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Pokédex (Pokémon Data)

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Chikorita1521Leaf PokémonIt loves to bask in the sunlight. It uses the leaf on its head to seek out warm places.
Bayleef1532Leaf PokémonThe scent that wafts from the leaves on its neck causes anyone who smells it to become energetic.
Meganium1543Herb PokémonAnyone who stands beside it becomes refreshed, just as if they were relaxing in a sunny forest.
Cyndaquil1554Fire Mouse PokémonThe fire that spouts from its back burns hottest when it is angry. The flaring flames intimidate foes.
Quilava1565Volcano PokémonBefore battle, it turns its back on its opponent to demonstrate how ferociously its fire blazes.
Typhlosion1576Volcano PokémonWhen heat from its body causes the air around it to shimmer, this is a sign that it is ready to battle.
Totodile1587Big Jaw PokémonThis rough critter chomps at any moving object it sees. Turning your back on it is not recommended.
Croconaw1598Big Jaw PokémonThe tips of its fangs are slanted backward. Once those fangs clamp down, the prey has no hope of escape.
Feraligatr1609Big Jaw PokémonAlthough it has a massive body, its powerful hind legs enable it to move quickly, even on the ground.
Pidgey1610Tiny Bird PokémonIt rapidly flaps its wings in the grass, stirring up a dust cloud that drives insect prey out into the open.
Pidgeotto1711Bird PokémonIt slowly flies in a circular pat- tern, all the while keeping a sharp lookout for prey.
Pidgeot1812Bird PokémonIts outstanding vision allows it to spot splashing MAGIKARP, even while flying at 3300 feet.
Spearow2113Tiny Bird PokémonTo protect its territory, it flies around ceaselessly, making high- pitched cries.
Fearow2214Beak PokémonIt uses its long beak to attack. It has a surprisingly long reach, so it must be treated with caution.
Hoothoot16315Owl PokémonIt begins to hoot at the same time every day. Some trainers use them in place of clocks.
Noctowl16416Owl PokémonIts extremely soft feathers make no sound in flight. It silently sneaks up on prey without being detected.
Rattata1917Mouse PokémonThis POKéMON's impressive vital- ity allows it to live anywhere. It also multiplies very quickly.
Raticate2018Mouse PokémonThe webs on its hind legs enable it to cross rivers. It search- es wide areas for food.
Sentret16119Scout PokémonWhen acting as a lookout, it warns others of danger by screeching and hitting the ground with its tail.
Furret16220Long Body PokémonIt lives in narrow burrows that fit its slim body. The deeper the nests go, the more maze- like they become.
Pichu17221Tiny Mouse PokémonIt is unskilled at storing electric power. Any kind of shock causes it to discharge energy spontaneously.
Pikachu2522Mouse PokémonWhen it is anger- ed, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
Raichu2623Mouse PokémonIf its electric pouches run empty, it raises its tail to gather electri- city from the atmosphere.
Caterpie1024Worm PokémonIt crawls into foliage where it camouflages itself among leaves that are the same color as its body.
Metapod1125Cocoon PokémonThis is its pre- evolved form. At this stage, it can only harden, so it remains motionless to avoid attack.
Butterfree1226Butterfly PokémonIt flits from flower to flower, collecting honey. It can even identify distant flowers in bloom.
Weedle1327Hairy Bug PokémonThe barb on top of its head secretes a strong poison. It uses this toxic barb to protect itself.
Kakuna1428Cocoon PokémonNearly incapable of movement, it leans against stout trees while waiting for its evolution.
Beedrill1529Poison Bee PokémonIt uses sharp, poisonous stings to defeat prey, then takes the victim back to its nest for food.
Ledyba16530Five Star PokémonIt is timid and clusters together with others. The fluid secreted by its feet indicates its location.
Ledian16631Five Star PokémonIn the daytime when it gets warm, it curls up inside a big leaf and drifts off into a deep slumber.
