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Pokédex - Pikachu

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Basic Information

[Picture of Pikachu]

National Number:#025
New Pokédex#022
Height0.4 m (1'4")
Weight 6.0 kg (13.2 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Pikachu]
Body Form[Form 0]
Starting Catch Rate190
Base Experience105
Gender Rate50% female, 50% male
Growth RateMedium (max: 1,000,000 Exp. Points)
Egg GroupsField, Fairy
Steps to Hatch Egg2560
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenSpeed: 2
Hidden (Dream World) AbilitiesLightningrod
Items in Wild PokémonOran Berry (50%); Light Ball (1%)

Race Values ("Base Stats")

Special Attack50
Special Defense40

Evolutions (When Pikachu Evolves)

No evolutions.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Pikachu)

White Version

Not found in this version.

Black Version

Not found in this version.

SoulSilver Version

VIRIDIAN FOREST (Morning, Day)71%Land
Rally (Group B)10-Pokéwalker
Resort (Group A)30-Pokéwalker
Sightseeing (Group C)8-Pokéwalker
Yellow Forest (Group A)14-15-Pokéwalker
Yellow Forest (Group B)12-13-Pokéwalker
Yellow Forest (Group C)10-Pokéwalker

HeartGold Version

VIRIDIAN FOREST (Morning, Day)71%Land
Rally (Group B)10-Pokéwalker
Resort (Group A)30-Pokéwalker
Sightseeing (Group C)8-Pokéwalker
Yellow Forest (Group A)14-15-Pokéwalker
Yellow Forest (Group B)12-13-Pokéwalker
Yellow Forest (Group C)10-Pokéwalker

Platinum Version

Trophy Garden22-2410%Land

Pearl Version

Trophy Garden1810%Land

Diamond Version

Trophy Garden1810%Land

Emerald Version

SAFARI ZONE25-275%Land
SAFARI ZONE25-275%Land

LeafGreen Version

POWER PLANT22-2625%Land

FireRed Version

POWER PLANT22-2625%Land

Sapphire Version

SAFARI ZONE25-275%Land
SAFARI ZONE25-275%Land

Ruby Version

SAFARI ZONE25-275%Land
SAFARI ZONE25-275%Land

Crystal Version

ROUTE 2 (Morning, Day)45%Land

Special method: Celadon Game Corner prize (2222 coins, Level 25)

Silver Version

ROUTE 245%Land

Gold Version

ROUTE 245%Land

Yellow Version

Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)

Blue Version

POWER PLANT20-2425%Land

Red Version

POWER PLANT20-2425%Land

What moves can Pikachu learn?

Pikachu can learn the following moves:

