There is a plant bulb on its back. When it absorbs nutrients, the bulb is said to blossom into a large flower. 
A bewitching aroma wafts from its flower. The fragrance becalms those engaged in a battle. 
From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to go out. 
It lashes about with its tail to knock down its foe. It then tears up the fallen opponent with sharp claws. 
Its wings can carry this POKéMON close to an altitude of 4,600 feet. It blows out fire at very high temperatures. 
When it retracts its long neck into its shell, it squirts out water with vigorous force. 
This POKéMON is very popular as a pet. Its fur-covered tail is a symbol of its longevity. 
It crushes its foe under its heavy body to cause fainting. In a pinch, it will withdraw inside its shell. 
It is covered with a green skin. When it grows, it sheds the skin, covers itself with silk, and becomes a cocoon. 
Even though it is encased in a sturdy shell, the body inside is tender. It can't withstand a harsh attack. 
The wings are protected by rain-repellent dust. As a result, this POKéMON can fly about even in rain. 
Often found in forests and grasslands. It has a sharp, toxic barb of around two inches on top of its head. 
This POKéMON is in a temporary stage while making its body. It is almost completely unable to move on its own. 
May appear in a swarm. Flies at violent speeds, all the while stabbing with the toxic stinger on its rear. 
Does not like to fight. It hides in tall grass and so on, foraging for food such as small bugs. 
The claws on its feet are well developed. It can carry prey such as an EXEGGCUTE to its nest over 60 miles away. 
It spreads its gorgeous wings widely to intimidate enemies. It races through the skies at Mach-2 speed. 
Its fangs are long and very sharp. They grow continuously, so it gnaws on hard things to whittle them down. 
Its rear feet have three toes each. They are webbed, enabling it to swim across rivers. 
It busily flits around here and there. Even if it is frail, it can be a tough foe that uses MIRROR MOVE. 
Its huge and magnificent wings can keep it aloft in the sky. It can remain flying a whole day without landing. 
A very common sight in grassland, etc. It flicks its tongue in and out to sense danger in its surroundings. 
The pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening face. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern. 
It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks. If threatened, it looses electric charges from the sacs. 
Its electric charges can reach even 100,000 volts. Careless contact can cause even an Indian elephant to faint. 
It burrows and lives underground. If threatened, it curls itself up into a ball for protection. 
It is adept at attacking with the spines on its back and its sharp claws while quickly scurrying about. 
Though small, it must be treated with caution because of its powerfully toxic barbs. The female has smaller horns. 
The female has a gentle temperament. It emits ultrasonic cries that have the power to befuddle foes. 
The body is covered by stiff, needle- like scales. If it becomes excited, the needles bristle outwards. 
Its large ears are flapped like wings when it is listening to distant sounds. It extends toxic barbs when angered. 
It is easily angered. By swinging its well- developed horn wildly, it can even punch through diamond. 
It is recognized by its rock-hard hide and its extended horn. Be careful with the horn as it contains venom. 
Its adorable appearance makes it popular as a pet. However, it is rare and difficult to find. 
It has an acute sense of hearing. It can easily hear a pin being dropped nearly 1,100 yards away. 
While young, it has six gorgeous tails. When it grows, several new tails are sprouted. 
It has nine long tails and fur that  gleams gold. It is said to live for  1,000 years. 
It captivates foes with its huge, round eyes, then lulls them to sleep by singing a soothing melody. 
Its fur is extremely fine, dense, and supple. The exquisitely pleasant fur conveys an image of luxury. 
It has no eyes. Instead, it relies on its ultrasonic cries for echo location to flit about in darkness. 
It clamps down on its prey with needle- sharp fangs and drains over 10 ounces of blood in one gulp. 
Its scientific name is ``Oddium Wanderus.'' At night, it is said to walk nearly 1,000 feet on its two roots. 
Its pistils exude an incredibly foul odor. The horrid stench can cause fainting at a distance of 1.25 miles. 
Its petals are the largest in the world. It fiendishly scatters allergy-causing pollen from its petals. 
Growing out of the bug's back are mushrooms called tochukaso. The mushrooms grow with the bug host. 
It scatters toxic spores from the mushroom cap. In China, the spores are used as herbal medicine. 