Spinarak16732String Spit PokémonIf prey becomes ensnared in its nest of spun string, it waits motionlessly until it becomes dark.
Ariados16833Long Leg PokémonRather than mak- ing a nest in one specific spot, it wanders in search of food after darkness falls.
Geodude7434Rock PokémonProud of their sturdy bodies, they bash against each other in a contest to prove whose is harder.
Graveler7535Rock PokémonIt travels by rol- ling on mountain paths. If it gains too much speed, it stops by running into huge rocks.
Golem7636Megaton PokémonIts rock-like body is so durable, even high-powered dynamite blasts fail to scratch its rugged hide.
Zubat4137Bat PokémonDuring the day, it gathers with others and hangs from the ceilings of old buildings and caves.
Golbat4238Bat PokémonWhen it plunges its fangs into its prey, it instantly draws and gulps down more than ten ounces of blood.
Crobat16939Bat PokémonAs a result of its pursuit of faster, yet more silent flight, a new set of wings grew on its hind legs.
Cleffa17340Star Shape PokémonIf the impact site of a meteorite is found, this POKéMON is certain to be within the immediate area.
Clefairy3541Fairy PokémonThough rarely seen, it becomes easier to spot, for some reason, on the night of a full moon.
Clefable3642Fairy PokémonSaid to live in quiet, remote mountains, this type of fairy has a strong aversion to being seen.
Igglybuff17443Balloon PokémonInstead of walking with its short legs, it moves around by bouncing on its soft, tender body.
Jigglypuff3944Balloon PokémonIt rolls its cute eyes as it sings a soothing lullaby. Its gentle song puts anyone who hears it to sleep.
Wigglytuff4045Balloon PokémonThe rich, fluffy fur that covers its body feels so good that anyone who feels it can't stop touching it.
Togepi17546Spike Ball PokémonIt is considered to be a symbol of good luck. Its shell is said to be filled with happiness.
Togetic17647Happiness PokémonAlthough it does not flap its wings very much, it can stay up in the air as it tags along after its trainer.
Sandshrew2748Mouse PokémonIt prefers dry, sandy places because it uses the sand to protect itself when threatened.
Sandslash2849Mouse PokémonAdept at climbing trees, it rolls into a spiny ball, then attacks its enemies from above.
Ekans2350Snake PokémonIt flutters the tip of its tongue to seek out the scent of prey, then swallows the prey whole.
Arbok2451Cobra PokémonTo intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth.
Dunsparce20652Land Snake PokémonIt hides deep inside caves where no light ever reaches it and remains virtually motionless there.
Mareep17953Wool PokémonIt stores lots of air in its soft fur, allowing it to stay cool in summer and warm in winter.
Flaaffy18054Wool PokémonBecause of its rubbery, electric- ity-resistant skin, it can store lots of electric- ity in its fur.
Ampharos18155Light PokémonWhen it gets dark, the light from its bright, shiny tail can be seen from far away on the ocean's surface.
Wooper19456Water Fish PokémonA mucous membrane covers its body. Touching it barehanded will cause a shooting pain.
Quagsire19557Water Fish PokémonIts body is always slimy. It often bangs its head on the river bottom as it swims but seems not to care.
Gastly9258Gas PokémonIt wraps its op- ponent in its gas- like body, slowly weakening its prey by poisoning it through the skin.
Haunter9359Gas PokémonIt hides in the dark, planning to take the life of the next living thing that wanders close by.
Gengar9460Shadow PokémonHiding in people's shadows at night, it absorbs their heat. The chill it causes makes the victims shake.
Unown20161Symbol PokémonBecause different types of UNOWN exist, it is said that they must have a variety of abilities.
Onix9562Rock Snake PokémonAs it digs through the ground, it absorbs many hard objects. This is what makes its body so solid.
Steelix20863Iron Snake PokémonThe many small metal particles that cover this POKéMON's body reflect bright light well.
