Pokédex - Move Data - Scald
Black/White Version
Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP | Effect Chance (%) | Range | Flags |
WATER | Special | 80 | 100 | 15 | 30 | Single exc. user | bem |
May burn the target.
Flag b: The target can use Protect or Detect to protect itself from this attack. Flag e: This attack can be used with Mirror Move. Flag m: If user is frozen and it chose this move for use, it thaws out before this attack is used.
Pokémon that can learn Scald
The following Pokémon can learn Scald:
TM55TM55TM55TM55- TM55
- TM55 (as Basculin)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Basculin)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Tirtouga)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Castform)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Castform)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Castform)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Castform)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Corphish)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Totodile)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Oshawott)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Buizel)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Shellos)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Shellos)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Shellos)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Psyduck)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Clamperl)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Clamperl)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Frillish)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Kabuto)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Keldeo)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Krabby)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Chinchou)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Lotad)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Finneon)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Mantyke)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Azurill)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Mudkip)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Surskit)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Feebas)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Remoraid)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Omanyte)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Tympole)
- Level 22
- TM55
- TM55
- TM55 (as Wingull)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Poliwag)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Piplup)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Wooper)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Horsea)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Goldeen)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Carvanha)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Shellos)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Shellos)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Slowpoke)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Slowpoke)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Staryu)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Ducklett)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Tentacool)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Wailmer)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Squirtle)
- TM55
- TM55 (as Barboach)