Pokémon Trading Card Game - Other rules
- Special Conditions
- Effective January 17, 2002, the Special Conditions are Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis, Poison, and Burn. A Pokémon afflicted by a Special Condition can’t use Pokémon Power.
- Pokémon Power
- The older Pokémon Power is to be read as also including the newer Poke-POWERs and Poke-BODYs. Poke-POWERs are not Pokémon Powers. If a Pokémon Power reads, "This power works even if X is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed", it will still function in case of Burn or Poison as well. A Poké-Power is an ability that you can choose to use, and that can’t function when the Pokémon is affected by a Special Condition (a notable exception is "Baby Evolution"). A Poké-Body is an ability that functions as soon as the Pokémon is put in play and until it leaves play.
- Burn
- When a Pokémon is Burned, place a burn marker on it. At the end of each player’s turn, flip a coin. If tails, place two damage counters on the Pokémon. When your opponent burns your Pokémon again, it isn’t doubly burned. Your Pokémon remains burned until you retreat it.
- Confusion
- When a Confused Pokémon wants to attack, flip a coin. If heads, the attack works normally. If tails, place three damage counters on the Pokémon (the attack fails). A Confused Pokémon may retreat normally.
- Retreat
- A player may make only one retreat each turn.
- Darkness and Metal Energy
- The special Energy cards Darkness and Metal Energy give their effects only to Darkness or Metal Pokémon, respectively. They may be attached to other Pokémon, though.
- Stadium cards
- A player may play only one Stadium card each turn.
- Mutual exclusivity of Special Conditions
- The conditions Confusion, Sleep, and Paralysis are mutually exclusive, as they require that you turn the Pokémon card to show its effect.