Pokémon Yellow - Surfing Pikachu
Pikachu’s Beach is what the little mini-game is called that can only be accessed by a Pikachu with Surf in the house directly south of the Fuchsia City PokCenter. The Pikachu you start with can’t learn Surf so you may ask, "How do I get a Surfing Pikachu?"
There are three ways you can do it: by entering Nintendo Power’s contest for Surfing Pikachu, by using a game-enhancing device like Gameshark, or by playing Pokémon Stadium.
Getting a Surfing Pikachu with Gameshark
So, you want to know how to get a Surfing Pikachu with Gameshark? Well, before you begin messing around with your game, Gameshark codes always have the possibility to erase your game, so be careful. First for this to work you will have to sacrifice your Pikachu for the sake of playing Pikachu’s Beach. The only thing that will happen is that Surf will overwrite one of your previous learned moves. Move your Pikachu to the first position and enter this code:
If you don’t want to sacrifice Pikachu then put a Pokémon you don’t really care about changing to a Pikachu in the first slot. Then enter the following codes to get a Surfing Pikachu:
Now your Pikachu will have Surf and you’ll be able to Surf on Pikachu’s Beach!
Pokémon Stadium
You have to have finish the R-2 Prime Cup Master Ball Division using a Pikachu as one of your chosen three in your team, I suggest you get a Mewtwo (to make it easier to win) and get other strong Pokémon in your team. Then use your Mewtwo to obliterate the other Pokémon, After beating all of the Master Ball division and after it shows the Pokémon you used. A screen with Pikachu in front of a sunset background will appear and it will inform you that "You won using PIKACHU" and if your Pikachu has a spare space it will learn Surf. If not you may choose which move to overwrite. In Pokémon Stadium when your Pikachu uses Surf a surfboard will sprout from under its feet and he will SURF!
These are the requirements for receiving a surfing Pikachu:
- You must be competing in the Round 2 Prime Cup Master Ball Division.
- You can’t use a rental Pikachu.
- You can’t register your team, it must come directly from the Transfer Pak.
- Pikachu must be selected as one of the three Pokémon used during each battle, you do not have to actually select him to fight, he only has to be one of the three.
- You can lose battles.
- You can use continues.
- You can’t reset the game or save the game; you must go through the whole thing in one sitting.
Pikachu’s Beach
So what is Pikachu’s Beach like? Well all you do is push left or right when going over the waves to do flips in the air. If you don’t wipe out when you hit the water you’ll get 50 points for one flip and 150 points for more than one.
If you look in the lower right of the screenshots you’ll see a HP counter, it acts like a timer and is constantly going down. Whenever you score points, the points are added to the counter, so the more flips landed the more experience your Pikachu will earn when it reaches the shore.
Once you think you’ve earned the highest score you can get, the Game Boy Printer will allow you to print out your score.