Pokédex - Pokémon Locations (FireRed Version)
You can also view locations by area for this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
ROUTE 24 | 8-12 | 15% | Land |
ROUTE 25 | 9-13 | 15% | Land |
Special method: Game Corner prize (Level 9, 180 coins)
Not found in this version.
Special method: Resurrected from Old Amber in Cinnabar Lab (Level 30)
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
ALTERING CAVE | 18-28 | 100% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Kadabra, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method CERULEAN CAVE 55-64 11% Land CERULEAN CAVE 58-67 25% Land
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Mareep, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method ALTERING CAVE 3-13 100% Land
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
VICTORY ROAD | 44 | 5% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 46 | 5% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 44 | 5% | Land |
ROUTE 23 | 44 | 5% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Growlithe, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method POKéMON MANSION 30-32 15% Land POKéMON MANSION 30-32 15% Land POKéMON MANSION 30-32 15% Land POKéMON MANSION 30-32 15% Land ROUTE 7 18-20 10% Land ROUTE 8 15-18 20% Land
Obtained by evolving Spinarak, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method PATTERN BUSH 9-14 30% Land
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Special method: Seafoam Islands (Level 50)
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Kakuna, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method VIRIDIAN FOREST 4-6 10% Land PATTERN BUSH 9 20% Land ROUTE 24 8 4% Land ROUTE 25 9 4% Land
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Gloom, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method Berry Forest 35 20% Land CAPE BRINK 36-38 15% Land BOND BRIDGE 36 10% Land Water Path 48 5% Land ROUTE 12 28-30 5% Land ROUTE 13 28-30 5% Land ROUTE 14 30 5% Land ROUTE 15 28-30 5% Land
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Squirtle, which can be found below:
Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Chansey, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method SAFARI ZONE 23 1% Land SAFARI ZONE 26 4% Land
Not found in this version.
Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)
Obtained by evolving Metapod, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method VIRIDIAN FOREST 5 5% Land PATTERN BUSH 9 5% Land ROUTE 24 8 1% Land ROUTE 25 9 1% Land
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
VIRIDIAN FOREST | 3-5 | 40% | Land |
PATTERN BUSH | 6 | 10% | Land |
ROUTE 2 | 4-5 | 5% | Land |
ROUTE 24 | 7 | 20% | Land |
ROUTE 25 | 8 | 20% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
SAFARI ZONE | 23 | 1% | Land |
SAFARI ZONE | 26 | 4% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Charmander, which can be found below:
Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)
Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)
Obtained by evolving Charmander, which can be found below:
Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Clefairy, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method MT.MOON 8 1% Land MT.MOON 10-12 6% Land Special method: Game Corner prize (Level 8, 500 coins)
Level | Chance | Method | |
MT.MOON | 8 | 1% | Land |
MT.MOON | 10-12 | 6% | Land |
Special method: Game Corner prize (Level 8, 500 coins)
Obtained by pairing with a Clefairy, which can be found below:
Obtained by evolving Shellder, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method S.S. ANNE (Super Rod) 15-25 40% Fishing Icefall Cave (Super Rod) 15-25 40% Fishing PALLET TOWN (Super Rod) 15-25 40% Fishing VERMILION CITY (Super Rod) 15-25 40% Fishing CINNABAR ISLAND (Super Rod) 15-25 40% Fishing ONE ISLAND (Super Rod) 15-25 40% Fishing FIVE ISLAND (Super Rod) 15-25 40% Fishing
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Golbat, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method VICTORY ROAD 44 5% Land VICTORY ROAD 46 5% Land VICTORY ROAD 44 5% Land CERULEAN CAVE 46-55 14% Land CERULEAN CAVE 49-58 25% Land CERULEAN CAVE 52-61 11% Land SEAFOAM ISLANDS 26-30 11% Land SEAFOAM ISLANDS 26-30 11% Land SEAFOAM ISLANDS 26-30 10% Land SEAFOAM ISLANDS 26-30 10% Land SEAFOAM ISLANDS 26-30 15% Land Icefall Cave 45-48 25% Land Icefall Cave 45-48 25% Land Icefall Cave 45-48 25% Land Icefall Cave 45-48 25% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41-43 20% Land LOST CAVE 41 10% Land LOST CAVE 41 10% Land LOST CAVE 41 10% Land LOST CAVE 41 10% Land
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
POKéMON TOWER | 15-17 | 9% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 15-17 | 9% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 15-17 | 9% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 17-19 | 9% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 17-19 | 10% | Land |
SEVAULT CANYON | 46 | 10% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
Icefall Cave | 30 | 5% | Land |
Icefall Cave | 30 | 5% | Land |
Special method: Birth Island