Bellsprout6964Flower PokémonIf it notices anything that moves, it immediately flings its vine at the object.
Weepinbell7065Flycatcher PokémonWhen it's hungry, it swings its razor-sharp leaves, slicing up any unlucky object nearby for food.
Victreebel7166Flycatcher PokémonOnce ingested into this POKéMON's body, even the hardest object will melt into nothing.
Hoppip18767Cottonweed PokémonIt can be carried away on even the gentlest breeze. It may even float all the way to the next town.
Skiploom18868Cottonweed PokémonAs soon as it rains, it closes its flower and hides in the shade of a tree to avoid getting wet.
Jumpluff18969Cottonweed PokémonEven in the fierc- est wind, it can control its fluff to make its way to any place in the world it wants.
Paras4670Mushroom PokémonThe tochukaso growing on this POKéMON's back orders it to extract juice from tree trunks.
Parasect4771Mushroom PokémonWhen nothing's left to extract from the bug, the mushrooms on its back leave spores on the bug's egg.
Poliwag6072Tadpole PokémonThe swirl on its belly is its insides showing through the skin. It looks clearer after it eats.
Poliwhirl6173Tadpole PokémonThough it is skilled at walk- ing, it prefers to live underwater where there is less danger.
Poliwrath6274Tadpole PokémonIt can use its well-developed arms and legs to run on the surface of the water for a split second.
Politoed18675Frog PokémonWhen it expands its throat to croak out a tune, nearby POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL gather immediately.
Magikarp12976Fish PokémonThis weak and pathetic POKéMON gets easily pushed along rivers when there are strong currents.
Gyarados13077Atrocious PokémonIt appears when- ever there is world conflict, burning down any place it travels through.
Goldeen11878Goldfish PokémonDuring spawning season, they swim gracefully in the water, searching for their perfect mate.
Seaking11979Goldfish PokémonWhen autumn comes, the males patrol the area around their nests in order to protect their offspring.
Slowpoke7980Dopey PokémonIt is always so absent-minded that it won't react, even if its flavorful tail is bitten.
Slowbro8081Hermit Crab PokémonAn attached SHELLDER won't let go because of the tasty flavor that oozes out of its tail.
Slowking19982Royal PokémonEvery time it ya- wns, SHELLDER injects more poi- son into it. The poison makes it more intelligent.
Oddish4383Weed PokémonDuring the day, it stays in the cold underground to avoid the sun. It grows by bath- ing in moonlight.
Gloom4484Weed PokémonThe smell from its drool-like syrup and the pollen on its petals is so bad, it may make opponents faint.
Vileplume4585Flower PokémonBy shaking its big petals, it scat- ters toxic pollen into the air, turning the air yellow.
Bellossom18286Flower PokémonWhen these dance together, their petals rub against each other, making pretty, relaxing sounds.
Drowzee9687Hypnosis PokémonWhen it twitches its nose, it can tell where someone is sleeping and what that person is dreaming about.
Hypno9788Hypnosis PokémonThe longer it swings its pendulum, the longer the effects of its hypnosis last.
Abra6389Psi PokémonIt hypnotizes itself so that it can teleport away when it senses danger, even if it is asleep.
Kadabra6490Psi PokémonWhen it closes its eyes, twice as many alpha parti- cles come out of the surface of its body.
Alakazam6591Psi PokémonIt has an IQ of 5000. It calcu- lates many things in order to gain the edge in every battle.
Ditto13292Transform PokémonWhen it encount- ers another DITTO, it will move faster than normal to duplicate that opponent exactly.
Pineco20493Bagworm PokémonIt spits out a fluid that it uses to glue tree bark to its body. The fluid hardens when it touches air.
Forretress20594Bagworm PokémonUsually found hanging on to a fat tree trunk. It shoots out bits of its shell when it sees action.
Nidoran♀2995Poison Pin PokémonSmall and very docile, it pro- tects itself with its small, poison- ous horn when attacked.
Nidorina3096Poison Pin PokémonIt has a docile nature. If it is threatened with attack, it raises the barbs that are all over its body.
Nidoqueen3197Drill PokémonThe hard scales that cover its strong body serve as excellent protection from any attack.
Nidoran♂3298Poison Pin PokémonIt constantly moves its large ears in many directions in order to detect danger right away.
Nidorino3399Poison Pin PokémonIt is easily agitated and uses its horn for offense as soon as it notices an attacker.
Nidoking34100Drill PokémonIt uses its thick arms, legs and tail to attack forcefully. Melee combat is its specialty.
Yanma193101Clear Wing PokémonIt can see in all directions without moving its big eyes, helping it spot attackers and food right away.
Sunkern191102Seed PokémonIt is very weak. Its only means of defense is to shake its leaves desperately at its attacker.
Sunflora192103Sun PokémonAs the hot season approaches, the petals on this POKéMON's face become more vivid and lively.
Exeggcute102104Egg PokémonIf even one is separated from the group, the energy bond between the six will make them rejoin instantly.
Exeggutor103105Coconut PokémonLiving in a good environment makes it grow lots of heads. A head that drops off becomes an EXEGGCUTE.
Sudowoodo185106Imitation PokémonIf a tree branch shakes when there is no wind, it's a SUDOWOODO, not a tree. It hides from the rain.
Wobbuffet202107Patient PokémonIn order to con- ceal its black tail, it lives in a dark cave and only moves about at night.
Venonat48108Insect PokémonThe small bugs it eats appear only at night, so it sleeps in a hole in a tree until night falls.
Venomoth49109Poison Moth PokémonThe scales it scatters will paralyze anyone who touches them, making that person unable to stand.
Scyther123110Mantis PokémonIt's very proud of its speed. It moves so fast that its opponent does not even know what knocked it down.
Scizor212111Pincer PokémonThis POKéMON's pincers, which contain steel, can crush any hard object it gets a hold of into bits.
Pinsir127112Stag Beetle PokémonWhen the tempera- ture drops at night, it sleeps on treetops or among roots where it is well hidden.
Heracross214113Single Horn PokémonWith its Herculean powers, it can easily throw arou- nd an object that is 100 times its own weight.
Koffing109114Poison Gas PokémonIf one gets close enough to it when it expels poison- ous gas, the gas swirling inside it can be seen.
Weezing110115Poison Gas PokémonWhen it inhales poisonous gases from garbage, its body expands, and its insides smell much worse.
Grimer88116Sludge PokémonWhen two of these POKéMON's bodies are combined together, new poisons are created.
Muk89117Sludge PokémonAs it moves, a very strong poison leaks from it, making the ground there barren for three years.
Magnemite81118Magnet PokémonThe electricity emitted by the units on each side of its body cause it to become a strong magnet.
Magneton82119Magnet PokémonWhen many MAGNETON gather together, the resulting magnetic storm disrupts radio waves.
Voltorb100120Ball PokémonDuring the study of this POKéMON, it was discovered that its compo- nents are not found in nature.
Electrode101121Ball PokémonThe more energy it charges up, the faster it gets. But this also makes it more likely to explode.
Aipom190122Long Tail PokémonIt uses its tail to hang on to tree branches. It uses its momentum to swing from one branch to another.
Snubbull209123Fairy PokémonIn truth, it is a cowardly POKéMON. It growls eagerly in order to hide its fear from its opponent.
Granbull210124Fairy PokémonIt can make most any POKéMON run away simply by opening its mouth wide to reveal its big fangs.
Vulpix37125Fox PokémonAs its body grows larger, its six warm tails become more beautiful, with a more luxur- ious coat of fur.
Ninetales38126Fox PokémonIt is said to live a thousand years, and each of its tails is loaded with supernatural powers.
