Pokédex - Shiftry
Basic Information
National Number: | #275 |
Hoenn | #024 |
Height | 1.3 m (4'3") |
Weight | 59.6 kg (131.4 lb) |
Footprint | |
Body Form | |
Type | GRASS / DARK |
Habitat | Forest |
Color | Brown |
Starting Catch Rate | 45 |
Base Experience | 216 |
Gender Rate | 50% female, 50% male |
Friendship | 70 |
Growth Rate | Parabolic (max: 1,059,860 Exp. Points) |
Egg Groups | Field, Grass |
Steps to Hatch Egg | 3840 |
Base Stat Points (EVs) Given | Attack: 3 |
Abilities | Chlorophyll, Early Bird |
Hidden (Dream World) Abilities | Pickpocket |
Items in Wild Pokémon | No items. |
Race Values ("Base Stats")
HP | 90 |
Attack | 100 |
Defense | 60 |
Speed | 80 |
Special Attack | 90 |
Special Defense | 60 |
Evolutions (When Shiftry Evolves)
No evolutions.
Locations (Where to Find or Catch Shiftry)
White Version
Not found in this version.
Black Version
Not found in this version.
SoulSilver Version
Obtained by evolving Nuzleaf, which can be found below:
Special method: Safari Zone (Special Items)
HeartGold Version
Obtained by evolving Nuzleaf, which can be found below:
Special method: Safari Zone (Special Items)
Platinum Version
Obtained by evolving Nuzleaf, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method Route 210 (Dual Slot Ruby) 19 4% Land Route 229 (Dual Slot Ruby) 48 4% Land
Pearl Version
Obtained by evolving Nuzleaf, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method Route 210 (Dual Slot Ruby) 20 4% Land Route 229 (Dual Slot Ruby) 20 4% Land
Diamond Version
Obtained by evolving Nuzleaf, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method Route 210 (Dual Slot Ruby) 20 4% Land Route 229 (Dual Slot Ruby) 20 4% Land
Emerald Version
Obtained by evolving Nuzleaf, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method ROUTE 114 15 1% Land
LeafGreen Version
Not found in this version.
FireRed Version
Not found in this version.
Sapphire Version
Not found in this version.
Ruby Version
Obtained by evolving Nuzleaf, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method ROUTE 114 16-18 10% Land
What moves can Shiftry learn?
Shiftry can learn the following moves:
- TM31
- TM31 (as Nuzleaf)
- Before Black/White: TM79
- Before Black/White: TM79 (as Nuzleaf)
- Level 43 (as Seedot)
- FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
- FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
- FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Seedot)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM64
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM64 (as Nuzleaf)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM64 (as Seedot)
- Level 31 (as Nuzleaf)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 1
- Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
- Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
- TM15
- TM15 (as Nuzleaf)
- FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
- FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
- Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
- Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 1
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Move Maniac (as Nuzleaf)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM80
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM80 (as Nuzleaf)
- Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
- Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
- Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Seedot)
- FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
- FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
- FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor (as Seedot)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90 (as Nuzleaf)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90 (as Seedot)
- Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
- Level 43 (as Nuzleaf)
- Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
- Pokémon XD: Move Tutor (as Seedot)
- Emerald: Move Tutor
- Emerald: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
- Emerald: Move Tutor (as Seedot)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87 (as Nuzleaf)
- Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87 (as Seedot)
- Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
- Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor (as Nuzleaf)
Pokédex Entries
Shiftry - Wicked Pokémon
- Black: By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses.
- White: By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses.
- HeartGold: It lives quietly in the deep forest. It is said to create chilly winter winds with the fans it holds.
- SoulSilver: It lives quietly in the deep forest. It is said to create chilly winter winds with the fans it holds.
- Platinum: By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses.
- Diamond: By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses.
- Pearl: By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses.
- Emerald: It is said to arrive on chilly, wintry winds. Feared from long ago as the guardian of forests, this POKéMON lives in a deep forest where people do not venture.
- FireRed: A POKéMON that was feared as a forest guardian. It can read the foe's mind and take preemptive action.
- LeafGreen: A POKéMON that was feared as a forest guardian. It can read the foe's mind and take preemptive action.
- Ruby: SHIFTRY is a mysterious POKéMON that is said to live atop towering trees dating back over a thousand years. It creates terrific windstorms with the fans it holds.
- Sapphire: SHIFTRY's large fans generate awesome gusts of wind at a speed close to 100 feet per second. The whipped-up wind blows anything away. This POKéMON chooses to live quietly deep in forests.
