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Pokémon Trading Card Game - A Look at the Pokémon Cards

Pokémon Trading Card GamePokémon Trading Card Game - A Look at the Pokémon Cards

The diagram below describes the different parts of a Pokémon card. Move your mouse around the card to get a description of that part of the card.

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  1. The energy type of the Pokémon. The color of the card is a quick reference to a Pokémon’s energy type. This Charizard card is red, so you know it’s a Fire type.
  2. Determines the evolution type of the Pokémon. If this reads "Evolves from ???", it evolves from another Pokémon card.
  3. This is how many health points the Pokémon has. All attacks subtract from this. Once a Pokémon’s HP reaches 0, or a negative, the Pokémon is knocked out and its card and all Energy cards attached it are sent to the discard pile.
  4. Name of the Pokémon.
  5. Picture of the Pokémon.
  6. A description of the Pokémon. Not important in the game.
  7. A Pokémon Power that appears on the rarer cards. When using a Pokémon Power, follow the directions on the card.
  8. The level of the card. Useful for comparing the power of different Pokémon cards.
  9. The weakness of the Pokémon. When attacked by a Pokémon of the energy type shown, it does double damage. For example, Charizard is weak to Pokémon of the Water image energy type.
  10. The resistance of the Pokémon. When attacked by a Pokémon of the energy type shown, damage is reduced by the number shown next to the energy symbol. For example, when a Pokémon of the Fighting image energy type attack Charizard, any damage done is reduced by 30.
  11. The number of energy cards required for the Pokémon to retreat to the Bench and bring out another Pokémon. Some Pokémon don’t have a retreat cost.
There are four types of Pokémon cards found in the TCG:
  • Basic Pokémon can be played straight out into your arena or bench. Once they get enough energy cards, they can use their power and attacks.
  • Evolution Pokémon can only be played upon the unevolved stage of it. You can’t evolve a Pokémon on the same turn as when lay it out in the arena or bench. Once an evolution card is in play, it plays the same as a basic.
  • Energy Cards can be placed on a basic or evolved Pokémon. You can only lay down only 1 energy on only 1 Pokémon each turn. Once you get enough energy cards on a Pokémon, it may attack if it is in the arena. Energy cards may be put down on benched Pokémon. When a Pokémon is knocked out, it takes all cards on it to the discard pile with it, including energy cards.
  • Trainer Cards can be played as many times as you want each turn. When you play a trainer card you lay it down and do as it says in its instructions. You discard it when you are done with it.
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