Level | Chance | Method | |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 32-34 | 5% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 35-40 | 5% | Water |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 34-36 | 10% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 35-40 | 5% | Water |
Icefall Cave | 49-53 | 20% | Land |
Icefall Cave | 35-40 | 5% | Water |
Icefall Cave | 49-53 | 20% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
DIGLETT’S CAVE | 15-22 | 95% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
POKéMON MANSION | 30 | 10% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 52-61 | 11% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 55-64 | 11% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 58-67 | 25% | Land |
ROUTE 13 | 25 | 5% | Land |
ROUTE 14 | 23 | 15% | Land |
ROUTE 15 | 25 | 5% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Doduo, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method SAFARI ZONE 26 20% Land SAFARI ZONE 26 20% Land ROUTE 16 18-22 35% Land ROUTE 17 24-28 35% Land ROUTE 18 24-28 35% Land
Level | Chance | Method | |
SAFARI ZONE | 26 | 20% | Land |
SAFARI ZONE | 26 | 20% | Land |
ROUTE 16 | 18-22 | 35% | Land |
ROUTE 17 | 24-28 | 35% | Land |
ROUTE 18 | 24-28 | 35% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Phanpy, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method Canyon Entrance 10-15 15% Land SEVAULT CANYON 15 20% Land
Level | Chance | Method | |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 25-35 | 1% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 25-35 | 1% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 25-35 | 1% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 25-35 | 1% | Fishing |
Obtained by evolving Dragonair, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) 25-35 1% Fishing SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) 25-35 1% Fishing SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) 25-35 1% Fishing SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) 25-35 1% Fishing
Level | Chance | Method | |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Special method: Game Corner prize (Level 18, 2800 coins)
Level | Chance | Method | |
Berry Forest | 34 | 10% | Land |
ROUTE 11 | 11-15 | 25% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
DIGLETT’S CAVE | 29-31 | 5% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
THREE ISLE PORT | 5-35 | 100% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Special method: Celadon Mansion (L25)
Level | Chance | Method | |
ROUTE 4 | 6-12 | 25% | Land |
ROUTE 8 | 17-19 | 20% | Land |
ROUTE 9 | 11-17 | 25% | Land |
ROUTE 10 | 11-17 | 25% | Land |
ROUTE 11 | 12-15 | 40% | Land |
ROUTE 23 | 32-34 | 20% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
POWER PLANT | 32-35 | 5% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
CERULEAN CAVE | 58 | 5% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 61 | 4% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 64 | 4% | Land |
Special method: Appears as item balls in Power Plant
Obtained by pairing with a Electabuzz, which can be found below:
Special method: May appear anywhere in the grass if the game began with Bulbasaur
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
SAFARI ZONE | 24-25 | 20% | Land |
SAFARI ZONE | 23-25 | 20% | Land |
SAFARI ZONE | 25-27 | 20% | Land |
SAFARI ZONE | 25-27 | 20% | Land |
Berry Forest | 35 | 5% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Exeggcute, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method SAFARI ZONE 24-25 20% Land SAFARI ZONE 23-25 20% Land SAFARI ZONE 25-27 20% Land SAFARI ZONE 25-27 20% Land Berry Forest 35 5% Land
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
MT. EMBER | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
KINDLE ROAD | 36 | 10% | Land |
TREASURE BEACH | 36-40 | 20% | Land |
CAPE BRINK | 36 | 10% | Land |
Water Path | 48-50 | 15% | Land |
Ruin Valley | 49 | 10% | Land |
Canyon Entrance | 48-50 | 15% | Land |
SEVAULT CANYON | 50 | 10% | Land |
ROUTE 17 | 25-27 | 5% | Land |
ROUTE 18 | 25-29 | 15% | Land |
ROUTE 23 | 40-44 | 25% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Mareep, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method ALTERING CAVE 3-13 100% Land
Obtained by evolving Eevee, which can be found below:
Special method: Celadon Mansion (L25)
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Pineco, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method ALTERING CAVE 19-29 100% Land
Obtained by evolving Sentret, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method FIVE ISLE MEADOW 10-15 30% Land Water Path 10-15 30% Land Canyon Entrance 10-15 30% Land
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
POKéMON TOWER | 13-19 | 90% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 13-19 | 86% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 13-19 | 86% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 14-19 | 85% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 15-19 | 75% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 38-40 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 40 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 40 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 40 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 40 | 20% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Haunter, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method POKéMON TOWER 20 1% Land POKéMON TOWER 20 5% Land POKéMON TOWER 20 5% Land POKéMON TOWER 21-23 6% Land POKéMON TOWER 23-25 15% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land LOST CAVE 44-52 30% Land
