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Pokédex - Manaphy

Home > Pokédex - Manaphy

Basic Information

[Picture of Manaphy]

National Number:#490
Height0.3 m (1'0")
Weight 1.4 kg ( 3.1 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Manaphy]
Body Form[Form 1]
Starting Catch Rate3
Base Experience270
Gender RateUnknown gender
Growth RateSlow (max: 1,250,000 Exp. Points)
Egg GroupsWater 1, Fairy
Steps to Hatch Egg2560
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenHP: 3
Hidden (Dream World) Abilities
Items in Wild PokémonNo items.

Race Values ("Base Stats")

Special Attack100
Special Defense100

Evolutions (When Manaphy Evolves)

No evolutions.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Manaphy)

White Version

Not found in this version.

Black Version

Not found in this version.

SoulSilver Version

Not found in this version.

HeartGold Version

Not found in this version.

Platinum Version

Special method: Not normally obtainable except through Nintendo promotions (to add to Pokedex, go to Mr. Backlot's mansion in Route 212)

Pearl Version

Special method: Not normally obtainable except through Nintendo promotions

Diamond Version

Special method: Not normally obtainable except through Nintendo promotions

What moves can Manaphy learn?

Manaphy can learn the following moves:

Acid Armor
  • Level 31
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: JBHF (ID: 11077)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: E4ALL (ID: 10187)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: NWS (ID: 10017)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TRU (ID: 9297)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: パルシティ (ID: 7157)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: パルシティ (ID: 7157)
AncientPowerPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Aqua Ring
  • Level 54
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: NZ (ID: 8110)
BouncePlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
BrineBefore Black/White: TM55
  • Level 1
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: 한국닌텐도 (ID: 3298)
BubbleBeamLevel 24
CharmLevel 9
  • Level 61
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Black/White Versions and Later: HM06
EndureBefore Black/White: TM58
Heal BellHeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
Heart Swap
  • Level 76
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: JBHF (ID: 11077)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: E4ALL (ID: 10187)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: NWS (ID: 10017)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TRU (ID: 9297)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: パルシティ (ID: 7157)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: パルシティ (ID: 7157)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: NZ (ID: 8110)
Helping HandPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Icy WindPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Knock OffPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Last ResortPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Mud-SlapPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Natural GiftBefore Black/White: TM83
Rain Dance
  • Level 69
  • TM18
Secret PowerBefore Black/White: TM43
Signal BeamPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Skill SwapBefore Black/White: TM48
Sleep TalkBefore Black/White: TM82
SnorePlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
SupersonicLevel 16
SwiftPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Tail Glow
  • Level 1
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: 한국닌텐도 (ID: 3298)
UproarPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Water Pulse
  • Level 46
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: JBHF (ID: 11077)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: E4ALL (ID: 10187)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: NWS (ID: 10017)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TRU (ID: 9297)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: パルシティ (ID: 7157)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: パルシティ (ID: 7157)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: NZ (ID: 8110)
  • Before Black/White: TM03
Water Sport
  • Level 1
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: 한국닌텐도 (ID: 3298)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: NZ (ID: 8110)
  • Before Black/White: HM07
  • Black/White Versions and Later: HM05
  • Level 39
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: JBHF (ID: 11077)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: E4ALL (ID: 10187)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: NWS (ID: 10017)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TRU (ID: 9297)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: パルシティ (ID: 7157)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: パルシティ (ID: 7157)
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: HM05

Pokédex Entries


Manaphy - Seafaring Pokémon

  • Black: It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokémon.
  • White: It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokémon.
  • HeartGold: It starts its life with a wondrous power that permits it to bond with any kind of Pokémon.
  • SoulSilver: It starts its life with a wondrous power that permits it to bond with any kind of Pokémon.
  • Platinum: It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokémon.
  • Diamond: Born on a cold seafloor, it will swim great distances to return to its birthplace.
  • Pearl: Water makes up 80% of its body. This Pokémon is easily affected by its environment.


