Pokédex - Move Data - Telekinesis
Black/White Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
PSYCHIC | Status | 0 | 101 | 15 | 0 | Single exc. user | bcel |
Effect lasts for three turns, including this turn. During effect, attacks against the target, other than one-hit KO attacks, can’t be evaded. During effect, the target is immune to damaging Ground-type attacks, and the target doesn’t receive the effect of Spikes and Toxic Spikes, and the target can switch out and run despite Arena Trap, even if the target doesn’t have Levitate (overridden by Ingrain, Iron Ball, and Smack Down). Effect ends when the target leaves the battle (except Baton Pass). Fails if the target is under the effect of Ingrain or Smack Down.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag c: The target can use Magic Coat to redirect this attack's effect. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move. Flag l: While Gravity is in effect, this move can't be used or chosen for use by all Pokémon in battle.
Pokémon that can learn Telekinesis
The following Pokémon can learn Telekinesis:
TM19TM19- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Arceus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Shuppet)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Elgyem)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Bronzor)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Chingling)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Baltoy)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Cleffa)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Yamask)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Deoxys)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Deoxys)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Deoxys)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Deoxys)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Drifloon)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Solosis)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Duskull)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Exeggcute)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Giratina)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Giratina)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Psyduck)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Golett)
- Level 40
- TM19
- TM19
- TM19 (as Spoink)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Gastly)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Drowzee)
- Level 34
- TM19
- TM19 (as Abra)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Ralts)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Litwick)
- Level 70
- TM19
- TM19
- TM19 (as Meditite)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Cresselia)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Cresselia)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Metang)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Misdreavus)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Mime Jr.)
- Level 43
- TM19
- TM19
- TM19 (as Rotom)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Rotom)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Rotom)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Rotom)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Rotom)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Rotom)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Slowpoke)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Slowpoke)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Woobat)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Togepi)
- TM19
- TM19 (as Natu)