Pokédex - Piplup
Basic Information
National Number: | #393 |
Sinnoh | #007 |
Height | 0.4 m (1'4") |
Weight | 5.2 kg (11.5 lb) |
Footprint | |
Body Form | |
Type | WATER |
Color | Blue |
Starting Catch Rate | 45 |
Base Experience | 63 |
Gender Rate | 12.5% female, 87.5% male |
Friendship | 70 |
Growth Rate | Parabolic (max: 1,059,860 Exp. Points) |
Egg Groups | Water 1, Field |
Steps to Hatch Egg | 5120 |
Base Stat Points (EVs) Given | Special Attack: 1 |
Abilities | Torrent |
Hidden (Dream World) Abilities | Defiant |
Items in Wild Pokémon | No items. |
Race Values ("Base Stats")
HP | 53 |
Attack | 51 |
Defense | 53 |
Speed | 40 |
Special Attack | 61 |
Special Defense | 56 |
Evolutions (When Piplup Evolves)
No evolutions.
Locations (Where to Find or Catch Piplup)
White Version
Not found in this version.
Black Version
Not found in this version.
SoulSilver Version
Not found in this version.
HeartGold Version
Not found in this version.
Platinum Version
Special method: Receive from Prof. Rowan
Pearl Version
Special method: Starter Pokemon obtained at Lake Verity
Diamond Version
Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)
What moves can Piplup learn?
Piplup can learn the following moves:
Aerial AceTM40
- Diamond/Pearl: Level 18
- Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 22
- Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
Brick BreakTM31
- Level 29
- Before Black/White: TM55
- Level 8
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokémon Global Link Promotion (Japan) (With Hidden Ability)
- Diamond/Pearl: Level 22
- Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 18
CaptivateBefore Black/White: TM78
DefogDiamond/Pearl; Platinum: HM05
- Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
- Black/White Versions and Later: HM06
Double TeamTM32
Drill PeckLevel 39
Echoed VoiceTM49
EndureBefore Black/White: TM58
- HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: サーチャー (ID: 4282)
Fury AttackLevel 25
Grass KnotTM86
- Level 4
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokémon Global Link Promotion (Japan) (With Hidden Ability)
HeadbuttHeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
Hidden PowerTM10
Hydro CannonBlack/White Versions and Later: Move Tutor: Driftveil City Move Tutor
Hydro Pump
- Level 43
- Egg Move
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: サーチャー (ID: 4282)
Ice BeamTM13
Icy Wind
- Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
- Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
MistLevel 36
Natural GiftBefore Black/White: TM83
- Level 15
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: サーチャー (ID: 4282)
- Level 1
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pokémon Global Link Promotion (Japan) (With Hidden Ability)
Rain DanceTM18
Rock TombTM39
Secret PowerBefore Black/White: TM43
Signal BeamPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
SingBlack/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Global Link Promotion? (With Hidden Ability?)
Sleep TalkBefore Black/White: TM82
Stealth RockBefore Black/White: TM76
Water PulseBefore Black/White: TM03
Water Sport
- Level 11
- Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: サーチャー (ID: 4282)
- Before Black/White: HM07
- Black/White Versions and Later: HM05
- Level 32
- HeartGold/SoulSilver: HM05
Pokédex Entries
Piplup - Penguin Pokémon
- Black: A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care.
- White: A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care.
- HeartGold: It doesn’t like to be taken care of. It’s difficult to bond with since it won’t listen to its Trainer.
- SoulSilver: It doesn’t like to be taken care of. It’s difficult to bond with since it won’t listen to its Trainer.
- Platinum: A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care.
- Diamond: Because it is very proud, it hates accepting food from people. Its thick down guards it from cold.
- Pearl: It lives along shores in northern countries. A skilled swimmer, it dives for over 10 minutes to hunt.
Tiplouf - Pokémon Pingouin
- HeartGold: Il est fier et déteste accepter la nourriture qu’on lui offre. Son pelage épais le protège du froid.
