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Pokédex (Pokémon Data) (Gold Version)

Home > Pokédex (Pokémon Data) (Gold Version)
NameOld PokédexNew PokédexTypePictures
Chikorita1521GRASSPictures of Chikorita
Bayleef1532GRASSPictures of Bayleef
Meganium1543GRASSPictures of Meganium
Cyndaquil1554FIREPictures of Cyndaquil
Quilava1565FIREPictures of Quilava
Typhlosion1576FIREPictures of Typhlosion
Totodile1587WATERPictures of Totodile
Croconaw1598WATERPictures of Croconaw
Feraligatr1609WATERPictures of Feraligatr
Pidgey1610NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Pidgey
Pidgeotto1711NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Pidgeotto
Pidgeot1812NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Pidgeot
Spearow2113NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Spearow
Fearow2214NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Fearow
Hoothoot16315NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Hoothoot
Noctowl16416NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Noctowl
Rattata1917NORMALPictures of Rattata
Raticate2018NORMALPictures of Raticate
Sentret16119NORMALPictures of Sentret
Furret16220NORMALPictures of Furret
Pichu17221ELECTRICPictures of Pichu
Pikachu2522ELECTRICPictures of Pikachu
Raichu2623ELECTRICPictures of Raichu
Caterpie1024BUGPictures of Caterpie
Metapod1125BUGPictures of Metapod
Butterfree1226BUG / FLYINGPictures of Butterfree
Weedle1327BUG / POISONPictures of Weedle
Kakuna1428BUG / POISONPictures of Kakuna
Beedrill1529BUG / POISONPictures of Beedrill
Ledyba16530BUG / FLYINGPictures of Ledyba
Ledian16631BUG / FLYINGPictures of Ledian
Spinarak16732BUG / POISONPictures of Spinarak
Ariados16833BUG / POISONPictures of Ariados
Geodude7434ROCK / GROUNDPictures of Geodude
Graveler7535ROCK / GROUNDPictures of Graveler
Golem7636ROCK / GROUNDPictures of Golem
Zubat4137POISON / FLYINGPictures of Zubat
Golbat4238POISON / FLYINGPictures of Golbat
Crobat16939POISON / FLYINGPictures of Crobat
Cleffa17340NORMALPictures of Cleffa
Clefairy3541NORMALPictures of Clefairy
Clefable3642NORMALPictures of Clefable
Igglybuff17443NORMALPictures of Igglybuff
Jigglypuff3944NORMALPictures of Jigglypuff
Wigglytuff4045NORMALPictures of Wigglytuff
Togepi17546NORMALPictures of Togepi
Togetic17647NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Togetic
Sandshrew2748GROUNDPictures of Sandshrew
Sandslash2849GROUNDPictures of Sandslash
Ekans2350POISONPictures of Ekans
Arbok2451POISONPictures of Arbok
Dunsparce20652NORMALPictures of Dunsparce
Mareep17953ELECTRICPictures of Mareep
Flaaffy18054ELECTRICPictures of Flaaffy
Ampharos18155ELECTRICPictures of Ampharos
Wooper19456WATER / GROUNDPictures of Wooper
Quagsire19557WATER / GROUNDPictures of Quagsire
Gastly9258GHOST / POISONPictures of Gastly
Haunter9359GHOST / POISONPictures of Haunter
Gengar9460GHOST / POISONPictures of Gengar
Unown20161PSYCHICPictures of Unown
Onix9562ROCK / GROUNDPictures of Onix
Steelix20863STEEL / GROUNDPictures of Steelix
Bellsprout6964GRASS / POISONPictures of Bellsprout
Weepinbell7065GRASS / POISONPictures of Weepinbell
Victreebel7166GRASS / POISONPictures of Victreebel
Hoppip18767GRASS / FLYINGPictures of Hoppip
Skiploom18868GRASS / FLYINGPictures of Skiploom
Jumpluff18969GRASS / FLYINGPictures of Jumpluff
Paras4670BUG / GRASSPictures of Paras
Parasect4771BUG / GRASSPictures of Parasect
Poliwag6072WATERPictures of Poliwag
Poliwhirl6173WATERPictures of Poliwhirl
Poliwrath6274WATER / FIGHTINGPictures of Poliwrath
Politoed18675WATERPictures of Politoed
Magikarp12976WATERPictures of Magikarp
Gyarados13077WATER / FLYINGPictures of Gyarados
Goldeen11878WATERPictures of Goldeen
