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Pokédex - Pachirisu

Home > Pokédex - Pachirisu

Basic Information

[Picture of Pachirisu]

National Number:#417
Height0.4 m (1'4")
Weight 3.9 kg ( 8.6 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Pachirisu]
Body Form[Form 0]
Starting Catch Rate200
Base Experience142
Gender Rate50% female, 50% male
Growth RateMedium (max: 1,000,000 Exp. Points)
Egg GroupsField, Fairy
Steps to Hatch Egg2560
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenSpeed: 1
AbilitiesRun Away, Pickup
Hidden (Dream World) AbilitiesVolt Absorb
Items in Wild PokémonNo items.

Race Values ("Base Stats")

Special Attack45
Special Defense90

Evolutions (When Pachirisu Evolves)

No evolutions.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Pachirisu)

White Version

Not found in this version.

Black Version

Not found in this version.

SoulSilver Version

Rally (Group C)5-Pokéwalker
Resort (Group A)33-Pokéwalker

HeartGold Version

Rally (Group C)5-Pokéwalker
Resort (Group A)33-Pokéwalker

Platinum Version

Valley Windworks9-1110%Land
Route 2059-1110%Land

Pearl Version

Valley Windworks (No Mass Outbreak)720%Land
Valley Windworks85%Land
Fuego Ironworks2910%Land
Route 205910%Land
Route 2051110%Land

Diamond Version

Valley Windworks (No Mass Outbreak)720%Land
Valley Windworks85%Land
Fuego Ironworks2910%Land
Route 205910%Land
Route 2051110%Land

What moves can Pachirisu learn?

Pachirisu can learn the following moves:

BideLevel 1
CaptivateBefore Black/White: TM78
ChargeBlack/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
CharmLevel 9
  • Egg Move
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest (II) (with Hidden Ability)
  • Before Black/White: Level 29
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 41
Electro BallLevel 25
  • Level 17
  • Before Black/White: TM58
Follow MeBlack/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
GrowlLevel 1
Gunk ShotPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
HeadbuttHeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
Helping HandPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Hyper FangBlack/White Versions and Later: Level 49
Iron Tail
  • Before Black/White: TM23
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
Last Resort
  • Before Black/White: Level 37
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 45
Magnet RisePlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Mud-SlapPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Natural GiftBefore Black/White: TM83
Quick Attack
  • Level 5
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest (I) (with Hidden Ability)
  • Egg Move
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Secret PowerBefore Black/White: TM43
Seed BombPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Shock Wave
  • Before Black/White: TM34
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest (III) (with Hidden Ability)
Sleep TalkBefore Black/White: TM82
SnorePlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
SparkLevel 13
Super Fang
  • Before Black/White: Level 33
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 37
Sweet Kiss
  • Before Black/White: Level 25
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 29
  • Level 21
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Tail WhipBlack/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
Thunder Wave
  • TM73
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 33
ThunderPunchPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
UproarPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor

Pokédex Entries


Pachirisu - EleSquirrel Pokémon

  • Black: A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity.
  • White: A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity.
  • HeartGold: It’s one of the kinds of Pokémon with electric cheek pouches. It shoots charges from its tail.
  • SoulSilver: It’s one of the kinds of Pokémon with electric cheek pouches. It shoots charges from its tail.
  • Platinum: A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity.
  • Diamond: It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity. It stores them with berries in tree holes.
  • Pearl: It makes electricity with pouches in its cheeks and shoots charges from its tail. It lives atop trees.


Pachirisu - Pokémon Ecurélec

  • HeartGold: Il roule des boules de poils pleines d’électricité statique et les range dans des souches avec des Baies.
  • SoulSilver: Il roule des boules de poils pleines d’électricité statique et les range dans des souches avec des Baies.
  • Platinum: Il roule des boules de poils pleines d’électricité statique et les range dans des souches avec des Baies.
  • Diamond: Il roule des boules de poils pleines d’électricité statique et les range dans des souches avec des Baies.
  • Pearl: Les poches de ses joues produisent de l’électricité et sa queue envoie des éclairs. Il vit dans les arbres.


Pachirisu - Elektrohörnchen

  • HeartGold: Es bildet ein Fellknäuel, der vor statischer Energie knistert. Es speichert die Energie in Bäumen.
  • SoulSilver: Es bildet ein Fellknäuel, der vor statischer Energie knistert. Es speichert die Energie in Bäumen.
  • Platinum: Es bildet ein Fellknäuel, der vor statischer Energie knistert. Es speichert die Energie in Bäumen.
  • Diamond: Es bildet ein Fellknäuel, der vor statischer Energie knistert. Es speichert die Energie in Bäumen.
  • Pearl: In seinen Backentaschen produziert es Elektrizität u. entlädt sie über den Schweif. Es lebt in Baumwipfeln.


Pachirisu - Pokémon Ardillalec

  • HeartGold: Crea bolas de pelo que crepitan con electricidad estática. Las almacena en agujeros de árboles.
  • SoulSilver: Crea bolas de pelo que crepitan con electricidad estática. Las almacena en agujeros de árboles.
  • Platinum: Crea bolas de pelo que crepitan con electricidad estática. Las almacena en agujeros de árboles.
  • Diamond: Crea bolas de pelo que crepitan con electricidad estática. Las almacena en agujeros de árboles.
  • Pearl: Genera electricidad con las bolsas de sus mejillas y suelta descargas con su cola. Vive en los árboles.


Pachirisu - Pokémon Elescoiatto

  • HeartGold: Forma delle palle di pelo cariche elettrostaticamente e le conserva negli alberi insieme alle bacche.
  • SoulSilver: Forma delle palle di pelo cariche elettrostaticamente e le conserva negli alberi insieme alle bacche.
  • Platinum: Forma delle palle di pelo cariche elettrostaticamente e le conserva negli alberi insieme alle bacche.
  • Diamond: Forma delle palle di pelo cariche elettrostaticamente e le conserva negli alberi insieme alle bacche.
  • Pearl: Nelle sacche sulle guance si forma elettricità, che rilascia poi dalla coda. Vive in cima agli alberi.


パチリス - でんきりすポケモン (PACHIRISU - DenkirisuPOKEMON)

  • HeartGold: せいでんきがたまってパチパチする けだまをだいこうぶつのきのみと いっしょにみきのあなにかくす。 (SeidenkigatamattePACHIPACHIsuru kedamawodaikoubutsunokinomito isshonimikinoananikakusu.)
  • SoulSilver: せいでんきがたまってパチパチする けだまをだいこうぶつのきのみと いっしょにみきのあなにかくす。 (SeidenkigatamattePACHIPACHIsuru kedamawodaikoubutsunokinomito isshonimikinoananikakusu.)
  • Platinum: せいでんきがたまってパチパチする けだまをだいこうぶつのきのみと いっしょにみきのあなにかくす。 (SeidenkigatamattePACHIPACHIsuru kedamawodaikoubutsunokinomito isshonimikinoananikakusu.)
  • Diamond: せいでんきが たまって パチパチする けだまを だいこうぶつの きのみと いっしょに みきの あなに かくす。 (Seidenkiga tamatte PACHIPACHIsuru kedamawo daikoubutsuno kinomito isshoni mikino anani kakusu.)
  • Pearl: ほっぺの でんきぶくろで つくった でんきを しっぽから うちだす。 きの うえで せいかつしている。 (Hoppeno denkibukurode tsukutta denkiwo shippokara uchidasu. kino uede seikatsushiteiru.)

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