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Pokédex - Totodile (Gold Version)

Home > Pokédex - Totodile (Gold Version)

[Picture of Totodile]

Basic Information

National Number#158
New Pokédex#007
Height10.6 m (2'0")
Weight2 9.5 kg (20.9 lb)
Footprint5[Footprint of Totodile]
Starting Catch Rate645
Base Experience766
Growth Rate8Parabolic (max: 1,059,860 Exp. Points)
Gender Rate912.5% female, 87.5% male
Egg Groups11Monster, Water 1
Steps to Hatch Egg125120
Items in Wild Pokémon13No items.

Race Values ("Base Stats")14

View detailed stat info for Totodile15

Special Attack44
Special Defense48

Pokédex Entries16


Totodile - Big Jaw Pokémon

Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its trainer must be careful.


Kaiminus - Pokémon Mâchoire

Sa machoire sur- développée est capable de tout broyer. Même son dresseur doit s'en méfier.


Karnimani - Großmaul

Seine starken Kie- fer können alles zermalmen. Selbst sein Trainer muss sich vor ihm in Acht nehmen.


Totodile - Pokémon Fauces

Sus desarrolladas y potentes fauces pueden romper cualquier cosa. Su entrenador debe tener cuidado.


Totodile - Pokémon Mascellone

Le sue potenti mandibole possono frantumare qualsiasi cosa. Anche l'allenatore dev'essere cauto.


ワニノコ (WANINOKO) - おおあごポケモン (OoagoPOKEMON)

いかりがさいこうちょうのとき さわったもの すべて いっしゅんで もえあがらせるほどに あつい。 (Ikarigasaikouchounotoki sawattamono subete isshunde moeagaraseruhodoni atsui. )

Evolutions (When Totodile Evolves)

Sort list
Evolves into Croconaw at level 18.
Sort list
Evolves into Feraligatr at level 30.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Totodile)

Special method: Starter Pokemon (Level 5)

Area Map

Totodile's Nest


Moves Learned

Gold Version17

LevelNameTypePowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (/256)Flags
13Water GunWATER40255250fg
27Scary FaceNORMAL0229100g
52Hydro PumpWATER12020450fg

What moves can Totodile learn in Pokémon Gold?

Totodile can learn the following moves:

AttractGold/Silver; Crystal: TM45
BiteGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 20
BlizzardGold/Silver; Crystal: TM14
CurseGold/Silver; Crystal: TM03
CutGold/Silver; Crystal: HM01
DetectGold/Silver; Crystal: TM43
DigGold/Silver; Crystal: TM28
Double TeamGold/Silver; Crystal: TM32
DynamicPunchGold/Silver; Crystal: TM01
EndureGold/Silver; Crystal: TM20
FrustrationGold/Silver; Crystal: TM21
HeadbuttGold/Silver; Crystal: TM02
Hidden PowerGold/Silver; Crystal: TM10
Hydro Pump
Ice BeamCrystal: Move Tutor
Ice PunchGold/Silver; Crystal: TM33
Icy WindGold/Silver; Crystal: TM16
Iron TailGold/Silver; Crystal: TM23
LeerGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
Mud-SlapGold/Silver; Crystal: TM31
ProtectGold/Silver; Crystal: TM17
RageGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 7
Rain DanceGold/Silver; Crystal: TM18
RestGold/Silver; Crystal: TM44
ReturnGold/Silver; Crystal: TM27
Scary FaceGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 27
ScratchGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
ScreechGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 43
SlashGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 35
Sleep TalkGold/Silver; Crystal: TM35
SnoreGold/Silver; Crystal: TM13
SubmissionGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY
SurfGold/Silver; Crystal: HM03
SwaggerGold/Silver; Crystal: TM34
ToxicGold/Silver; Crystal: TM06
Water GunGold/Silver; Crystal: Level 13
WhirlpoolGold/Silver; Crystal: HM06

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