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Pokédex (Pokémon Data)

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Chikorita1521Leaf PokémonA sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. It is docile and loves to soak up sunrays.
Bayleef1532Leaf PokémonThe scent of spices comes from around its neck. Somehow, sniffing it makes you want to fight.
Meganium1543Herb PokémonThe aroma that rises from its petals contains a substance that calms aggressive feelings.
Cyndaquil1554Fire Mouse PokémonIt is timid, and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection.
Quilava1565Volcano PokémonBe careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
Typhlosion1576Volcano PokémonIf its rage peaks, it becomes so hot that anything that touches it will instantly go up in flames.
Totodile1587Big Jaw PokémonIts powerful, well-developed jaws are capable of crushing anything. Even its Trainer must be careful.
Croconaw1598Big Jaw PokémonIf it loses a fang, a new one grows back in its place. There are always 48 fangs lining its mouth.
Feraligatr1609Big Jaw PokémonWhen it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears its victim up.
Pidgey1610Tiny Bird PokémonIt usually hides in tall grass. Because it dislikes fighting, it protects itself by kicking up sand.
Pidgeotto1711Bird PokémonIt has outstanding vision. However high it flies, it is able to distinguish the movements of its prey.
Pidgeot1812Bird PokémonIts well-developed chest muscles make it strong enough to whip up a gusty windstorm with just a few flaps.
Spearow2113Tiny Bird PokémonIt flaps its short wings to flush out insects from tall grass. It then plucks them with its stubby beak.
Fearow2214Beak PokémonIt shoots itself suddenly high into the sky, then plummets down in one fell swoop to strike its prey.
Hoothoot16315Owl PokémonIt always stands on one foot. It changes feet so fast, the movement can rarely be seen.
Noctowl16416Owl PokémonIts eyes are specially adapted. They concentrate even faint light and enable it to see in the dark.
Rattata1917Mouse PokémonIt eats anything. Wherever food is available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously.
Raticate2018Mouse PokémonGnaws on anything with its tough fangs. It can even topple concrete buildings by gnawing on them.
Sentret16119Scout PokémonA very cautious Pokémon, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings.
Furret16220Long Body PokémonIt makes a nest to suit its long and skinny body. The nest is impossible for other Pokémon to enter.
Pichu17221Tiny Mouse PokémonIt is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled.
Pikachu2522Mouse PokémonThis intelligent Pokémon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
Raichu2623Mouse PokémonWhen its electricity builds, its muscles are stimulated, and it becomes more aggressive than usual.
Caterpie1024Worm PokémonFor protection, it releases a horrible stench from the antennae on its head to drive away enemies.
Metapod1125Cocoon PokémonInside the shell, it is soft and weak as it prepares to evolve. It stays motionless in the shell.
Butterfree1226Butterfly PokémonIt collects honey every day. It rubs honey onto the hairs on its legs to carry it back to its nest.
Weedle1327Hairy Bug PokémonIts poison stinger is very powerful. Its bright-colored body is intended to warn off its enemies.
Kakuna1428Cocoon PokémonAlthough it is a cocoon, it can move a little. It can extend its poison barb if it is attacked.
Beedrill1529Poison Bee PokémonIt can take down any opponent with its powerful poison stingers. It sometimes attacks in swarms.
Ledyba16530Five Star PokémonIt is very timid. It will be afraid to move if it is alone. But it will be active if it is in a group.
Ledian16631Five Star PokémonWhen the stars flicker in the night sky, it flutters about, scattering a glowing powder.
Spinarak16732String Spit PokémonIt lies still in the same pose for days in its web, waiting for its unsuspecting prey to wander close.
Ariados16833Long Leg PokémonIt spins string not only from its rear but also from its mouth. It’s hard to tell which end is which.
Geodude7434Rock PokémonMost people may not notice, but a closer look should reveal that there are many GEODUDE around.
Graveler7535Rock PokémonWith a free and uncaring nature, it doesn’t mind if pieces break off while it rolls down mountains.
Golem7636Megaton PokémonIt sheds its skin once a year. The discarded shell immediately hardens and crumbles away.
Zubat4137Bat PokémonWhile flying, it constantly emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its surroundings.
Golbat4238Bat PokémonHowever hard its victim’s hide may be, it punctures with sharp fangs and gorges itself with blood.
Crobat16939Bat PokémonIt flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.
Cleffa17340Star Shape PokémonBecause of its unusual, starlike silhouette, people believe that it came here on a meteor.
