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Pokédex - Mightyena

Home > Pokédex - Mightyena

Basic Information

[Picture of Mightyena]

National Number:#262
Height1.0 m (3'3")
Weight37.0 kg (81.6 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Mightyena]
Body Form[Form 0]
Starting Catch Rate127
Base Experience147
Gender Rate50% female, 50% male
Growth RateMedium (max: 1,000,000 Exp. Points)
Egg GroupsField
Steps to Hatch Egg3840
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenAttack: 2
AbilitiesIntimidate, Quick Feet
Hidden (Dream World) AbilitiesMoxie
Items in Wild PokémonPecha Berry (5%)

Race Values ("Base Stats")

Special Attack60
Special Defense60

Evolutions (When Mightyena Evolves)

No evolutions.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Mightyena)

White Version

Not found in this version.

Black Version

Not found in this version.

SoulSilver Version

Obtained by evolving Poochyena, which can be found below:

ROUTE 1 (Mass Outbreak)220%Land

HeartGold Version

Obtained by evolving Poochyena, which can be found below:

ROUTE 1 (Mass Outbreak)220%Land

Platinum Version

Obtained by evolving Poochyena, which can be found below:

Route 214 (With Poké Radar)23-2422%Land

Pearl Version

Not found in this version.

Diamond Version

Route 214 (With Poké Radar)23-2422%Land
Route 215 (With Poké Radar)20-2222%Land

Emerald Version

ROUTE 12025-2730%Land
ROUTE 12126-2820%Land
ROUTE 12326-2820%Land

LeafGreen Version

Not found in this version.

FireRed Version

Not found in this version.

Sapphire Version

Obtained by evolving Poochyena, which can be found below:

ROUTE 1012-310%Land
ROUTE 1023-415%Land
ROUTE 1032-430%Land

Ruby Version

Obtained by evolving Poochyena, which can be found below:

ROUTE 1012-310%Land
ROUTE 1023-415%Land
ROUTE 1032-430%Land

What moves can Mightyena learn?

Mightyena can learn the following moves:

  • Move Maniac
  • Move Maniac
  • Level 13 (as Poochyena)
Body Slam
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Before Black/White: TM78
  • Before Black/White: TM78 (as Poochyena)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 47
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 41 (as Poochyena)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 53 (as Poochyena)
Dark Pulse
  • Before Black/White: TM79
  • Before Black/White: TM79 (as Poochyena)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest 1 (III) (with Hidden Ability) (as Poochyena)
Double Team
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM58
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM58 (as Poochyena)
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
Heal BellPokémon XD: Learned when purified (as Poochyena)
Hidden Power
  • Move Maniac
  • Move Maniac
  • Level 5 (as Poochyena)
  • Pokémon XD: Learned when purified (as Poochyena)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest 1 (II) (with Hidden Ability) (as Poochyena)
Iron Tail
  • Before Black/White: TM23
  • Before Black/White: TM23 (as Poochyena)
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
Natural Gift
  • Before Black/White: TM83
  • Before Black/White: TM83 (as Poochyena)
Odor Sleuth
Poison Fang
  • Egg Move (as Poochyena)
  • Pokémon XD: Learned when purified (as Poochyena)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest 1 (I) (with Hidden Ability) (as Poochyena)
Psych Up
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
  • Before Black/White: HM06
  • Before Black/White: HM06 (as Poochyena)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: TM94
  • Black/White Versions and Later: TM94 (as Poochyena)
Scary Face
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 32
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 29 (as Poochyena)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 37
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 33 (as Poochyena)
Secret Power
  • Before Black/White: TM43
  • Before Black/White: TM43 (as Poochyena)
Shadow Ball
Sleep Talk
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM82
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM82 (as Poochyena)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Poochyena)
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90 (as Poochyena)
Sucker Punch
  • Level 62
  • Level 49 (as Poochyena)
  • Egg Move (as Poochyena)
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
Sunny Day
Super Fang
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Level 27
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Level 25 (as Poochyena)
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87 (as Poochyena)
Take Down
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 37
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 33 (as Poochyena)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 52
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 45 (as Poochyena)
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 52
  • TM46
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 45 (as Poochyena)
  • TM46 (as Poochyena)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 57
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Poochyena)

Pokédex Entries


Mightyena - Bite Pokémon

  • Black: It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer.
  • White: It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer.
  • HeartGold: It chases down prey in a pack of around ten. They defeat foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork.
  • SoulSilver: It chases down prey in a pack of around ten. They defeat foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork.
  • Platinum: It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer.
  • Diamond: It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer.
  • Pearl: It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer.
  • Emerald: In the wild, MIGHTYENA live in a pack. They never defy their leader's orders. They defeat foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork.
  • FireRed: It will always obey the commands of a skilled TRAINER. Its behavior arises from its living in packs in ancient times.
  • LeafGreen: It will always obey the commands of a skilled TRAINER. Its behavior arises from its living in packs in ancient times.
  • Ruby: MIGHTYENA gives obvious signals when it is preparing to attack. It starts to growl deeply and then flattens its body. This POKéMON will bite savagely with its sharply pointed fangs.
  • Sapphire: MIGHTYENA travel and act as a pack in the wild. The memory of its life in the wild compels the POKéMON to obey only those TRAINERS that it recognizes to possess superior skill.


Grahyèna - Pokémon Morsure

  • HeartGold: Il traque ses proies en groupe. Il ne désobéira jamais aux ordres d’un bon Dresseur.
  • SoulSilver: Il traque ses proies en groupe. Il ne désobéira jamais aux ordres d’un bon Dresseur.
  • Platinum: Il traque ses proies en groupe. Il ne désobéira jamais aux ordres d’un bon Dresseur.
  • Diamond: Il traque ses proies en groupe. Il ne désobéira jamais aux ordres d’un bon Dresseur.
  • Pearl: Il traque ses proies en groupe. Il ne désobéira jamais aux ordres d’un bon Dresseur.
  • Emerald: Dans la nature, les GRAHYENA vivent en meute. Ils obéissent toujours aux ordres du dominant et battent leurs adversaires grâce à leur travail d'équipe coordonné.
  • FireRed: Il obéit toujours aux ordres de son maître si celui-ci est très doué. Son comportement vient de l'époque reculée où il vivait en meute.
  • LeafGreen: Il obéit toujours aux ordres de son maître si celui-ci est très doué. Son comportement vient de l'époque reculée où il vivait en meute.
  • Ruby: On peut facilement deviner quand GRAHYENA se prépare à attaquer. Il grogne et se met à plat ventre. Ce POKéMON mord sauvagement ses ennemis avec ses crocs acérés.
  • Sapphire: Les GRAHYENA vivent et se déplacent en meute. Ses réminiscences de la vie sauvage le poussent à n'obéir qu'aux DRESSEURS qu'il considère comme réellement talentueux.


Magnayen - Biss

  • HeartGold: Es jagt seine Beute im Rudel. Den Befehlen eines erfahrenen Trainers wird es stets folgen.
  • SoulSilver: Es jagt seine Beute im Rudel. Den Befehlen eines erfahrenen Trainers wird es stets folgen.
  • Platinum: Es jagt seine Beute im Rudel. Den Befehlen eines erfahrenen Trainers wird es stets folgen.
  • Diamond: Es jagt seine Beute im Rudel. Den Befehlen eines erfahrenen Trainers wird es stets folgen.
  • Pearl: Es jagt seine Beute im Rudel. Den Befehlen eines erfahrenen Trainers wird es stets folgen.
  • Emerald: MAGNAYEN leben in der Wildnis im Rudel. Sie gehorchen stets den Anordnungen des Rudelführers. Beim Erlegen von Feinden arbeiten sie perfekt zusammen.
  • FireRed: Es wird stets die Befehle eines begabten Trainers befolgen. Dieses Verhalten geht darauf zurück, dass es früher im Rudel lebte.
  • LeafGreen: Es wird stets die Befehle eines begabten Trainers befolgen. Dieses Verhalten geht darauf zurück, dass es früher im Rudel lebte.
  • Ruby: MAGNAYEN sendet deutliche Signale aus, wenn es sich auf einen Angriff vorbereitet. Es knurrt heftig und macht sich flach. Dieses POKéMON kann mit seinen spitzen Zähnen brutal zubeißen.
  • Sapphire: MAGNAYEN zieht in Gruppen durch die Wildnis. Durch seine Erfahrungen in der Wildnis hört es nur auf TRAINER, die außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten haben.


Mightyena - Pokémon Mordisco

  • HeartGold: Ataca a sus presas en manada. Nunca desobedece las órdenes de un Entrenador avezado.
  • SoulSilver: Ataca a sus presas en manada. Nunca desobedece las órdenes de un Entrenador avezado.
  • Platinum: Ataca a sus presas en manada. Nunca desobedece las órdenes de un entrenador avezado.
  • Diamond: Ataca a sus presas en manada. Nunca desobedece las órdenes de un entrenador avezado.
  • Pearl: Ataca a sus presas en manada. Nunca desobedece las órdenes de un entrenador avezado.
  • Emerald: MIGHTYENA vive con su jauría en estado salvaje. Siempre obedece a su ENTRENADOR. Derrota al enemigo gracias a un trabajo de equipo perfectamente coordinado.
  • FireRed: Siempre obedece a los buenos ENTRENADORES. Está acostumbrado a vivir en jaurías en estado salvaje.
  • LeafGreen: Siempre obedece a los buenos ENTRENADORES. Está acostumbrado a vivir en jaurías en estado salvaje.
  • Ruby: Es muy fácil prever cuándo va a atacar MIGHTYENA; se pone a gruñir con fuerza y se estira. Este POKéMON da unos mordiscos tremendos con los afilados colmillos que tiene.
  • Sapphire: MIGHTYENA se desplaza y vive con su jauría en estado salvaje. Por eso, acostumbrado a esta libertad, obedece al ENTRENADOR al que considere realmente dotado de habilidades superiores al resto.


