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Pokédex - Move List (Crystal Version)

Home > Pokédex - Move List (Crystal Version)
Name Type Power Accuracy (/255) PP Effect Chance (/255) Flags Description
AbsorbGRASS20255200fg If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack.
AcidPOISON402553025g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
Acid ArmorPOISON0255400 Raises user’s Defense by 2 stages.
AeroblastFLYING10024250fg Good chance for a critical hit.
AgilityPSYCHIC0255300 Raises user’s Speed by 2 stages.
AmnesiaPSYCHIC0255200 Raises user’s Special Defense by 2 stages.
AncientPowerROCK60255525g May raise user’s Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage.
AttractNORMAL0255150g Infatuates the opposing Pokémon.
Aurora BeamICE652552025g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by 1 stage.
BarrageNORMAL15216200fg Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
BarrierPSYCHIC0255300 Raises user’s Defense by 2 stages.
Baton PassNORMAL0255400 Replaces user with a different unfainted non-Egg Pokémon not in battle on user’s side of user’s choice and transfers user’s sta...
Beat UpDARK10255100fg Does one hit for each unfainted Pokémon on user’s side, excluding Eggs and those that are poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen,...
Belly DrumNORMAL0255100 User loses half max. HP and raises user’s Attack stat stage as much as possible. Will fail if HP reduced would faint user or if...
BideNORMAL0255100fg If successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins and X is set to 0. User uses this attack during each of its attack...
BindNORMAL15191200g Multi-turn attack. For three to six turns, opponent can’t switch out or run, and after each turn except the last, opponent lose...
BiteDARK602552576g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch.
BlizzardICE120178525g May freeze the opposing Pokémon.
Body SlamNORMAL852551576g May paralyze the opposing Pokémon.
Bone ClubGROUND652162025g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch.
Bone RushGROUND25204100fg Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
BonemerangGROUND50229100fg Attacks twice in a row.
BubbleWATER202553025g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage.
BubbleBeamWATER652552025g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage.
CharmNORMAL0255200g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by 2 stages.
ClampWATER35191100g Multi-turn attack. For three to six turns, opponent can’t switch out or run, and after each turn except the last, opponent lose...
Comet PunchNORMAL18216150fg Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
Confuse RayGHOST0255100g Confuses the opposing Pokémon.
ConfusionPSYCHIC502552525g May confuse the opposing Pokémon.
ConstrictNORMAL102553525g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage.
ConversionNORMAL0255300 User’s types become the type of one of user’s moves, except Curse, chosen at random. User’s new type reverts to its original ty...
Conversion 2NORMAL0255300g Changes user’s types to a random type that the type of the last move used by opponent is ""not very effective"" or ineffective ag...
Cotton SporeGRASS0216400g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 2 stages.
CounterFIGHTING1255200f Deals damage to opponent equal to twice the HP lost by user this turn from the last move used by opponent if that move is a phy...
CrabhammerWATER90216100fg Good chance for a critical hit.
Cross ChopFIGHTING10020450fg Good chance for a critical hit.
CrunchDARK802551551g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Special Defense by 1 stage.
Curse???2551000 If user isn’t a Ghost type, lowers user’s Speed by 1 stage and raises user’s Attack and Defense by 1 stage. Will fail if neithe...
Defense CurlNORMAL0255400 Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage. After user uses this attack, every use of Rollout by user, except while user is asleep, has i...
Destiny BondGHOST025550 If an attack by the opposing Pokémon causes the user to faint before user’s next attack segment, the opposing Pokémon faints.
DetectFIGHTING025550 Until the end of opponent’s attack segment, attacks used by opponent will miss. Priority level 2. A variable, X, starts at 255,...
DigGROUND60255100fg While using, user doesn’t lose HP because of Sandstorm and is unaffected by most attacks. While using, user doesn’t lose HP because of Sandstorm and is unaffected by most attacks.
DisableNORMAL0140200g Disables the last move used by the opposing Pokémon from one to seven attack segments, at random.
Dizzy PunchNORMAL702551051g May confuse the opposing Pokémon.
Double KickFIGHTING30255300fg Attacks twice in a row.
Double TeamNORMAL0255150 After a successful use of this attack by user, every use of Stomp by opponent has double power, until user leaves battle.
Double-EdgeNORMAL120255150fg This attack’s damage isn’t affected by the opposing Pokémon’s or user’s types.
DoubleSlapNORMAL15216100fg Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
Dragon RageDRAGON40255100fg Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to this attack’s power. Affected by type immunities.
DragonBreathDRAGON602552076g May paralyze the opposing Pokémon.
Dream EaterPSYCHIC100255150g Fails unless opponent is asleep. If successful, user gains half of HP lost by opponent because of this attack.
Drill PeckFLYING80255200fg
DynamicPunchFIGHTING1001275255g May confuse the opposing Pokémon.
EarthquakeGROUND100255100g Power is doubled if the opposing Pokémon is using Dig.
Egg BombNORMAL100191100fg
EmberFIRE402552525g May burn the opposing Pokémon.
EncoreNORMAL025550g Lasts three to six turns, including this turn. On opponent’s attack segment, opponent uses the last move used by user wh...
EndureNORMAL0255100 Until the end of opponent’s attack segment, user’s HP would remain 1 if opponent’s attack would cause user’s HP to be reduced t...
ExplosionNORMAL25025550fg User faints, after damage calculation. The opposing Pokémon’s Defense is treated as halved in damage calculation.
ExtremeSpeedNORMAL8025550fg Priority level 1.
Faint AttackDARK60255200fg Can’t be evaded.
False SwipeNORMAL40255400fg If this attack’s damage would reduce the opposing Pokémon’s HP to less than 1, it reduces the opposing Pokémon’s HP to 1 instead.
Fire BlastFIRE120216525g May burn the opposing Pokémon.
Fire PunchFIRE752551525g May burn the opposing Pokémon.
Fire SpinFIRE15178150g Multi-turn attack. For three to six turns, opponent can’t switch out or run, and after each turn except the last, opponent lose...
FissureGROUND17650 One-hit KO. Deals 65,535 damage to opponent. Ineffective if opponent’s level is greater than user’s level. When used, this atta... Can hit the opposing Pokémon even if it’s using Dig.
FlailNORMAL1255150fg Power is 200 if N is less than 2, 150 if N is 2-4, 100 if N is 5-9, 80 if N is 10-16, 40 if N is 17-32, or 20 if N is 33 or gre...
Flame WheelFIRE602552525g May burn the opposing Pokémon. User can use this attack while frozen; if this attack is successful, user is defrosted.
FlamethrowerFIRE952551525g May burn the opposing Pokémon.
FlashNORMAL0178200g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
FlyFLYING70242150fg While using, user doesn’t lose HP because of Sandstorm and is unaffected by most attacks. While user is using this attack, user is unaffected by attacks other than Gust, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind.
Focus EnergyNORMAL0255300 Raises chances of a critical hit for attacks by the user. Effect ends when user leaves the battle (except Baton Pass).
ForesightNORMAL0255400g If user’s Accuracy stage is less than opponent’s evasion stage, both are treated as zero for accuracy checks on attacks against...
FrustrationNORMAL1255200fg This attack’s power is equal to int((256-(User’s friendship))*2/5) or 1, whichever is greater.
Fury AttackNORMAL15216200fg Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
Fury CutterBUG10242200fg A multiplier, X, rises by 1 if successful. X is reset to 0 if user is asleep or frozen as it attempts to use a move; when user...
Fury SwipesNORMAL18204150fg Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
Future SightPSYCHIC80229150g Does a damage calculation, without causing a critical hit and whose damage isn’t affected by opponent’s or user’s types, by use...
Giga DrainGRASS6025550fg If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack.
GlareNORMAL0191300g Paralyzes the opposing Pokémon. Affected by type immunities.
GrowlNORMAL0255400g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by 1 stage.
