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Pokédex - Skitty

Home > Pokédex - Skitty

Basic Information

[Picture of Skitty]

National Number:#300
Height0.6 m (2'0")
Weight11.0 kg (24.3 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Skitty]
Body Form[Form 0]
Starting Catch Rate255
Base Experience52
Gender Rate75% female, 25% male
Growth RateFast (max: 800,000 Exp. Points)
Egg GroupsField, Fairy
Steps to Hatch Egg3840
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenSpeed: 1
AbilitiesCute Charm, Normalize
Hidden (Dream World) AbilitiesWonder Skin
Items in Wild PokémonLeppa Berry (5%)

Race Values ("Base Stats")

Special Attack35
Special Defense35

Evolutions (When Skitty Evolves)

No evolutions.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Skitty)

White Version

Not found in this version.

Black Version

Not found in this version.

SoulSilver Version

Hoenn Field (Group A)30-Pokéwalker

HeartGold Version

Hoenn Field (Group A)30-Pokéwalker

Platinum Version

Route 222 (Mass Outbreak)39-4040%Land

Pearl Version

Route 222 (Mass Outbreak)4040%Land

Diamond Version

Route 222 (Mass Outbreak)4040%Land

Emerald Version

ROUTE 1167-82%Land

LeafGreen Version

Not found in this version.

FireRed Version

Not found in this version.

Sapphire Version

ROUTE 1167-82%Land

Special method: Internal trade in Fortree City

Ruby Version

ROUTE 1167-82%Land

Special method: Internal trade in Fortree City

What moves can Skitty learn?

Skitty can learn the following moves:

  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 19
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 18
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 22
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 7
  • TM45
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 4
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 8
Body Slam
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 42
  • Before Black/White: TM78
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 46
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest (III) (with Hidden Ability)
  • Before Diamond/Pearl; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 25
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 22
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 11
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 18
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 31
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 32
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 36
Defense CurlEmerald: Move Tutor
  • Before Diamond/Pearl; Diamond/Pearl: Level 39
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 42
DoubleSlapLevel 15
Dream Eater
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM85
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM58
Faint Attack
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 27
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 25
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 29
Fake Out
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 1
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: HM05
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM70
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 4
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest (I) (with Hidden Ability)
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Box Egg
  • Level 1
HeadbuttHeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
Heal Bell
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 37
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 36
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 39
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
Helping Hand
  • Egg Move
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Icy Wind
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Iron TailBefore Black/White: TM23
Last Resort
  • Egg Move
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Mud BombHeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
Mud-SlapEmerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Natural GiftBefore Black/White: TM83
Pay DayBefore Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Box Egg
Psych Up
  • Before Black/White: Egg Move
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM77
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePark Egg
  • Emerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Secret PowerBefore Black/White: TM43
Shock WaveBefore Black/White: TM34
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 13
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 8
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 11
Sleep Talk
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM82
SnoreEmerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Before Black/White: Egg Move
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90
Sucker Punch
  • Egg Move
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87
SwiftEmerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Box Egg
  • Level 1
Tail Whip
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Box Egg
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Level 3
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Level 1
Thunder Wave
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM73
  • Egg Move
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest (II) (with Hidden Ability)
Wake-Up Slap
  • Diamond/Pearl: Level 29
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White Versions and Later: Level 32
Water PulseBefore Black/White: TM03
Zen Headbutt
  • Egg Move
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor

Pokédex Entries


Skitty - Kitten Pokémon

  • Black: It can't stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail.
  • White: It can't stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail.
  • HeartGold: It’s adorable when it chases its own tail. It’s difficult to earn its trust.
  • SoulSilver: It’s adorable when it chases its own tail. It’s difficult to earn its trust.
  • Platinum: It can’t stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail.
  • Diamond: It can’t stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail.
  • Pearl: It can’t stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail.
  • Emerald: A SKITTY's adorably cute behavior makes it highly popular. In battle, it makes its tail puff out. It threatens foes with a sharp growl.
  • FireRed: It is said to be difficult to earn its trust. However, it is extremely popular for its cute looks and behavior.
  • LeafGreen: It is said to be difficult to earn its trust. However, it is extremely popular for its cute looks and behavior.
  • Ruby: SKITTY has the habit of becoming fascinated by moving objects and chasing them around. This POKéMON is known to chase after its own tail and become dizzy.
  • Sapphire: SKITTY is known to chase around playfully after its own tail. In the wild, this POKéMON lives in holes in the trees of forests. It is very popular as a pet because of its adorable looks.


