Pokémon Trading Card Game - A Look at the Pokémon Cards
The diagram below describes the different parts of a Pokémon card. Move your mouse around the card to get a description of that part of the card.
- The energy type of the Pokémon. The color of the card is a quick reference to a Pokémon’s energy type. This Charizard card is red, so you know it’s a Fire type.
- Determines the evolution type of the Pokémon. If this reads "Evolves from ???", it evolves from another Pokémon card.
- This is how many health points the Pokémon has. All attacks subtract from this. Once a Pokémon’s HP reaches 0, or a negative, the Pokémon is knocked out and its card and all Energy cards attached it are sent to the discard pile.
- Name of the Pokémon.
- Picture of the Pokémon.
- A description of the Pokémon. Not important in the game.
- A Pokémon Power that appears on the rarer cards. When using a Pokémon Power, follow the directions on the card.
- The level of the card. Useful for comparing the power of different Pokémon cards.
- The weakness of the Pokémon. When attacked by a
Pokémon of the energy type shown, it does double damage. For
example, Charizard is weak to Pokémon of the Water
energy type.
- The resistance of the Pokémon. When attacked by a
Pokémon of the energy type shown, damage is reduced by the
number shown next to the energy symbol. For example, when a
Pokémon of the Fighting
energy type attack Charizard, any damage done is reduced by 30.
- The number of energy cards required for the Pokémon to retreat to the Bench and bring out another Pokémon. Some Pokémon don’t have a retreat cost.
- Basic Pokémon can be played straight out into your arena or bench. Once they get enough energy cards, they can use their power and attacks.
- Evolution Pokémon can only be played upon the unevolved stage of it. You can’t evolve a Pokémon on the same turn as when lay it out in the arena or bench. Once an evolution card is in play, it plays the same as a basic.
- Energy Cards can be placed on a basic or evolved Pokémon. You can only lay down only 1 energy on only 1 Pokémon each turn. Once you get enough energy cards on a Pokémon, it may attack if it is in the arena. Energy cards may be put down on benched Pokémon. When a Pokémon is knocked out, it takes all cards on it to the discard pile with it, including energy cards.
- Trainer Cards can be played as many times as you want each turn. When you play a trainer card you lay it down and do as it says in its instructions. You discard it when you are done with it.
Setting Up the Game