GrowthNORMAL0255400 Raises user’s Special Attack by 1 stage.
GuillotineNORMAL07650 One-hit KO. Deals 65,535 damage to opponent. Ineffective if opponent’s level is greater than user’s level. When used, this atta...
GustFLYING40255350g Power is doubled if the opposing Pokémon is using Fly.
HardenNORMAL0255300 Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
HazeICE0255300 Resets the stat stages for all stats (including Evasion and Accuracy) on both Pokémon in battle to zero.
HeadbuttNORMAL702551576g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch.
Heal BellNORMAL025550 Each Pokémon on user’s side stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep.
Hi Jump KickFIGHTING85229200fg If this attack misses, user loses 1/8 of damage it would have dealt.
Hidden PowerNORMAL1255150fg Power and type vary depending on the user’s diversification values.
Horn AttackNORMAL65255250fg
Horn DrillNORMAL17650 One-hit KO. Deals 65,535 damage to opponent. Ineffective if opponent’s level is greater than user’s level. When used, this atta...
Hydro PumpWATER12020450fg
Hyper BeamNORMAL15022950g If successful, as long as user remains in battle, user can’t take any action in the following turn and it skips its attack that...
Hyper FangNORMAL802291525g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch.
HypnosisPSYCHIC0153200g Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
Ice BeamICE952551025g May freeze the opposing Pokémon.
Ice PunchICE752551525g May freeze the opposing Pokémon.
Icy WindICE5524215255g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage.
Iron TailSTEEL1001911576g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
Jump KickFIGHTING70242250fg If this attack misses, user loses 1/8 of damage it would have dealt.
Karate ChopFIGHTING50255250fg Good chance for a critical hit.
KinesisPSYCHIC0204150g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
Leech LifeBUG20255150fg If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack.
Leech SeedGRASS0229100g Every turn, after opponent’s attack segment, opponent loses 1/8 max. HP, and user gains HP lost by opponent this way.
LeerNORMAL0255300g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
LickGHOST202553076g May paralyze the opposing Pokémon.
Light ScreenPSYCHIC0255300 Special Defense of the Pokémon on user’s side is doubled for five turns, except in critical hits.
Lock-OnNORMAL025550g The next time an accuracy check is done for an attack against opponent, that accuracy check succeeds and this effect ends. Effe...
Lovely KissNORMAL0191100g Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
Low KickFIGHTING502292076g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch.
Mach PunchFIGHTING40255300fg Priority level 1.
MagnitudeGROUND1255300fg Power is 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, or 150. If an opponent is using Dig, this attack’s power is doubled for that opponent.
Mean LookNORMAL025550 During effect, the opposing Pokémon can’t switch out or run. During effect, Teleport will fail for the opposing Pokémon.
MeditatePSYCHIC0255400 Raises user’s Attack by 1 stage.
Mega DrainGRASS40255100fg If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack.
Mega KickNORMAL12019150fg
Mega PunchNORMAL80216200fg
Metal ClawSTEEL502423525g May raise user’s Attack by 1 stage.
MetronomeNORMAL0255100 Uses a random move, and that move becomes the last move user chose for use.
Milk DrinkNORMAL0255100 User gains all HP; user sleeps with a sleep count of 3, even if user is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or already asleep. User gains half of its maximum HP. Fails if user’s HP is full.
MimicNORMAL0255100g Copies the last move used by opponent. The copied move has 5 PP and its maximum PP is set to the copied move’s maximum PP with...
Mind ReaderNORMAL025550g The next time an accuracy check is done for an attack against opponent, that accuracy check succeeds and this effect ends. Effe...
MinimizeNORMAL0255200 After a successful use of this attack by user, every use of Stomp by opponent has double power, until user leaves battle. After a successful use of this attack by user, every use of Stomp by opponent has double power, until user leaves battle.
Mirror CoatPSYCHIC1255200f Deals damage to opponent equal to twice the HP lost by user this turn from the last move used by opponent if that move is a spe...