  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 33
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 34
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 37
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM45
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM45 (as Pichu)
BideRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
Body Slam
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Brick Break
  • TM31
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: さくら (ID: 3012)
  • Before Black/White: TM78
  • Before Black/White: TM78 (as Pichu)
  • Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: SPR2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: GAMESTP (ID: 1300) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PRI2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: FRü2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: しょこたん (ID: 6199) (as Pichu)
Charge Beam
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: スタンプ (ID: 30821) (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1 (as Pichu)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Defense Curl
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
DigRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM28
  • Before Black/White: Level 37
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 42
Double Team
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 15
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM32
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM32 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 18
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 21
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
DoubleSlapRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
DynamicPunchEmerald: Move Tutor
Echoed Voice
Electro Ball
  • Level 18
  • Pokémon Distribution: ちゅるの (ID: 7301)
  • Pokémon Distribution: ELT (ID: 7301)
  • Pokémon Distribution: アミーゴ (ID: 7301)
  • Pokémon Distribution: チサ (ID: 7301)
  • Pokémon Distribution: SKE48 (ID: 7301)
  • Pokémon Distribution: AAA (ID: 7301)
  • Pokémon Distribution: いえるかな (ID: 7301)
  • Pokémon Distribution: わっしょい (ID: 7301)
  • Pokémon Distribution: ANA (ID: 7181)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ちゅるの (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ELT (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: アミーゴ (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: チサ (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: SKE48 (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: AAA (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: いえるかな (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: わっしょい (ID: 7301)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: SPR2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: GAMESTP (ID: 1300) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PRI2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: FRü2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: しょこたん (ID: 6199) (as Pichu)
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM58
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: SPR2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: GAMESTP (ID: 1300) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PRI2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: FRü2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: しょこたん (ID: 6199) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM58 (as Pichu)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
ExtremeSpeedBlack/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: さくら (ID: 3012)
Fake OutDiamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Before Black/White: Level 29
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 34
FlailHeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70 (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: ANA (ID: 41205)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: Pokewalker (Yellow Forest 2)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ANA (ID: 7181)
Focus PunchBefore Black/White: TM01
Follow Me
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg (as Pichu)
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePark Egg (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM21
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM21 (as Pichu)
Grass Knot
  • TM86
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TOKYO (ID: 55957) (as Pichu)
  • TM86 (as Pichu)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Fes (ID: 5112)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: おまつり (ID: 5112)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: トウホク (ID: 3232)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: さくら (ID: 3012)
GrowlRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Helping Hand
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Hidden Power
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM10
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM10 (as Pichu)
Iron Tail
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM23
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM23 (as Pichu)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ANA (ID: 7181)
Knock OffPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Last Resort
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: キョウト (ID: 10039)
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: キョウト (ID: 10039)
Light Screen
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 50
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM16
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM16 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 42
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TCGWC (ID: 8107)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 45
Lucky ChantBlack/White Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
Magnet Rise
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Mega Kick
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Mega Punch
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Nasty PlotLevel 18 (as Pichu)
Natural Gift
  • Before Black/White: TM83
  • Before Black/White: TM83 (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: キョウト (ID: 10039)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: キョウト (ID: 10039)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM17
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM17 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 12269)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 12268)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 10108)
Quick Attack
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 11
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 13
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TCGWC (ID: 8107)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: キョウト (ID: 10039)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: キョウト (ID: 10039)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Fes (ID: 5112)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: おまつり (ID: 5112)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: トウホク (ID: 3232)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ANA (ID: 7181)
Rain Dance
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM18
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM18 (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM44
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM44 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: おねむり (ID: 2079)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM27
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM27 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TOKYO (ID: 55957) (as Pichu)
ReversalRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
Rock Smash
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: HM06
  • Black/White Versions and Later: TM94
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Secret Power
  • Before Black/White: TM43
  • Before Black/White: TM43 (as Pichu)
Seismic Toss
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Shock Wave
  • Before Black/White: TM34
  • Before Black/White: TM34 (as Pichu)
Signal Beam
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ちゅるの (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ELT (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: アミーゴ (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: チサ (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: SKE48 (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: AAA (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: いえるかな (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: わっしょい (ID: 7301)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 20
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 21
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 26
Sleep Talk
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: おねむり (ID: 2079)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM82
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM82 (as Pichu)
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: おねむり (ID: 2079)
StrengthRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: HM04
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TCGWC (ID: 8107)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PKTOPIA (ID: 6257)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PKTOPIA (ID: 12077)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 12269)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 12268)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 10108)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ポケトピア (ID: 12146)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: Pokewalker (Yellow Forest 1)
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87 (as Pichu)
Sweet Kiss
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 11 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 13 (as Pichu)
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Tail Whip
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: ANA (ID: 41205)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 6
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 6 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 5
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PKTOPIA (ID: 6257)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PKTOPIA (ID: 12077)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ポケトピア (ID: 12146)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 5 (as Pichu)
Teeter Dance
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: スタンプ (ID: 30821) (as Pichu)
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: Japan Pokemon Center 2003 Egg (as Pichu)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ちゅるの (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: ELT (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: アミーゴ (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: チサ (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: SKE48 (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: AAA (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: いえるかな (ID: 7301)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: わっしょい (ID: 7301)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 41
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM25
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM25 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 45
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 12269)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 12268)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ヨコハマ (ID: 10108)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 50
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Fes (ID: 5112)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: おまつり (ID: 5112)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: トウホク (ID: 3232)
Thunder Wave
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: ANA (ID: 41205)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 8
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 8 (as Pichu)
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 10
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PKTOPIA (ID: 6257)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PKTOPIA (ID: 12077)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ポケトピア (ID: 12146)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM73
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 10 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM73 (as Pichu)
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: ANA (ID: 41205)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: スタンプ (ID: 30821) (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1 (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Level 26
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM24
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM24 (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TCGWC (ID: 8107)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: キョウト (ID: 10039)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: キョウト (ID: 10039)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TOKYO (ID: 55957) (as Pichu)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Level 29
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: さくら (ID: 3012)
TickleDiamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM06
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM06 (as Pichu)
UproarPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
Volt Switch
Volt Tackle
  • Emerald; Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White; Black/White: Egg Move if parent is Pikachu or Raichu with Light Ball (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PKTOPIA (ID: 6257)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PKTOPIA (ID: 12077)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: ポケトピア (ID: 12146)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: SPR2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: GAMESTP (ID: 1300) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: PRI2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: FRü2010 (ID: 3050) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: しょこたん (ID: 6199) (as Pichu)
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: TOKYO (ID: 55957) (as Pichu)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Fes (ID: 5112)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: おまつり (ID: 5112)
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: トウホク (ID: 3232)
Wild Charge
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: Japan Pokemon Center 2003 Egg (as Pichu)
  • Egg Move (as Pichu)
YawnDiamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: おねむり (ID: 2079)

What moves can Pikachu learn in the Game Boy games?