- SoulSilver: Il est fier et déteste accepter la nourriture qu’on lui offre. Son pelage épais le protège du froid.
- Platinum: Il est fier et déteste accepter la nourriture qu’on lui offre. Son pelage épais le protège du froid.
- Diamond: Il est fier et déteste accepter la nourriture qu’on lui offre. Son pelage épais le protège du froid.
- Pearl: Il vit sur les côtes des régions nordiques. C’est un nageur doué, qui peut plonger durant 10 minutes.
Plinfa - Pinguin
- HeartGold: Es ist sehr stolz und nimmt daher kein Futter von anderen an. Seine dicken Daunen schützen vor Kälte.
- SoulSilver: Es ist sehr stolz und nimmt daher kein Futter von anderen an. Seine dicken Daunen schützen vor Kälte.
- Platinum: Es ist sehr stolz und nimmt daher kein Futter von anderen an. Seine dicken Daunen schützen vor Kälte.
- Diamond: Es ist sehr stolz und nimmt daher kein Futter von anderen an. Seine dicken Daunen schützen vor Kälte.
- Pearl: Es lebt an den Küsten der nörd- lichen Länder. Es kann über 10 Minuten unter Wasser bleiben.
Piplup - Pokémon Pingüino
- HeartGold: Es muy orgulloso, por lo que odia aceptar comida de la gente. Su grueso plumón le protege del frío.
- SoulSilver: Es muy orgulloso, por lo que odia aceptar comida de la gente. Su grueso plumón le protege del frío.
- Platinum: Es muy orgulloso, por lo que odia aceptar comida de la gente. Su grueso plumón le protege del frío.
- Diamond: Es muy orgulloso, por lo que odia aceptar comida de la gente. Su grueso plumón le protege del frío.
- Pearl: Vive en las costas de los países nórdicos. Es un gran nadador y puede bucear más de 10 minutos.
Piplup - Pokémon Pinguino
- HeartGold: È molto orgoglioso e odia accettare cibo dalla gente. Le fitte piume lo proteggono dal freddo.
- SoulSilver: È molto orgoglioso e odia accettare cibo dalla gente. Le fitte piume lo proteggono dal freddo.
- Platinum: È molto orgoglioso e odia accettare cibo dalla gente. Le fitte piume lo proteggono dal freddo.
- Diamond: È molto orgoglioso e odia accettare cibo dalla gente. Le fitte piume lo proteggono dal freddo.
- Pearl: Vive lungo le coste nei paesi del nord. Abile nuotatore, per cacciare si immerge per oltre 10 minuti.
ポッチャマ - ペンギンポケモン (POCCHAMA - PENGINPOKEMON)
- HeartGold: プライドがたかくひとから たべものをもらうことをきらう。 ながいうぶげがさむさをふせぐ。 (PURAIDOgatakakuhitokara tabemonowomoraukotowokirau. nagaiubugegasamusawofusegu.)
- SoulSilver: プライドがたかくひとから たべものをもらうことをきらう。 ながいうぶげがさむさをふせぐ。 (PURAIDOgatakakuhitokara tabemonowomoraukotowokirau. nagaiubugegasamusawofusegu.)
- Platinum: プライドがたかくひとから たべものをもらうことをきらう。 ながいうぶげがさむさをふせぐ。 (PURAIDOgatakakuhitokara tabemonowomoraukotowokirau. nagaiubugegasamusawofusegu.)
- Diamond: プライドが たかく ひとから たべものを もらう ことを きらう。 ながい うぶげが さむさを ふせぐ。 (PURAIDOga takaku hitokara tabemonowo morau kotowo kirau. nagai ubugega samusawo fusegu.)
- Pearl: きたぐにの かいがんせんで くらす。 およぎが とくい。10ぷん いじょう うみに もぐって エサを とる。 (Kitagunino kaigansende kurasu. oyogiga tokui.10Pun ijou umini mogutte ESAwo toru.)