Growlithe58127Puppy PokémonIt controls a big territory. If it detects an unknown smell, it roars loudly to force out the intruder.
Arcanine59128Legendary PokémonAn ancient picture scroll shows that people were attracted to its movement as it ran through prairies.
Stantler234129Big Horn PokémonThe round balls found on the fallen antlers can be ground into a powder that aids in sleeping.
Marill183130Aqua Mouse PokémonThe fur on its body naturally repels water. It can stay dry, even when it plays in the water.
Azumarill184131Aqua Rabbit PokémonThe bubble-like pattern on its stomach helps it camouflage itself when it's in the water.
Diglett50132Mole PokémonIt digs under- ground and chews on tree roots, sticking its head out only when the sun isn't bright.
Dugtrio51133Mole PokémonThese DIGLETT triplets dig over 60 miles below sea level. No one knows what it's like underground.
Mankey56134Pig Monkey PokémonIt lives in groups in the treetops. If it loses sight of its group, it becomes infuriated by its loneliness.
Primeape57135Pig Monkey PokémonIt will beat up anyone who makes it mad, even if it has to chase them until the end of the world.
Meowth52136Scratch Cat PokémonIt loves things that sparkle. When it sees a shiny object, the gold coin on its head shines too.
Persian53137Classy Cat PokémonBehind its lithe, elegant appearance lies a barbaric side. It will tear apart its prey on a mere whim.
Psyduck54138Duck PokémonThe only time it can use its psy- chic power is when its sleeping brain cells happen to wake.
Golduck55139Duck PokémonIt swims grace- fully along on the quiet, slow-moving rivers and lakes of which it is so fond.
Machop66140Superpower PokémonIt trains by lifting rocks in the mountains. It can even pick up a GRAVELER with ease.
Machoke67141Superpower PokémonThis tough POKéMON always stays in the zone. Its muscles become thicker after every battle.
Machamp68142Superpower PokémonWith four arms that react more quickly than it can think, it can execute many punches at once.
Tyrogue236143Scuffle PokémonTo brush up on its fighting skills, it will challenge anyone. It has a very strong com- petitive spirit.
Hitmonlee106144Kicking PokémonIt is also called the Kick Master. It uses its elastic legs to execute every known kick.
Hitmonchan107145Punching PokémonTo increase the strength of all its punch moves, it spins its arms just before making contact.
Hitmontop237146Handstand PokémonAfter doing a handstand to throw off the opponent's timing, it presents its fancy kick moves.
Girafarig203147Long Neck PokémonWhen it is in danger, its tail uses some sort of mysterious powers to drive away the enemy.
Tauros128148Wild Bull PokémonThese violent POKéMON fight with other mem- bers of their herd in order to prove their strength.
Miltank241149Milk Cow PokémonIn order to milk a MILTANK, one must have a knack for rhythmically pull- ing up and down on its udders.
Magby240150Live Coal PokémonIt naturally spits an 1100-degree flame. It is said when many appear, it heralds a volcanic eruption.
Magmar126151Spitfire PokémonIt moves more frequently in hot areas. It can heal itself by dipping its wound into lava.
Smoochum238152Kiss PokémonThe sensitivity of its lips develops most quickly. It uses them to try to identify unknown objects.
Jynx124153Human Shape PokémonIt has several different cry pat- terns, each of which seems to have its own meaning.
Elekid239154Electric PokémonIt loves violent thunder. The space between its horns flickers bluish- white when it is charging energy.
Electabuzz125155Electric PokémonWhen two ELECTABUZZ touch, they control the electric currents to communicate their feelings.
Mr. Mime122156Barrier PokémonIt uses the mysterious power it has in its fingers to solidify air into an invisible wall.
Smeargle235157Painter PokémonThe color of the mysterious fluid secreted from its tail is predeter- mined for each SMEARGLE.