Its eyes act as radar, enabling it to be active in darkness. The eyes can also shoot powerful beams. 
The wings are covered with dustlike scales. Every time it flaps its wings, it looses highly toxic dust. 
It burrows through the ground at a shallow depth. It leaves raised earth in its wake, making it easy to spot. 
In battle, it digs through the ground and strikes the unsuspecting foe from an unexpected direction. 
All it does is sleep during the daytime. At night, it patrols its territory with its eyes aglow. 
Has a vicious temperament. Beware if it raises its tail straight up. It is a signal that it is about to pounce and bite. 
It is constantly wracked by a headache. When the headache turns intense, it begins using mysterious powers. 
The forelegs are webbed, helping to make it an adept swimmer. It can be seen swimming elegantly in lakes, etc. 
Light and agile on its feet, and ferocious in temperament. When angered, it flies into an uncontrollable frenzy. 
It is always outrageously furious. If it gives chase, it will tenaciously track the target no matter how far. 
Very friendly and faithful to people. It will try to repel enemies by barking and biting. 
A POKéMON that is described in Chinese legends. It is said to race at an unbelievable speed. 
Its slick black skin is thin and damp. A part of its internal organs can be seen through the skin as a spiral pattern. 
Its two legs are well developed. Even though it can live on the ground, it prefers living in water. 
An adept swimmer, it knows the front crawl, butterfly, and more. It is faster than the best human swimmers. 
It sleeps for 18 hours a day. It uses a variety of extrasensory powers even while asleep. 
It happened one morning - a boy with extrasensory powers awoke in bed transformed into KADABRA. 
It does not like physical attacks very  much. Instead, it freely uses extra- sensory powers to defeat foes. 
Its whole body is composed of muscles. Even though it's the size of a human child, it can hurl 100 grown-ups. 
Its formidable body never gets tired. It helps people by doing work such as the moving of heavy goods. 
Its four ruggedly developed arms can launch a flurry of 1,000 punches in just two seconds. 
Its bud looks like a human face. Because of the bud, it is rumored to be a type of legendary mandrake plant. 
The leafy parts act as cutters for slashing foes. It spits a fluid that dissolves everything. 
Lures prey into its mouth with a honeylike aroma. The helpless prey is melted with a dissolving fluid. 
Its eyes are as transparent as crystals. From them, it shoots mysterious beams of light. 
It has 80 tentacles that move about freely. They can sting, causing poisoning and sharp, stabbing pain. 
Its round form makes it easy to pick up. Some people have used them to hurl at each other in a snowball fight. 
Be careful while hiking on mountain trails. GRAVELER may come rolling down the path without slowing. 
It is enclosed in a hard shell that is as rugged as slabs of rock. It sheds skin once a year to grow larger. 
Its body is light, and its legs are incredibly powerful. It can clear Ayers Rock in one leap. 
It can gallop at a top speed of 150 miles per hour. It can race as fast as a bullet train while ablaze. 
It is always vacantly lost in thought, but no one knows what it is thinking about. It is good at fishing with its tail. 
When a SLOWPOKE went hunting in the sea, its tail was bitten by a SHELLDER. That made it evolve into SLOWBRO. 
It moves while constantly hovering. It discharges THUNDER WAVE and so on from the units at its sides. 
A linked cluster formed of several MAGNEMITE. It discharges powerful magnetic waves at high voltage. 
It always walks about with a plant stalk clamped in its beak. The stalk is used for building its nest. 
A two-headed POKéMON that was discovered as a sudden mutation. It runs at a pace of over 60 miles per hour. 
An odd species that is rarely found. The three heads respectively represent joy, sadness, and anger. 
Covered with light blue fur, its hide is thick and tough. It is active in bitter cold of minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Its body is covered with a pure white fur. The colder the weather, the more active it becomes. 
Sludge exposed to X rays from the moon transformed into GRIMER. It loves feeding on filthy things. 
It is usually undetectable because it blends in with the ground. Touching it can cause terrible poisoning. 
It is encased in a shell that is harder than diamond. Inside, however, it is surprisingly tender. 
Its shell is extremely hard. It cannot be shattered, even with a bomb. The shell opens only when it is attacking. 
A being that exists as a thin gas. It can topple an Indian elephant by enveloping the prey in two seconds. 