Seaking11979WATERPictures of Seaking
Slowpoke7980WATER / PSYCHICPictures of Slowpoke
Slowbro8081WATER / PSYCHICPictures of Slowbro
Slowking19982WATER / PSYCHICPictures of Slowking
Oddish4383GRASS / POISONPictures of Oddish
Gloom4484GRASS / POISONPictures of Gloom
Vileplume4585GRASS / POISONPictures of Vileplume
Bellossom18286GRASSPictures of Bellossom
Drowzee9687PSYCHICPictures of Drowzee
Hypno9788PSYCHICPictures of Hypno
Abra6389PSYCHICPictures of Abra
Kadabra6490PSYCHICPictures of Kadabra
Alakazam6591PSYCHICPictures of Alakazam
Ditto13292NORMALPictures of Ditto
Pineco20493BUGPictures of Pineco
Forretress20594BUG / STEELPictures of Forretress
Nidoran♀2995POISONPictures of Nidoran♀
Nidorina3096POISONPictures of Nidorina
Nidoqueen3197POISON / GROUNDPictures of Nidoqueen
Nidoran♂3298POISONPictures of Nidoran♂
Nidorino3399POISONPictures of Nidorino
Nidoking34100POISON / GROUNDPictures of Nidoking
Yanma193101BUG / FLYINGPictures of Yanma
Sunkern191102GRASSPictures of Sunkern
Sunflora192103GRASSPictures of Sunflora
Exeggcute102104GRASS / PSYCHICPictures of Exeggcute
Exeggutor103105GRASS / PSYCHICPictures of Exeggutor
Sudowoodo185106ROCKPictures of Sudowoodo
Wobbuffet202107PSYCHICPictures of Wobbuffet
Venonat48108BUG / POISONPictures of Venonat
Venomoth49109BUG / POISONPictures of Venomoth
Scyther123110BUG / FLYINGPictures of Scyther
Scizor212111BUG / STEELPictures of Scizor
Pinsir127112BUGPictures of Pinsir
Heracross214113BUG / FIGHTINGPictures of Heracross
Koffing109114POISONPictures of Koffing
Weezing110115POISONPictures of Weezing
Grimer88116POISONPictures of Grimer
Muk89117POISONPictures of Muk
Magnemite81118ELECTRIC / STEELPictures of Magnemite
Magneton82119ELECTRIC / STEELPictures of Magneton
Voltorb100120ELECTRICPictures of Voltorb
Electrode101121ELECTRICPictures of Electrode
Aipom190122NORMALPictures of Aipom
Snubbull209123NORMALPictures of Snubbull
Granbull210124NORMALPictures of Granbull
Vulpix37125FIREPictures of Vulpix
Ninetales38126FIREPictures of Ninetales
Growlithe58127FIREPictures of Growlithe
Arcanine59128FIREPictures of Arcanine
Stantler234129NORMALPictures of Stantler
Marill183130WATERPictures of Marill
Azumarill184131WATERPictures of Azumarill
Diglett50132GROUNDPictures of Diglett
Dugtrio51133GROUNDPictures of Dugtrio
Mankey56134FIGHTINGPictures of Mankey
Primeape57135FIGHTINGPictures of Primeape
Meowth52136NORMALPictures of Meowth
Persian53137NORMALPictures of Persian
Psyduck54138WATERPictures of Psyduck
Golduck55139WATERPictures of Golduck
Machop66140FIGHTINGPictures of Machop
Machoke67141FIGHTINGPictures of Machoke
Machamp68142FIGHTINGPictures of Machamp
Tyrogue236143FIGHTINGPictures of Tyrogue
Hitmonlee106144FIGHTINGPictures of Hitmonlee
Hitmonchan107145FIGHTINGPictures of Hitmonchan
Hitmontop237146FIGHTINGPictures of Hitmontop
Girafarig203147NORMAL / PSYCHICPictures of Girafarig
Tauros128148NORMALPictures of Tauros
Miltank241149NORMALPictures of Miltank
Magby240150FIREPictures of Magby
Magmar126151FIREPictures of Magmar
Smoochum238152ICE / PSYCHICPictures of Smoochum
Jynx124153ICE / PSYCHICPictures of Jynx
Elekid239154ELECTRICPictures of Elekid
Electabuzz125155ELECTRICPictures of Electabuzz
Mr. Mime122156PSYCHICPictures of Mr. Mime
Smeargle235157NORMALPictures of Smeargle
Farfetch'd83158NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Farfetch'd
Natu177159PSYCHIC / FLYINGPictures of Natu
Xatu178160PSYCHIC / FLYINGPictures of Xatu
Qwilfish211161WATER / POISONPictures of Qwilfish
Tentacool72162WATER / POISONPictures of Tentacool
Tentacruel73163WATER / POISONPictures of Tentacruel
Krabby98164WATERPictures of Krabby
Kingler99165WATERPictures of Kingler