Level | Chance | Method | |
MT.MOON | 7-9 | 25% | Land |
MT.MOON | 9-10 | 30% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 32 | 20% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 34 | 20% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 32 | 20% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 30-50 | 65% | Rock Smash |
CERULEAN CAVE | 35-55 | 65% | Rock Smash |
CERULEAN CAVE | 40-60 | 65% | Rock Smash |
ROCK TUNNEL | 15-17 | 35% | Land |
ROCK TUNNEL | 15-17 | 35% | Land |
ROCK TUNNEL | 5-30 | 95% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 33 | 10% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 5-30 | 95% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 29-37 | 50% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 30-34 | 40% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 5-30 | 95% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 29-37 | 50% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 32-40 | 50% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 25-40 | 65% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 34-42 | 70% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 25-40 | 65% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 40-44 | 40% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 25-40 | 65% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 40-44 | 40% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 25-40 | 65% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 34-42 | 70% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 25-40 | 65% | Rock Smash |
KINDLE ROAD | 31 | 10% | Land |
KINDLE ROAD | 5-30 | 95% | Rock Smash |
SEVAULT CANYON | 46 | 20% | Land |
SEVAULT CANYON | 25-40 | 65% | Rock Smash |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
Berry Forest | 35 | 20% | Land |
CAPE BRINK | 36-38 | 15% | Land |
BOND BRIDGE | 36 | 10% | Land |
Water Path | 48 | 5% | Land |
ROUTE 12 | 28-30 | 5% | Land |
ROUTE 13 | 28-30 | 5% | Land |
ROUTE 14 | 30 | 5% | Land |
ROUTE 15 | 28-30 | 5% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
VICTORY ROAD | 44 | 5% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 46 | 5% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 44 | 5% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 46-55 | 14% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 49-58 | 25% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 52-61 | 11% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 26-30 | 11% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 26-30 | 11% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 26-30 | 10% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 26-30 | 10% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 26-30 | 15% | Land |
Icefall Cave | 45-48 | 25% | Land |
Icefall Cave | 45-48 | 25% | Land |
Icefall Cave | 45-48 | 25% | Land |
Icefall Cave | 45-48 | 25% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41-43 | 20% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41 | 10% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41 | 10% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41 | 10% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 41 | 10% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
SAFARI ZONE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CAVE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CAVE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Berry Forest (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
Berry Forest (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CAPE BRINK (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Ruin Valley (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 6 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 22 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 23 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 25 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
VIRIDIAN CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
FUCHSIA CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
FUCHSIA CITY (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
FOUR ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Level | Chance | Method | |
CERULEAN CAVE | 40-55 | 35% | Water |
CERULEAN CAVE | 50-65 | 35% | Water |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 33-35 | 5% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 32-34 | 10% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 32-34 | 15% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 35-40 | 1% | Water |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 32-34 | 15% | Land |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 35-40 | 1% | Water |
Berry Forest | 35-40 | 5% | Water |
CAPE BRINK | 37-40 | 5% | Land |
CAPE BRINK | 35-40 | 5% | Water |