If you get the feeling of being watched in darkness when nobody is around, HAUNTER is there. 
It is said to emerge from darkness to steal the lives of those who become lost in mountains. 
It usually lives underground. It searches for food while boring its way through the ground at 50 miles per hour. 
A descendent of the legendary animal baku, which is said to eat dreams. It is skilled at hypnotism. 
It carries a pendulum-like device. There once was an incident in which it took  away a child it hypnotized. 
It can be found near the sea. The large pincers grow back if they are torn out of their sockets. 
Its large and hard pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, being so big, it is unwieldy to move. 
A life-form whose identity is unknown. It is said to SCREECH or suddenly SELFDESTRUCT. 
It explodes in response to even minor stimuli. It is feared, with the nickname of ``The Bomb Ball.'' 
Even though it appears to be eggs of some sort, it was discovered to be a life- form more like plant seeds. 
It is called ``The Walking Tropical Rainforest.'' Each of the nuts has a face and a will of its own. 
It wears the skull of its dead mother on its head. When it becomes lonesome, it is said to cry loudly. 
It is small and was originally very weak. Its temperament turned ferocious when it began using bones. 
The legs freely contract and stretch. The stretchy legs allow it to hit a distant foe with a rising kick. 
The spirit of a pro boxer has infused this POKéMON. It throws punches that are faster than a bullet train. 
Its tongue is twice the length of its body. It can be moved like an arm for grabbing food and attacking. 
Its thin, balloon-like body is inflated by horribly toxic gases. It reeks when it is nearby. 
Very rarely, a sudden mutation can result in two small KOFFING twins becoming conjoined as a WEEZING. 
Strong, but not too bright, this POKéMON can shatter even a skyscraper with its charging TACKLES. 
It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution. It can punch holes through boulders with its horn. 
It lays several eggs a day. The eggs are apparently rich in nutrients and extremely delicious. 
Blue plant vines cloak the POKéMON's identity in a tangled mass. It entangles anything that gets close. 
The female raises its offspring in a pouch on its belly. It is skilled at attacking using COMET PUNCH. 
It maintains balance using its tail, which is wound up like a coil. It may spray ink from its mouth. 
Its body bristles with sharp spikes. Carelessly trying to touch it could cause fainting from the spikes. 
Its dorsal and pectoral fins are strongly developed like muscles. It can swim at a speed of five knots. 
The horn on its head is sharp like a drill. It bores a hole in a boulder to make its nest. 
It appears in large numbers by seashores. At night, its central core flashes with a red light. 
This POKéMON has a geometric body. Because of its body, the locals suspect that it is an alien creature. 
It is adept at conning people. It is said to be able to create walls out of thin air by miming. 
It tears and shreds prey with its wickedly sharp scythes. It very rarely spreads its wings to fly. 
It speaks using a language that sounds human. Research is under way to determine what is being said. 
It loves to feed on strong electricity. It occasionally appears around large power plants and so on. 
Found near the mouth of a volcano. This fire-breather's body temperature is nearly 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Its two long pincer horns are powerful. Once they grip an enemy, they won't release until the foe is torn. 
When it is about to TACKLE, it whips its body repeatedly with its three long tails. 
It is virtually worthless in terms of both power and speed. It is the most weak and pathetic POKéMON in the world. 
It has an extremely aggressive nature. The HYPER BEAM it shoots from its mouth totally incinerates all targets. 
Its high intelligence enables it to understand human speech. It likes to ferry people on its back. 
It can freely recombine its own cellular structure to transform into other life- forms. 
An extremely rare POKéMON that may evolve in a number of different ways depending on stimuli. 
Its body's cellular structure is similar to the molecular composition of water. It can melt invisibly in water. 
If it is angered or startled, the fur all over its body bristles like sharp needles that pierce foes. 
It has a flame bag inside its body. After inhaling deeply, it blows out flames of nearly 3,100 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Using the most advanced technologies, scientists finally succeeded in making the first artificial POKéMON. 
A prehistoric POKéMON that lived in the primordial sea, it swims by twisting its 10 tentacles about. 
Its tentacles are highly developed as if they are hands and feet. As soon as it ensnares prey, it bites. 
This POKéMON was regenerated from the fossil of an ancient creature. It protects itself with a hard shell. 
It swims freely through water. It catches prey with its scythe-like arms and drains the victim's fluids. 
It was regenerated from a dinosaur's genetic matter that was found in amber. It flies with high-pitched cries. 
It is not satisfied unless it eats over 880 pounds of food every day. When it is done eating, it goes promptly to sleep. 
One of the legendary bird POKéMON. With its long tail trailing behind, its flying form is magnificent. 
One of the legendary bird POKéMON. While it is flying, it makes crackling and snapping sounds. 
One of the legendary bird POKéMON. Those seeing it are overwhelmed by its orange wings that seem to be on fire. 
Even the young can exceed 6.5 feet in length. It grows larger by repeatedly shedding skin. 
It is said to live in seas and lakes. Even though it has no wings, it has been seen flying occasionally. 
It can fly in spite of its big and bulky physique. It circles the globe in just 16 hours. 
A POKéMON whose genetic code was repeatedly recombined for research. It turned vicious as a result. 
A POKéMON of South America that was thought to have been extinct. It is very intelligent and learns any move. 
Its pleasantly aromatic leaves have the ability to check the humidity and temperature. 
A spicy aroma emanates from around its neck. The aroma acts as a stimulant to restore health. 
MEGANIUM's breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. It can make them healthy again. 
It usually stays hunched over. If it is angry or surprised, it shoots flames out of its back. 
This POKéMON is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack. 
It has a secret, devastating move. It rubs its blazing fur together to cause huge explosions. 
It is small but rough and tough. It won't hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves. 
It opens its huge jaws wide when attacking. If it loses any fangs while biting, they grow back in. 
It is hard for it to support its own weight out of water, so it gets down on all fours. But it moves fast. 
It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind. 
There is no telling where its tail begins. Despite its short legs, it is quick at hunting RATTATA. 
It has a perfect sense of time. Whatever happens, it keeps rhythm by precisely tilting its head in time. 
When it needs to think, it rotates its head 180 degrees to sharpen its intellectual power. 
When the weather turns cold, numerous LEDYBA gather from everywhere to cluster and keep each other warm. 
The star patterns on its back grow larger or smaller depending on the number of stars in the night sky. 
It spins a web using fine--but durable-- thread. It then waits patiently for prey to be trapped. 
A single strand of a special string is endlessly spun out of its rear. The string leads back to its nest. 
The development of wings on its legs enables it to fly fast but also makes it tough to stop and rest. 
On the dark ocean floor, its only means of communication is its constantly flashing lights. 
It blinds prey with an intense burst of light, then swallows the immobilized prey in a single gulp. 
Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself. 
When numerous meteors illuminate the night sky, sightings of CLEFFA strangely increase. 
Its extremely flexible and elastic body makes it bounce continuously--anytime, anywhere. 
A proverb claims that happiness will come to anyone who can make a sleeping TOGEPI stand up. 
It grows dispirited if it is not with kind people. It can float in midair without moving its wings. 
It usually forages for food on the ground but may, on rare occasions, hop onto branches to peck at shoots. 
In South America, it is said that its right eye sees the future and its left eye views the past. 
Its fleece grows continually. In the summer, the fleece is fully shed, but it grows back in a week. 
Its fluffy fleece easily stores electricity. Its rubbery hide keeps it from being electrocuted. 
The bright light on its tail can be seen far away. It has been treasured since ancient times as a beacon. 
Plentiful in the tropics. When it dances, its petals rub together and make a pleasant ringing sound. 
The end of its tail serves as a buoy that keeps it from drowning, even in a vicious current. 
When it plays in water, it rolls up its elongated ears to prevent their insides from getting wet. 
It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates water, so it will disappear if it starts raining. 
Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing. 
Its body is so light, it must grip the ground firmly with its feet to keep from being blown away. 
It spreads its petals to absorb sunlight. It also floats in the air to get closer to the sun. 
It drifts on seasonal winds and spreads its cotton-like spores all over the world  to make more offspring. 
It lives atop tall trees. When leaping from branch to branch, it deftly uses its tail for balance. 
It lives by drinking only dewdrops from under the leaves of plants. It is said that it eats nothing else. 
In the daytime, it rushes about in a hectic manner, but it comes to a complete stop when the sun sets. 
Its large eyes can scan 360 degrees. It looks in all directions to seek out insects as its prey. 
When it walks around on the ground, it coats its body with a slimy, poisonous film. 
Due to its relaxed and carefree attitude, it often bumps its head on boulders and boat hulls as it swims. 
By reading air currents, it can predict things such as the weather or its foe's next move. 
When darkness falls, the rings on its body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby. 
It is said that when chased, it lures its attacker onto dark mountain trails where the foe will get lost. 
When its head was bitten, toxins entered SLOWPOKE's head and unlocked an extraordinary power. 
It loves to bite and yank people's hair from behind without warning, just to see their shocked reactions. 
Its flat, thin body is always stuck on walls. Its shape appears to have some meaning. 
To keep its pitch-black tail hidden, it lives quietly in the darkness. It is never first to attack. 
Its tail, which also contains a small brain, may bite on its own if it notices an alluring smell. 
It hangs and waits for flying-insect prey to come near. It does not move about much on its own. 
It remains immovably rooted to its tree. It scatters pieces of its hard shell to drive its enemies away. 
If spotted, it escapes by burrowing with its tail. It can hover just slightly using its wings. 
It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey, it spreads its wings and glides down to attack. 
It is said that if an ONIX lives for over 100 years, its composition changes to become diamond-like. 
It has an active, playful nature. Many women like to frolic with it because of its affectionate ways. 
Because its fangs are too heavy, it always keeps its head tilted down. However, its BITE is powerful. 
The small spikes covering its body developed from scales. They inject a toxin that causes fainting. 
Its wings are not used for flying. They are flapped at high speed to adjust its body temperature. 
It stores BERRIES inside its shell. To avoid attacks, it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still. 
Usually docile, but if disturbed while sipping honey, it chases off the intruder with its horn. 
Vicious in nature, it drives PIDGEY from their nests and feasts on the eggs that are left behind. 
Before food becomes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hidden locations. 
With its ability to distinguish any smell, it unfailingly finds all food buried deep underground. 
A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers around in a constant search for warm places. 
Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intense flames that circulate throughout its body. 
If it smells something enticing, it dashes off headlong to find the source of the aroma. 
If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back stand up straight. It is very sensitive to sound. 
In a south sea nation, the people live in communities that are built on groups of these POKéMON. 
Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a MANTINE's underside to scavenge for leftovers. 
It instinctively sneaks into rocky holes. If it gets sleepy, it steals the nest of a fellow OCTILLERY. 
It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs. It spends all day carrying food to its awaiting chicks. 
Swimming freely in open seas, it may fly out of the water and over the waves if it builds up enough speed. 
After nesting in bramble bushes, the wings of its chicks grow hard from scratches by thorns. 
To corner prey, they check each other's location using barks that only they can understand. 
Upon hearing its eerie howls, other POKéMON get the shivers and head straight back to their nests. 
It sleeps deep on the ocean floor to build its energy. It is said to cause tornadoes as it wakes. 
As a sign of affection, it bumps with its snout. However, it is so strong, it may send you flying. 
The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take a long time to grow. 
Further research enhanced its abilities. Sometimes, it may exhibit motions that were not programmed. 
Those who stare at its antlers will gradually lose control of their senses and be unable to stand. 
Once it becomes an adult, it has a tendency to let its comrades plant footprints on its back. 
Even though it is small, it can't be ignored because it will slug any handy target without warning. 
It launches kicks while spinning. If it spins at high speed, it may bore its way into the ground. 
It always rocks its head slowly backwards and forwards as if it is trying to kiss someone. 
Even in the most vicious storm, this POKéMON plays happily if thunder rumbles in the sky. 
It is found in volcanic craters. Its body heat exceeds 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, so don't underestimate it. 
If it has just had a baby, the milk it produces contains much more nutrition than usual. 
It has a very compassionate nature. If it sees a sick POKéMON, it will nurse the sufferer back to health. 
This POKéMON races across the land while barking a cry that sounds like crashing thunder. 
A POKéMON that races across the land. It is said that one is born every time a new volcano appears. 
This POKéMON races across the land. It is said that north winds will somehow blow whenever it appears. 
It is born deep underground. It can't emerge until it has entirely consumed the soil around it. 
Even sealed in its shell, it can move freely. Hard and fast, it has outstanding destructive power. 
