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Pokédex - Taillow

Home > Pokédex - Taillow

Basic Information

[Picture of Taillow]

National Number:#276
Height0.3 m (1'0")
Weight 2.3 kg ( 5.1 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Taillow]
Body Form[Form 5]
Starting Catch Rate200
Base Experience54
Gender Rate50% female, 50% male
Growth RateParabolic (max: 1,059,860 Exp. Points)
Egg GroupsFlying
Steps to Hatch Egg3840
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenSpeed: 1
Hidden (Dream World) AbilitiesScrappy
Items in Wild PokémonCharti Berry (5%)

Race Values ("Base Stats")

Special Attack30
Special Defense30

Evolutions (When Taillow Evolves)

No evolutions.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Taillow)

White Version

Obtained by pairing with a Swellow, which can be found below:

Black Version

Obtained by pairing with a Swellow, which can be found below:

SoulSilver Version

Special method: Cherrygrove City (Headbutt - Special Tree)

HeartGold Version

Special method: Cherrygrove City (Headbutt - Special Tree)

Platinum Version

Obtained by pairing with a Swellow, which can be found below:

Pearl Version

Obtained by pairing with a Swellow, which can be found below:

Diamond Version

Obtained by pairing with a Swellow, which can be found below:

Emerald Version

ROUTE 1044-510%Land
ROUTE 1166-820%Land
ROUTE 11523-2540%Land

LeafGreen Version

Not found in this version.

FireRed Version

Not found in this version.

Sapphire Version

ROUTE 1044-510%Land
ROUTE 11523-2540%Land
ROUTE 1166-820%Land

Ruby Version

ROUTE 1044-510%Land
ROUTE 11523-2540%Land
ROUTE 1166-820%Land

What moves can Taillow learn?

Taillow can learn the following moves:

Aerial Ace
  • Level 34
  • TM40
AgilityLevel 43
Air CutterPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Air SlashLevel 53
Brave Bird
  • Egg Move
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest/Windswept Sky (V) (with Hidden Ability)
CaptivateBefore Black/White: TM78
CounterFireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl; Platinum: HM05
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
Double Team
  • Level 19
  • TM32
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Level 26
  • Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM58
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest/Windswept Sky (III) (with Hidden Ability)
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePark Egg
Focus Energy
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg
  • Level 4
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg
  • Level 1
Heat WavePlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Mirror Move
  • Egg Move
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest/Windswept Sky (II) (with Hidden Ability)
Mud-SlapEmerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Natural GiftBefore Black/White: TM83
Ominous WindPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • Before Diamond/Pearl: Pokémon Distribution: PokePARK Egg
  • Level 1
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest/Windswept Sky (I) (with Hidden Ability)
  • Before Black/White: TM51
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
Secret PowerBefore Black/White: TM43
Sky Attack
Sleep Talk
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later, but Before Black/White: TM82
SnoreEmerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
Steel Wing
  • Before Black/White: TM47
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Egg Move
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM90
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Diamond/Pearl Versions and Later: TM87
SwiftEmerald; Platinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
  • HeartGold/SoulSilver: Move Tutor
  • Black/White Versions and Later: Pokémon Distribution: Pleasant Forest/Windswept Sky (IV) (with Hidden Ability)
TwisterPlatinum; HeartGold/SoulSilver; Black/White 2: Move Tutor
WhirlwindDiamond/Pearl Versions and Later: Egg Move
Wing AttackLevel 13

Pokédex Entries


Taillow - TinySwallow Pokémon

  • Black: It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates.
  • White: It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates.
  • HeartGold: When it gets cold, they migrate, flying over 180 miles a day. It hunts for tasty prey.
  • SoulSilver: When it gets cold, they migrate, flying over 180 miles a day. It hunts for tasty prey.
  • Platinum: It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates.
  • Diamond: It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates.
  • Pearl: It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates.
  • Emerald: Although it is small, it is very courageous. It will take on a larger SKARMORY on an equal footing. However, its will weakens if it becomes hungry.
  • FireRed: It dislikes cold seasons. They migrate to other lands in search of warmth, flying over 180 miles a day.
  • LeafGreen: It dislikes cold seasons. They migrate to other lands in search of warmth, flying over 180 miles a day.
  • Ruby: TAILLOW courageously stands its ground against foes, however strong they may be. This gutsy POKéMON will remain defiant even after a loss. On the other hand, it cries loudly if it becomes hungry.
  • Sapphire: TAILLOW is young - it has only just left its nest. As a result, it sometimes becomes lonesome and cries at night. This POKéMON feeds on WURMPLE that live in forests.