Tengalice - Pokémon Malveillant
- HeartGold: D’un coup de sa feuille éventail, il génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s capables de souffler une maison.
- SoulSilver: D’un coup de sa feuille éventail, il génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s capables de souffler une maison.
- Platinum: D’un coup de sa feuille éventail, il génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s capables de souffler une maison.
- Diamond: D’un coup de sa feuille éventail, il génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s capables de souffler une maison.
- Pearl: D’un coup de sa feuille éventail, il génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s capables de souffler une maison.
- Emerald: On dit qu'il arrive en même temps que les vents glacés de l'hiver. Ce POKéMON est le gardien des forêts où les humains n'osent pas s'aventurer.
- FireRed: Ce POKéMON est le gardien des forêts. Il peut lire les pensées de ses ennemis et agir en conséquence.
- LeafGreen: Ce POKéMON est le gardien des forêts. Il peut lire les pensées de ses ennemis et agir en conséquence.
- Ruby: TENGALICE est un mystérieux POKéMON vivant dans les cimes d'immenses arbres, vieux de plus de mille ans. Il peut créer de formidables tempêtes grâce à ses éventails.
- Sapphire: Les grands éventails de TENGALICE peuvent déclencher des bourrasques de vent allant jusqu'à 30 m/s. Le vent déchaîné peut tout envoyer balader. Ce POKéMON a choisi de vivre tranquillement dans la forêt.
Tengulist - Verschlagen
- HeartGold: Seine großen Fächer erzeugen Böen, die eine Geschwindigkeit von 30 m/sek erreichen können.
- SoulSilver: Seine großen Fächer erzeugen Böen, die eine Geschwindigkeit von 30 m/sek erreichen können.
- Platinum: Seine großen Fächer erzeugen Böen, die eine Geschwindigkeit von 30 m/sek erreichen können.
- Diamond: Seine großen Fächer erzeugen Böen, die eine Geschwindigkeit von 30 m/sek erreichen können.
- Pearl: Seine großen Fächer erzeugen Böen, die eine Geschwindigkeit von 30 m/sek erreichen können.
- Emerald: Es soll mit den eisigen Winterwinden auf- tauchen. Seit langer Zeit wird es als Wächter des Waldes gefürchtet und es lebt tief im Wald, wo kein Mensch hingelangt.
- FireRed: Dieses POKéMON wurde als Wächter des Waldes gefürchtet. Es kann die Gedanken des Gegners lesen und präventiv handeln.
- LeafGreen: Dieses POKéMON wurde als Wächter des Waldes gefürchtet. Es kann die Gedanken des Gegners lesen und präventiv handeln.
- Ruby: TENGULIST ist ein geheimnisvolles POKéMON, das angeblich auf hohen Bäumen lebt, die tausende von Jahren alt sind. Mit den Blätterventilatoren an seinen Händen kann es heftige Stürme erzeugen.
- Sapphire: TENGULISTs große Fächer erzeugen Böen, die eine Geschwindigkeit von 30 m/sek erreichen können und alles und jeden hinwegfegen können. Dieses POKéMON lebt still und zurückgezogen in den Tiefen der Wälder.
Shiftry - Pokémon Malvado
- HeartGold: Con sus abanicos puede provocar vientos de 30 m/s capaces de levantar casas.
- SoulSilver: Con sus abanicos puede provocar vientos de 30 m/s capaces de levantar casas.
- Platinum: Con sus abanicos puede provocar vientos de 30 m por segundo capaces de levantar casas.
- Diamond: Con sus abanicos puede provocar vientos de 30 m por segundo capaces de levantar casas.
- Pearl: Con sus abanicos puede provocar vientos de 30 m por segundo capaces de levantar casas.
- Emerald: Dicen que llega con los fríos vientos de invierno. Se le considera guardián de los bosques y se le teme; nadie se atreve a adentrarse en su morada.
- FireRed: Habita los bosques y se le tiene miedo. Es capaz de leer los pensamientos del rival y actuar en consecuencia.
- LeafGreen: Habita los bosques y se le tiene miedo. Es capaz de leer los pensamientos del rival y actuar en consecuencia.
- Ruby: SHIFTRY es un enigmático POKéMON que vive, dicen, en las copas de los árboles milenarios. Este POKéMON genera fuertes corrientes de aire con los abanicos que lleva en las manos.
- Sapphire: Los grandes colmillos de SHIFTRY generan grandes corrientes de aire que pueden alcanzar 30 metros por segundo y barrer lo que sea. Este POKéMON opta por vivir en el bosque con tranquilidad.