Its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack, so it is very eager to make challenges against enemies. 
It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm. 
A legend says that its body glows in seven colors. A rainbow is said to form behind it when it flies. 
When CELEBI disappears deep in a forest, it is said to leave behind an egg it brought from the future. 
It quickly scales even vertical walls. It senses humidity with its tail to predict the next day's weather. 
Its strongly developed thigh muscles give it astounding agility and jumping performance. 
The leaves on its forelegs are as sharp as swords. It agilely leaps about the branches of trees to strike. 
It has a flame sac inside its belly that perpetually burns. It feels warm if it is hugged. 
It boosts its concentration by emitting harsh cries. Its kicks have outstanding destructive power. 
When facing a tough foe, it looses flames from its wrists. Its powerful legs let it jump clear over buildings. 
Its large tail fin propels it through water with powerful acceleration. It is strong in spite of its size. 
It is at its best when on muddy ground with poor footing. It quickly overwhelms foes struggling in mud. 
Its arms are rock-hard. With one swing, they can batter down its foe. It makes its nest on beautiful beaches. 
It has a very tenacious nature. Its acute sense of smell lets it chase a chosen prey without ever losing track. 
It will always obey the commands of a skilled TRAINER. Its behavior arises from its living in packs in ancient times. 
A POKéMON with abundant curiosity. It shows an interest in everything, so it always zigs and zags. 
When running in a straight line, it can top 60 miles per hour. However, it has a tough time with curved roads. 
It lives amidst tall grass and in forests. When attacked, it resists by pointing its venomous spikes at the foe. 
It conserves its energy by moving as little as possible. It awaits evolution while drinking only a little rainwater. 
Despite its appearance, it has an aggressive nature. It attacks by jabbing with its long, thin mouth. 
Its body, which is made of soft silk, hardens over time. When cracks appear, evolution is near. 
It scatters horribly toxic dust when it senses danger. They tend to gather in the glow of streetlamps at night. 
It searches about for clean water. If it does not drink water for too long, the leaf on its head wilts. 
It lives at the water's edge where it is sunny. It sleeps on a bed of water grass by day and becomes active at night. 
The rhythm of bright, festive music activates LUDICOLO's cells, making it more powerful. 
If it remains still, it becomes impossible to distinguish from real nuts. It delights in surprising foraging PIDGEY. 
They live in holes bored in large trees. The sound of NUZLEAF's grass flute fills listeners with dread. 
A POKéMON that was feared as a forest guardian. It can read the foe's mind and take preemptive action. 
It dislikes cold seasons. They migrate to other lands in search of warmth, flying over 180 miles a day. 
If its two tail feathers are standing at attention, it is proof of good health. It soars elegantly in the sky. 
It rides upon ocean winds as if it were a glider. In the winter, it hides food around its nest. 
It is a flying transporter that carries small POKéMON in its beak. It bobs on the waves to rest its wings. 
It is highly attuned to the emotions of people and POKéMON. It hides if it senses hostility. 
The cheerful spirit of its TRAINER gives it energy for its psychokinetic power. It spins and dances when happy. 
It has the power to predict the future. Its power peaks when it is protecting its TRAINER. 
They usually live on ponds, but after an evening shower, they may appear on puddles in towns. 
The antennae have distinctive patterns that look like eyes. When it rains, they grow heavy, making flight impossible. 
It prefers damp places. By day it remains still in the forest shade. It releases toxic powder from its head. 
The seeds on its tail are made of toxic spores. It knocks out foes with quick, virtually invisible punches. 
It sleeps for 20 hours every day. Making drowsy those that see it is one of its abilities. 
It is always hungry because it won't stop rampaging. Even while it is eating, it can't keep still. 
It is the world's most slothful POKéMON. However, it can exert horrifying power by releasing pent-up energy all at once. 
Because it lived almost entirely underground, it is nearly blind. It uses its antennae instead. 
This POKéMON is so quick, it is said to be able to avoid any attack. It loves to feed on tree sap. 
A most peculiar POKéMON that somehow appears in a POKé BALL when a NINCADA evolves. 
It usually murmurs, but starts crying loudly if it senses danger. It stops when its ear covers are shut. 
When it stamps its feet and bellows, it generates ultrasonic waves that can blow apart a house. 
It emits a variety of sounds from the  holes all over its body. Its loud cries can be heard from over six miles away. 
It grows stronger by enduring harsh training. It is a gutsy POKéMON that can withstand any attack. 
It stomps on the ground to build power. It can send a 10-ton truck flying with a straight-arm punch. 
It battles by flinging around its tail, which is bigger than its body. The tail is a flotation device in water. 
Its magnetic nose consistently faces north. Travelers check NOSEPASS to get their bearings. 
It is said to be difficult to earn its trust. However, it is extremely popular for its cute looks and behavior. 
The favorite of trend-conscious female TRAINERS, they are used in competition for their style and fur. 
It feeds on gemstone crystals. In darkness, its eyes sparkle with the glitter of jewels. 
It uses its docile-looking face to lull foes into complacency, then bites with its huge, relentless jaws. 
It eats iron to build its steel body. It is a pest that descends from mountains to eat bridges and train tracks. 
It habitually shows off its strength with the size of sparks it creates by ramming its steel body into boulders. 
It claims a large mountain as its sole territory. It mercilessly thrashes those that violate its space. 
It never skips its daily yoga training. It heightens its inner strength through meditation. 
It elegantly avoids attacks with dance- like steps, then launches a devastating blow in the same motion. 
It stores static electricity in its fur for discharging. It gives off sparks if a storm approaches. 
It rarely appears before people. It is said to nest where lightning has fallen. 
It cheers on partners while scattering sparks from its body. It climbs telephone poles to absorb electricity. 
Its dislike of water makes it take shelter under the eaves of houses in rain. It uses pom-poms made of sparks for cheering. 
It lives around clean ponds. At night, its rear lights up. It converses with others by flashing its light. 
It guides VOLBEAT to draw signs in night skies. There are scientists that study the patterns it creates. 
Its flowers give off a relaxing fragrance. The stronger its aroma, the healthier the ROSELIA is. 
There is nothing its stomach can't digest. While it is digesting, vile, overpowering gases are expelled. 
It can swallow a tire whole in one gulp. It secretes a horribly toxic fluid from the pores on its body. 
It lives in massive rivers that course through jungles. It swarms prey that enter its territory. 
The ruffian of the seas, it has fangs that crunch through iron. It swims by jetting water from its rear. 
When it sucks in a large volume of seawater, it becomes like a big, bouncy ball. It eats a ton of food daily. 
It is among the largest of all POKéMON. It herds prey in a pack then swallows the massed prey in one gulp. 
Magma of almost 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body. When it grows cold, the magma hardens and slows it. 
If angered, the humps on its back erupt in a shower of molten lava. It lives in the craters of volcanoes. 
It burns coal inside its shell. If it is attacked, it belches thick, black smoke and flees. 
It apparently dies if it stops bouncing about. It carries a pearl from CLAMPERL on its head. 
It can gain control over foes by doing odd dance steps. The black pearls on its forehead are precious gems. 
No two SPINDA are said to have identical patterns. It confuses foes with its stumbling motions. 
It lives in arid deserts. It makes a sloping pit trap in sand where it patiently awaits prey. 
It generates ultrasonic waves by violently flapping its wings. After making its prey faint, it melts the prey with acid. 
It hides itself by kicking up desert sand with its wings. Red covers shield its eyes from sand. 
It prefers harsh environments such as deserts. It can survive for 30 days on water stored in its body. 
It lives in deserts. It becomes active at night when it hunts for prey exhausted from the desert's heat. 
It constantly grooms its cotton-like wings. It takes a shower to clean itself if it becomes dirty. 
If you hear a beautiful melody trilling deep among mountains far from people, it is ALTARIA's humming. 
If it comes across a SEVIPER, its fur bristles and it assumes its battle pose. Its sharp claws are its best weapon. 
It sharpens its swordlike tail on hard rocks. It hides in tall grass and strikes unwary prey with venomous fangs. 
Its health ebbs and flows with the lunar cycle. It brims with power when exposed to the light of the full moon. 
It absorbs solar energy during the day. Always expressionless, it can sense what its foe is thinking. 
It probes muddy riverbeds with its two long whiskers. A slimy film protects its body. 
It makes its nest at the bottom of  swamps. It will eat anything - if it is alive, WHISCASH will eat it. 