Skitty - Pokémon Chaton

  • HeartGold: Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On le voit parfois courir en cercle, chassant sa propre queue.
  • SoulSilver: Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On le voit parfois courir en cercle, chassant sa propre queue.
  • Platinum: Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On le voit parfois courir en cercle, chassant sa propre queue.
  • Diamond: Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On le voit parfois courir en cercle, chassant sa propre queue.
  • Pearl: Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On le voit parfois courir en cercle, chassant sa propre queue.
  • Emerald: Le côté adorable de SKITTY en fait un POKéMON très apprécié. En combat, il hérisse sa queue et menace ses adversaires d'un miaulement aigu.
  • FireRed: SKITTY n'est pas du genre à faire confiance. Il est pourtant très apprécié pour son comportement et son apparence adorable.
  • LeafGreen: SKITTY n'est pas du genre à faire confiance. Il est pourtant très apprécié pour son comportement et son apparence adorable.
  • Ruby: SKITTY a pris l'habitude de pourchasser les objets mobiles qui le fascinent. On sait que ce POKéMON court souvent après sa queue, jusqu'à ce qu'il ait la tête qui tourne.
  • Sapphire: On sait que SKITTY court souvent après sa queue. A l'état sauvage, ce POKéMON vit dans les cavités des arbres de la forêt. Il est tellement adorable qu'il a un grand succès comme animal de compagnie.


Eneco - Kätzchen

  • HeartGold: Es muss Dinge, die sich bewegen, einfach jagen. Es rennt oft im Kreis und jagt seinen eigenen Schweif.
  • SoulSilver: Es muss Dinge, die sich bewegen, einfach jagen. Es rennt oft im Kreis und jagt seinen eigenen Schweif.
  • Platinum: Es muss Dinge, die sich bewegen, einfach jagen. Es rennt oft im Kreis und jagt seinen eigenen Schweif.
  • Diamond: Es muss Dinge, die sich bewegen, einfach jagen. Es rennt oft im Kreis und jagt seinen eigenen Schweif.
  • Pearl: Es muss Dinge, die sich bewegen, einfach jagen. Es rennt oft im Kreis und jagt seinen eigenen Schweif.
  • Emerald: Aufgrund seines niedlichen Verhaltens ist es sehr beliebt. Im Kampf schlägt es mit dem Schweif zu. Durch grimmiges Fauchen schüchtert es den Feind ein.
  • FireRed: Man sagt, es sei schwierig, das Vertrauen dieses POKéMON zu gewinnen. Es ist jedoch wegen seines niedlichen Aussehens und Verhaltens sehr beliebt.
  • LeafGreen: Man sagt, es sei schwierig, das Vertrauen dieses POKéMON zu gewinnen. Es ist jedoch wegen seines niedlichen Aussehens und Verhaltens sehr beliebt.
  • Ruby: ENECO ist davon fasziniert, Gegenstände zu bewegen und sie zu jagen. Dieses POKéMON jagt häufig seinen eigenen Schweif, so dass ihm schwindlig wird.
  • Sapphire: ENECO jagt spielerisch seinen eigenen Schweif. In der Wildnis lebt dieses POKéMON in den Löchern von Bäumen. Es ist als Haustier sehr beliebt, da es bezaubernd aussieht.


Skitty - Pokémon Gatito

  • HeartGold: No puede evitar ir tras las cosas que se mueven. Hasta corre en círculos persiguiéndose la cola.
  • SoulSilver: No puede evitar ir tras las cosas que se mueven. Hasta corre en círculos persiguiéndose la cola.
  • Platinum: No puede evitar ir tras las cosas que se mueven. Hasta corre en círculos persiguiéndose la cola.
  • Diamond: No puede evitar ir tras las cosas que se mueven. Hasta corre en círculos persiguiéndose la cola.
  • Pearl: No puede evitar ir tras las cosas que se mueven. Hasta corre en círculos persiguiéndose la cola.
  • Emerald: La forma de ser de SKITTY, entrañable y adorable, lo hace tremendamente popular. En combate, hincha la cola y amenaza a su rival con un agudo gruñido.
  • FireRed: Dicen que cuesta ganarse su confianza, pero que es muy dulce y que se porta muy bien.
  • LeafGreen: Dicen que cuesta ganarse su confianza, pero que es muy dulce y que se porta muy bien.
  • Ruby: A SKITTY le encanta mover cosas e ir detrás de ellas. Es de todos sabido que se dedica a ir detrás de su propia cola y que, al final, acaba mareándose.
  • Sapphire: SKITTY es conocido por la costumbre que tiene de juguetear y de intentar pillarse la cola. En estado salvaje, habita en las cavidades de los troncos de los árboles del bosque. Es la mascota de muchos por lo dulce que parece.