Obtained by evolving Graveler, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method CERULEAN CAVE 40-55 35% Rock Smash CERULEAN CAVE 45-60 35% Rock Smash CERULEAN CAVE 50-65 35% Rock Smash ROCK TUNNEL 25-40 5% Rock Smash MT. EMBER 25-40 5% Rock Smash MT. EMBER 25-40 5% Rock Smash MT. EMBER 30-50 35% Rock Smash MT. EMBER 30-50 35% Rock Smash MT. EMBER 30-50 35% Rock Smash MT. EMBER 30-50 35% Rock Smash MT. EMBER 30-50 35% Rock Smash KINDLE ROAD 25-40 5% Rock Smash SEVAULT CANYON 30-50 35% Rock Smash
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
CERULEAN CAVE | 40-55 | 35% | Rock Smash |
CERULEAN CAVE | 45-60 | 35% | Rock Smash |
CERULEAN CAVE | 50-65 | 35% | Rock Smash |
ROCK TUNNEL | 25-40 | 5% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 25-40 | 5% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 25-40 | 5% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 30-50 | 35% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 30-50 | 35% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 30-50 | 35% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 30-50 | 35% | Rock Smash |
MT. EMBER | 30-50 | 35% | Rock Smash |
KINDLE ROAD | 25-40 | 5% | Rock Smash |
SEVAULT CANYON | 30-50 | 35% | Rock Smash |
Level | Chance | Method | |
POKéMON MANSION | 28 | 5% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 28 | 5% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 28 | 5% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 28 | 5% | Land |
CELADON CITY (Super Rod) | 30-40 | 1% | Fishing |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
POKéMON MANSION | 30-32 | 15% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 30-32 | 15% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 30-32 | 15% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 30-32 | 15% | Land |
ROUTE 7 | 18-20 | 10% | Land |
ROUTE 8 | 15-18 | 20% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
S.S. ANNE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CAVE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CAVE (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 16% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 16% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 16% | Fishing |
Berry Forest (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
KINDLE ROAD (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
TREASURE BEACH (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
CAPE BRINK (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
BOND BRIDGE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Resort Gorgeous (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
WATER LABYRINTH (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLE MEADOW (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
MEMORIAL PILLAR (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Outcast Island (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Green Path (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Water Path (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Ruin Valley (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
TRAINER TOWER (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
TANOBY RUINS (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 4 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 6 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 10 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 11 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 12 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 13 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 19 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 20 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 22 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 23 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 24 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ROUTE 25 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
PALLET TOWN (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
VIRIDIAN CITY (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CITY (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
VERMILION CITY (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
FUCHSIA CITY (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
CINNABAR ISLAND (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
ONE ISLAND (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
FOUR ISLAND (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLAND (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 15% | Fishing |
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
POKéMON TOWER | 20 | 1% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 20 | 5% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 20 | 5% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 21-23 | 6% | Land |
POKéMON TOWER | 23-25 | 15% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
LOST CAVE | 44-52 | 30% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
PATTERN BUSH | 15-30 | 20% | Land |
Special method: One of two Pokemon obtained in the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City (Level 30)
Special method: One of two Pokemon obtained in the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City (Level 30)
Not found in this version.
