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Pokédex - Drowzee (Gold Version)

Home > Pokédex - Drowzee (Gold Version)

[Picture of Drowzee]

Basic Information

National Number#096
New Pokédex#087
Height1.0 m (3'3")
Weight32.4 kg (71.4 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Drowzee]
Starting Catch Rate190
Base Experience102
Growth RateMedium (max: 1,000,000 Exp. Points)
Gender Rate50% female, 50% male
Egg GroupsHuman-Like
Steps to Hatch Egg5120
Items in Wild PokémonNo items.

Race Values ("Base Stats")

View detailed stat info for Drowzee

Special Attack43
Special Defense90

Pokédex Entries


Drowzee - Hypnosis Pokémon

If you think that you had a good dream, but you can't remember it, a DROWZEE has probably eaten it.


Soporifik - Pokémon Hypnose

Si vous pensez avoir rêvé mais que vous ne vous en souvenez pas, c'est que SOPORI- FIK a tout mangé.


Traumato - Hypnose

Hast du gut ge- träumt und kannst dich nicht erin- nern, hat ein TRAUMATO deinen Traum gefressen.


Drowzee - Pokémon Hipnosis

Si crees haber tenido un buen sueño, y no puedes acordarte, seguro que se lo ha comido un DROWZEE.


Drowzee - Pokémon Ipnosi

Se si pensa di aver fatto un bel sogno, ma non lo si ricorda, proba- bilmente l'ha man- giato un DROWZEE.


スリープ (SURIIPU) - さいみんポケモン (SaiminPOKEMON)

からだくねらせ よじらせ ちちゅうほりすすむ おとは はるか とおくまで なりひびく。 (Karadakunerase yojirase chichuuhorisusumu otoha haruka tookumade narihibiku. )

Evolutions (When Drowzee Evolves)

Evolves into Hypno at level 26.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Drowzee)

ROUTE 351420%Land
ROUTE 3410-1250%Land
ROUTE 1114-1640%Land

Area Map

Drowzee's Nest

  • ROUTE 34
  • ROUTE 35
  • ROUTE 11

Moves Learned

Gold Version

LevelNameTypePowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (/256)Flags
31Poison GasPOISON0140400g
43Psych UpNORMAL0255100
45Future SightPSYCHIC80229150g

What moves can Drowzee learn in Pokémon Gold?

Drowzee can learn the following moves:

AmnesiaGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY
AttractGold/Silver; Crystal: TM45
BideRed/Blue; Yellow: TM34
Body SlamRed/Blue; Yellow: TM08
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 17
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 18
CounterRed/Blue; Yellow: TM18
CurseGold/Silver; Crystal: TM03
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 12
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 10
Double TeamRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM32
Double-EdgeRed/Blue; Yellow: TM10
Dream EaterRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM42
DynamicPunchGold/Silver; Crystal: TM01
EndureGold/Silver; Crystal: TM20
Fire PunchGold/Silver; Crystal: TM48
FlashRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: HM05
FrustrationGold/Silver; Crystal: TM21
Future SightGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 45
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 24
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 25
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM02
Hidden PowerGold/Silver; Crystal: TM10
HypnosisRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
Ice PunchGold/Silver; Crystal: TM33
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 37
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 36
Mega KickRed/Blue; Yellow: TM05
Mega PunchRed/Blue; Yellow: TM01
MetronomeRed/Blue; Yellow: TM35
MimicRed/Blue; Yellow: TM31
NightmareGold/Silver; Crystal: TM50
Poison Gas
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 29
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 31
PoundRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
ProtectGold/Silver; Crystal: TM17
Psych Up
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 43
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM09
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: Level 32
  • Red/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM29
  • Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 40
PsywaveRed/Blue; Yellow: TM46
RageRed/Blue; Yellow: TM20
Rain DanceGold/Silver; Crystal: TM18
ReflectRed/Blue; Yellow: TM33
RestRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM44
ReturnGold/Silver; Crystal: TM27
Seismic TossRed/Blue; Yellow: TM19
Shadow BallGold/Silver; Crystal: TM30
Skull BashRed/Blue; Yellow: TM40
Sleep TalkGold/Silver; Crystal: TM35
SnoreGold/Silver; Crystal: TM13
SubmissionRed/Blue; Yellow: TM17
SubstituteRed/Blue; Yellow: TM50
Sunny DayGold/Silver; Crystal: TM11
SwaggerGold/Silver; Crystal: TM34
Take DownRed/Blue; Yellow: TM09
TeleportRed/Blue; Yellow: TM30
Thunder WaveRed/Blue; Yellow: TM45
ThunderPunchGold/Silver; Crystal: TM41
ToxicRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM06
Tri AttackRed/Blue; Yellow: TM49
Zap CannonGold/Silver; Crystal: TM07