Exposure to sun- light adds to its strength. Sunlight also makes the bud on its back grow larger.
By spreading the broad petals of its flower and catching the sun's rays, it fills its body with power.
The flame on its tail shows the strength of its life force. If it is weak, the flame also burns weakly.
It is very hot- headed by nature, so it constantly seeks opponents. It calms down only when it wins.
If CHARIZARD be- comes furious, the flame at the tip of its tail flares up in a whitish- blue color.
The shell is soft when it is born. It soon becomes so resilient, prod- ding fingers will bounce off it.
It is recognized as a symbol of longevity. If its shell has algae on it, that WARTORTLE is very old.
It deliberately makes itself heavy so it can with- stand the recoil of the water jets it fires.
For protection, it releases a horri- ble stench from the antenna on its head to drive away enemies.
Inside the shell, it is soft and weak as it pre- pares to evolve. It stays motion- less in the shell.
It collects honey every day. It rubs honey onto the hairs on its legs to carry it back to its nest.
Its poison stinger is very powerful. Its bright-colored body is intended to warn off its enemies.
Although it is a cocoon, it can move a little. It can extend its poison barb if it is attacked.
It can take down any opponent with its powerful poi- son stingers. It sometimes attacks in swarms.
It usually hides in tall grass. Be- cause it dislikes fighting, it pro- tects itself by kicking up sand.
It has outstanding vision. However high it flies, it is able to distin- guish the move- ments of its prey.
Its well-developed chest muscles make it strong enough to whip up a gusty windstorm with just a few flaps.
It eats anything. Wherever food is available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously.
Gnaws on anything with its tough fangs. It can even topple concrete buildings by gnaw- ing on them.
It flaps its short wings to flush out insects from tall grass. It then plucks them with its stubby beak.
It shoots itself suddenly high into the sky, then plummets down in one fell swoop to strike its prey.
It can freely de- tach its jaw to swallow large prey whole. It can be- come too heavy to move, however.
Transfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim.
This intelligent POKéMON roasts hard BERRIES with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
When its electric- ity builds, its muscles are stimu- lated, and it be- comes more aggres- sive than usual.
If it fell from a great height, this POKéMON could save itself by rolling into a ball and bouncing.
In an attempt to hide itself, it will run around at top speed to kick up a blinding dust storm.
The poison hidden in its small horn is extremely po- tent. Even a tiny scratch can have fatal results.
When feeding its young, it first chews and tender- izes the food, then spits it out for the offspring.
Its body is cover- ed with needle- like scales. It never shows signs of shrinking from any attack.
It is small, but its horn is filled with poison. It charges then stabs with the horn to inject poison.
It raises its big ears to check its surroundings. If it senses any- thing, it attacks immediately.
It swings its big tail around during battle. If its foe flinches, it will charge with its sturdy body.
The moonlight that it stores in the wings on its back apparently gives it the ability to float in midair.
With its acute hearing, it can pick up sounds from far away. It usually hides in quiet places.
As it develops,  its single white tail gains color and splits into six. It is quite warm and cuddly.
Some legends claim that each of its nine tails has its own unique type of special mystical power.
If it inflates to SING a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause sure drowsiness in its audience.
Their fur feels so good that if two of them snuggle together, they won't want to be separated.
While flying, it constantly emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its sur- roundings.
However hard its victim's hide may be, it punctures with sharp fangs and gorges itself with blood.
Awakened by moon- light, it roams  actively at night. In the day, it stays quietly underground.
What appears to be drool is actually sweet honey. It is very sticky and clings stubbornly if touched.
It has the world's largest petals. With every step, the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen.
It is doused with mushroom spores when it is born. As its body grows, mushrooms sprout from its back.
It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mush- rooms on its back.
Its eyes also function as radar units. It catches and eats small bugs that hide in darkness.
When it attacks, it flaps its large wings violently to scatter its poi- sonous powder all around.
Its skin is very thin. If it is exposed to light, its blood heats up, causing it to grow weak.
Its three heads bob separately up and down to loosen the soil nearby, making it easier for it to burrow.
It is fascinated by round objects. It can't stop playing with them until it tires and falls asleep.
Many adore it for its sophisticated air. However, it will lash out and scratch for little reason.
It has mystical powers but doesn't recall that it has used them. That is why it always looks puzzled.
When it swims at full speed using its long, webbed limbs, its fore- head somehow be- gins to glow.
It is extremely ill-tempered. Groups of them will attack any handy target for no reason.
If approached while asleep, it may awaken and angrily give chase in a groggy state of semi-sleep.
It has a brave and trustworthy na- ture. It fear- lessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes.
This legendary Chinese POKEMON is considered magnif- icent. Many people are enchanted by its grand mane.
Because it is in- ept at walking on its newly grown legs, it always  swims around in water.