Pikachu can learn the following moves:

AgilityRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 33
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM45
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM45 (as Pichu)
Body SlamRed/Blue; Yellow: TM08
CharmGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1 (as Pichu)
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM03
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM03 (as Pichu)
Defense Curl
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM40
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM40 (as Pichu)
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM43
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM43 (as Pichu)
Dizzy PunchGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Crystal Odd Egg (as Pichu)
Double Team
  • Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM32
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 15
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM32 (as Pichu)
Double-EdgeRed/Blue; Yellow: TM10
DynamicPunchGold/Silver; Crystal: TM01
EncoreCrystal: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM20
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM20 (as Pichu)
  • Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05 (as Pichu)
FlyGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM21
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM21 (as Pichu)
GrowlRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM02
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM02 (as Pichu)
Hidden Power
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM10
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM10 (as Pichu)
Iron Tail
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM23
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM23 (as Pichu)
Light ScreenYellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 50
Mega KickRed/Blue; Yellow: TM05
Mega PunchRed/Blue; Yellow: TM01
MimicRed/Blue; Yellow: TM31
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM31
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM31 (as Pichu)
Pay DayRed/Blue; Yellow: TM16
Petal DanceGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY (as Pichu)
PresentCrystal: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM17
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM17 (as Pichu)
Quick Attack
  • Red/Blue: Level 16
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 11
RageRed/Blue; Yellow: TM20
Rain Dance
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM18
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM18 (as Pichu)
ReflectRed/Blue; Yellow: TM33
  • Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM44
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM44 (as Pichu)
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM27
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM27 (as Pichu)
ReversalCrystal: Egg Move (as Pichu)
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM04
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM04 (as Pichu)
Scary FaceGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY (as Pichu)
Seismic TossRed/Blue; Yellow: TM19
SingGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY (as Pichu)
Skull BashRed/Blue; Yellow: TM40
SlamYellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 20
Sleep Talk
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM35
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM35 (as Pichu)
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM13
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM13 (as Pichu)
StrengthGold/Silver; Crystal: HM04
SubmissionRed/Blue; Yellow: TM17
SubstituteRed/Blue; Yellow: TM50
SurfRed/Blue; Yellow: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Stadium
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM34
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM34 (as Pichu)
Sweet KissGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 11 (as Pichu)
  • Red/Blue: Level 26
  • Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM39
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM39 (as Pichu)
Tail Whip
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 6
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 6 (as Pichu)
Take DownRed/Blue; Yellow: TM09
  • Red/Blue: Level 43
  • Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM25
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 41
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM25 (as Pichu)
Thunder Wave
  • Red/Blue: Level 9
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: TM45
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 8
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 8 (as Pichu)
ThunderPunchGold/Silver; Crystal: TM41
  • Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1 (as Pichu)
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: TM24
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 26
  • Crystal: Move Tutor
  • Crystal: Move Tutor (as Pichu)
  • Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM06
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM06 (as Pichu)
Zap Cannon
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM07
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM07 (as Pichu)

Pokédex Entries


Pikachu - Mouse Pokémon

  • Black: It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
  • White: It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
  • HeartGold: This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
  • SoulSilver: It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.
  • Platinum: It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow PIKACHU that is in a weakened state.
  • Diamond: It lives in forests with others. It stores electricity in the pouches on its cheeks.
  • Pearl: If it looses crackling power from the electric pouches on its cheeks, it is being wary.
  • Emerald: It stores electricity in the electric sacs on its cheeks. When it releases pent-up energy in a burst, the electric power is equal to a lightning bolt.
  • FireRed: It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks. If threatened, it looses electric charges from the sacs.
  • LeafGreen: When several of these POKéMON gather, their electricity can build and cause lightning storms.
  • Ruby: Whenever PIKACHU comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a blackened berry, it's evidence that this POKéMON mistook the intensity of its charge.
  • Sapphire: This POKéMON has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while PIKACHU sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up.
  • Crystal: When it is anger- ed, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
  • Gold: This intelligent POKéMON roasts hard BERRIES with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
  • Silver: It raises its tail to check its sur- roundings. The tail is sometimes struck by light- ning in this pose.
  • Yellow: It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you.
  • Red/Blue: When several of these POKéMON gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.