Mirror MoveFLYING0255200 Uses last move the opposing Pokémon used.
MistICE0255300 During effect, user’s stat stages can’t be reduced by attacks by a Pokémon on the opposing Pokémon’s side, except Haze.
MoonlightNORMAL025550 User gains half max. HP in Link Battles or Stadium 2 battles or at night; 1/4 max. HP otherwise. User gains all HP or half max....
Morning SunNORMAL025550 User gains half max. HP in Link Battles or Stadium 2 battles or during the morning; 1/4 max. HP otherwise. User gains all HP or...
Mud-SlapGROUND2025510255g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
Night ShadeGHOST1255150fg Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to user’s level. Affected by type immunities.
NightmareGHOST0255150 Usable only while opponent is asleep. As long as opponent remains asleep, opponent loses 1/4 max. HP after its attack segment.
OctazookaWATER6521610127g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
OutrageDRAGON90255150fg User uses this attack for two or three attack segments, during which user can’t take any other action, and after which user bec...
Pain SplitNORMAL0255200g User’s HP and opponent’s HP become the average of user’s and opponent’s current HP, and are adjusted so that they don’t exceed...
Pay DayNORMAL40255200fg In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, if successful, an amount equal to twice user’s current level is added to the mon...
Perish SongNORMAL025550 Each Pokémon in battle without a Perish count receives a Perish count of 4. After each turn, the Perish count of each Pokémon i...
Petal DanceGRASS70255200fg User uses this attack for two or three attack segments, during which user can’t take any other action, and after which user bec...
Pin MissileBUG14216200fg Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
Poison GasPOISON0140400g Poisons the opposing Pokémon.
Poison StingPOISON152553576g May poison the opposing Pokémon.
PoisonPowderPOISON0191350g Poisons the opposing Pokémon.
Powder SnowICE402552525g May freeze the opposing Pokémon.
PresentNORMAL1229150fg At random, opponent gains 1/4 max. HP and this attack doesn’t deal damage; or power is 40, 80, or 120. Ineffective if opponent...
ProtectNORMAL0255100 Until the end of opponent’s attack segment, attacks used by opponent will miss. Priority level 2. A variable, X, starts at 255,...
PsybeamPSYCHIC652552025g May confuse the opposing Pokémon.
Psych UpNORMAL0255100 Copies the opposing Pokémon’s stat stages. Will fail if all of the opposing Pokémon’s stat stages are 0.
PsychicPSYCHIC902551025g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Special Defense by 1 stage.
PsywavePSYCHIC1204150fg Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to a random integer from 1 through int-1. Affected by type immunities.
PursuitDARK40255200fg When the opposing Pokémon switches, if user chose this move for use, user uses this attack with its damage doubled.
Quick AttackNORMAL40255300fg Priority level 1.
RageNORMAL20255200fg After using this attack, this attack’s damage is raised the next time user is damaged by an attack by the opposing Pokémon.
Rain DanceWATER022950 Weather. For five turns, for both parties, damage from Water attacks is multiplied by 1.5, and damage from Fire attacks is halved.
Rapid SpinNORMAL20255400fg If this attack is successful, effects of multi-turn attacks, Leech Seed, and Spikes end against the user.
Razor LeafGRASS55242250fg Good chance for a critical hit.
Razor WindNORMAL80191100fg Two-turn attack. Good chance for a critical hit.
RecoverNORMAL0255200 User gains all HP; user sleeps with a sleep count of 3, even if user is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or already asleep. User gains half of its maximum HP. Fails if user’s HP is full.
ReflectPSYCHIC0255200 Defense of the Pokémon on user’s side is doubled for five turns, except in critical hits.
RestPSYCHIC0255100 User gains all HP; user sleeps with a sleep count of 3, even if user is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or already asleep. User gains all HP; user sleeps with a sleep count of 3, even if user is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or already asleep.
ReturnNORMAL1255200fg This attack’s power is equal to int((User’s friendship)*2/5) or 1, whichever is greater.