Special method: Navel Rock
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
Resort Gorgeous | 5-15 | 30% | Water |
WATER LABYRINTH | 5-15 | 30% | Water |
FIVE ISLE MEADOW | 10-15 | 15% | Land |
FIVE ISLE MEADOW | 5-15 | 30% | Water |
MEMORIAL PILLAR | 6-16 | 100% | Land |
MEMORIAL PILLAR | 5-15 | 30% | Water |
FIVE ISLAND | 5-15 | 30% | Water |
Level | Chance | Method | |
S.S. ANNE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
S.S. ANNE (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 44% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 25-30 | 30% | Water |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Super Rod) | 15-30 | 80% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS | 25-30 | 30% | Water |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Super Rod) | 15-30 | 80% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
KINDLE ROAD (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
KINDLE ROAD (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 80% | Fishing |
TREASURE BEACH (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
TREASURE BEACH (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 80% | Fishing |
BOND BRIDGE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
BOND BRIDGE (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 80% | Fishing |
Resort Gorgeous (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
Resort Gorgeous (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
WATER LABYRINTH (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
WATER LABYRINTH (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLE MEADOW (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLE MEADOW (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
MEMORIAL PILLAR (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
MEMORIAL PILLAR (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
Outcast Island (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
Outcast Island (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
Green Path (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
Green Path (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
Water Path (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
Water Path (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
TRAINER TOWER (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
TRAINER TOWER (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
TANOBY RUINS (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
TANOBY RUINS (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
ROUTE 4 (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 84% | Fishing |
ROUTE 4 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 10 (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 84% | Fishing |
ROUTE 10 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 11 (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 84% | Fishing |
ROUTE 11 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 12 (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 84% | Fishing |
ROUTE 12 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 13 (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 84% | Fishing |
ROUTE 13 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 19 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 80% | Fishing |
ROUTE 19 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 20 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 80% | Fishing |
ROUTE 20 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 80% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 80% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
ROUTE 24 (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 84% | Fishing |
ROUTE 24 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
PALLET TOWN (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
PALLET TOWN (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CITY (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 84% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
VERMILION CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
VERMILION CITY (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 44% | Fishing |
CINNABAR ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 60% | Fishing |
CINNABAR ISLAND (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
ONE ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
ONE ISLAND (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 80% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLAND (Super Rod) | 15-25 | 40% | Fishing |
Obtained by evolving Houndour, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method ALTERING CAVE 12-22 100% Land
Level | Chance | Method | |
ALTERING CAVE | 12-22 | 100% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
Berry Forest | 37-40 | 5% | Land |
Obtained by pairing with a Jigglypuff, which can be found below:
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Bulbasaur, which can be found below:
Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)
Level | Chance | Method | |
ROUTE 3 | 3-7 | 10% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Eevee, which can be found below:
Special method: Celadon Mansion (L25)
Obtained by evolving Hoppip, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method Resort Gorgeous 5-15 30% Water WATER LABYRINTH 5-15 30% Water FIVE ISLE MEADOW 10-15 15% Land FIVE ISLE MEADOW 5-15 30% Water MEMORIAL PILLAR 6-16 100% Land MEMORIAL PILLAR 5-15 30% Water FIVE ISLAND 5-15 30% Water
Not found in this version.
Special method: Resurrected from Dome Fossil in Cinnabar Lab (Level 30)
Obtained by evolving Kabuto, which can be found below:
Special method: Resurrected from Dome Fossil in Cinnabar Lab (Level 30)
Level | Chance | Method | |
CERULEAN CAVE | 55-64 | 11% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 58-67 | 25% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
VIRIDIAN FOREST | 4-6 | 10% | Land |
PATTERN BUSH | 9 | 20% | Land |
ROUTE 24 | 8 | 4% | Land |
ROUTE 25 | 9 | 4% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
SAFARI ZONE | 25 | 4% | Land |
SAFARI ZONE | 28 | 1% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Seadra, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method Icefall Cave (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing KINDLE ROAD (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing TREASURE BEACH (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing BOND BRIDGE (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing Resort Gorgeous (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing WATER LABYRINTH (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing FIVE ISLE MEADOW (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing MEMORIAL PILLAR (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing Outcast Island (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing Green Path (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing Water Path (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing TRAINER TOWER (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing TANOBY RUINS (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing ROUTE 19 (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing ROUTE 20 (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing ROUTE 21 (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing ROUTE 21 (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing PALLET TOWN (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing CINNABAR ISLAND (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing ONE ISLAND (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing FIVE ISLAND (Super Rod) 25-35 4% Fishing
Obtained by evolving Krabby, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method S.S. ANNE (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 4 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 10 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 11 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 12 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 13 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 19 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 20 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 21 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 21 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing ROUTE 24 (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing PALLET TOWN (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing CERULEAN CITY (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing VERMILION CITY (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing CINNABAR ISLAND (Good Rod) 5-15 20% Fishing