The swirl on its belly subtly un- dulates. Staring at it may gradual- ly cause drowsi- ness.
This strong and skilled swimmer is even capable of crossing the Pacific Ocean just by kicking.
It senses impend- ing attacks and TELEPORTS away to safety before the actual attacks can strike.
It possesses strong spiritual power. The more danger it faces, the stronger its psychic power.
Closing both its eyes heightens all its other senses. This enables it to use its abilities to their extremes.
Always brimming with power, it passes time by lifting boulders. Doing so makes it even stronger.
It always goes at its full power, but this very tough and durable POKéMON never gets tired.
It quickly swings its four arms to rock its opponents with ceaseless punches and chops from all angles.
Even though its body is extremely skinny, it is blindingly fast when catching its prey.
Even though it is filled with ACID, it does not melt because it also oozes a neutral- izing fluid.
ACID that has dis- solved many prey becomes sweeter, making it even more effective at attracting prey.
When the tide goes out, dehydrated TENTACOOL remains can be found washed up on the shore.
Its 80 tentacles absorb water and stretch almost endlessly to CON- STRICT its prey and enemies.
Most people may not notice, but a closer look should reveal that there are many GEODUDE around.
With a free and uncaring nature, it doesn't mind if pieces break off while it rolls down mountains.
It sheds its skin once a year. The discarded shell immediately hard- ens and crumbles away.
It is a weak run- ner immediately after birth. It gradually becomes faster by chasing after its parents.
At full gallop, its four hooves barely touch the ground because it moves so incredi- bly fast.
It lazes vacantly near water. If something bites its tail, it won't even notice for a whole day.
If the tail-biting SHELLDER is thrown off in a harsh battle, it reverts to being an ordi- nary SLOWPOKE.
It is attracted by electromagnetic waves. It may approach trainers if they are using their POKéGEAR.
Three MAGNEMITE are linked by a strong magnetic force. Earaches will occur if you get too close.
If anyone tries to disturb where the essential plant sticks grow, it uses its own stick to thwart them.
By alternately raising and lower- ing its two heads, it balances itself to be more stable while running.
It collects data  and plans three times as wisely, but it may think too much and be- come immobilized.
Although it can't walk well on land, it is a graceful swimmer. It espe- cially loves being in frigid seas.
Its streamlined body has little drag in water. The colder the temperature, the friskier it gets.
As it moves, it loses bits of its body from which new GRIMER emerge. This worsens the stench around it.
They love to gath- er in smelly areas where sludge ac- cumulates, making the stench around them worse.
It swims facing backward by open- ing and closing its two-piece shell. It is surprisingly fast.
Once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superi- or strength.
With its gas-like body, it can sneak into any place it desires. However, it can be blown away by wind.
In total darkness, where nothing is visible, HAUNTER lurks, silently stalking its next victim.
It steals heat from its surround- ings. If you feel a sudden chill, it is certain that a GENGAR appeared.
It twists and squirms through the ground. The thunderous roar of its tunneling echoes a long way.
If you think that you had a good dream, but you can't remember it, a DROWZEE has probably eaten it.
When it is very hungry, it puts humans it meets to sleep, then it feasts on their dreams.
If it senses dan- ger approaching, it cloaks itself with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger.
It can hardly lift its massive, overgrown pincer. The pincer's size makes it difficult to aim properly.
It rolls to move. If the ground is uneven, a sudden jolt from hitting a bump can cause it to explode.
It is dangerous. If it has too much electricity and has nothing to do, it amuses itself by exploding.
The shell is very durable. Even if it cracks, it can survive without spilling the contents.
Its three heads think independent- ly. However, they are friendly and never appear to squabble.
If it is sad or lonely, the skull it wears shakes, and emits a plain- tive and mournful sound.
It has been seen pounding boulders with the bone it carries in order to tap out mes- sages to others.
This amazing POKé- MON has an awesome sense of balance. It can kick in succession from any position.
Its punches slice the air. However, it seems to need a short break after fighting for three minutes.
Its tongue has well-developed nerves that run to the very tip, so it can be deft- ly manipulated.
Its thin, filmy body is filled with gases that cause constant sniffles, coughs and teary eyes.
If one of the twin KOFFING inflates, the other one deflates. It con- stantly mixes its poisonous gases.
It is inept at turning because of its four short legs. It can only charge and run in one direction.
Its rugged hide protects it from even the heat of lava. However, the hide also makes it insensitive.
It walks carefully to prevent its egg from breaking. However, it is extremely fast at running away.
The vines that cloak its entire body are always jiggling. They effectively un- nerve its foes.
If it is safe, the young gets out of the belly pouch to play. The adult keeps a close eye on the youngster.
If attacked by a larger enemy, it quickly swims to safety by adeptly controlling its dorsal fin.