Farfetch'd83158Wild Duck PokémonIn order to pre- vent their extinction, more people have made an effort to breed these POKéMON.
Natu177159Tiny Bird PokémonIt is extremely good at climbing tree trunks and likes to eat the new sprouts on the trees.
Xatu178160Mystic PokémonOnce it begins to meditate at sun- rise, the entire day will pass before it will move again.
Qwilfish211161Balloon PokémonWhen faced with a larger opponent, it swallows as much water as it can to match the opponent's size.
Tentacool72162Jellyfish PokémonAs it floats along on the waves, it uses its toxic feelers to stab anything it touches.
Tentacruel73163Jellyfish PokémonWhen its 80 feel- ers absorb water, it stretches to become like a net to entangle its prey.
Krabby98164River Crab PokémonIf it is unable to find food, it will absorb nutrients by swallowing a mouthful of sand.
Kingler99165Pincer PokémonIts oversized claw is very powerful, but when it's not in battle, the claw just gets in the way.
Shuckle213166Mold PokémonThe fluid secreted by its toes carves holes in rocks for nesting and can be mixed with BERRIES to make a drink.
Staryu120167Star Shape PokémonWhen the stars twinkle at night, it floats up from the sea floor, and its body's center core flickers.
Starmie121168Mysterious PokémonIt is said that it uses the seven- colored core of its body to send electric waves into outer space.
Shellder90169Bivalve PokémonClamping on to an opponent reveals its vulnerable parts, so it uses this move only as a last resort.
Cloyster91170Bivalve PokémonEven a missile can't break the spikes it uses to stab opponents. They're even hard- er than its shell.
Corsola222171Coral PokémonThe points on its head absorb nutrients from clean water. They cannot survive in polluted water.
Remoraid223172Jet PokémonTo escape from an attacker, it may shoot water out of its mouth, then use that force to swim backward.
Octillery224173Jet PokémonIts instinct is to bury itself in holes. It often steals the nesting holes of others to sleep in them.
Chinchou170174Angler PokémonIts antennae, whi- ch evolved from a fin, have both po- sitive and neg- ative charges flo- wing through them.
Lanturn171175Light PokémonThis POKéMON uses the bright part of its body, which changed from a dorsal fin, to lure prey.
Seel86176Sea Lion PokémonThe light blue fur that covers it keeps it protected against the cold. It loves iceberg- filled oceans.
Dewgong87177Sea Lion PokémonIt sleeps under shallow ocean waters during the day, then looks for food at night when it's cold.
Lickitung108178Licking PokémonIt has a tongue that is over 6'6'' long. It uses this long tongue to lick its body clean.
Tangela114179Vine PokémonDuring battle, it constantly moves the vines that cover its body in order to annoy its opponent.
Eevee133180Evolution PokémonIts ability to evolve into many forms allows it to adapt smoothly and perfectly to any environment.
Vaporeon134181Bubble Jet PokémonAs it uses the fins on the tip of its tail to swim, it blends with the water perfectly.
Jolteon135182Lightning PokémonThe negatively charged ions generated in its fur create a constant sparking noise.
Flareon136183Flame PokémonOnce it has stored up enough heat, this POKéMON's body temperature can reach up to 1700 degrees.
Espeon196184Sun PokémonThe tip of its forked tail quivers when it is predicting its opponent's next move.
Umbreon197185Moonlight PokémonOn the night of a full moon, or when it gets excited, the ring patterns on its body glow yellow.
Horsea116186Dragon PokémonWhen they're in a safe location, they can be seen playfully tangling their tails together.
Seadra117187Dragon PokémonThe male raises the young. If it is approached, it uses its toxic spikes to fend off the intruder.
Kingdra230188Dragon PokémonIt stores energy by sleeping at underwater depths at which no other life forms can survive.
Gligar207189FlyScorpion PokémonIt builds its nest on a steep cliff. When it is done gliding, it hops along the ground back to its nest.
Delibird225190Delivery PokémonIt always carries its food with it, wherever it goes. If attacked, it throws its food at the opponent.
Swinub220191Pig PokémonIt uses the tip of its nose to dig for food. Its nose is so tough that even frozen ground poses no problem.
Piloswine221192Swine PokémonAlthough its legs are short, its rugged hooves prevent it from slipping, even on icy ground.
Teddiursa216193Little Bear PokémonIt always licks honey. Its palm tastes sweet because of all the honey it has absorbed.
Ursaring217194Hibernator PokémonAlthough it has a large body, it is quite skilled at climbing trees. It eats and sleeps in the treetops.
Phanpy231195Long Nose PokémonDuring the desert- ed morning hours, it comes ashore where it deftly uses its trunk to take a shower.
Donphan232196Armor PokémonBecause this POKéMON's skin is so tough, a normal attack won't even leave a scratch on it.
Mantine226197Kite PokémonIt swims along freely, eating things that swim into its mouth. Its whole body is very coarse.
Skarmory227198Armor Bird PokémonThe feathers that it sheds are very sharp. It is said that people once used the feathers as swords.
Doduo84199Twin Bird PokémonIt lives on a grassy plain where it can see a long way. If it sees an enemy, it runs away at 60 mph.
Dodrio85200Triple Bird PokémonAn enemy that takes its eyes off any of the three heads--even for a second--will get pecked severely.
Ponyta77201Fire Horse PokémonTraining by jumping over grass that grows longer every day has made it a world-class jumper.
Rapidash78202Fire Horse PokémonIt just loves to gallop. The faster it goes, the long- er the swaying flames of its mane will become.
Cubone104203Lonely PokémonIt lost its mother after its birth. It wears its mother's skull, never revealing its true face.
Marowak105204Bone Keeper PokémonSomewhere in the world is a ceme- tery just for MAROWAK. It gets its bones from those graves.
Kangaskhan115205Parent PokémonTo avoid crushing the baby it carries in its pouch, it always sleeps standing up.
Rhyhorn111206Spikes PokémonIt can remember only one thing at a time. Once it starts rushing, it forgets why it started.
Rhydon112207Drill PokémonBy lightly spin- ning its drill- like horn, it can easily shatter even a diamond in the rough.
Murkrow198208Darkness PokémonIt hides any shiny object it finds in a secret location. MURKROW and MEOWTH loot one another's stashes.
Houndour228209Dark PokémonAround dawn, its ominous howl echoes through the area to announce that this is its territory.
Houndoom229210Dark PokémonThe pungent- smelling flame that shoots from its mouth results from toxins burn- ing in its body.
Slugma218211Lava PokémonThese group to- gether in areas that are hotter than normal. If it cools off, its skin hardens.
Magcargo219212Lava PokémonIts body is as hot as lava and is always billowing. Flames will occasionally burst from its shell.
Sneasel215213Sharp Claw PokémonThis cunning POKéMON hides under the cover of darkness, waiting to attack its prey.
Misdreavus200214Screech PokémonIt loves to watch people it's scar- ed. It frightens them by screaming loudly or appear- ing suddenly.
Porygon137215Virtual PokémonAn artificial POKéMON created due to extensive research, it can perform only what is in its program.
Porygon2233216Virtual PokémonThis manmade POKéMON evolved from the latest technology. It may have unprog- rammed reactions.
Chansey113217Egg PokémonPeople try to catch it for its extremely nutritious eggs, but it rarely can be found.
Blissey242218Happiness PokémonBiting into one of the delicious eggs that BLISSEY provides will make everyone around smile with joy.
Lapras131219Transport PokémonThis gentle POKéMON loves to give people rides and provides a ve- ry comfortable way to get around.
Omanyte138220Spiral PokémonIn prehistoric times, it swam on the sea floor, eating plankton. Its fossils are sometimes found.