Nirondelle - Pokémon Minirondel

  • HeartGold: Ce Pokémon téméraire n’a pas peur d’affronter des ennemis puissants. Il vole en quête de climats chauds.
  • SoulSilver: Ce Pokémon téméraire n’a pas peur d’affronter des ennemis puissants. Il vole en quête de climats chauds.
  • Platinum: Ce Pokémon téméraire n’a pas peur d’affronter des ennemis puissants. Il vole en quête de climats chauds.
  • Diamond: Ce Pokémon téméraire n’a pas peur d’affronter des ennemis puissants. Il vole en quête de climats chauds.
  • Pearl: Ce Pokémon téméraire n’a pas peur d’affronter des ennemis puissants. Il vole en quête de climats chauds.
  • Emerald: Petit mais téméraire, il n'hésite pas à se mesurer à un grand AIRMURE. Mais sa détermination diminue quand il commence à avoir faim.
  • FireRed: NIRONDELLE ne supporte pas les saisons froides. Il vole vers d'autres terres à la recherche de chaleur et peut ainsi parcourir 300 km par jour.
  • LeafGreen: NIRONDELLE ne supporte pas les saisons froides. Il vole vers d'autres terres à la recherche de chaleur et peut ainsi parcourir 300 km par jour.
  • Ruby: NIRONDELLE défend courageusement son territoire contre ses ennemis, même les plus puissants. Ce vaillant POKéMON est toujours prêt à relever un défi, mais s'il a faim, il se met à pleurer à chaudes larmes.
  • Sapphire: NIRONDELLE est jeune. Il vient de quitter son nid. Du coup, il se sent parfois un peu seul et pleure la nuit. Ce POKéMON se nourrit des CHENIPOTTE qu'il trouve dans les forêts.


Schwalbini - Schwälblein

  • HeartGold: Es ist sehr mutig und stellt sich auch starken Gegnern. Es sucht ständig nach warmen Regionen.
  • SoulSilver: Es ist sehr mutig und stellt sich auch starken Gegnern. Es sucht ständig nach warmen Regionen.
  • Platinum: Es ist sehr mutig und stellt sich auch starken Gegnern. Es sucht ständig nach warmen Regionen.
  • Diamond: Es ist sehr mutig und stellt sich auch starken Gegnern. Es sucht ständig nach warmen Regionen.
  • Pearl: Es ist sehr mutig und stellt sich auch starken Gegnern. Es sucht ständig nach warmen Regionen.
  • Emerald: Trotz seiner geringen Größe ist es mutig. Es stellt sich einem großen PANZAERON tapfer entgegen. Sein Kampfeswille wird jedoch durch Hunger geschwächt.
  • FireRed: Es mag die kalte Jahreszeit nicht. Daher legt es auf der Suche nach wärmeren Gefilden mehr als 300 km am Tag zurück.
  • LeafGreen: Es mag die kalte Jahreszeit nicht. Daher legt es auf der Suche nach wärmeren Gefilden mehr als 300 km am Tag zurück.
  • Ruby: Mutig behauptet SCHWALBINI sein Territorium gegen Eindringlinge, so stark diese auch sein mögen. Dieses unerschrockene POKéMON bleibt trotz einer Niederlage angriffslustig, heult aber laut, wenn es Hunger hat.
  • Sapphire: SCHWALBINI ist noch klein, es hat gerade erst sein Nest verlassen. Daher fühlt es sich manchmal einsam und weint nachts. Dieses POKéMON ernährt sich von WAUMPEL.


Taillow - Pokémon Pequebuche

  • HeartGold: Es un Pokémon valiente que no teme a los rivales fuertes. Vuela en busca de climas templados.
  • SoulSilver: Es un Pokémon valiente que no teme a los rivales fuertes. Vuela en busca de climas templados.
  • Platinum: Es un Pokémon valiente que no teme a los rivales fuertes. Vuela en busca de climas templados.
  • Diamond: Es un Pokémon valiente que no teme a los rivales fuertes. Vuela en busca de climas templados.
  • Pearl: Es un Pokémon valiente que no teme a los rivales fuertes. Vuela en busca de climas templados.
  • Emerald: Es pequeño, pero muy valiente. No tiene problema en enfrentarse a un SKARMORY más grande en igualdad de condiciones. Pero, como tenga hambre, pierde determinación.
  • FireRed: No le gustan las bajas temperaturas. En las estaciones frías se recorren casi 300 km al día en busca de zonas cálidas.
  • LeafGreen: No le gustan las bajas temperaturas. En las estaciones frías se recorren casi 300 km al día en busca de zonas cálidas.
  • Ruby: TAILLOW se mantiene firme ante sus rivales, sean lo fuertes que sean. Este valiente POKéMON seguirá mostrándose desafiante, aunque pierda en combate. Además, si se enfada, se pondrá a gritar con energía.
  • Sapphire: TAILLOW es pequeño, está recién salido del nido. Por eso se siente solo con frecuencia y se pone a piar. Este POKéMON se alimenta de los WURMPLE que hay por el bosque.


