Pokédex - Move Data - Flash
Red/Blue Version
Type | Power | Accuracy | PP |
NORMAL | 0 | 178 | 20 |
Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
Gold/Silver Version
Type | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (/256) | Flags |
NORMAL | 0 | 178 | 20 | 0 | g |
Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
Flag g: This attack has an accuracy check. BrightPowder and the like can reduce its accuracy.
Ruby/Sapphire Version
Type | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
NORMAL | 0 | 70 | 20 | 0 | Single exc. user | bce |
Lowers the target’s accuracy by 1 stage.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag c: The target can use Magic Coat to redirect this attack's effect. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Diamond/Pearl Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
NORMAL | Status | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | Single exc. user | bce |
Lowers the target’s accuracy by 1 stage.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag c: The target can use Magic Coat to redirect this attack's effect. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Black/White Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
NORMAL | Status | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | Single exc. user | bce |
Lowers the target’s accuracy by 1 stage.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag c: The target can use Magic Coat to redirect this attack's effect. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Pokémon that can learn Flash
The following Pokémon can learn Flash:
- TM70
- TM70 (as Snover)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Kadabra)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Abra)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Kadabra)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Abra)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Foongus)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Flaaffy)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Mareep)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Flaaffy)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Mareep)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Arceus)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Spinarak)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Spinarak)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Shuppet)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Shuppet)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Chikorita)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Chikorita)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Elgyem)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Gloom)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Oddish)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Gloom)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Oddish)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Chansey)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Chansey)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Happiny)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Shroomish)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Shroomish)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Bronzor)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Cacnea)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Cacnea)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Happiny)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Cherubi)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Cherubi)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Cherubi)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Chingling)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Baltoy)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Baltoy)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Clefairy)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Cleffa)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Clefairy)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Cleffa)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Cleffa)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Cleffa)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Yamask)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Lileep)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Skitty)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Skitty)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Skorupi)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Drifloon)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Solosis)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Duskull)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Duskull)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Dusclops)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Duskull)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Dusclops)
- TM70 (as Duskull)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Eelektrik)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Elekid)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Elekid)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Electabuzz)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Elekid)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Electabuzz)
- TM70 (as Elekid)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Voltorb)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Voltorb)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Exeggcute)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Exeggcute)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Ferroseed)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Mareep)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Mareep)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Kirlia)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Ralts)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Kirlia)
- TM70 (as Ralts)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Joltik)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Kirlia)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Ralts)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Kirlia)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Ralts)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Genesect)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Genesect)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Genesect)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Genesect)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Genesect)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Snorunt)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Snorunt)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Oddish)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Oddish)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Psyduck)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Psyduck)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Golett)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Gothita)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Turtwig)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Treecko)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Treecko)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Spoink)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Spoink)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Drowzee)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Drowzee)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Bulbasaur)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Bulbasaur)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Frillish)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Igglybuff)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Igglybuff)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Skiploom)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Hoppip)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Skiploom)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Hoppip)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Smoochum)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Smoochum)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Abra)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Abra)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Ralts)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Ralts)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Litwick)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Chinchou)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Chinchou)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Ledyba)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Ledyba)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Petilil)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Lotad)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Lotad)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Lombre)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Lotad)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Lombre)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Lotad)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Finneon)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Shinx)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Magnemite)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Magnemite)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Magneton)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Magnemite)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Magneton)
- TM70 (as Magnemite)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Electrike)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Electrike)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Surskit)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Surskit)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Meditite)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Meditite)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Bayleef)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Chikorita)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Bayleef)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Chikorita)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Cresselia)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Cresselia)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Metang)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Metang)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Misdreavus)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Misdreavus)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Mime Jr.)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Munna)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Nincada)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Nincada)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Hoothoot)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Seedot)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Seedot)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Paras)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Paras)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Meowth)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Meowth)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Pichu)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Pichu)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Porygon2)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Porygon)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Porygon2)
- TM70 (as Porygon)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Porygon)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Porygon)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Glameow)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Wooper)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Wooper)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Pikachu)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Pichu)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Pikachu)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Pichu)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Budew)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Rotom)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Rotom)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Rotom)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Rotom)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Rotom)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Rotom)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Deerling)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Grovyle)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Treecko)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Grovyle)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Treecko)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Snivy)
- TM70
- Diamond/Pearl; Platinum; Black/White Versions and Later: TM70 (as Shaymin Sky Forme)
- TM70 (as Shaymin)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Shaymin)
- Diamond/Pearl; Platinum: TM70
- TM70 (as Shaymin)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Nincada)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Nincada)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Nuzleaf)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Seedot)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Nuzleaf)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Seedot)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Pansage)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Hoppip)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Hoppip)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Slowpoke)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Slowpoke)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Slowpoke)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Slowpoke)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Staryu)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Staryu)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Sunkern)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Sunkern)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Sewaddle)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Woobat)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Togetic)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Togepi)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Togetic)
- TM70 (as Togepi)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Togepi)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Togepi)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Venonat)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Venonat)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Ivysaur)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Bulbasaur)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Ivysaur)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Bulbasaur)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Weepinbell)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Bellsprout)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Weepinbell)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Bellsprout)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Gloom)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Oddish)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Gloom)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Oddish)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 1
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Spooky Manor (I) (with Hidden Ability)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Bellsprout)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Bellsprout)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Koffing)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Koffing)
- TM70
- TM70 (as Cottonee)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Jigglypuff)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Igglybuff)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Jigglypuff)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Igglybuff)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Natu)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Natu)
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
- TM70
- TM70 (as Blitzle)
Pokémon that can learn Flash in the Game Boy games
The following Pokémon can learn Flash:
Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Kadabra)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Abra)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Flaaffy)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Mareep)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Spinarak)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Chikorita)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Gloom)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Oddish)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Chansey)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Clefairy)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Cleffa)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Cleffa)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Elekid)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Voltorb)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Exeggcute)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Mareep)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Oddish)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Psyduck)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Drowzee)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Bulbasaur)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Igglybuff)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Skiploom)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Hoppip)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Abra)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Chinchou)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Ledyba)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Magnemite)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Bayleef)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Chikorita)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Hoothoot)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Paras)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Pichu)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Porygon)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Wooper)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Pikachu)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Pichu)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Hoppip)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Slowpoke)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Slowpoke)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Staryu)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Sunkern)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Togepi)
- Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Yellow: HM05 (as Venonat)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Ivysaur)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Bulbasaur)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Weepinbell)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Bellsprout)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Gloom)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Oddish)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Bellsprout)
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Jigglypuff)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Igglybuff)
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
- Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Natu)