Clefairy3541Fairy PokémonThe moonlight that it stores in the wings on its back apparently gives it the ability to float in midair.
Clefable3642Fairy PokémonWith its acute hearing, it can pick up sounds from far away. It usually hides in quiet places.
Igglybuff17443Balloon PokémonIt has a very soft body. If it starts to roll, it will bounce all over and be impossible to stop.
Jigglypuff3944Balloon PokémonIf it inflates to sing a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause sure drowsiness in its audience.
Wigglytuff4045Balloon PokémonTheir fur feels so good that if two of them snuggle together, they won’t want to be separated.
Togepi17546Spike Ball PokémonThe shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly.
Togetic17647Happiness PokémonThey say that it will appear before kindhearted, caring people and shower them with happiness.
Sandshrew2748Mouse PokémonIf it fell from a great height, this Pokémon could save itself by rolling into a ball and bouncing.
Sandslash2849Mouse PokémonIn an attempt to hide itself, it will run around at top speed to kick up a blinding dust storm.
Ekans2350Snake PokémonIt can freely detach its jaw to swallow large prey whole. It can become too heavy to move, however.
Arbok2451Cobra PokémonTransfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim.
Dunsparce20652Land Snake PokémonWhen spotted, this Pokémon escapes backward by furiously boring into the ground with its tail.
Mareep17953Wool PokémonIf static electricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.
Flaaffy18054Wool PokémonAs a result of storing too much electricity, it developed patches where even downy wool won’t grow.
Ampharos18155Light PokémonThe tail’s tip shines brightly and can be seen from far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people.
Wooper19456Water Fish PokémonThis Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.
Quagsire19557Water Fish PokémonThis carefree Pokémon has an easy-going nature. While swimming, it always bumps into boat hulls.
Gastly9258Gas PokémonWith its gas-like body, it can sneak into any place it desires. However, it can be blown away by wind.
Haunter9359Gas PokémonIn total darkness, where nothing is visible, HAUNTER lurks, silently stalking its next victim.
Gengar9460Shadow PokémonIt steals heat from its surroundings. If you feel a sudden chill, it is certain that a GENGAR appeared.
Unown20161Symbol PokémonTheir shapes look like hieroglyphs on ancient tablets. It is said that the two are somehow related.
Onix9562Rock Snake PokémonIt twists and squirms through the ground. The thunderous roar of its tunneling echoes a long way.
Steelix20863Iron Snake PokémonIts body has been compressed deep under the ground. As a result, it is even harder than a diamond.
Bellsprout6964Flower PokémonEven though its body is extremely skinny, it is blindingly fast when catching its prey.
Weepinbell7065Flycatcher PokémonEven though it is filled with acid, it does not melt because it also oozes a protective fluid.
Victreebel7166Flycatcher PokémonAcid that has dissolved many prey becomes sweeter, making it even more effective at attracting prey.
Hoppip18767Cottonweed PokémonTo keep from being blown away by the wind, they gather in clusters. But they do enjoy gentle breezes.
Skiploom18868Cottonweed PokémonThe bloom on top of its head opens and closes as the temperature fluctuates up and down.
Jumpluff18969Cottonweed PokémonOnce it catches the wind, it deftly controls its cotton-puff spores-- it can even float around the world.
Paras4670Mushroom PokémonIt is doused with mushroom spores when it is born. As its body grows, mushrooms sprout from its back.
Parasect4771Mushroom PokémonIt stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushroom on its back.
Poliwag6072Tadpole PokémonBecause it is inept at walking on its newly grown legs, it always swims around in water.
Poliwhirl6173Tadpole PokémonThe swirl on its belly subtly undulates. Staring at it may gradually cause drowsiness.
Poliwrath6274Tadpole PokémonThis strong and skilled swimmer is even capable of crossing the Pacific Ocean just by kicking.
Politoed18675Frog PokémonIf POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
Magikarp12976Fish PokémonAn underpowered, pathetic Pokémon. It may jump high on rare occasions, but usually not more than seven feet.
Gyarados13077Atrocious PokémonThey say that during past strife, GYARADOS would appear and leave blazing ruins in its wake.
Goldeen11878Goldfish PokémonIts dorsal, pectoral and tail fins wave elegantly in water. That is why it is known as the water dancer.
Seaking11979Goldfish PokémonDuring spawning season, SEAKING gather from all over, causing rivers to appear a brilliant red.
Slowpoke7980Dopey PokémonIt lazes vacantly near water. If something bites its tail, it won’t even notice for a whole day.
Slowbro8081Hermit Crab PokémonIf the tail-biting SHELLDER is thrown off in a harsh battle, it reverts to being an ordinary SLOWPOKE.
Slowking19982Royal PokémonIt has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected.
Oddish4383Weed PokémonAwakened by moonlight, it roams actively at night. In the day, it stays quietly underground.
Gloom4484Weed PokémonWhat appears to be drool is actually sweet honey. It is very sticky and clings stubbornly if touched.
Vileplume4585Flower PokémonIt has the world’s largest petals. With every step, the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen.
Bellossom18286Flower PokémonBELLOSSOM gather at times and seem to dance. They say that the dance is a ritual to summon the sun.
Drowzee9687Hypnosis PokémonIf you think that you had a good dream but you can’t remember it, a DROWZEE has probably eaten it.
Hypno9788Hypnosis PokémonWhen it is very hungry, it puts humans it meets to sleep, then it feasts on their dreams.
Abra6389Psi PokémonIt senses impending attacks and teleports away to safety before the actual attacks can strike.
Kadabra6490Psi PokémonIt possesses strong spiritual power. The more danger it faces, the stronger its psychic power.
Alakazam6591Psi PokémonClosing both its eyes heightens all its other senses. This enables it to use its abilities to their extremes.
Ditto13292Transform PokémonIt can transform into anything. When it sleeps, it changes into a stone to avoid being attacked.
Pineco20493Bagworm PokémonIt likes to make its shell thicker by adding layers of tree bark. The additional weight doesn’t bother it.
Forretress20594Bagworm PokémonIts entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside this shell is a total mystery.
Nidoran♀2995Poison Pin PokémonThe poison hidden in its small horn is extremely potent. Even a tiny scratch can have fatal results.
Nidorina3096Poison Pin PokémonWhen feeding its young, it first chews the food into a paste, then spits it out for the offspring.
Nidoqueen3197Drill PokémonIts body is covered with needle-like scales. It never shows signs of shrinking from any attack.
Nidoran♂3298Poison Pin PokémonIt is small, but its horn is filled with poison. It charges then stabs with the horn to inject poison.
Nidorino3399Poison Pin PokémonIt raises its big ears to check its surroundings. If it senses anything, it attacks immediately.
Nidoking34100Drill PokémonIt swings its big tail around during battle. If its foe flinches, it will charge with its sturdy body.
Yanma193101Clear Wing PokémonIf it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area.
Yanmega469102Ogre Darner PokémonThis six-legged Pokémon is easily capable of transporting an adult in flight. The wings on its tail help it stay balanced.
Sunkern191103Seed PokémonIt may plummet from the sky. If attacked by a SPEAROW, it will violently shake its leaves.
Sunflora192104Sun PokémonIt converts sunlight into energy. In the darkness after sunset, it closes its petals and becomes still.
Exeggcute102105Egg PokémonTheir shells are very durable. Even if they crack, they can survive without spilling their contents.
Exeggutor103106Coconut PokémonIts three heads think independently. However, they are friendly and never appear to squabble.
Sudowoodo185107Imitation PokémonAlthough it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears more similar to rock than to vegetation.
Wobbuffet202108Patient PokémonIt hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its body to build up its counterstrike.
Venonat48109Insect PokémonIts eyes also function as radar units. It catches and eats small bugs that hide in darkness.
Venomoth49110Poison Moth PokémonWhen it attacks, it flaps its large wings violently to scatter its poisonous powder all around.
Scyther123111Mantis PokémonIt slashes through grass with its sharp scythes, moving too fast for the human eye to track.
Scizor212112Pincer PokémonIt swings its eye-patterned pincers up to scare its foes. This makes it look like it has three heads.
Pinsir127113Stag Beetle PokémonWith its pincer horns, it digs burrows to sleep in at night. In the morning, damp soil clings to its body.
Heracross214114Single Horn PokémonThis powerful Pokémon thrusts its prized horn under its enemies’ bellies, then lifts and throws them.
Koffing109115Poison Gas PokémonIts thin, filmy body is filled with gases that cause constant sniffles, coughs and teary eyes.
Weezing110116Poison Gas PokémonIf one of the twin KOFFING inflates, the other one deflates. It constantly mixes its poisonous gases.
Grimer88117Sludge PokémonAs it moves, it loses bits of its body, from which new GRIMER emerge. This worsens the stench around it.
Muk89118Sludge PokémonThey love to gather in smelly areas where sludge accumulates, making the stench around them worse.
Magnemite81119Magnet PokémonIt is attracted by electromagnetic waves. It may approach Trainers if they are using their Pokégear.
Magneton82120Magnet PokémonThree MAGNEMITE are linked by a strong magnetic force. Earaches will occur if you get too close.
Voltorb100121Ball PokémonIt rolls to move. If the ground is uneven, a sudden jolt from hitting a bump can cause it to explode.
Electrode101122Ball PokémonIt is dangerous. If it has too much electricity and has nothing to do, it amuses itself by exploding.
Aipom190123Long Tail PokémonIts tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air.
Ambipom424124Long Tail PokémonThey live on large trees. They are said to communicate by connecting their tails to those of others.
Snubbull209125Fairy PokémonAlthough it looks frightening, it is actually kind and affectionate. It is very popular among women.
Granbull210126Fairy PokémonIt is actually timid and easily spooked. If attacked, it flails about to fend off its attacker.
Vulpix37127Fox PokémonAs it develops, its single white tail gains color and splits into six. It is quite warm and cuddly.
Ninetales38128Fox PokémonSome legends claim that each of its nine tails has its own unique type of special mystical power.
Growlithe58129Puppy PokémonIt has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes.
Arcanine59130Legendary PokémonThis legendary Chinese Pokémon is considered magnificent. Many people are enchanted by its grand mane.
Stantler234131Big Horn PokémonThe curved antlers subtly change the flow of air to create a strange space where reality is distorted.
Marill183132Aqua Mouse PokémonThe tip of its tail, which contains oil that is lighter than water, lets it swim without drowning.
Azumarill184133Aqua Rabbit PokémonBy keeping still and listening intently, it can tell what is in even wild, fast-moving rivers.
Diglett50134Mole PokémonIts skin is very thin. If it is exposed to light, its blood heats up, causing it to grow weak.
Dugtrio51135Mole PokémonIts three heads bob separately up and down to loosen the soil nearby, making it easier for it to burrow.
Mankey56136Pig Monkey PokémonIt is extremely ill-tempered. Groups of them will attack any handy target for no reason.
Primeape57137Pig Monkey PokémonIf approached while asleep, it may awaken and angrily give chase in a groggy state of semi-sleep.
Meowth52138Scratch Cat PokémonIt is fascinated by round objects. It can’t stop playing with them until it tires and falls asleep.
Persian53139Classy Cat PokémonMany adore it for its sophisticated air. However, it will lash out and scratch for little reason.
Psyduck54140Duck PokémonIt has mystical powers but doesn’t recall that it has used them. That is why it always looks puzzled.
Golduck55141Duck PokémonWhen it swims at full speed using its long, webbed limbs, its forehead somehow begins to glow.
Machop66142Superpower PokémonAlways brimming with power, it passes time by lifting boulders. Doing so makes it even stronger.
Machoke67143Superpower PokémonIt always goes at its full power, but this very tough and durable Pokémon never gets tired.
Machamp68144Superpower PokémonIt quickly swings its four arms to rock its opponents with ceaseless punches and chops from all angles.
Tyrogue236145Scuffle PokémonIt is always bursting with energy. To make itself stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses.
Hitmonlee106146Kicking PokémonThis amazing Pokémon has an awesome sense of balance. It can kick in succession from any position.
Hitmonchan107147Punching PokémonIts punches slice the air. However, it seems to need a short break after fighting for three minutes.
Hitmontop237148Handstand PokémonIf you are enchanted by its smooth, dance-like kicks, you may get a closer experience with one than you’d like.
Girafarig203149Long Neck PokémonIts tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your scent by biting.
Tauros128150Wild Bull PokémonThey fight each other by locking horns. The herd’s protector takes pride in its battle-scarred horns.
Miltank241151Milk Cow PokémonIts milk is packed with nutrition, making it the ultimate beverage for the sick or weary.
Magby240152Live Coal PokémonEach and every time it inhales and exhales, hot embers dribble from its mouth and nostrils.
Magmar126153Spitfire PokémonIt dislikes cold places, so it blows scorching flames to make the environment suitable for itself.
Smoochum238154Kiss PokémonIts lips are the most sensitive part of its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things.
Jynx124155Human Shape PokémonIt rocks its body rhythmically. It appears to alter the rhythm depending on how it is feeling.
Elekid239156Electric PokémonIt rotates its arms to generate electricity, but it tires easily, so it only charges up a little bit.
Electabuzz125157Electric PokémonElectricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its entire body glows a whitish-blue.
Mr. Mime122158Barrier PokémonA skilled mime from birth, it gains the ability to create invisible objects as it matures.
Smeargle235159Painter PokémonA special fluid oozes from the tip of its tail. It paints the fluid everywhere to mark its territory.
Farfetch'd83160Wild Duck PokémonIf anyone tries to disturb where the essential plant stalks grow, it uses its own stalk to thwart them.
Natu177161Tiny Bird PokémonBecause its wings aren’t yet fully grown, it has to hop to get around. It is always staring at something.
Xatu178162Mystic PokémonThey say that it stays still and quiet because it is seeing both the past and future at the same time.
Qwilfish211163Balloon PokémonTo fire its poison spikes, it must inflate its body by drinking over 2.6 gallons of water all at once.
Tentacool72164Jellyfish PokémonWhen the tide goes out, dehydrated TENTACOOL remains can be found washed up on the shore.
Tentacruel73165Jellyfish PokémonIts 80 tentacles absorb water and stretch almost endlessly to constrict its prey and enemies.
Krabby98166River Crab PokémonIf it senses danger approaching, it cloaks itself with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger.
Kingler99167Pincer PokémonIt can hardly lift its massive, overgrown pincer. The pincer’s size makes it difficult to aim properly.
Shuckle213168Mold PokémonThe berries it stores in its vase-like shell decompose and become a gooey liquid.
Staryu120169Star Shape PokémonAt night, the middle of its body slowly flickers with the same rhythm as a human heartbeat.
Starmie121170Mysterious PokémonThe middle section of its body is called the core. It glows in a different color each time it is seen.
Shellder90171Bivalve PokémonIt swims facing backward by opening and closing its two-piece shell. It is surprisingly fast.
Cloyster91172Bivalve PokémonOnce it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superior strength.
Corsola222173Coral PokémonIt continuously sheds and grows. The tip of its head is prized as a treasure because of its beauty.
Remoraid223174Jet PokémonIt has superb accuracy. The water it shoots out can strike moving prey from more than 300 feet away.
Octillery224175Jet PokémonIt traps foes with the suction cups on its tentacles, then smashes them with its rock-hard head.
Chinchou170176Angler PokémonIt shoots positive and negative electricity between the tips of its two antennae and zaps its enemies.
Lanturn171177Light PokémonThe light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea’s surface from a depth of over three miles.
Seel86178Sea Lion PokémonAlthough it can’t walk well on land, it is a graceful swimmer. It especially loves being in frigid seas.
Dewgong87179Sea Lion PokémonIts streamlined body has little drag in water. The colder the temperature, the friskier it gets.
Lickitung108180Licking PokémonIts tongue has well-developed nerves that run to the very tip, so it can be deftly manipulated.
Lickilicky463181Licking PokémonIts saliva can decompose anything. It wraps its long tongue around things to coat them with its sticky saliva.
Tangela114182Vine PokémonThe vines that cloak its entire body are always jiggling. They effectively unnerve its foes.
Tangrowth465183Vine PokémonWhen it remains still, it appears to be a large shrub. Unsuspecting prey that wander near get ensnared by its vines.
Eevee133184Evolution PokémonIt has the ability to alter the composition of its body to suit its surrounding environment.
Vaporeon134185Bubble Jet PokémonWhen VAPOREON’s fins begin to vibrate, it is a sign that rain will come within a few hours.
Jolteon135186Lightning PokémonIt concentrates the weak electric charges emitted by its cells and launches wicked lightning bolts.
Flareon136187Flame PokémonIt stores some of the air it inhales in its internal flame pouch, which heats it to over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Espeon196188Sun PokémonIt uses the fine hair that covers its body to sense air currents and predict its enemy’s actions.
Umbreon197189Moonlight PokémonWhen agitated, this Pokémon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores.
Horsea116190Dragon PokémonIf attacked by a larger enemy, it quickly swims to safety by adeptly controlling its well-developed dorsal fin.
Seadra117191Dragon PokémonAn examination of its cells revealed the presence of a gene not found in HORSEA. It became a hot topic.
Kingdra230192Dragon PokémonIt is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning.
Gligar207193FlyScorpion PokémonIt flies straight at its target’s face, then clamps down on the startled victim to inject poison.