An examination of its cells revealed the presence of a gene not found in HORSEA. It became a hot topic.
Its dorsal, pecto- ral and tail fins wave elegantly in water. That is why it is known as the water dancer.
During spawning season, SEAKING gather from all over, coloring the rivers a brilliant red.
At night, the cen- ter of its body slowly flickers with the same rhythm as a human heartbeat.
The center section of its body is called the core. It glows in a dif- ferent color each time it is seen.
A skilled mime from birth, it gains the ability to create invisi- ble objects as it matures.
It slashes through grass with its sharp scythes, moving too fast for the human eye to track.
It rocks its body rhythmically. It appears to alter the rhythm depend- ing on how it is feeling.
Electricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its en- tire body glows a whitish-blue.
It dislikes cold places, so it blows scorching flames to make the environment suit- able for itself.
With its horns, it digs burrows to sleep in at night. In the morning, damp soil clings to its body.
They fight each other by locking horns. The herd's protector takes pride in its bat- tle-scarred horns.
An underpowered, pathetic POKéMON. It may jump high on rare occasions, but never more than seven feet.
They say that during past wars, GYARADOS would appear and leave blazing ruins in its wake.
They have gentle hearts. Because they rarely fight, many have been caught. Their num- ber has dwindled.
It can transform into anything. When it sleeps, it changes into a stone to avoid being attacked.
It has the ability to alter the com- position of its body to suit its surrounding envi- ronment.
When VAPOREON's fins begin to vi- brate, it is a sign that rain will come within a few hours.
It concentrates the weak electric charges emitted by its cells and launches wicked lightning bolts.
It stores some of the air it inhales in its internal flame pouch, which heats it to over 3,000 degrees.
It is a manmade POKéMON. Since it doesn't breathe, people are eager to try it in any environment.
Revived from an ancient fossil, this POKéMON uses air stored in its shell to sink and rise in water.
Apparently, it cracked SHELLDER's shell with its sharp fangs and sucked out the insides.
On rare occasions, some have been found as fossils which they became while hiding on the ocean floor.
In the water, it tucks in its limbs to become more compact, then it wiggles its shell to swim fast.
A vicious POKéMON from the distant past, it appears to have flown by spreading its wings and gliding.
What sounds like its cry may ac- tually be its snores or the rumblings of its hungry belly.
The magnificent, seemingly translu- cent wings of this legendary bird POKéMON are said to be made of ice.
This legendary bird POKéMON causes savage thunderstorms by flapping its glit- tering wings.
This legendary POKéMON scatters embers with every flap of its wings. It is a thrilling sight to behold.
It is born large to start with. It repeatedly sheds its skin as it steadily grows longer.
They say that if it emits an aura from its whole body, the weather will begin to change instantly.
It is said that this POKéMON con- stantly flies over the immense seas and rescues drown- ing people.
Because its battle abilities were raised to the ultimate level, it thinks only of de- feating its foes.
Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it.
A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. It is docile and loves to soak up the sun's rays.
The scent of spices comes from around its neck. Somehow, sniffing it makes you want to fight.
The aroma that rises from its petals contains a substance that calms aggressive feelings.
It is timid, and always curls it- self up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection.
Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
If its rage peaks, it becomes so hot that anything that touches it will instantly go up in flames.
Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its trainer must be careful.
If it loses a fang, a new one grows back in its place. There are always 48 fangs lining its mouth.
When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears its victim up.
A very cautious POKéMON, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings.
It makes a nest to suit its long and skinny body. The nest is impossible for other POKéMON to enter.
It always stands on one foot. It changes feet so fast, the movement can rarely be seen.
Its eyes are specially adapted. They concentrate even faint light and enable it to see in the dark.
It is very timid. It will be afraid to move if it is alone. But it will be active if it is in a group.
When the stars flicker in the night sky, it flutters about, scattering a glowing powder.
It lies still in the same pose for days in its web, waiting for its unsuspecting prey to wander close.
It spins string not only from its rear but also from its mouth. It is hard to tell which end is which.
It flies so si- lently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.
It shoots positive and negative elec- tricity between the tips of its two antennae and zaps its enemies.
The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea's surface from a depth of over three miles.
It is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled.
Because of its unusual, star-like silhouette, people believe that it came here on a meteor.
It has a very soft body. If it starts to roll, it will bounce all over and be impossible to stop.
The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly.
They say that it will appear before kindhearted, car- ing people and shower them with happiness.
Because its wings aren't yet fully grown, it has to hop to get around. It is always star- ing at something.
They say that it stays still and quiet because it is seeing both the past and future at the same time.
If static elec- tricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.
As a result of storing too much electricity, it developed patches where even downy wool won't grow.
The tail's tip shines brightly and can be seen from far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people.
BELLOSSOM gather at times and appear to dance. They say that the dance is a ritual to summon the sun.