Pikachu - Pokémon Souris

  • HeartGold: Il vit en forêt avec ses pairs. Il accumule l’électricité dans les poches de ses joues.
  • SoulSilver: Il vit en forêt avec ses pairs. Il accumule l’électricité dans les poches de ses joues.
  • Platinum: Il vit en forêt avec ses pairs. Il accumule l’électricité dans les poches de ses joues.
  • Diamond: Il vit en forêt avec ses pairs. Il accumule l’électricité dans les poches de ses joues.
  • Pearl: Si les poches électriques de ses joues crépitent, c’est qu’il est sur ses gardes.
  • Emerald: Il stocke de l'électricité dans les poches de ses joues. Quand il relâche d'un coup toute l'énergie accumulée, la puissance électrique équivaut à celle d'un éclair.
  • FireRed: PIKACHU a de petites poches pleines d'électricité sur ses joues. S'il se sent menacé, il laisse s'échapper des décharges électriques.
  • LeafGreen: Quand plusieurs de ces POKéMON se réunissent, ils provoquent de gigantesques orages.
  • Ruby: Chaque fois que PIKACHU découvre quelque chose de nouveau, il envoie un arc électrique. Lorsqu'on tombe sur une BAIE carbonisée, ça signifie sans doute qu'un de ces POKéMON a envoyé une charge trop forte.
  • Sapphire: Ce POKéMON dispose de petites poches dans les joues pour stocker de l'électricité. Elles semblent se charger pendant que PIKACHU dort. Il libère parfois un peu d'électricité lorsqu'il n'est pas encore bien réveillé.
  • Crystal: Enervé, il envoie instantanément l'énergie emmaga- sinée dans ses joues.
  • Gold: Ce POKéMON rusé électrifie les fruits pas assez mûrs pour les rendre tendres et bons à manger.
  • Silver: Il élève sa queue pour surveiller les environs. Elle attire souvent la foudre dans cette position.
  • Yellow: Sa queue est dressée quand il est aux aguets. Si vous tirez dessus, il vous mordra.
  • Red/Blue: Quand plusieurs de ces POKéMON se réunissent, ils provoquent de gigantesques orages.


Pikachu - Maus

  • HeartGold: Es lebt zusammen mit anderen in Wäldern. In seinen Backen- taschen speichert es Elektrizität.
  • SoulSilver: Es lebt zusammen mit anderen in Wäldern. In seinen Backen- taschen speichert es Elektrizität.
  • Platinum: Es lebt zusammen mit anderen in Wäldern. In seinen Backen- taschen speichert es Elektrizität.
  • Diamond: Es lebt zusammen mit anderen in Wäldern. In seinen Backen- taschen speichert es Elektrizität.
  • Pearl: Ist es angespannt, setzt es knisternd Elektrizität aus seinen Backentaschen frei.
  • Emerald: Es speichert Elektrizität in seinen Backentaschen. Entlädt es die aufgestaute Energie auf einmal, kommt dies einem Blitz gleich.
  • FireRed: Es hat kleine Backentaschen, die mit Elektrizität gefüllt sind. Bei Gefahr entlädt es sie.
  • LeafGreen: Wenn sich mehrere dieser POKéMON versammeln, kann ihre Energie Blitzgewitter erzeugen.
  • Ruby: Immer wenn PIKACHU auf etwas Neues stößt, jagt es einen Elektroschock hindurch. Wenn du eine verkohlte Beere findest, hat dieses POKéMON seine elektrische Ladung falsch eingeschätzt.
  • Sapphire: Dieses POKéMON kann in seinen Backentaschen Elektrizität speichern. Diese laden sich nachts auf, während PIKACHU schläft. Es entlädt manchmal seine elektrische Ladung, wenn es gera- de aufgewacht und noch schläfrig ist.
  • Crystal: Ist es wütend, entlädt sich die Elektrizität, die es in seinen Backentaschen aufgespart hat.
  • Gold: Dieses clevere POKéMON grillt harte BEEREN mit Elektrizität, um sie anschließend zu essen.
  • Silver: Es streckt seinen Schwanz nach oben, um seine Umgebung zu prüfen. Häufig fährt ein Blitz in den Schwanz.
  • Yellow: Der Schweif dieses POKéMON dient als Frühwarnsystem. Zieht man PIKACHU am Schweif, so beißt es um sich.
  • Red/Blue: Wenn sich mehrere dieser POKéMON versammeln, kann ihre Energie Blitzgewitter erzeugen.