Omastar139221Spiral PokémonIts heavy shell allowed it to reach only nearby food. This could be the reason it is extinct.
Kabuto140222Shellfish PokémonThree hundred million years ago, it hid on the sea floor. It also has eyes on its back that glow.
Kabutops141223Shellfish PokémonIt was able to swim quickly thro- ugh the water by compactly folding up its razor-sharp sickles.
Aerodactyl142224Fossil PokémonIn prehistoric times, this POKéMON flew freely and fearlessly through the skies.
Snorlax143225Sleeping PokémonThis POKéMON's stomach is so strong, even eating moldy or rotten food will not affect it.
Bulbasaur1226Seed PokémonWhile it is young, it uses the nutrients that are stored in the seeds on its back in order to grow.
Ivysaur2227Seed PokémonThe bulb on its back grows as it absorbs nutrients. The bulb gives off a pleasant aroma when it blooms.
Venusaur3228Seed PokémonAs it warms it- self and absorbs the sunlight, its flower petals release a pleasant fragrance.
Charmander4229Lizard PokémonIf it's healthy, the flame on the tip of its tail will burn vigor- ously, even if it gets a bit wet.
Charmeleon5230Flame PokémonIf it becomes agitated during battle, it spouts intense flames, incinerating its surroundings.
Charizard6231Flame PokémonIt uses its wings to fly high. The temperature of its fire increases as it gains exper- ience in battle.
Squirtle7232Tiny Turtle PokémonWhen it feels threatened, it draws its legs inside its shell and sprays water from its mouth.
Wartortle8233Turtle PokémonIts long, furry tail is a symbol of longevity, making it quite popular among older people.
Blastoise9234Shellfish PokémonIt firmly plants its feet on the ground before shooting water from the jets on its back.
Articuno144235Freeze PokémonLegendary bird POKéMON. As it flies through the sky, it cools the air, causing snow to fall.
Zapdos145236Electric PokémonLegendary bird POKéMON. They say lightning caused by the flapping of its wings causes summer storms.
Moltres146237Flame PokémonLegendary bird POKéMON. It is said to migrate from the south along with the spring.
Raikou243238Thunder PokémonThis rough POKéMON stores energy inside its body, then sweeps across the land, shooting off electricity.
Entei244239Volcano PokémonThis brawny POKéMON courses around the earth, spouting flames hotter than a volcano's magma.
Suicune245240Aurora PokémonThis divine POKéMON blows around the world, always in search of a pure reservoir.
Dratini147241Dragon PokémonIt sheds many lay- ers of skin as it grows larger. Dur- ing this process, it is protected by a rapid waterfall.
Dragonair148242Dragon PokémonIt is called the divine POKéMON. When its entire body brightens slightly, the weather changes.
Dragonite149243Dragon PokémonIt is said that somewhere in the ocean lies an island where these gather. Only they live there.
Larvitar246244Rock Skin PokémonBorn deep under- ground, this POKéMON becomes a pupa after eating enough dirt to make a mountain.
Pupitar247245Hard Shell PokémonIt will not stay still, even while it's a pupa. It already has arms and legs under its solid shell.
Tyranitar248246Armor PokémonIn just one of its mighty hands, it has the power to make the ground shake and moun- tains crumble.
Lugia249247Diving PokémonIt has an incred- ible ability to calm raging sto- rms. It is said that LUGIA appears when storms start.
Ho-Oh250248Rainbow PokémonIt will reveal itself before a pure-hearted trainer by shining its bright rain- bow-colored wings.
Mewtwo150249Genetic PokémonSaid to rest qui- etly in an undiscovered cave, this POKéMON was created solely for battling.
Mew151250New Species PokémonBecause it can learn any move, some people began research to see if it is the ancestor of all POKéMON.
Celebi251251Time Travel PokémonRevered as a guardian of the forest, CELEBI appears wherever beautiful forests exist.