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Pokédex - Eevee (Emerald Version)

Home > Pokédex - Eevee (Emerald Version)

[Picture of Eevee]

Basic Information

National Number#133
Height0.3 m (1'0")
Weight 6.5 kg (14.3 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Eevee]
Starting Catch Rate45
Base Experience92
Growth RateMedium (max: 1,000,000 Exp. Points)
Gender Rate12.5% female, 87.5% male
Egg GroupsField
Steps to Hatch Egg8960
Items in Wild PokémonNo items.
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenSpecial Defense: 1
AbilitiesRun Away

Race Values ("Base Stats")

View detailed stat info for Eevee

Special Attack45
Special Defense65

Pokédex Entries


Eevee - Evolution Pokémon

An EEVEE has an unstable genetic makeup that suddenly mutates due to its environment. Radiation from various STONES causes this POKéMON to evolve.


Évoli - Pokémon Evolutif

EVOLI a une structure génétique instable qui se transforme en fonction de son environnement. Il évolue grâce aux radiations de diverses PIERRES.


Evoli - Evolution

EVOLIs genetisches Erbmaterial ist so instabil, dass die Umgebung Mutationen auslösen kann. Die Wirkung verschiedener STEINe führt zur Entwicklung dieses PKMN.


Eevee - Pokémon Evolución

Su configuración genética le permite mutar y adaptarse enseguida a cualquier medio. Evoluciona gracias a las radiaciones emitidas por varias PIEDRAS.


Eevee - Pokémon Evoluzione

EEVEE è dotato di un instabile corredo genetico che muta in base all'habitat naturale in cui vive. Le radiazioni di diverse PIETRE ne scatenano l'evoluzione.


イーブイ (IIBUI) - しんかポケモン (ShinkaPOKEMON)

くらしている かんきょうで とつぜんへんい する ふあんていな いでんしを もつ ポケモン。 いしの ほうしゃせんが しんかを ひきおこす。 (Kurashiteiru kankyoude totsuzenheni suru fuanteina idenshiwo motsu POKEMON. Ishino houshasenga shinkawo hikiokosu. )

Evolutions (When Eevee Evolves)

Evolves into Jolteon if Thunderstone is used on it.
Evolves into Vaporeon if Water Stone is used on it.
Evolves into Flareon if Fire Stone is used on it.
Evolves into Espeon during the day if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any).
Evolves into Umbreon at night if happy enough after leveling up and the battle ends (if any).

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Eevee)

Not found in this version.

Moves Learned

Emerald Version

LevelNameTypePowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (%)RangeFlags
1TackleNORMAL3595350Single exc. userabef
1Tail WhipNORMAL0100300All opposing Pokémonbce
1Helping HandNORMAL0100200User
8Sand-AttackGROUND0100150Single exc. userbce
16GrowlNORMAL0100400All opposing Pokémonbce
23Quick AttackNORMAL40100300Single exc. userabef
30BiteDARK601002530Single exc. userabe
36Baton PassNORMAL00400User
42Take DownNORMAL9085200Single exc. userabef

What moves can Eevee learn in Pokémon Emerald?

Eevee can learn the following moves:

AttractRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM45
Baton PassRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 36
BiteRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 30
Body Slam
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
CharmRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move
CurseRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move
DigRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM28
Double TeamRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM32
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
FlailRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move
FrustrationRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM21
GrowlRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 16
Hidden PowerRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM10
Iron TailRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM23
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Mud-SlapEmerald: Move Tutor
ProtectRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM17
Quick AttackRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 23
Rain DanceRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM18
RestRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM44
ReturnRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM27
Sand-AttackRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 8
Shadow BallRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM30
Sleep TalkEmerald: Move Tutor
SnoreEmerald: Move Tutor
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Sunny DayRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM11
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
SwiftEmerald: Move Tutor
TackleRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
Tail WhipRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
Take DownRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 42
ToxicRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM06