Pokédex - Move Data - Fling
Diamond/Pearl Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
DARK | Physical | 1 | 100 | 10 | 0 | Single exc. user | be |
As part of this attack’s use, user throws the item it’s holding at the target and that item is consumed after damage calculation. This attack’s power depends on the item thrown this way. If this attack is successful, the thrown item takes effect on the target. Fails if the attack has no target or the user can’t throw items (item is not consumed in these cases). (User can throw items this way even if it has Klutz, but not if it’s under the effect of Embargo. If the attack is avoided with Protect or Detect, item is still consumed and the item’s identity is still revealed.)
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Detailed Information
Fling fails if the user isn’t holding any item listed below (items other than the ones below won’t be thrown).
- Power 10
BrightPowder, White Herb, Soothe Bell, Mental Herb, Choice Band, SilverPowder, Focus Band, Leftovers, Soft Sand, Silk Scarf, Sea Incense, Lax Incense, Metal Powder, Red Scarf, Blue Scarf, Pink Scarf, Green Scarf, Yellow Scarf, Wide Lens, Muscle Band, Wise Glasses, Expert Belt, Power Herb, Quick Powder, Focus Sash, Zoom Lens, Lagging Tail, Destiny Knot, Smooth Rock, Choice Scarf, Shed Shell, Big Root, Choice Specs, Odd Incense, Rock Incense, Full Incense, Wave Incense, Rose Incense, Luck Incense, Pure Incense, Reaper Cloth, any Berry
- Power 30
Potion, Antidote, Burn Heal, Ice Heal, Awakening, Parlyz Heal, Full Restore, Max Potion, Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Full Heal, Revive, Max Revive, Fresh Water, Soda Pop, Lemonade, Moomoo Milk, EnergyPowder, Energy Root, Heal Powder, Revival Herb, Ether, Max Ether, Elixir, Max Elixir, Lava Cookie, Berry Juice, Sacred Ash, HP Up, Protein, Iron, Carbos, Calcium, Rare Candy, PP Up, Zinc, PP Max, Old Gateau, Guard Spec., Dire Hit, X Attack, X Defend, X Speed, X Accuracy, X Special, X Sp. Def, Pok Doll, Fluffy Tail, Blue Flute, Yellow Flute, Red Flute, Black Flute, White Flute, Shoal Salt, Shoal Shell, Red Shard, Blue Shard, Yellow Shard, Green Shard, Super Repel, Max Repel, Escape Rope, Repel, Sun Stone, Moon Stone, Fire Stone, Thunderstone, Water Stone, Leaf Stone, TinyMushroom, Big Mushroom, Pearl, Big Pearl, Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget, Heart Scale, Honey, Growth Mulch, Damp Mulch, Stable Mulch, Gooey Mulch, Exp. Share, King’s Rock, Amulet Coin, Cleanse Tag, Soul Dew, DeepSeaScale, Smoke Ball, Everstone, Lucky Egg, Scope Lens, Metal Coat, Dragon Scale, Light Ball, Miracle Seed, BlackGlasses, Black Belt, Magnet, Mystic Water, NeverMeltIce, Spell Tag, TwistedSpoon, Charcoal, Up-Grade, Shell Bell, Light Clay, Life Orb, Toxic Orb, Flame Orb, Metronome, Black Sludge, Razor Fang
- Power 40
Lucky Punch, Icy Rock
- Power 50
Sharp Beak, Dubious Disc
- Power 60
Adamant Orb, Lustrous Orb, Macho Brace, Stick, Heat Rock, Damp Rock
- Power 70
Poison Barb, Dragon Fang, Power Bracer, Power Belt, Power Lens, Power Band, Power Anklet, Power Weight
- Power 80
Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Oval Stone, Odd Keystone, Quick Claw, Sticky Barb, Protector, Electirizer, Magmarizer, Razor Claw
- Power 90
DeepSeaTooth, Thick Club, Grip Claw, any Plate
- Power 100
Root Fossil, Claw Fossil, Helix Fossil, Dome Fossil, Old Amber, Armor Fossil, Skull Fossil, Rare Bone, Hard Stone
- Power 130
Iron Ball
For some items, Fling has other effects, listed below. For the purposes of Shield Dust, the effects below are considered additional effects. The effect occurs even if the target has Klutz, but not if Embargo is in effect for the target.