Shuckle213166BUG / ROCKPictures of Shuckle
Staryu120167WATERPictures of Staryu
Starmie121168WATER / PSYCHICPictures of Starmie
Shellder90169WATERPictures of Shellder
Cloyster91170WATER / ICEPictures of Cloyster
Corsola222171WATER / ROCKPictures of Corsola
Remoraid223172WATERPictures of Remoraid
Octillery224173WATERPictures of Octillery
Chinchou170174WATER / ELECTRICPictures of Chinchou
Lanturn171175WATER / ELECTRICPictures of Lanturn
Seel86176WATERPictures of Seel
Dewgong87177WATER / ICEPictures of Dewgong
Lickitung108178NORMALPictures of Lickitung
Tangela114179GRASSPictures of Tangela
Eevee133180NORMALPictures of Eevee
Vaporeon134181WATERPictures of Vaporeon
Jolteon135182ELECTRICPictures of Jolteon
Flareon136183FIREPictures of Flareon
Espeon196184PSYCHICPictures of Espeon
Umbreon197185DARKPictures of Umbreon
Horsea116186WATERPictures of Horsea
Seadra117187WATERPictures of Seadra
Kingdra230188WATER / DRAGONPictures of Kingdra
Gligar207189GROUND / FLYINGPictures of Gligar
Delibird225190ICE / FLYINGPictures of Delibird
Swinub220191ICE / GROUNDPictures of Swinub
Piloswine221192ICE / GROUNDPictures of Piloswine
Teddiursa216193NORMALPictures of Teddiursa
Ursaring217194NORMALPictures of Ursaring
Phanpy231195GROUNDPictures of Phanpy
Donphan232196GROUNDPictures of Donphan
Mantine226197WATER / FLYINGPictures of Mantine
Skarmory227198STEEL / FLYINGPictures of Skarmory
Doduo84199NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Doduo
Dodrio85200NORMAL / FLYINGPictures of Dodrio
Ponyta77201FIREPictures of Ponyta
Rapidash78202FIREPictures of Rapidash
Cubone104203GROUNDPictures of Cubone
Marowak105204GROUNDPictures of Marowak
Kangaskhan115205NORMALPictures of Kangaskhan
Rhyhorn111206GROUND / ROCKPictures of Rhyhorn
Rhydon112207GROUND / ROCKPictures of Rhydon
Murkrow198208DARK / FLYINGPictures of Murkrow
Houndour228209DARK / FIREPictures of Houndour
Houndoom229210DARK / FIREPictures of Houndoom
Slugma218211FIREPictures of Slugma
Magcargo219212FIRE / ROCKPictures of Magcargo
Sneasel215213DARK / ICEPictures of Sneasel
Misdreavus200214GHOSTPictures of Misdreavus
Porygon137215NORMALPictures of Porygon
Porygon2233216NORMALPictures of Porygon2
Chansey113217NORMALPictures of Chansey
Blissey242218NORMALPictures of Blissey
Lapras131219WATER / ICEPictures of Lapras
Omanyte138220ROCK / WATERPictures of Omanyte
Omastar139221ROCK / WATERPictures of Omastar
Kabuto140222ROCK / WATERPictures of Kabuto
Kabutops141223ROCK / WATERPictures of Kabutops
Aerodactyl142224ROCK / FLYINGPictures of Aerodactyl
Snorlax143225NORMALPictures of Snorlax
Bulbasaur1226GRASS / POISONPictures of Bulbasaur
Ivysaur2227GRASS / POISONPictures of Ivysaur
Venusaur3228GRASS / POISONPictures of Venusaur
Charmander4229FIREPictures of Charmander
Charmeleon5230FIREPictures of Charmeleon
Charizard6231FIRE / FLYINGPictures of Charizard
Squirtle7232WATERPictures of Squirtle
Wartortle8233WATERPictures of Wartortle
Blastoise9234WATERPictures of Blastoise
Articuno144235ICE / FLYINGPictures of Articuno
Zapdos145236ELECTRIC / FLYINGPictures of Zapdos
Moltres146237FIRE / FLYINGPictures of Moltres
Raikou243238ELECTRICPictures of Raikou
Entei244239FIREPictures of Entei
Suicune245240WATERPictures of Suicune
Dratini147241DRAGONPictures of Dratini
Dragonair148242DRAGONPictures of Dragonair
Dragonite149243DRAGON / FLYINGPictures of Dragonite
Larvitar246244ROCK / GROUNDPictures of Larvitar
Pupitar247245ROCK / GROUNDPictures of Pupitar
Tyranitar248246ROCK / DARKPictures of Tyranitar
Lugia249247PSYCHIC / FLYINGPictures of Lugia
Ho-Oh250248FIRE / FLYINGPictures of Ho-Oh
Mewtwo150249PSYCHICPictures of Mewtwo
Mew151250PSYCHICPictures of Mew
Celebi251251PSYCHIC / GRASSPictures of Celebi