The tip of its tail, which con- tains oil that is lighter than wa- ter, lets it swim without drowning.
By keeping still and listening in- tently, it can tell what is in even wild, fast- moving rivers.
Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composi- tion appears to be closer to a rock than a plant.
If POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL hear its echoing cry, they respond by gather- ing from far and wide.
To keep from being blown away by the wind, they gather in clusters. They do enjoy gentle breezes, though.
The bloom on top of its head opens and closes as the temperature fluc- tuates up and down.
Once it catches the wind, it deft- ly controls its cotton-puff spores to float, even around the world.
Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air.
It may drop out of the sky suddenly. If attacked by a SPEAROW, it will violently shake its leaves.
It converts sun- light into energy. In the darkness after sunset, it closes its petals and becomes still.
If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter win- dows in the area.
This POKéMON lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.
This carefree POKéMON has an easy-going nature. While swimming, it always bumps into boat hulls.
It uses the fine hair that covers its body to sense air currents and predict its ene- my's actions.
When agitated, this POKéMON pro- tects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores.
Feared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night.
It has incredible intellect and in- tuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected.
It likes playing mischievous tricks such as screaming and wailing to startle people at night.
Their shapes look like hieroglyphs on ancient tab- lets. It is said that the two are somehow related.
It hates light and shock. If attack- ed, it inflates its body to pump up its counter- strike.
Its tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your scent and bite.
It likes to make its shell thicker by adding layers of tree bark. The additional weight doesn't bother it.
Its entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside the armor is a total mystery.
When spotted, this POKéMON escapes backward by furi- ously boring into the ground with its tail.
It flies straight at its target's face then clamps down on the star- tled victim to inject poison.
Its body has been compressed deep under the ground. As a result, it is even harder than a diamond.
Although it looks frightening, it is actually kind and affectionate. It is very popular among women.
It is actually timid and easily spooked. If at- tacked, it flails about to fend off its attacker.
To fire its poison spikes, it must inflate its body by drinking over 2.6 gallons of water all at once.
It swings its eye- patterned pincers up to scare its foes. This makes it look like it has three heads.
The BERRIES it stores in its vase-like shell decompose and become a gooey liquid.
This powerful POKéMON thrusts its prized horn under its enemies' bellies then lifts and throws them.
Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it sud- denly extends the claws and startles its enemy.
If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they are soaked with honey.
Although it is a good climber, it prefers to snap trees with its forelegs and eat fallen BERRIES.
It never sleeps. It has to keep moving because if it stopped, its magma body would cool and harden.
The shell on its back is just skin that has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch.
It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.
Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly.
It continuously sheds and grows. The tip of its head is prized as a treasure for its beauty.
It has superb ac- curacy. The water it shoots out can strike even moving prey from more than 300 feet.
It traps enemies with its suction- cupped tentacles then smashes them with its rock-hard head.
It carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by the food it had.
As it majestically swims, it doesn't care if REMORAID attach to it for scavenging its leftovers.
Its sturdy wings look heavy, but they are actually hollow and light, allowing it to fly freely in the sky.
It uses different kinds of cries for communicating with others of its kind and for pursuing its prey.
If you are burned by the flames it shoots from its mouth, the pain will never go away.
It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning.
It swings its long snout around play- fully, but because it is so strong, that can be dan- gerous.
It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its TACKLE is strong enough to knock down a house.
This upgraded version of PORYGON is designed for space exploration. It can't fly, though.
The curved antlers subtly change the flow of air to create a strange space where real- ity is distorted.
A special fluid oozes from the tip of its tail. It paints the fluid everywhere to mark its territory.
It is always bursting with en- ergy. To make it- self stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses.
If you become enchanted by its smooth, elegant, dance-like kicks, you may get drilled hard.
Its lips are the most sensitive parts on its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things.
It rotates its arms to generate electricity, but it tires easily, so it charges up only a little bit.
Each and every time it inhales and exhales, hot embers dribble out of its mouth and nostrils.
Its milk is packed with nutrition, making it the ultimate beverage for the sick or weary.
Anyone who takes even one bite of BLISSEY's egg be- comes unfailingly caring and pleas- ant to everyone.
The rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts at will. They say that it descended with lightning.
Volcanoes erupt when it barks. Un- able to restrain its extreme power, it races headlong around the land.
Said to be the reincarnation of north winds, it can instantly purify filthy, murky water.
It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it will fall asleep so it can grow.
Its shell is as hard as sheet rock, and it is also very strong. Its THRASHING can topple a mountain.
Its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack, so it is very eager to make challenges against enemies.
It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong.
Legends claim this POKéMON flies the world's skies con- tinuously on its magnificent seven- colored wings.
This POKéMON wan- ders across time. Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared.