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Pokédex - Starly

Home > Pokédex - Starly

Basic Information

[Picture of Starly]

National Number:#396
Height0.3 m (1'0")
Weight 2.0 kg ( 4.4 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Starly]
Body Form[Form 5]
Starting Catch Rate255
Base Experience49
Gender Rate50% female, 50% male
Growth RateParabolic (max: 1,059,860 Exp. Points)
Egg GroupsFlying
Steps to Hatch Egg3840
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenSpeed: 1
AbilitiesKeen Eye
Hidden (Dream World) AbilitiesKeen Eye
Items in Wild PokémonYache Berry (5%)

Race Values ("Base Stats")

Special Attack30
Special Defense30

Evolutions (When Starly Evolves)

No evolutions.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Starly)

White Version

Not found in this version.

Black Version

Not found in this version.

SoulSilver Version

Special method: Pewter City (Headbutt)

HeartGold Version

Special method: Pewter City (Headbutt)

Platinum Version

Lake Verity2-425%Land
Lake Verity (Without Poké Radar)3-411%Land
Lake Verity (Morning, Day)310%Land
Lake Verity (Dual Slot Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen)44%Land
Lake Verity2-435%Land
Lake Verity (Without Poké Radar)3-411%Land
Lake Verity (Dual Slot Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen)44%Land
Route 201 (No Mass Outbreak)220%Land
Route 201 (Without Poké Radar)2-311%Land
Route 201 (Morning, Day)310%Land
Route 20135%Land
Route 201 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen)24%Land
Route 202 (Morning, Day)410%Land
Route 20245%Land
Route 202 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen)24%Land
Route 202 (Without Poké Radar)21%Land
Route 203 (No Mass Outbreak)420%Land
Route 203 (Morning, Day)510%Land
Route 203 (Dual Slot FireRed, LeafGreen)64%Land
Route 20371%Land
Route 2044-621%Land
Route 204 (No Dual Slot)54%Land
Route 204920%Land
Route 204 (No Dual Slot)104%Land
Route 204 (Without Poké Radar)111%Land

Pearl Version

Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2610%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2610%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2410%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2410%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2210%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2210%Land
Lake Verity (No Mass Outbreak)220%Land
Lake Verity (Without Poké Radar)3-411%Land
Lake Verity (Morning, Day)310%Land
Lake Verity45%Land
Lake Verity (No Dual Slot)44%Land
Lake Verity (No Mass Outbreak)220%Land
Lake Verity (Without Poké Radar)3-411%Land
Lake Verity (Morning, Day)310%Land
Lake Verity45%Land
Lake Verity (No Dual Slot)44%Land
Route 201 (No Mass Outbreak)220%Land
Route 201 (Without Poké Radar)2-311%Land
Route 201 (Morning, Day)310%Land
Route 20135%Land
Route 201 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen)24%Land
Route 202 (Without Poké Radar)2-311%Land
Route 202 (Day)310%Land
Route 202 (Morning, Day)410%Land
Route 20245%Land
Route 202 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen)24%Land
Route 203 (No Mass Outbreak)420%Land
Route 203 (Day)410%Land
Route 203 (Morning, Day)510%Land
Route 203 (Dual Slot FireRed, LeafGreen)54%Land
Route 203 (Without Poké Radar)61%Land
Route 204420%Land
Route 204 (Day)410%Land
Route 204 (No Dual Slot)64%Land
Route 204 (Without Poké Radar)61%Land
Route 204620%Land
Route 204 (Day)610%Land
Route 204 (Dual Slot FireRed, LeafGreen)84%Land
Route 204 (Without Poké Radar)81%Land
Route 209 (No Mass Outbreak)1620%Land
Route 2121620%Land

Diamond Version

Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2610%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2610%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2410%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2410%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2210%Land
Great Marsh (Morning, Day)2210%Land
Lake Verity (No Mass Outbreak)220%Land
Lake Verity (Without Poké Radar)3-411%Land
Lake Verity (Morning, Day)310%Land
Lake Verity45%Land
Lake Verity (No Dual Slot)44%Land
Lake Verity (No Mass Outbreak)220%Land
Lake Verity (Without Poké Radar)3-411%Land
Lake Verity (Morning, Day)310%Land
Lake Verity45%Land
Lake Verity (No Dual Slot)44%Land
Route 201 (No Mass Outbreak)220%Land
Route 201 (Without Poké Radar)2-311%Land
Route 201 (Morning, Day)310%Land
Route 20135%Land
Route 201 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen)24%Land
Route 202 (Without Poké Radar)2-311%Land
Route 202 (Day)310%Land
Route 202 (Morning, Day)410%Land
Route 20245%Land
Route 202 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen)24%Land
Route 203 (No Mass Outbreak)420%Land
Route 203 (Day)410%Land
Route 203 (Morning, Day)510%Land
Route 203 (Dual Slot FireRed, LeafGreen)54%Land
Route 203 (Without Poké Radar)61%Land
Route 204420%Land
Route 204 (Day)410%Land
Route 204 (No Dual Slot)64%Land
Route 204 (Without Poké Radar)61%Land
Route 204620%Land
Route 204 (Day)610%Land
Route 204 (Dual Slot FireRed, LeafGreen)84%Land
Route 204 (Without Poké Radar)81%Land
Route 209 (No Mass Outbreak)1620%Land
Route 2121620%Land

What moves can Starly learn?