Taillow - Pokémon Rondinella

  • HeartGold: È molto coraggioso e affronta spavaldo i nemici più forti. Migra verso i paesi caldi.
  • SoulSilver: È molto coraggioso e affronta spavaldo i nemici più forti. Migra verso i paesi caldi.
  • Platinum: È molto coraggioso e affronta spavaldo i nemici più forti. Migra verso i paesi caldi.
  • Diamond: È molto coraggioso e affronta spavaldo i nemici più forti. Migra verso i paesi caldi.
  • Pearl: È molto coraggioso e affronta spavaldo i nemici più forti. Migra verso i paesi caldi.
  • Emerald: TAILLOW è sì piccolo, ma ha coraggio da vendere, tanto che riesce a tenere testa a uno SKARMORY. Se è affamato, però, la sua determinazione si affievolisce.
  • FireRed: Non ama il freddo. In inverno emigra verso regioni calde, viaggiando ad una velocità di 300 chilometri al giorno.
  • LeafGreen: Non ama il freddo. In inverno emigra verso regioni calde, viaggiando ad una velocità di 300 chilometri al giorno.
  • Ruby: TAILLOW affronta coraggiosamente persino i nemici più forti. Anche in caso di sconfitta rimane fiero e spavaldo. D'altra parte, quando ha fame, si lamenta rumorosamente.
  • Sapphire: TAILLOW è molto piccolo, infatti ha appena lasciato il nido. Talvolta di notte si sente solo e piange. Si nutre dei WURMPLE che vivono nella foresta.


スバメ - こツバメポケモン (SUBAME - KoTSUBAMEPOKEMON)

  • HeartGold: つよいあいてにもゆうかんに たちむかうこんじょうのもちぬし。 あたたかいとちをめざしてとぶ。 (Tsuyoiaitenimoyuukanni tachimukaukonjounomochinushi. atatakaitochiwomezashitetobu.)
  • SoulSilver: つよいあいてにもゆうかんに たちむかうこんじょうのもちぬし。 あたたかいとちをめざしてとぶ。 (Tsuyoiaitenimoyuukanni tachimukaukonjounomochinushi. atatakaitochiwomezashitetobu.)
  • Platinum: つよいあいてにもゆうかんに たちむかうこんじょうのもちぬし。 あたたかいとちをめざしてとぶ。 (Tsuyoiaitenimoyuukanni tachimukaukonjounomochinushi. atatakaitochiwomezashitetobu.)
  • Diamond: つよい あいてにも ゆうかんに たちむかう こんじょうの もちぬし。 あたたかい とちを めざして とぶ。 (Tsuyoi aitenimo yuukanni tachimukau konjouno mochinushi. atatakai tochiwo mezashite tobu.)
  • Pearl: つよい あいてにも ゆうかんに たちむかう こんじょうの もちぬし。 あたたかい とちを めざして とぶ。 (Tsuyoi aitenimo yuukanni tachimukau konjouno mochinushi. atatakai tochiwo mezashite tobu.)
  • Emerald: からだは ちいさいが とても ゆうかん。 おおきな エアームドと ごかくに たたかうが おなかが すくと よわきに なってしまう。 (Karadaha chiisaiga totemo yuukan. Ookina EAAMUDOto gokakuni tatakauga onakaga sukuto yowakini natteshimau.)
  • FireRed: さむい きせつは にがて。あたたかい とちを さがし 1にち 300キロの きょりを とんで いどうする。 (Samui kisetsuha nigate.Atatakai tochiwo sagashi 1nichi 300KIROno kyoriwo tonde idousuru.)
  • LeafGreen: さむい きせつは にがて。あたたかい とちを さがし 1にち 300キロの きょりを とんで いどうする。 (Samui kisetsuha nigate.Atatakai tochiwo sagashi 1nichi 300KIROno kyoriwo tonde idousuru.)
  • Ruby: どんな つよい あいてでも ゆうかんに いどむ。 まけても へこたれない こんじょうの もちぬし。 おなかが すくと おおごえで ないて しまう。 (Donna tsuyoi aitedemo yuukanni idomu. Maketemo hekotarenai konjouno mochinushi. Onakaga sukuto oogoede naite shimau.)
  • Sapphire: すだちを おえたばかり なので よるに なると さみしく なって ないてしまう ことも ある。 もりに すむ ケムッソを つかまえて たべる。 (Sudachiwo oetabakari nanode yoruni naruto samishiku natte naiteshimau kotomo aru. Morini sumu KEMUSSOwo tsukamaete taberu.)

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