Pokédex - Move Data - Tickle
Home > Pokédex - Move Data - Tickle
Ruby/Sapphire Version
Type | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
NORMAL | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | Single exc. user | bcef |
Lowers the target’s Attack and Defense by 1 stage.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag c: The target can use Magic Coat to redirect this attack's effect. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move. Flag f: If the user holds a King's Rock or the like, the target has a chance to flinch if this attack succeeds.
Diamond/Pearl Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
NORMAL | Status | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | Single exc. user | bce |
Lowers the target’s Attack and Defense by 1 stage.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag c: The target can use Magic Coat to redirect this attack's effect. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Black/White Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
NORMAL | Status | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | Single exc. user | bce |
Lowers the target’s Attack and Defense (in that
order) by 1 stage.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag c: The target can use Magic Coat to redirect this attack's effect. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Pokémon that can learn Tickle
The following Pokémon can learn Tickle:
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 25
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 15
Egg MoveAmbipom
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 25 (as Aipom)
- Level 15
- Level 15 (as Aipom)
Egg Move (as Azurill)Azurill
Egg MoveBellossom
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Oddish)Bellsprout
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg MoveCherrim
Egg Move (as Cherubi)Cherrim Overcast Form
Egg Move (as Cherubi)Cherrim Sunshine Form
Egg Move (as Cherubi)Cherubi
Egg MoveCinccino
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Cleffa)Clefairy
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Cleffa)Cleffa
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg MoveCottonee
Egg MoveCradily
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Lileep)Delcatty
- Egg Move (as Skitty)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest (II) (with Hidden Ability) (as Skitty)
Egg MoveEmolga
Egg MoveEspeon
Egg Move (as Eevee)Feebas
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg MoveFinneon
Egg MoveFlareon
Egg Move (as Eevee)Glaceon
Egg Move (as Eevee)Gloom
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Oddish)Gothita
Level 7Gothitelle
- Move Maniac
- Move Maniac
- Level 7 (as Gothita)
Egg Move (as Turtwig)Heatmor
Egg MoveIgglybuff
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePark Egg
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg (as Igglybuff)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePark Egg (as Igglybuff)
Egg Move (as Eevee)Kingler
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Krabby)Krabby
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg MoveLapras
Egg MoveLeafeon
Egg Move (as Eevee)Lileep
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg MoveLinoone
Egg Move (as Zigzagoon)Lombre
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Lotad)Lotad
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg MoveLudicolo
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Lotad)Lumineon
Egg Move (as Finneon)Machamp
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Machop)Machoke
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Machop)Machop
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg MoveMarill
Egg Move (as Azurill)Mawile
Egg MoveMilotic
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Feebas)Mime Jr.
Level 1Minccino
Level 9Mr. Mime
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 1 (as Mime Jr.)Oddish
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg MoveOmanyte
Level 43Omastar
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 46
- Level 43 (as Omanyte)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 48
Egg MovePansage
Egg MovePansear
Egg MovePichu
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg MovePichu Normal
Pichu Spiky-Eared
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)Raichu
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)Simipour
Egg Move (as Panpour)Simisage
Egg Move (as Pansage)Simisear
Egg Move (as Pansear)Skitty
- Egg Move
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest (II) (with Hidden Ability)
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Slakoth)Slakoth
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg MoveSmeargle
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 46
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 47
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 46 (as Tangela)
- Level 47
- Level 47 (as Tangela)
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg MoveTentacruel
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Tentacool)Torterra
Egg Move (as Turtwig)Turtwig
Egg MoveUmbreon
Egg Move (as Eevee)Vaporeon
Egg Move (as Eevee)Victreebel
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Bellsprout)Vigoroth
Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Slakoth)Vileplume
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Oddish)Wailmer
Egg MoveWailord
Egg Move (as Wailmer)Weepinbell
Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Bellsprout)Whimsicott
Egg Move (as Cottonee)Whiscash
Move ManiacWigglytuff
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg (as Igglybuff)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePark Egg (as Igglybuff)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg (as Wynaut)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePark Egg (as Wynaut)
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg
- Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePark Egg
Egg MoveOther pages