It came from overseas. It is a very hardy creature that will quickly proliferate, even in polluted streams. 
A rough customer that wildly flails its giant claws. It is said to be extremely hard to raise. 
It was discovered in ancient ruins. While moving, it constantly spins. It stands on one foot even when asleep. 
It appears to have been born from clay dolls made by ancient people. It uses telekinesis to float and move. 
It became extinct roughly 100 million years ago. It was regenerated from a fossil using advanced techniques. 
It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles. It then melts the prey with a strong acid before feeding. 
It is a kind of POKéMON progenitor. It uses its extending claws to catch prey hiding among rocks on the seafloor. 
Protected by a hard shell, its body is very sturdy. It skewers prey with its claws to feed. 
Ridiculed for its shabby appearance, it is ignored by researchers. It lives in ponds choked with weeds. 
MILOTIC is breathtakingly beautiful. Those that see it are said to forget their combative spirits. 
It has the ability to change its form into the sun, the rain, or a snow cloud,  depending on the weather. 
It changes body color to blend in with its surroundings. It also changes color if it is happy or sad. 
It loves to feed on feelings like envy and malice. Its upright horn catches the emotions of people. 
Strong feelings of hatred turned a puppet into a POKéMON. If it opens its mouth, its cursed energy escapes. 
Making itself invisible, it silently sneaks up to prey. It has the ability to slip through thick walls. 
Its body is entirely hollow. When it opens its mouth, it sucks everything in as if it were a black hole. 
It lives in tropical jungles. The bunch of fruit around its neck is delicious. The fruit grows twice a year. 
It travels by riding on winds. It cleverly uses its long tail to pluck nuts and berries, which it loves to eat. 
It appears when it senses an impending natural disaster. As a result, it was mistaken as a doom-bringer. 
It tends to move in a pack with others. They cluster in a tight group to sleep in a cave. 
It is said that a home visited by a SNORUNT will prosper. It can withstand cold of minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit. 
It has a body of ice that won't melt, even with fire. It can instantly freeze moisture in the atmosphere. 
Its body is covered in fluffy fur. The fur keeps it from feeling cold while it is rolling on ice. 
It touches new things with its nose to test for smell and feel. It plays by spinning SPHEAL on its nose. 
It swims through icy seas while shattering ice floes with its large tusks. It is protected by its thick blubber. 
It is protected by a sturdy shell. Once in a lifetime, it makes a magnificent pearl. 
It lives deep in the sea where no light ever filters down. It lights up its small fishlike tail to attract prey. 
Its swimming form is exquisitely elegant. With its thin mouth, it feeds on seaweed that grows between rocks. 
It has remained unchanged for 100 million years. It was discovered during a deep-sea exploration. 
During the spawning season, countless LUVDISC congregate at coral reefs, turning the waters pink. 
Its steel-hard head can shatter boulders. It longingly hopes for wings to grow so it can fly. 
Its armored body makes all attacks bounce off. The armor is too tough, however, making it heavy and somewhat sluggish. 
It becomes uncontrollable if it is enraged. It destroys everything with shredding claws and fire. 
It uses magnetic waves to converse with its kind. All the cells in its body are magnetic. 
It floats midair using magnetism. Its body is so tough, even a crash with a jet plane won't leave a scratch. 
It is formed by two METANG fusing. Its four brains are said to be superior to a supercomputer. 
It is entirely composed of rocks with no sign of a brain or heart. It is a mystery even to modern scientists. 
Research revealed that its body is made of the same kind of ice that is found at the South Pole. 
It is sturdier than any kind of metal. It hardened due to pressure underground over tens of thousands of years. 
It can telepathically communicate with people. It changes its appearance using its down that refracts light. 
It has a docile temperament and dislikes fighting. Tucking in its forelegs, it can fly faster than a jet plane. 
This POKéMON is said to have expanded the sea by bringing heavy rains. It has the power to control water. 
This legendary POKéMON is said to represent the land. It went to sleep after dueling KYOGRE. 
It has lived for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer. Its flying form looks like a meteor. 
It is said to make any wish come true. It is awake for only seven days out of a thousand years. 
This DEOXYS has transformed into its aggressive guise. It can fool enemies by altering its appearance.