- Light Ball - Paralyzes the target
- Flame Orb - Burns the target
- Poison Barb - Poisons the target
- Toxic Orb - Badly poisons the target
- King’s Rock - The target flinches if this attack strikes first
- Razor Fang - The target flinches if this attack strikes first
If the item thrown is a White Herb, a Mental Herb, or a Berry that triggers when its holder has a certain amount of HP or PP, or is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, or confused (but not Custap Berry or Berry Juice), the target uses that item even if the target has Klutz, or the item’s trigger condition doesn’t hold, but not if Embargo is in effect for the target. However, this is not considered an additional effect.
Black/White Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
DARK | Physical | 1 | 100 | 10 | 0 | Single exc. user | be |
As part of this attack’s use, user throws the item it’s holding at the target and that item is consumed after damage calculation. This attack’s power depends on the item thrown this way. If this attack is successful, the thrown item takes effect on the target. Fails if user can’t throw items (item is not consumed in this case). (User can’t throw items this way if Magic Room is in effect or if the user has Klutz or is under the effect of Embargo. If attack is avoided with Protect or Detect or the attack has no target, item is still consumed but the item’s identity isn’t revealed.)
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Detailed Information
Fling fails if the user isn’t holding any item listed below (items other than the ones below won’t be thrown):
- Power 10
BrightPowder, White Herb, Soothe Bell, Mental Herb, Choice Band, SilverPowder, Focus Band, Leftovers, Soft Sand, Silk Scarf, Sea Incense, Lax Incense, Metal Powder, Red Scarf, Blue Scarf, Pink Scarf, Green Scarf, Yellow Scarf, Wide Lens, Muscle Band, Wise Glasses, Expert Belt, Power Herb, Quick Powder, Focus Sash, Zoom Lens, Lagging Tail, Destiny Knot, Smooth Rock, Choice Scarf, Shed Shell, Big Root, Choice Specs, Odd Incense, Rock Incense, Full Incense, Wave Incense, Rose Incense, Luck Incense, Pure Incense, Reaper Cloth, Air Balloon, Red Card, Ring Target, any Berry
- Power 20
Health Wing, Muscle Wing, Resist Wing, Genius Wing, Clever Wing, Swift Wing, Pretty Wing
- Power 30
Potion, Antidote, Burn Heal, Ice Heal, Awakening, Parlyz Heal, Full Restore, Max Potion, Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Full Heal, Revive, Max Revive, Fresh Water, Soda Pop, Lemonade, Moomoo Milk, EnergyPowder, Energy Root, Heal Powder, Revival Herb, Ether, Max Ether, Elixir, Max Elixir, Lava Cookie, Berry Juice, Sacred Ash, HP Up, Protein, Iron, Carbos, Calcium, Rare Candy, PP Up, Zinc, PP Max, Old Gateau, Guard Spec., Dire Hit, X Attack, X Defend, X Speed, X Accuracy, X Special, X Sp. Def, Poke Doll, Fluffy Tail, Blue Flute, Yellow Flute, Red Flute, Black Flute, White Flute, Shoal Salt, Shoal Shell, Red Shard, Blue Shard, Yellow Shard, Green Shard, Super Repel, Max Repel, Escape Rope, Repel, Sun Stone, Moon Stone, Fire Stone, Thunderstone, Water Stone, Leaf Stone, TinyMushroom, Big Mushroom, Pearl, Big Pearl, Stardust, Star Piece, Nugget, Heart Scale, Honey, Growth Mulch, Damp Mulch, Stable Mulch, Gooey Mulch, Sweet Heart, Exp. Share, King’s Rock, Amulet Coin, Cleanse Tag, Soul Dew, DeepSeaScale, Smoke Ball, Everstone, Lucky Egg, Scope Lens, Metal Coat, Dragon Scale, Light Ball, Miracle Seed, BlackGlasses, Black Belt, Magnet, Mystic Water, NeverMeltIce, Spell Tag, TwistedSpoon, Charcoal, Up-Grade, Shell Bell, Light Clay, Life Orb, Toxic Orb, Flame Orb, Metronome, Black Sludge, Razor Fang, RageCandyBar, Prism Scale, Float Stone, Binding Band, Absorb Bulb, Cell Battery, Eject Button, Pass Orb, Poke Toy, BalmMushroom, Big Nugget, Pearl String, Comet Shard, Relic Copper, Relic Silver, Relic Gold, Relic Vase, Relic Band, Relic Statue, Relic Crown, Casteliacone
- Power 40
Lucky Punch, Icy Rock, Eviolite
- Power 50
Sharp Beak, Dubious Disc
- Power 60
Griseous Orb, Adamant Orb, Lustrous Orb, Macho Brace, Stick, Heat Rock, Damp Rock, Rocky Helmet
- Power 70
Douse Drive, Shock Drive, Burn Drive, Chill Drive, Poison Barb, Dragon Fang, Power Bracer, Power Belt, Power Lens, Power Band, Power Anklet, Power Weight
- Power 80
Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Oval Stone, Odd Keystone, Quick Claw, Sticky Barb, Protector, Electirizer, Magmarizer, Razor Claw
- Power 90
DeepSeaTooth, Thick Club, Grip Claw, any Plate
- Power 100
Root Fossil, Claw Fossil, Helix Fossil, Dome Fossil, Old Amber, Armor Fossil, Skull Fossil, Rare Bone, Hard Stone, Cover Fossil, Plume Fossil
- Power 130
Iron Ball
For some items, Fling has other effects, listed below. They are considered additional effects by Shield Dust, but not Sheer Force. The effect occurs even if Embargo is in effect for the target and even if the target has Klutz.
- Light Ball - Paralyzes the target
- Flame Orb - Burns the target
- Poison Barb - Poisons the target
- Toxic Orb - Badly poisons the target
- King’s Rock - The target flinches if this attack strikes first
- Razor Fang - The target flinches if this attack strikes first
If the item thrown is a White Herb, a Mental Herb, or a Berry that triggers when its holder has a certain amount of HP or PP, or is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, or confused (but not Custap Berry or Berry Juice), the target uses that item even if Embargo is in effect for the target, the target has Klutz, or the item’s trigger condition doesn’t hold. This is considered an additional effect by Shield Dust, but not Sheer Force.
Pokémon that can learn Fling
The following Pokémon can learn Fling:
TM56TM56TM56- Level 36
- TM56
- TM56
- TM56 (as Flaaffy)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Marill)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Cubchoo)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Gloom)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Pawniard)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Combusken)
- Before Black/White: Level 27
- TM56
- Before Black/White: Level 27 (as Chansey)
- TM56 (as Chansey)
- TM56 (as Happiny)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 34
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 34 (as Chansey)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Cacnea)
- Before Black/White: Level 27
- TM56
- TM56 (as Happiny)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 34
- TM56
- TM56 (as Charmeleon)
- TM56 (as Charmander)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Charmander)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Minccino)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Cleffa)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Corphish)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Totodile)
- Level 33
- TM56
- TM56
- TM56 (as Darumaka)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Darumaka)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Darumaka)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Deoxys)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Deoxys)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Deoxys)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Deoxys)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Seel)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Oshawott)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Skorupi)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Duskull)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Elekid)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Electabuzz)
- TM56 (as Elekid)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Pignite)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Drilbur)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Axew)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Sentret)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Haunter)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Gligar)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Psyduck)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Golett)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Gothita)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Snubbull)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Geodude)
- Level 28
- TM56
- TM56
- TM56 (as Treecko)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Timburr)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Makuhita)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Drowzee)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Igglybuff)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Smoochum)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Abra)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Krabby)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Ralts)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Krokorok)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Kyurem)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Kyurem)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Kyurem)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Landorus)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Landorus)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Ledyba)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Lickitung)
- Before Black/White: Level 59
- TM56
- Before Black/White: Level 45 (as Zigzagoon)
- TM56 (as Zigzagoon)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 65
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 49 (as Zigzagoon)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Buneary)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Whismur)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Riolu)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Lombre)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Machop)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Magby)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Meditite)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Mienfoo)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Chimchar)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Mime Jr.)
- Before Black/White: Level 36
- TM56
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 41
- Level 28
- TM56
- Level 28
- TM56
- Level 28
- TM56
- Level 43
- TM56
- TM56
- TM56 (as Pichu)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Pichu)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Pichu)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Poliwhirl)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Poliwhirl)
- Move Maniac
- TM56
- TM56 (as Mankey)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Piplup)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Cranidos)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Rhydon)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Sandshrew)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Scraggy)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Nuzleaf)
- Before Black/White: Level 49
- TM56
- TM56 (as Vigoroth)
- TM56 (as Slakoth)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 55
- TM56
- Before Black/White: Level 36 (as Munchlax)
- TM56 (as Munchlax)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 41 (as Munchlax)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Marshtomp)
- Level 57
- TM56
- TM56
- TM56 (as Thundurus)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Thundurus)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Togepi)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Tornadus)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Tornadus)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Croagunk)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Slakoth)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Gloom)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Squirtle)
- TM56
- TM56 (as Patrat)
- Before Black/White: Level 38
- TM56
- TM56 (as Sneasel)
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 42
- TM56
- TM56 (as Jigglypuff)
- TM56 (as Igglybuff)
- Before Black/White: Level 45
- TM56
- Black/White Versions and Later: Level 49
- TM56
- TM56 (as Zorua)