Pikachu - Pokémon Ratón

  • HeartGold: Vive en grupo en los bosques. Almacena electricidad en las bolsas de sus mejillas.
  • SoulSilver: Vive en grupo en los bosques. Almacena electricidad en las bolsas de sus mejillas.
  • Platinum: Vive en grupo en los bosques. Almacena electricidad en las bolsas de sus mejillas.
  • Diamond: Vive en grupo en los bosques. Almacena electricidad en las bolsas de sus mejillas.
  • Pearl: Cuando se siente amenazado, las bolsas de sus mejillas emiten chisporroteos de electricidad.
  • Emerald: Tiene unas bolsas en las mejillas en las que almacena electricidad. Cuando la libera de golpe, la potencia de la descarga es igual a la de un rayo.
  • FireRed: Las bolsas de las mejillas están llenas de electricidad, que libera cuando se siente amenazado.
  • LeafGreen: Cuando varios de estos POKéMON se juntan, su energía puede causar fuertes tormentas.
  • Ruby: Cada vez que PIKACHU se encuentra con algo nuevo, le lanza una sacudida eléctrica. Si ves alguna BAYA chamuscada, seguro que ha sido PIKACHU; a veces no controla la intensidad de la descarga.
  • Sapphire: Este POKéMON tiene unas bolsas en las mejillas donde almacena electricidad. Parece ser que se recargan por la noche, mientras PIKACHU duerme. A veces, cuando se acaba de despertar y está aún medio dormido, descarga un poco.
  • Crystal: Cuando se enfada, este POKéMON des- carga la energía que almacena en el interior de los mofletes.
  • Gold: Este inteligente POKéMON tuesta las duras BAYAS con electricidad para hacerlas más comestibles.
  • Silver: Levanta su cola para vigilar los alrededores. A veces, puede ser alcanzado por un rayo en esa pose.
  • Yellow: Mantiene su cola en alto para vigilar. Si das un tirón a su cola, querrá morderte
  • Red/Blue: Cuando varios de estos POKéMON se juntan, su energía puede causar fuertes tormentas.


Pikachu - Pokémon Topo

  • HeartGold: Vive nelle foreste insieme agli altri. Immagazzina elettricità nelle sacche sulle guance.
  • SoulSilver: Vive nelle foreste insieme agli altri. Immagazzina elettricità nelle sacche sulle guance.
  • Platinum: Vive nelle foreste insieme agli altri. Immagazzina elettricità nelle sacche sulle guance.
  • Diamond: Vive nelle foreste insieme agli altri. Immagazzina elettricità nelle sacche sulle guance.
  • Pearl: Se l’elettricità contenuta nelle sacche sulle sue guance scoppiet- ta, significa che è diffidente.
  • Emerald: Se PIKACHU rilascia tutta in un colpo l'elettricità che ha immagazzinato nelle sacche sulle guance, si sprigionano delle vere e proprie saette.
  • FireRed: Se spaventato, perde scariche elettriche dalle due sacche che ha sulle guance.
  • LeafGreen: Quando vari POKéMON di questa specie si radunano, la loro energia può causare forti tempeste.
  • Ruby: Quando PIKACHU incontra qualcosa che non conosce, lo colpisce con una scarica elettrica. Quando si vede una bacca annerita, è evidente che questo POKéMON ha emesso una scossa troppo forte.
  • Sapphire: PIKACHU immagazzina l'elettricità nelle guance. Pare che queste si ricarichino durante la notte quando dorme. Talvolta emette delle scariche elettriche al risveglio mentre è ancora assonnato.
  • Crystal: Quando s'arrabbia, libera subito l'energia accumulata nelle tasche delle guance.
  • Gold: Questo POKéMON cuoce le BACCHE dure con elettri- cità, per renderle tenere prima di mangiarle.
  • Silver: Solleva la coda per analizzare l' ambiente. La coda talvolta è colpita da un lampo in questa posizione.
  • Yellow: Con la coda ritta sonda i dintorni. Se gliela si tira si innervosisce, si gira e cerca di mordere.
  • Red/Blue: Quando vari POKéMON di questo tipo si radunano, la loro energia può causare forti tempeste.