Starly can learn the following moves:

Aerial Ace
  • Level 25
  • TM40
AgilityLevel 33
Air CutterPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Brave BirdLevel 37
CaptivateBefore Black/White: TM78
DefogDiamond/Pearl; Platinum: HM05
DetectBlack/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
Double Team
  • Level 13
  • TM32
  • Level 17
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
EndureBefore Black/White: TM58
Final GambitLevel 41
  • Level 1
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: だいすき (ID: 8311)
Heat WavePlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Mud-SlapPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Natural GiftBefore Black/White: TM83
Ominous WindPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
RevengeBlack/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
  • Before Black/White: TM51
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
Secret PowerBefore Black/White: TM43
Sleep TalkBefore Black/White: TM82
SnorePlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Steel Wing
  • Before Black/White: TM47
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
SwiftPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Level 1
  • Before Black/White: Pokémon Distribution: だいすき (ID: 8311)
TailwindHeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
Take DownLevel 29
TwisterPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
UproarBlack/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
WhirlwindLevel 21

Pokédex Entries


Starly - Starling Pokémon

  • Black: Because they are weak individually, they form groups. However, they bicker if the group grows too big.
  • White: Because they are weak individually, they form groups. However, they bicker if the group grows too big.
  • HeartGold: They flock around mountains and fields, chasing after bug Pokémon. Their singing is noisy and annoying.
  • SoulSilver: They flock around mountains and fields, chasing after bug Pokémon. Their singing is noisy and annoying.
  • Platinum: Because they are weak individually, they form groups. However, they bicker if the group grows too big.
  • Diamond: They flock in great numbers. Though small, they flap their wings with great power.
  • Pearl: Usually with a large flock, it is barely noticeable when alone. Its cries are very strident.


Étourmi - Pokémon Etourneau

  • HeartGold: Ils volent en nombre. Bien que minuscule, il bat des ailes avec une vigueur impressionnante.
  • SoulSilver: Ils volent en nombre. Bien que minuscule, il bat des ailes avec une vigueur impressionnante.
  • Platinum: Ils volent en nombre. Bien que minuscule, il bat des ailes avec une vigueur impressionnante.
  • Diamond: Ils volent en nombre. Bien que minuscule, il bat des ailes avec une vigueur impressionnante.
  • Pearl: Il est difficile à repérer lorsqu’il n’évolue pas au sein d’une grande volée. Ses cris sont stridents.


Staralili - Star

  • HeartGold: Ihr Schwarm ist stets groß. Obwohl es kleine PKMN sind, schwingen sie ihre Flügel mit enormer Kraft.
  • SoulSilver: Ihr Schwarm ist stets groß. Obwohl es kleine PKMN sind, schwingen sie ihre Flügel mit enormer Kraft.
  • Platinum: Ihr Schwarm ist stets groß. Obwohl es kleine PKMN sind, schwingen sie ihre Flügel mit enormer Kraft.
  • Diamond: Ihr Schwarm ist stets groß. Obwohl es kleine PKMN sind, schwingen sie ihre Flügel mit enormer Kraft.
  • Pearl: Normalerweise ist es immer im Schwarm unterwegs. Sein Ruf ist äußerst durchdringend.


Starly - Pokémon Estornino

  • HeartGold: Viaja en grandes bandadas. Aunque es pequeño, agita las alas con gran fuerza.
  • SoulSilver: Viaja en grandes bandadas. Aunque es pequeño, agita las alas con gran fuerza.
  • Platinum: Viaja en grandes bandadas. Aunque es pequeño, agita las alas con gran fuerza.
  • Diamond: Viaja en grandes bandadas. Aunque es pequeño, agita las alas con gran fuerza.
  • Pearl: Suele volar en bandadas, pero pasa desapercibido cuando está solo. Chilla de forma estridente.


Starly - Pokémon Storno

  • HeartGold: Si muove in grandi gruppi. Anche se piccolo, batte le ali in maniera molto energica.
  • SoulSilver: Si muove in grandi gruppi. Anche se piccolo, batte le ali in maniera molto energica.
  • Platinum: Si muove in grandi gruppi. Anche se piccolo, batte le ali in maniera molto energica.
  • Diamond: Si muove in grandi gruppi. Anche se piccolo, batte le ali in maniera molto energica.
  • Pearl: Di solito si muove in gruppi nume- rosi. È raro trovarlo da solo. Emette versi estremamente acuti.


ムックル - むくどりポケモン (MUKKURU - MukudoriPOKEMON)

  • HeartGold: たくさんのむれでこうどうする。 からだはちいさいがはばたく ちからはひじょうにつよい。 (Takusannomuredekoudousuru. karadahachiisaigahabataku chikarahahijounitsuyoi.)
  • SoulSilver: たくさんのむれでこうどうする。 からだはちいさいがはばたく ちからはひじょうにつよい。 (Takusannomuredekoudousuru. karadahachiisaigahabataku chikarahahijounitsuyoi.)
  • Platinum: たくさんのむれでこうどうする。 からだはちいさいがはばたく ちからはひじょうにつよい。 (Takusannomuredekoudousuru. karadahachiisaigahabataku chikarahahijounitsuyoi.)
  • Diamond: たくさんの むれで こうどうする。 からだは ちいさいが はばたく ちからは ひじょうに つよい。 (Takusanno murede koudousuru. karadaha chiisaiga habataku chikaraha hijouni tsuyoi.)
  • Pearl: ふだんは むれで くらしているが 1ぴきに なると めだたなくなる。 なきごえが とても やかましい。 (Fudanha murede kurashiteiruga 1pikini naruto medatanakunaru. nakigoega totemo yakamashii.)

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