Manaphy - Pokémon Voyagenmer

  • HeartGold: Né dans les profondeurs froides de l’océan, il parcourt un long chemin pour gagner son lieu de naissance.
  • SoulSilver: Né dans les profondeurs froides de l’océan, il parcourt un long chemin pour gagner son lieu de naissance.
  • Platinum: Né dans les profondeurs froides de l’océan, il parcourt un long chemin pour gagner son lieu de naissance.
  • Diamond: Né dans les profondeurs froides de l’océan, il parcourt un long chemin pour gagner son lieu de naissance.
  • Pearl: Son corps est composé d’eau à 80%. Ce Pokémon est très sensible à son environnement.


Manaphy - Seefahrer

  • HeartGold: Geboren auf dem Meeresboden, legt es große Entfernungen zurück, um dorthin zurückzukehren.
  • SoulSilver: Geboren auf dem Meeresboden, legt es große Entfernungen zurück, um dorthin zurückzukehren.
  • Platinum: Geboren auf dem Meeresboden, legt es große Entfernungen zurück, um dorthin zurückzukehren.
  • Diamond: Geboren auf dem Meeresboden, legt es große Entfernungen zurück, um dorthin zurückzukehren.
  • Pearl: Sein Körper besteht zu 80 % aus Wasser. Dieses PKMN wird leicht von seiner Umgebung beeinflusst.


Manaphy - Pokémon Náutico

  • HeartGold: Nació en el frío fondo marino. Nada grandes distancias para regresar a su lugar de origen.
  • SoulSilver: Nació en el frío fondo marino. Nada grandes distancias para regresar a su lugar de origen.
  • Platinum: Nació en el frío fondo marino. Nada grandes distancias para regresar a su lugar de origen.
  • Diamond: Nació en el frío fondo marino. Nada grandes distancias para regresar a su lugar de origen.
  • Pearl: Su cuerpo está compuesto en un 80% por agua. Le afecta considerablemente el entorno.


Manaphy - Pokémon Oceandante

  • HeartGold: Nato su freddi fondali marini, per- corre a nuoto lunghe distanze per tornare al suo luogo di nascita.
  • SoulSilver: Nato su freddi fondali marini, per- corre a nuoto lunghe distanze per tornare al suo luogo di nascita.
  • Platinum: Nato su freddi fondali marini, per- corre a nuoto lunghe distanze per tornare al suo luogo di nascita.
  • Diamond: Nato su freddi fondali marini, per- corre a nuoto lunghe distanze per tornare al suo luogo di nascita.
  • Pearl: Il suo corpo è composto per l’80% d’acqua. È influenzato molto facil- mente dall’ambiente circostante.


マナフィ - かいゆうポケモン (MANAFI - KaiyuuPOKEMON)

  • HeartGold: つめたいうみのそこでうまれた。 じぶんがうまれたうみのそこへ ながいきょりをおよいでかえる。 (Tsumetaiuminosokodeumareta. jibungaumaretauminosokohe nagaikyoriwooyoidekaeru.)
  • SoulSilver: つめたいうみのそこでうまれた。 じぶんがうまれたうみのそこへ ながいきょりをおよいでかえる。 (Tsumetaiuminosokodeumareta. jibungaumaretauminosokohe nagaikyoriwooyoidekaeru.)
  • Platinum: つめたいうみのそこでうまれた。 じぶんがうまれたうみのそこへ ながいきょりをおよいでかえる。 (Tsumetaiuminosokodeumareta. jibungaumaretauminosokohe nagaikyoriwooyoidekaeru.)
  • Diamond: つめたい うみの そこで うまれた。 じぶんが うまれた うみの そこへ ながい きょりを およいで かえる。 (Tsumetai umino sokode umareta. jibunga umareta umino sokohe nagai kyoriwo oyoide kaeru.)
  • Pearl: からだの 80パーセントが みず。 まわりの かんきょうに えいきょう されやすい たいしつの ポケモン。 (Karadano 80PAASENTOga mizu. mawarino kankyouni eikyou sareyasui taishitsuno POKEMON.)

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