Shiftry - Pokémon Burbero
- HeartGold: Con le sue foglie provoca raffiche di vento della velocità di 30 m/s che spazzano via interi edifici.
- SoulSilver: Con le sue foglie provoca raffiche di vento della velocità di 30 m/s che spazzano via interi edifici.
- Platinum: Con le sue foglie provoca raffiche di vento della velocità di 30 m/s che spazzano via interi edifici.
- Diamond: Con le sue foglie provoca raffiche di vento della velocità di 30 m/s che spazzano via interi edifici.
- Pearl: Con le sue foglie provoca raffiche di vento della velocità di 30 m/s che spazzano via interi edifici.
- Emerald: Si dice che arrivi trasportato dai gelidi venti invernali. SHIFTRY è da sempre un temuto guardiano delle foreste, dove vive lontano dal mondo e dagli uomini.
- FireRed: Un tempo era un temuto guardiano della foresta. Sa leggere nella mente del nemico, anticipandolo.
- LeafGreen: Un tempo era un temuto guardiano della foresta. Sa leggere nella mente del nemico, anticipandolo.
- Ruby: SHIFTRY è un POKéMON misterioso che vive sulla cima degli alberi più alti, di solito plurisecolari. Usa le foglie degli arti superiori come ventole per generare terribili raffiche di vento.
- Sapphire: Le grandi ventole di SHIFTRY generano forti raffiche di vento alla velocità di 30 metri al secondo. La violenza del vento spazza via ogni cosa. Vive pacifico nel cuore della foresta.
ダーテング - よこしまポケモン (DAATENGU - YokoshimaPOKEMON)
- HeartGold: はっぱのうちわをあおぐと ふうそく30メートルのとっぷうが まきおこりみんかをふきとばす。 (Happanouchiwawoaoguto fuusoku30MEETORUnotoppuuga makiokoriminkawofukitobasu.)
- SoulSilver: はっぱのうちわをあおぐと ふうそく30メートルのとっぷうが まきおこりみんかをふきとばす。 (Happanouchiwawoaoguto fuusoku30MEETORUnotoppuuga makiokoriminkawofukitobasu.)
- Platinum: はっぱのうちわをあおぐと ふうそく30メートルのとっぷうが まきおこりみんかをふきとばす。 (Happanouchiwawoaoguto fuusoku30MEETORUnotoppuuga makiokoriminkawofukitobasu.)
- Diamond: はっぱの うちわを あおぐと ふうそく30メートルの とっぷうが まきおこり みんかを ふきとばす。 (Happano uchiwawo aoguto fuusoku30MEETORUno toppuuga makiokori minkawo fukitobasu.)
- Pearl: はっぱの うちわを あおぐと ふうそく30メートルの とっぷうが まきおこり みんかを ふきとばす。 (Happano uchiwawo aoguto fuusoku30MEETORUno toppuuga makiokori minkawo fukitobasu.)
- Emerald: こがらしに のって あらわれると いわれている。 むかしから もりの かみさまと おそれられ ひとの おとずれない みつりんで くらす。 (Kogarashini notte arawareruto iwareteiru. Mukashikara morino kamisamato osorerare hitono otozurenai mitsurinde kurasu.)
- FireRed: もりの かみさまと おそれられていた ポケモン。あいての かんがえを よみ さきまわりする のうりょくを もつ。 (Morino kamisamato osorerareteita POKEMON.Aiteno kangaewo yomi sakimawarisuru nouryokuwo motsu.)
- LeafGreen: もりの かみさまと おそれられていた ポケモン。あいての かんがえを よみ さきまわりする のうりょくを もつ。 (Morino kamisamato osorerareteita POKEMON.Aiteno kangaewo yomi sakimawarisuru nouryokuwo motsu.)
- Ruby: じゅれい 1000ねんを こえた たいぼくの てっぺんに すむと いわれる なぞの ポケモン。 はっぱの うちわで きょうふうを まきおこす。 (Jurei 1000nenwo koeta taibokuno teppenni sumuto iwareru nazono POKEMON. Happano uchiwade kyoufuuwo makiokosu.)
- Sapphire: おおきな うちわは ふうそく 30メートルの きょうふうを おこし なんでも ふきとばす。 もりの おくで ひっそり くらす ポケモンだ。 (Ookina uchiwaha fuusoku 30MEETORUno kyoufuuwo okoshi nandemo fukitobasu. Morino okude hissori kurasu POKEMONda.)