pokémon Dome
20 - Grand Master Challenge
21 - Legendary Cards
Replace XX with the following Digits for the "Modify Booster Packs" code
01 - Grass Energy
02 - Fire Energy
03 - Water Energy
04 - Lightning Energy
05 - Fighting Energy
06 - Psychic Energy
07 - Double Colorless Energy
08 - Bulbasaur LV13
09 - Ivysaur LV20
0A - Venusaur* LV64
0B - Venusaur LV67
0C - Caterpie LV13
0D - Metapod LV21
0E - Butterfree LV28
0F - Weedle LV12
10 - Kakuna LV23
11 - Beedrill LV32
12 - Ekans LV10
13 - Arbok LV27
14 - Nidoran (F) LV13
15 - Nidorina LV24
16 - Nidoqueen LV43
17 - Nidoran (M) LV20
18 - Nidorino LV25
19 - Nidoking LV48
1A - Zubat LV10
1B - Golbat LV29
1C - Oddish LV8
1D - Gloom LV22
1E - Vileplume LV35
1F - Paras LV8
20 - Parasect LV35
21 - Venonat LV12
22 - Venomoth LV28
23 - Bellsprout LV11
24 - Weepinbell LV28
25 - Victreebel LV42
26 - Grimer LV17
27 - Muk LV34
28 - Exeggcute LV14
29 - Exeggutor LV35
2A - Koffing LV13
2B - Weezing LV27
2C - Tangela LV8
2D - Tangela LV12
2E - Scyther LV25
2F - Pinsir LV24
30 - Charmander LV10
31 - Charmeleon LV32
32 - Charizard LV76
33 - Vulpix LV11
34 - Ninetales LV32
35 - Ninetales LV35
36 - Growlithe LV18
37 - Arcanine LV34
38 - Arcanine LV45
39 - Ponyta LV10
3A - Rapidash LV33
3B - Magmar LV24
3C - Magmar LV31
3D - Flareon LV22
3E - Flareon LV28
3F - Moltres LV35
40 - Moltres LV37
41 - Squirtle LV8
42 - Wartortle LV22
43 - Blastoise LV52
44 - Psyduck LV15
45 - Golduck LV27
46 - Poliwag LV13
47 - Poliwhirl LV28
48 - Poliwrath LV48
49 - Tentacool LV10
4A - Tentacruel LV21
4B - Seel LV12
4C - Dewgong LV42
4D - Shellder LV8
4E - Cloyster LV25
4F - Krabby LV20
50 - Kingler LV27
51 - Horsea LV19
52 - Seadra LV23
53 - Goldeen LV12
54 - Seaking LV28
55 - Staryu LV15
56 - Starmie LV28
57 - Magikarp LV8
58 - Gyarados LV41
59 - Lapras LV31
5A - Vaporeon LV29
5B - Vaporeon LV42
5C - Omanyte LV19
5D - Omastar LV32
5E - Articuno LV35
5F - Articuno LV37
60 - Pikachu LV12
61 - Pikachu LV14
62 - Pikachu LV16
63 - Pikachu LV16
64 - Flying Pikachu LV12
65 - Surfing Pikachu LV13
66 - Surfing Pikachu LV13
67 - Raichu LV40
68 - Raichu LV45
69 - Magnemite LV13
6A - Magnemite LV15
6B - Magneton LV28
6C - Magneton LV35
6D - Voltorb LV10
6E - Electrode LV35
6F - Electrode LV42
70 - Electabuzz LV20
71 - Electabuzz LV35
72 - Jolteon LV24
73 - Jolteon LV29
74 - Zapdos LV40
75 - Zapdos LV64
76 - Zapdos LV68
77 - Sandshrew LV12
78 - Sandslash LV33
79 - Diglett LV8
7A - Dugtrio LV36
7B - Mankey LV7
7C - Primeape LV35
7D - Machop LV20
7E - Machoke LV40
7F - Machamp LV67
80 - Geodude LV16
81 - Graveler LV29
82 - Golem LV36
83 - Onix LV12
84 - Cubone LV13
85 - Marowak LV26
86 - Marowak LV32
87 - Hitmonlee LV30
88 - Hitmonchan LV33
89 - Rhyhorn LV18
8A - Rhydon LV48
8B - Kabuto LV9
8C - Kabutops LV30
8D - Aerodactyl LV28
8E - Abra LV10
8F - Kadabra LV38
90 - Alakazam LV42
91 - Slowpoke LV9
92 - Slowpoke LV18
93 - Slowbro LV26
94 - Gastly LV8
95 - Gastly LV17
96 - Haunter LV17
97 - Haunter LV22
98 - Gengar LV38
99 - Drowzee LV12
9A - Hypno LV36
9B - Mr. Mime LV28
9C - Jynx LV23
9D - Mewtwo LV53
9E - Mewtwo LV60
9F - Mewtwo LV60
A0 - Mew LV8
A1 - Mew* LV15
A2 - Mew LV23
A3 - Pidgey LV8
A4 - Pidgeotto LV36
A5 - Pidgeot LV38
A6 - Pidgeot LV40
A7 - Rattata LV9
A8 - Raticate LV41
A9 - Spearow LV13
AA - Fearow LV27
AB - Clefairy LV14
AC - Clefable LV34
AD - Jigglypuff LV12
AE - Jigglypuff LV13
AF - Jigglypuff LV14
B0 - Wigglytuff LV36
B1 - Meowth LV14
B2 - Meowth LV15
B3 - Persian LV25
B4 - Farfetch’d LV20
B5 - Doduo LV10
B6 - Dodrio LV28
B7 - Lickitung LV26
B8 - Chansey LV55
B9 - Kangaskhan LV40
BA - Tauros LV32
BB - Ditto LV19
BC - Eevee LV12
BD - Porygon LV12
BE - Snorlax LV20
BF - Dratini LV10
C0 - Dragonair LV33
C1 - Dragonite LV41
C2 - Dragonite LV45
C3 - Professor Oak
C4 - Imposter Professor Oak
C5 - Bill
C6 - Mr. Fuji
C7 - Lass
C8 - Imakuni?
C9 - Pokémon Trader
CA - Pokémon Breeder
CB - Clefairy Doll
CC - Mysterious Fossil
CD - Energy Retrieval
CE - Super Energy Retrieval
CF - Energy Search
D0 - Energy Removal
D1 - Super Energy Removal
D2 - Switch
D3 - Pokémon Center
D4 - Poké Ball
D5 - Scoop Up
D6 - Computer Search
D7 - Pokédex
D8 - Pluspower
D9 - Defender
DA - Item Finder
DB - Gust of Wind
DC - Devolution Spray
DD - Potion
DE - Super Potion
DF - Full Heal
E0 - Revive
E1 - Maintenance
E2 - Pokémon Flute
E3 - Gambler
E4 - Recycle