ReversalFIGHTING1255150fg Power is 200 if N is less than 2, 150 if N is 2-4, 100 if N is 5-9, 80 if N is 10-16, 40 if N is 17-32, or 20 if N is 33 or gre...
RoarNORMAL0255200g Ends wild Pokémon battles. In Trainer battles, replaces opponent with a random unfainted non-Egg Pokémon not in battle on oppon...
Rock SlideROCK752291076g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch.
Rock SmashFIGHTING2025515127g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
Rock ThrowROCK50229150fg
Rolling KickFIGHTING602161576g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch.
RolloutROCK30229200fg User uses this attack for up to five attack segments, during which user can’t take any other action. A multiplier, X, is set to...
Sacred FireFIRE1002425127g May burn the opposing Pokémon. User can use this attack while frozen; if this attack is successful, user is defrosted.
SafeguardNORMAL0255250 For five turns, attacks by Pokémon in battle on opponent’s side can’t cause poison, burn, paralysis, freezing, sleep, or confus...
Sand-AttackGROUND0255150g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
SandstormROCK0255100 Weather. For five turns, after each turn before the last, user and opponent, other than and Ground, Rock, and Steel types, lose...
Scary FaceNORMAL0229100g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 2 stages.
ScreechNORMAL0216400g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 2 stages.
Seismic TossFIGHTING1255200fg Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to user’s level. Affected by type immunities.
SelfdestructNORMAL20025550fg User faints, after damage calculation. The opposing Pokémon’s Defense is treated as halved in damage calculation.
Shadow BallGHOST802551551g May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Special Defense by 1 stage.
SharpenNORMAL0255300 Raises user’s Attack by 1 stage.
SingNORMAL0140150g Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
SketchNORMAL025510 Permanently copies the last move used by opponent. That move replaces this move even after the battle ends or user leaves battl...
Skull BashNORMAL100255150fg Two-turn attack. On first attack segment of use, raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
Sky AttackFLYING14022950fg Two-turn attack.
SlashNORMAL70255200fg Good chance for a critical hit.
Sleep PowderGRASS0191150g Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
Sleep TalkNORMAL0255100 Fails unless user is asleep. Uses one of user’s moves, at random, and that move becomes the last move user chose for use. Doesn...
SludgePOISON652552076g May poison the opposing Pokémon.
Sludge BombPOISON902551076g May poison the opposing Pokémon.
SmogPOISON2017820102g May poison the opposing Pokémon.
SmokeScreenNORMAL0255200g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
SnoreNORMAL402551576fg Fails unless user is asleep. May make the opposing Pokémon flinch.
SoftboiledNORMAL0255100 User gains all HP; user sleeps with a sleep count of 3, even if user is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or already asleep. User gains half of its maximum HP. Fails if user’s HP is full.
SolarBeamGRASS120255100fg Two-turn attack. If Sunny Day is in effect, attack takes one attack segment. If Rain Dance is in effect, damage is halved.
SonicBoomNORMAL20229200fg Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to this attack’s power. Affected by type immunities.
SparkELECTRIC652552076g May paralyze the opposing Pokémon.
Spider WebBUG0255100 During effect, the opposing Pokémon can’t switch out or run. During effect, Teleport will fail for the opposing Pokémon.
Spike CannonNORMAL20255150fg Multi-hit attack. Attacks two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 times; 12.5% for 4 or 5 times.
SpikesGROUND0255200 If an opponent enters battle, that Pokémon, in most cases, loses 1/8 max. HP.
SpiteGHOST0255100g Lowers PP of the last move used by the opposing Pokémon by 2 to 5, at random.
SplashNORMAL0255400 Does nothing.
SporeGRASS0255150g Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
Steel WingSTEEL702292525g May raise user’s Defense by 1 stage.
StompNORMAL652552076g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch. If Minimize had been used by the opposing Pokémon, power is doubled.
String ShotBUG0242400g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage.
