Pokédex - Move Data - Clear Smog
Home > Pokédex - Move Data - Clear Smog
Black/White Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
POISON | Special | 50 | 101 | 15 | 0 | Single exc. user | be |
If this attack is successful, resets all the
target’s stat stages to zero.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move.
Pokémon that can learn Clear Smog
The following Pokémon can learn Clear Smog:
Egg MoveCastform
Egg MoveCastform Normal
Castform Rainy Form
Castform Snowy Form
Castform Sunny Form
Egg Move (as Litwick)Drifblim
Egg Move (as Drifloon)Drifloon
Egg MoveFoongus
Level 39Garbodor
Egg MoveGastrodon
Egg Move (as Shellos)Gastrodon East sea
Egg Move (as Shellos)Gastrodon West sea
Egg Move (as Shellos)Gengar
Egg Move (as Gastly)Haunter
Egg Move (as Gastly)Horsea
Egg MoveKingdra
Egg Move (as Horsea)Koffing
Level 19Lampent
Egg Move (as Litwick)Litwick
Egg MoveSeadra
Egg Move (as Horsea)Shellos
Egg MoveShellos East sea
Shellos West sea
Egg MoveTrubbish
Level 34Victreebel
Egg Move (as Bellsprout)Weepinbell
Egg Move (as Bellsprout)Weezing
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