Pokédex - Move Data - Venoshock
Black/White Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
POISON | Special | 65 | 100 | 10 | 0 | Single exc. user | be |
Power is doubled if the target is poisoned.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Pokémon that can learn Venoshock
The following Pokémon can learn Venoshock:
- TM09
- TM09 (as Shelmet)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Foongus)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Ekans)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Spinarak)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Shroomish)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Cacnea)
- Level 36
- TM09
- TM09
- TM09 (as Pineco)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Trubbish)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Gligar)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Oddish)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Zubat)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Gastly)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Bulbasaur)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Grimer)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Nidoran♀)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Nidoran♂)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Paras)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Budew)
- Move Maniac
- TM09
- Level 28 (as Whirlipede)
- TM09 (as Whirlipede)
- Level 26 (as Venipede)
- TM09 (as Venipede)
- Level 55
- TM09
- Level 50
- TM09
- TM09
- TM09 (as Stunky)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Gulpin)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Tentacool)
- Level 26
- TM09
- TM09
- TM09 (as Venonat)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Weepinbell)
- TM09 (as Bellsprout)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Bellsprout)
- TM09
- TM09 (as Koffing)