Mightyena - Pokémon Morso

  • HeartGold: Caccia le prede in branco. Non disobbedisce mai agli ordini di un Allenatore abile.
  • SoulSilver: Caccia le prede in branco. Non disobbedisce mai agli ordini di un Allenatore abile.
  • Platinum: Caccia le prede in branco. Non disobbedisce mai agli ordini di un Allenatore abile.
  • Diamond: Caccia le prede in branco. Non disobbedisce mai agli ordini di un Allenatore abile.
  • Pearl: Caccia le prede in branco. Non disobbedisce mai agli ordini di un Allenatore abile.
  • Emerald: Allo stato brado, i MIGHTYENA vivono in branco e cacciano il nemico dando prova di un perfetto lavoro di gruppo. Non disubbi- discono mai agli ordini del capobranco.
  • FireRed: La sua eccezionale obbedienza verso gli ALLENATORI esperti deriva dall'antica abitudine di vivere in branchi.
  • LeafGreen: La sua eccezionale obbedienza verso gli ALLENATORI esperti deriva dall'antica abitudine di vivere in branchi.
  • Ruby: MIGHTYENA invia chiari segnali quando sta preparando un attacco. Inizia a ringhiare cupo e a lisciarsi il pelo. Morde selvaggiamente con le zanne appuntite ed affilate.
  • Sapphire: Allo stato brado MIGHTYENA si sposta e agisce soltanto assieme al suo branco. A causa della sua natura selvatica obbedisce solo a quegli ALLENATORI che considera possedere abilità superiori.


グラエナ - かみつきポケモン (GURAENA - KamitsukiPOKEMON)

  • HeartGold: むれでえものをおいつめる。 すぐれたトレーナーのめいれいには ぜったいにさからわない。 (Muredeemonowooitsumeru. suguretaTOREENAAnomeireiniha zettainisakarawanai.)
  • SoulSilver: むれでえものをおいつめる。 すぐれたトレーナーのめいれいには ぜったいにさからわない。 (Muredeemonowooitsumeru. suguretaTOREENAAnomeireiniha zettainisakarawanai.)
  • Platinum: むれでえものをおいつめる。 すぐれたトレーナーのめいれいには ぜったいにさからわない。 (Muredeemonowooitsumeru. suguretaTOREENAAnomeireiniha zettainisakarawanai.)
  • Diamond: むれで えものを おいつめる。 すぐれた トレーナーの めいれいには ぜったいに さからわない。 (Murede emonowo oitsumeru. sugureta TOREENAAno meireiniha zettaini sakarawanai.)
  • Pearl: むれで えものを おいつめる。 すぐれた トレーナーの めいれいには ぜったいに さからわない。 (Murede emonowo oitsumeru. sugureta TOREENAAno meireiniha zettaini sakarawanai.)
  • Emerald: やせいの グラエナは むれで こうどうする。 リーダーの めいれいには ぜったいに さからわず いっしみだれぬ チームワークで てきを たおす。 (Yaseino GURAENAha murede koudousuru. RIIDAAno meireiniha zettaini sakarawazu isshimidarenu CHIIMUWAAKUde tekiwo taosu.)
  • FireRed: すぐれた トレーナーの めいれいには ぜったい ふくじゅう。おおむかしに むれで こうどうしていた なごり。 (Sugureta TOREENAAno meireiniha zettai fukujuu.Oomukashini murede koudoushiteita nagori.)
  • LeafGreen: すぐれた トレーナーの めいれいには ぜったい ふくじゅう。おおむかしに むれで こうどうしていた なごり。 (Sugureta TOREENAAno meireiniha zettai fukujuu.Oomukashini murede koudoushiteita nagori.)
  • Ruby: どうもうな うなりごえを あげながら しせいを ひくく している ときは こうげきの まえぶれ。 するどく とがった キバで がぶりと かみつく。 (Doumouna unarigoewo agenagara shiseiwo hikuku shiteiru tokiha kougekino maebure. Surudoku togatta KIBAde gaburito kamitsuku.)
  • Sapphire: グループで こうどうしていた やせいの ちが のこっているので すぐれた トレーナー だけを リーダーと みとめて めいれいに したがう。 (GURUUPUde koudoushiteita yaseino chiga nokotteirunode sugureta TOREENAA dakewo RIIDAAto mitomete meireini shitagau.)

External Pages