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
POKéMON MANSION | 28-30 | 30% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 28-30 | 30% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 28-30 | 30% | Land |
POKéMON MANSION | 28-30 | 30% | Land |
CELADON CITY | 30-40 | 1% | Water |
Level | Chance | Method | |
S.S. ANNE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 4 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 10 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 11 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 12 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 13 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 19 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 20 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 24 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
PALLET TOWN (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
VERMILION CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CINNABAR ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
Icefall Cave | 30-45 | 1% | Water |
Special method: Silph Co. (Level 25)
Level | Chance | Method | |
SEVAULT CANYON | 15-20 | 5% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Ledyba, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method PATTERN BUSH 9-14 5% Land
Level | Chance | Method | |
PATTERN BUSH | 9-14 | 5% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Special method: Navel Rock
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Machoke, which can be found below:
Level Chance Method VICTORY ROAD 44-46 5% Land VICTORY ROAD 46-48 5% Land VICTORY ROAD 44-46 5% Land CERULEAN CAVE 46 10% Land CERULEAN CAVE 49 20% Land CERULEAN CAVE 52 10% Land MT. EMBER 38-40 20% Land MT. EMBER 40-42 10% Land
Level | Chance | Method | |
VICTORY ROAD | 44-46 | 5% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 46-48 | 5% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 44-46 | 5% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 46 | 10% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 49 | 20% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 52 | 10% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 38-40 | 20% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 40-42 | 10% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
VICTORY ROAD | 32 | 20% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 34 | 20% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 32 | 20% | Land |
ROCK TUNNEL | 16-17 | 15% | Land |
ROCK TUNNEL | 17 | 10% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 35 | 10% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 31-39 | 50% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 32-36 | 40% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 31-39 | 50% | Land |
MT. EMBER | 34-38 | 40% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
MT. EMBER | 25-45 | 10% | Rock Smash |
Level | Chance | Method | |
S.S. ANNE (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
S.S. ANNE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
SAFARI ZONE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CAVE (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CAVE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CAVE (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CAVE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
SEAFOAM ISLANDS (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Berry Forest (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
Berry Forest (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
Icefall Cave (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
KINDLE ROAD (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
KINDLE ROAD (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
TREASURE BEACH (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
TREASURE BEACH (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CAPE BRINK (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
CAPE BRINK (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
BOND BRIDGE (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
BOND BRIDGE (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Resort Gorgeous (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
Resort Gorgeous (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
WATER LABYRINTH (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
WATER LABYRINTH (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLE MEADOW (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLE MEADOW (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
MEMORIAL PILLAR (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
MEMORIAL PILLAR (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Outcast Island (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
Outcast Island (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Green Path (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
Green Path (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Water Path (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
Water Path (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Ruin Valley (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
Ruin Valley (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
TRAINER TOWER (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
TRAINER TOWER (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
TANOBY RUINS (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
TANOBY RUINS (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 4 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 4 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 6 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 6 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 10 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 10 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 11 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 11 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 12 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 12 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 13 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 13 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 19 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 19 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 20 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 20 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 21 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 22 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 22 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 23 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 23 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 24 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 24 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ROUTE 25 (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ROUTE 25 (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
PALLET TOWN (Old Rod) | 5-10 | 100% | Fishing |
PALLET TOWN (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
VIRIDIAN CITY (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
VIRIDIAN CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CITY (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
CERULEAN CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
VERMILION CITY (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
VERMILION CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CELADON CITY (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
CELADON CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 100% | Fishing |
CELADON CITY (Super Rod) | 15-35 | 99% | Fishing |
FUCHSIA CITY (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
FUCHSIA CITY (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
CINNABAR ISLAND (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
CINNABAR ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
ONE ISLAND (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
ONE ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
FOUR ISLAND (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
FOUR ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLAND (Old Rod) | 5 | 100% | Fishing |
FIVE ISLAND (Good Rod) | 5-15 | 20% | Fishing |
Special method: Route 3 Pokemon Center ($500, Level 5)
Not found in this version.
Level | Chance | Method | |
POWER PLANT | 22-25 | 30% | Land |
Level | Chance | Method | |
CERULEAN CAVE | 49 | 20% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 52 | 10% | Land |
CERULEAN CAVE | 55 | 10% | Land |
POWER PLANT | 31-34 | 10% | Land |
Not found in this version.