Evolves into Ivysaur at level 16. Evolves into Venusaur at level 32. Evolves into Charmeleon at level 16. Evolves into Charizard at level 36. Evolves into Wartortle at level 16. Evolves into Blastoise at level 36. Evolves into Metapod at level 7. Evolves into Butterfree at level 10. Evolves into Kakuna at level 7. Evolves into Beedrill at level 10. Evolves into Pidgeotto at level 18. Evolves into Pidgeot at level 36. Evolves into Raticate at level 20. Evolves into Fearow at level 20. Evolves into Arbok at level 22. Evolves into Raichu if Thunderstone is used on it. Evolves into Sandslash at level 22. Evolves into Nidorina at level 16. Evolves into Nidoqueen if Moon Stone is used on it. Evolves into Nidorino at level 16. Evolves into Nidoking if Moon Stone is used on it. Evolves into Clefable if Moon Stone is used on it. Evolves into Ninetales if Fire Stone is used on it. Evolves into Wigglytuff if Moon Stone is used on it. Evolves into Golbat at level 22. Evolves into Crobat if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any). Evolves into Gloom at level 21. Evolves into Vileplume if Leaf Stone is used on it.; Evolves into Bellossom if Sun Stone is used on it. Evolves into Parasect at level 24. Evolves into Venomoth at level 31. Evolves into Dugtrio at level 26. Evolves into Persian at level 28. Evolves into Golduck at level 33. Evolves into Primeape at level 28. Evolves into Arcanine if Fire Stone is used on it. Evolves into Poliwhirl at level 25. Evolves into Poliwrath if Water Stone is used on it.; Evolves into Politoed if traded while holding King's Rock. Evolves into Kadabra at level 16. Evolves into Alakazam if traded. Evolves into Machoke at level 28. Evolves into Machamp if traded. Evolves into Weepinbell at level 21. Evolves into Victreebel if Leaf Stone is used on it. Evolves into Tentacruel at level 30. Evolves into Graveler at level 25. Evolves into Golem if traded. Evolves into Rapidash at level 40. Evolves into Slowbro at level 37.; Evolves into Slowking if traded while holding King's Rock. Evolves into Magneton at level 30. Evolves into Dodrio at level 31. Evolves into Dewgong at level 34. Evolves into Muk at level 38. Evolves into Cloyster if Water Stone is used on it. Evolves into Haunter at level 25. Evolves into Gengar if traded. Evolves into Steelix if traded while holding Metal Coat. Evolves into Hypno at level 26. Evolves into Kingler at level 28. Evolves into Electrode at level 30. Evolves into Exeggutor if Leaf Stone is used on it. Evolves into Marowak at level 28. Evolves into Weezing at level 35. Evolves into Rhydon at level 42. Evolves into Blissey if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any). Evolves into Seadra at level 32. Evolves into Kingdra if traded while holding Dragon Scale. Evolves into Seaking at level 33. Evolves into Starmie if Water Stone is used on it. Evolves into Scizor if traded while holding Metal Coat. Evolves into Gyarados at level 20. Evolves into Jolteon if Thunderstone is used on it.; Evolves into Vaporeon if Water Stone is used on it.; Evolves into Flareon if Fire Stone is used on it.; Evolves into Espeon during the day if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any).; Evolves into Umbreon at night if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any). Evolves into Porygon2 if traded while holding Up-Grade. Evolves into Omastar at level 40. Evolves into Kabutops at level 40. Evolves into Dragonair at level 30. Evolves into Dragonite at level 55. Evolves into Bayleef at level 16. Evolves into Meganium at level 32. Evolves into Quilava at level 14. Evolves into Typhlosion at level 36. Evolves into Croconaw at level 18. Evolves into Feraligatr at level 30. Evolves into Furret at level 15. Evolves into Noctowl at level 20. Evolves into Ledian at level 18. Evolves into Ariados at level 22. Evolves into Lanturn at level 27. Evolves into Pikachu if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any). Evolves into Clefairy if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any). Evolves into Jigglypuff if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any). Evolves into Togetic if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any). Evolves into Xatu at level 25. Evolves into Flaaffy at level 15. Evolves into Ampharos at level 30. Evolves into Azumarill at level 18. Evolves into Skiploom at level 18. Evolves into Jumpluff at level 27. Evolves into Sunflora if Sun Stone is used on it. Evolves into Quagsire at level 20. Evolves into Forretress at level 31. Evolves into Granbull at level 23. Evolves into Ursaring at level 30. Evolves into Magcargo at level 38. Evolves into Piloswine at level 33. Evolves into Octillery at level 25. Evolves into Houndoom at level 24. Evolves into Donphan at level 25. Evolves into Hitmonchan at level 20 if its Attack is less than its Defense.; Evolves into Hitmonlee at level 20 if its Attack is greater than its Defense.; Evolves into Hitmontop at level 20 if its Attack is equal to its Defense. Evolves into Jynx at level 30. Evolves into Electabuzz at level 30. Evolves into Magmar at level 30. Evolves into Pupitar at level 30. Evolves into Tyranitar at level 55.