Skitty - Pokémon Micio

  • HeartGold: Non riesce ad evitare di inseguire tutto ciò che si muove e corre in tondo a caccia della propria coda.
  • SoulSilver: Non riesce ad evitare di inseguire tutto ciò che si muove e corre in tondo a caccia della propria coda.
  • Platinum: Non riesce ad evitare di inseguire tutto ciò che si muove e corre in tondo a caccia della propria coda.
  • Diamond: Non riesce ad evitare di inseguire tutto ciò che si muove e corre in tondo a caccia della propria coda.
  • Pearl: Non riesce ad evitare di inseguire tutto ciò che si muove e corre in tondo a caccia della propria coda.
  • Emerald: SKITTY è un POKéMON molto apprezzato per la dolcezza del suo comportamento. In lotta, gonfia la coda ed emette un ringhio acuto che spaventa l'avversario.
  • FireRed: È molto apprezzato per la dolcezza dell' aspetto e del comportamento, benché sia difficile guadagnarsi la sua fiducia.
  • LeafGreen: È molto apprezzato per la dolcezza dell' aspetto e del comportamento, benché sia difficile guadagnarsi la sua fiducia.
  • Ruby: SKITTY ha l'abitudine di lasciarsi ammaliare dagli oggetti in movimento e seguirli dando loro la caccia. Questo POKéMON è noto anche per rincorrere la sua stessa coda fino a rimanere stordito.
  • Sapphire: SKITTY è noto per il suo movimento rotatorio inteso a mordere la propria coda. Allo stato brado, vive all'interno di tronchi cavi nella foresta. È molto amato come animale domestico grazie all'aspetto estremamente dolce.


エネコ - こねこポケモン (ENEKO - KonekoPOKEMON)

  • HeartGold: うごくものをついおってしまう。 じぶんのしっぽをおいかけて おなじばしょをグルグルまわる。 (Ugokumonowotsuiotteshimau. jibunnoshippowooikakete onajibashowoGURUGURUmawaru.)
  • SoulSilver: うごくものをついおってしまう。 じぶんのしっぽをおいかけて おなじばしょをグルグルまわる。 (Ugokumonowotsuiotteshimau. jibunnoshippowooikakete onajibashowoGURUGURUmawaru.)
  • Platinum: うごくものをついおってしまう。 じぶんのしっぽをおいかけて おなじばしょをグルグルまわる。 (Ugokumonowotsuiotteshimau. jibunnoshippowooikakete onajibashowoGURUGURUmawaru.)
  • Diamond: うごくものを つい おってしまう。 じぶんの しっぽを おいかけて おなじ ばしょを グルグル まわる。 (Ugokumonowo tsui otteshimau. jibunno shippowo oikakete onaji bashowo GURUGURU mawaru.)
  • Pearl: うごくものを つい おってしまう。 じぶんの しっぽを おいかけて おなじ ばしょを グルグル まわる。 (Ugokumonowo tsui otteshimau. jibunno shippowo oikakete onaji bashowo GURUGURU mawaru.)
  • Emerald: あいきょう たっぷりの しぐさで だいにんき。 たたかう ときは しっぽを けばだたせる。 するどい うなりごえを あげて てきを いかく。 (Aikyou tappurino shigusade daininki. Tatakau tokiha shippowo kebadataseru. Surudoi unarigoewo agete tekiwo ikaku.)
  • FireRed: トレーナーに なかなか なつかないと いわれるが あいらしい かおだちと しぐさで だいにんきの ポケモン。 (TOREENAAni nakanaka natsukanaito iwareruga airashii kaodachito shigusade daininkino POKEMON.)
  • LeafGreen: トレーナーに なかなか なつかないと いわれるが あいらしい かおだちと しぐさで だいにんきの ポケモン。 (TOREENAAni nakanaka natsukanaito iwareruga airashii kaodachito shigusade daininkino POKEMON.)
  • Ruby: うごく ものを みつけると むちゅうに なって おいかけまわす しゅうせいを もつ ポケモン。 じぶんの シッポを おいかけて めを まわす。 (Ugoku monowo mitsukeruto muchuuni natte oikakemawasu shuuseiwo motsu POKEMON. Jibunno SHIPPOwo oikakete mewo mawasu.)
  • Sapphire: じぶんの シッポを おいかけまわす ポケモン。 やせいは もりの じゅもくの あなで くらす。 あいくるしい かおで ペットとして だいにんき。 (Jibunno SHIPPOwo oikakemawasu POKEMON. Yaseiha morino jumokuno anade kurasu. Aikurushii kaode PETTOtoshite daininki.)

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