StruggleNORMAL5025510fg This attack’s damage isn’t affected by the opposing Pokémon’s or user’s types. This attack’s damage isn’t affected by the opposing Pokémon’s or user’s types.
Stun SporeGRASS0191300g Paralyzes the opposing Pokémon. Affected by type immunities.
SubmissionFIGHTING80204250fg This attack’s damage isn’t affected by the opposing Pokémon’s or user’s types.
SubstituteNORMAL0255100 Creates a substitute using 1/4 of its maximum HP.
Sunny DayFIRE022950 Weather. For five turns, for both parties, damage from Water attacks is halved, and damage from Fire attacks is multiplied by 1...
Super FangNORMAL1229100fg Deals damage to opponent equal to the greater of 1 or half of opponent’s current HP. Affected by type immunities.
SupersonicNORMAL0140200g Confuses the opposing Pokémon.
SwaggerNORMAL022915255g Raises opponent’s Attack by 2 stages. May confuse opponent. Will miss if opponent’s Attack can’t be raised.
Sweet KissNORMAL0191100g Confuses the opposing Pokémon.
Sweet ScentNORMAL0255200g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s evasion by 1 stage.
SwiftNORMAL60255200fg Can’t be evaded.
Swords DanceNORMAL0255300 Raises user’s Attack by 2 stages.
SynthesisGRASS025550 User gains half max. HP in Link Battles or Stadium 2 battles or during the day; 1/4 max. HP otherwise. User gains all HP or hal...
Tail WhipNORMAL0255300g Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
Take DownNORMAL90216200fg This attack’s damage isn’t affected by the opposing Pokémon’s or user’s types.
TeleportPSYCHIC0255200 User runs from the wild Pokémon battle. Fails if battle is a trainer battle.
ThiefDARK4025510255fg May cause user to receive opponent’s held item if user has no item and that item isn’t a Mail, even if user is a wild Pokémon....
ThrashNORMAL90255200fg User uses this attack for two or three attack segments, during which user can’t take any other action, and after which user bec...
ThunderELECTRIC1201781076g May paralyze opponent. Can hit opponent even if it’s using Fly. If Rain Dance is in effect, can’t be evaded. If Sunny Day is in...
Thunder WaveELECTRIC0255200g Paralyzes the opposing Pokémon. Affected by type immunities.
ThunderPunchELECTRIC752551525g May paralyze the opposing Pokémon.
ThunderShockELECTRIC402553025g May paralyze the opposing Pokémon.
ThunderboltELECTRIC952551525g May paralyze the opposing Pokémon.
ToxicPOISON0216100g "Badly" poisons the opposing Pokémon.
TransformNORMAL0255100 User’s Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and Attack stats; types; moves; species; diversification values; and stat stages becom...
Tri AttackNORMAL802551051g May either burn, freeze, or paralyze the opposing Pokémon (1/3 chance of each).
Triple KickFIGHTING10229100fg Hits from one to three times, at random. This attack’s power is multiplied by 2 for the second hit and by 3 for the third hit.
TwineedleBUG252552051fg Attacks twice in a row. May poison the opposing Pokémon. (Additional effect occurs after all hits of the attack have resolved.)
TwisterDRAGON402552051g May make the opposing Pokémon flinch. Power is doubled if the opposing Pokémon is using Fly.
Vine WhipGRASS35255100fg
Vital ThrowFIGHTING70255100f Can’t be evaded. Priority level -1.
Water GunWATER40255250fg
WhirlpoolWATER15178150g Multi-turn attack. For three to six turns, opponent can’t switch out or run, and after each turn except the last, opponent lose...
WhirlwindNORMAL0255200g Ends wild Pokémon battles. In Trainer battles, replaces opponent with a random unfainted non-Egg Pokémon not in battle on oppon...
Wing AttackFLYING60255350fg
WithdrawWATER0255400 Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
WrapNORMAL15216200g Multi-turn attack. For three to six turns, opponent can’t switch out or run, and after each turn except the last, opponent lose...
Zap CannonELECTRIC1001275255g May paralyze the opposing Pokémon.