ピカチュウ - ねずみポケモン (PIKACHUU - NezumiPOKEMON)

  • HeartGold: もりのなかでなかまとくらす。 ほっぺたのりょうがわにある でんきぶくろにでんきをためる。 (Morinonakadenakamatokurasu. hoppetanoryougawaniaru denkibukuronidenkiwotameru.)
  • SoulSilver: もりのなかでなかまとくらす。 ほっぺたのりょうがわにある でんきぶくろにでんきをためる。 (Morinonakadenakamatokurasu. hoppetanoryougawaniaru denkibukuronidenkiwotameru.)
  • Platinum: もりのなかでなかまとくらす。 ほっぺたのりょうがわにある でんきぶくろにでんきをためる。 (Morinonakadenakamatokurasu. hoppetanoryougawaniaru denkibukuronidenkiwotameru.)
  • Diamond: もりの なかで なかまと くらす。 ほっぺたの りょうがわにある でんきぶくろに でんきを ためる。 (Morino nakade nakamato kurasu. hoppetano ryougawaniaru denkibukuroni denkiwo tameru.)
  • Pearl: ほっぺたの でんきぶくろから でんきを ピリピリ だしているときは あいてを けいかいしている あいず。 (Hoppetano denkibukurokara denkiwo PIRIPIRI dashiteirutokiha aitewo keikaishiteiru aizu.)
  • Emerald: ほっぺたの でんきぶくろに でんきを ためる。 おもいっきり ほうでんすると かみなりに ひってきする でんきを はなつ ことが できる。 (Hoppetano denkibukuroni denkiwo tameru. Omoikkiri houdensuruto kaminarini hittekisuru denkiwo hanatsu kotoga dekiru.)
  • FireRed: ほっぺたの りょうがわに ちいさい でんきぶくろを もつ。 ピンチのときに ほうでんする。 (Hoppetano ryougawani chiisai denkibukurowo motsu. PINCHInotokini houdensuru.)
  • LeafGreen: なんびきかが あつまっていると そこに もうれつな でんきが たまり いなずまが おちることがあるという。 (Nanbikikaga atsumatteiruto sokoni mouretsuna denkiga tamari inazumaga ochirukotogaarutoiu.)
  • Ruby: はじめて みる ものには でんげきを あてる。 くろこげの きのみが おちていたら それは でんげきの つよさを まちがえた しょうこだよ。 (Hajimete miru mononiha dengekiwo ateru. Kurokogeno kinomiga ochiteitara soreha dengekino tsuyosawo machigaeta shoukodayo.)
  • Sapphire: ほっぺの でんきぶくろの でんきは まよなか ねている あいだに ためられている らしいよ。 ねぼけて ほうでんしてしまう ことが ある。 (Hoppeno denkibukurono denkiha mayonaka neteiru aidani tamerareteiru rashiiyo. Nebokete houdenshiteshimau kotoga aru.)
  • Crystal: むねをひろげ いかく するとき くちから もれる くうきの おとは ぶきみで あいておびえさせる。 (Munewohiroge ikaku surutoki kuchikara moreru kuukino otoha bukimide aiteobiesaseru.)
  • Gold: おなかの おそろしい かおのような もようみせつけ すくんだ えものしめつけ どくをあたえる。 (Onakano osoroshii kaonoyouna moyoumisetsuke sukunda emonoshimetsuke dokuwoataeru.)
  • Silver: とても しゅうねんぶかい せいかく。 いちど ターゲットに きめた えものは どこまでも おいつづける。 (Totemo shuunenbukai seikaku. Ichido TAAGETTOni kimeta emonoha dokomademo oitsudukeru.)
  • Yellow: おそろしげな おなかの もようは けんきゅうのけっか 6しゅるいほど パターンがかくにんされている。 (Osoroshigena onakano moyouha kenkyuunokekka 6shuruihodo PATAANgakakuninsareteiru.)
  • Red/Green: ほっべたの リょうがわに ちいさい でんきぶくろを もつ。 ピンチのときに ほうでんする。 (Hobbetano Ryougawani chiisai denkibukurowo motsu. PINCHInotokini houdensuru.)
  • Blue: なんびきかが あつまっていると そこに もうれつな でんきが たまリ いなづまが おちることがあるという。ねずみ (Nanbikikaga atsumatteiruto sokoni mouretsuna denkiga tamaRI inadumaga ochirukotogaarutoiu.Nezumi)

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