Pokédex - Move Data - Haze
Red/Blue Version
Type | Power | Accuracy | PP |
ICE | 0 | 255 | 30 |
Resets each stat stage of each Pokémon in battle to zero. The opposing Pokémon stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused. Ends effect of Focus Energy, Light Screen, Mist, Reflect, and Leech Seed for all Pokémon in battle.
Detailed Information
If the last move used by the user on the previous turn is not set, Haze resets the last move chosen for use to the invalid 0xFF, which causes erroneous behavior if Hyper Beam was used immediately before it became frozen: the Pokémon can’t make a move until it faints, even after being defrosted by the opposing Pokémon’s Haze.
Gold/Silver Version
Type | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (/256) | Flags |
ICE | 0 | 255 | 30 | 0 |
Resets the stat stages for all stats (including Evasion and Accuracy) on both Pokémon in battle to zero.
Ruby/Sapphire Version
Type | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
ICE | 0 | 0 | 30 | 0 | User | b |
Resets all stat stages on all Pokémon in battle to zero. (This effect is not considered to reduce stat stages.)
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack.
Diamond/Pearl Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
ICE | Status | 0 | 0 | 30 | 0 | Both sides |
Resets all stat stages on all Pokémon in battle to zero.
Black/White Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
ICE | Status | 0 | 101 | 30 | 0 | Both sides |
Resets all stat stages on each Pokémon in battle that isn’t rotated out to zero.
Pokémon that can learn Haze
The following Pokémon can learn Haze:
Egg Move (as Swablu)- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 56
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 44 (as Ekans)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 48
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 36 (as Ekans)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 51
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 41 (as Ekans)
- Move Maniac
- Move Maniac
- Level 9 (as Yamask)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 56
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 56 (as Golbat)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 46 (as Zubat)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 45
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 45 (as Golbat)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 37 (as Zubat)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 51
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 51 (as Golbat)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 41 (as Zubat)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 44
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 36
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 41
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 56
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 46 (as Zubat)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 45
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 37 (as Zubat)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 51
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 41 (as Zubat)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 33
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 28
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 22
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 11
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Poliwag)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemonkafemori (I) (with Hidden Ability) (as Poliwhirl)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokémon Global Link Promotion (Japan) (With Hidden Ability) (as Poliwhirl)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Poliwag)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemonkafemori (I) (with Hidden Ability)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokémon Global Link Promotion (Japan) (With Hidden Ability)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Poliwag)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemonkafemori (I) (with Hidden Ability) (as Poliwhirl)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokémon Global Link Promotion (Japan) (With Hidden Ability) (as Poliwhirl)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 61
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 51 (as Wooper)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 48
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 43 (as Wooper)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 42
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 57
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl; Black/White Versions and Later: Move Maniac
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 33 (as Koffing)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Move Maniac
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 28 (as Koffing)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 51
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 43
- Pokémon Distribution: SPR2012 (ID: 3102)
- Pokémon Distribution: サトシ (ID: 7161)
- Pokémon Distribution: PRI2012 (ID: 3102)
- Pokémon Distribution: FRÜ2012 (ID: 3102)
- Pokémon Distribution: 지우 (ID: 12221)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 46
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 37
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 41
Pokémon that can learn Haze in the Game Boy games
The following Pokémon can learn Haze:
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 51
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 43 (as Ekans)
- Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 43 (as Golbat)
- Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 36 (as Zubat)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 55
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 55 (as Golbat)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 46 (as Zubat)
- Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 43
- Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 36 (as Zubat)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 55
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 46 (as Zubat)
- Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 45
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 33
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 59
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 51 (as Wooper)
- Red/Blue: Level 44
- Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 42
- Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 49
- Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 45 (as Koffing)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 33
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 33 (as Koffing)
- Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 36
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 46