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Pokédex - Move Data - Conversion 2

Home > Pokédex - Move Data - Conversion 2

Gold/Silver Version

TypePowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (/256)Flags

Changes user’s types to a random type that the type of the last move used by the opposing Pokémon is "not very effective" or ineffective against. Fails if there is no such move or if that move is Curse. (Considers Hidden Power as Normal.) User’s new type reverts to its original type when user leaves the battle. This attack can choose the same type as one of the user’s types.

Flag g: This attack has an accuracy check. BrightPowder and the like can reduce its accuracy.

Ruby/Sapphire Version

TypePowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (%)RangeFlags

User’s types change to a random type the type of the last attack that successfully targeted user is "not very effective" or ineffective against. Fails if there is no such attack. User reverts to its original types when user leaves the battle. Considers determined types of Hidden Power and Weather Ball. Can choose one of the user’s types. More information.

Detailed Information

Conversion 2 takes into account the last move that targeted the user after the user’s last turn. This move is represented by a variable (separate for each Pokémon) that is reset at the end of that Pokémon’s attack segment and when that Pokémon leaves the battle,.

This variable is set if the attack was successful against a Pokémon, meaning it didn’t miss, fail, or be ineffective against it. If the variable is set to a move, the game also stores the type of that attack. (The determined types of Hidden Power and Weather Ball are used.) If the attack was used, but wasn’t successful against a Pokémon, the variable is set to 0xFFFF, an invalid identifier for a move, for that Pokémon.

Special targeting cases:

  • A two-turn attack targets a Pokémon on both attack segments of use.
  • Spikes and Snatch target the opposing Pokémon closest to the Trainer’s left.
  • Future Sight and Doom Desire target a Pokémon only when the attack is used.
  • Bide target a Po, Counter, and Mirror Coatkmon when an attack is returned.
  • Magic Coat doesn’t have a target.
  • Curse targets a Pokémon only in its "ghost" variant. (Its type stored will be "???".)
  • The variable will be set to any moves that a move uses, when appropriate.
  • Confusion damage is ignored.

To avoid misunderstandings, abilities of Pokémon are ignored when determining whether a type is "not very effective" or ineffective against another type. Furthermore, the effects of Foresight and Odor Sleuth are ignored in this determination.

If the attack was redirected with Follow Me, LightningRod, or Magic Coat, Conversion 2 takes the changed target into account. If the attack was taken with Snatch, Conversion 2 takes the original target into account.

Diamond/Pearl Version

TypeCategoryPowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (%)RangeFlags

User’s types change to a random type that the type of the last attack that targeted user is "not very effective" or ineffective against. Fails if there is no such attack or type or if the user has Multitype. Doesn’t choose either of the user’s types.

Detailed Information

This move depends on the type of the last attack to target the user since the user’s last attack segment, which is determined below:

Whenever a Pokémon uses an attack, the game sets the type of that attack for each of its targets at the end of that Pokémon’s attack segment, depending on what the move can target:

  • User, user’s side, both sides - The type is set to "no type" for the attack’s user.
  • User’s partner, single Pokémon on user’s side, single opposing Pokémon - The type is set to "no type" for each target.
  • Opposing Pokémon’s side - The type is set to the attack’s type for an opposing Pokémon chosen at random.
  • No target - The type is set to the attack’s type for the attack’s user.
  • Single Pokémon except user, opposing Pokémon selected at random, all opposing Pokémon, all Pokémon except user - The type is set to the attack’s type for each target.

The type is set accordingly on both attack segments of a two-turn attack, on the first attack segment only of Hyper Beam and equivalent moves, and on any attack segment of Bide’s use except when it fails on the last attack segment of its use. In other cases for such moves, the variable is reset for the attack’s user.

Counter, Metal Burst, and Mirror Coat treat the target as the Pokémon that the damage is dealt to.

If a move uses another move, the game uses the target and target type of the attack being used, rather than those of the move that uses that move.

The type is reset for a Pokémon when a move by that Pokémon is prevented from being used, or when a move that targets that Pokémon misses, fails, becomes ineffective, or can’t be used because it has zero PP. (Moves that can’t be used because they have no target don’t change anything, of course.) The type for each Pokémon remains unchanged when the Bag command is used to use an item or the Run command is used and running is unsuccessful.

If the attack (or part of an attack) is taken with Snatch or Magic Coat, the types for both the original and new target remain unchanged. Likewise, if a Pokémon uses Pursuit as another Pokémon is about to switch, the type for the attack’s target remains unchanged. For an attack returned by Future Sight or Doom Desire, the type for attack’s recipient also remains unchanged. If the attack’s target changes with Follow Me, Lightningrod, or Storm Drain, the new target rather than the original target is taken into account by Conversion 2.

The type for a Pokémon is reset to "no move" when it leaves the battle. If it was replaced with another Pokémon with Baton Pass, Healing Wish, Lunar Dance, or U-turn, it will be set to the respective attack’s type at the end of the new Pokémon’s attack segment.

Conversion 2 ignores confusion damage.

For the purpose of Conversion 2, even Curse has a type, namely, "???", which has no resistances or immunities.

Black/White Version

TypeCategoryPowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (%)RangeFlags
NORMALStatus0101300Single exc. userp

User’s types change to a random type that the type of the last attack [the target used against the user] is "not very effective" or ineffective against. {Fails if there is no such attack or type. Uses determined type of the attack. Doesn’t choose either of the user’s types..}

Flag p: This attack doesn't fail against the target if the target has a substitute.

Pokémon that can learn Conversion 2

The following Pokémon can learn Conversion 2:


Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1



  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1 (as Porygon)


Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Sketch

Pokémon that can learn Conversion 2 in the Game Boy games

The following Pokémon can learn Conversion 2:


Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1


  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1 (as Porygon)


Gold/Silver; Crystal: Sketch

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