Delibird225194Delivery PokémonIt carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by its stored food.
Swinub220195Pig PokémonIt rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.
Piloswine221196Swine PokémonBecause the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly.
Mamoswine473197Twin Tusk PokémonA frozen MAMOSWINE was dug from ice dating back 10,000 years. This Pokémon has been around a long, long, long time.
Teddiursa216198Little Bear PokémonIf it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they’re soaked with honey.
Ursaring217199Hibernator PokémonAlthough it is a good climber, it prefers to snap trees with its forelegs and eat fallen berries.
Phanpy231200Long Nose PokémonIt swings its long snout around playfully, but because it is so strong, that can be dangerous.
Donphan232201Armor PokémonIt has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its tackle is strong enough to knock down a house.
Mantine226202Kite PokémonAs it majestically swims, it doesn’t care if REMORAID attach to it for scavenging its leftovers.
Skarmory227203Armor Bird PokémonIts sturdy wings look heavy, but they are actually hollow and light, allowing it to fly freely in the sky.
Doduo84204Twin Bird PokémonBy alternately raising and lowering its two heads, it balances itself to be more stable while running.
Dodrio85205Triple Bird PokémonIt collects data and plans three times as wisely, but it may think too much and fall into a state of immobility.
Ponyta77206Fire Horse PokémonIt is a weak runner immediately after birth. It gradually becomes faster by chasing after its parents.
Rapidash78207Fire Horse PokémonAt full gallop, its four hooves barely touch the ground because it moves so incredibly fast.
Cubone104208Lonely PokémonIf it is sad or lonely, the skull it wears shakes and emits a plaintive and mournful sound.
Marowak105209Bone Keeper PokémonIt has been seen pounding boulders with the bone it carries in order to tap out messages to others.
Kangaskhan115210Parent PokémonIf it is safe, the young gets out of the belly pouch to play. The adult keeps a close eye on the youngster.
Rhyhorn111211Spikes PokémonIt is inept at turning because of its four short legs. It can only charge and run in one direction.
Rhydon112212Drill PokémonIts rugged hide protects it from even the heat of lava. However, the hide also makes it insensitive.
Murkrow198213Darkness PokémonFeared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night.
Houndour228214Dark PokémonIt uses different kinds of cries for communicating with others of its kind and for pursuing its prey.
Houndoom229215Dark PokémonIf you are burned by the flames it shoots from its mouth, the pain will never go away.
Slugma218216Lava PokémonIt never sleeps. It has to keep moving because if it stopped, its magma body would cool and harden.
Magcargo219217Lava PokémonThe shell on its back is just skin that has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch.
Sneasel215218Sharp Claw PokémonIts paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it suddenly extends the claws and startles its enemy.
Misdreavus200219Screech PokémonIt likes playing mischievous tricks, such as screaming and wailing to startle people at night.
Porygon137220Virtual PokémonIt is a manmade Pokémon. Since it doesn’t breathe, people are eager to try it in any environment.
Porygon2233221Virtual PokémonThis upgraded version of PORYGON is designed for space exploration. It can’t fly, however.
Chansey113222Egg PokémonIt walks carefully to prevent its egg from breaking. However, it is extremely fast at running away.
Blissey242223Happiness PokémonAnyone who takes even one taste of BLISSEY’s egg becomes unfailingly caring and pleasant to everyone.
Lapras131224Transport PokémonThey have gentle hearts. Because they rarely fight, many have been caught. Their number has dwindled.
Omanyte138225Spiral PokémonRevived from an ancient fossil, this Pokémon uses air stored in its shell to sink and rise in water.
Omastar139226Spiral PokémonApparently, it cracked SHELLDER’s shell with its sharp fangs and sucked out the insides.
Kabuto140227Shellfish PokémonOn rare occasions, some have been found as fossils which they became while hiding on the ocean floor.
Kabutops141228Shellfish PokémonIn the water, it tucks in its limbs to become more compact, then it wiggles its shell to swim fast.
Aerodactyl142229Fossil PokémonA vicious Pokémon from the distant past, it appears to have flown by spreading its wings and gliding.
Snorlax143230Sleeping PokémonWhat sounds like its cry may actually be its snores or the rumblings of its hungry belly.
Bulbasaur1231Seed PokémonThe seed on its back is filled with nutrients. The seed grows steadily larger as its body grows.
Ivysaur2232Seed PokémonExposure to sunlight adds to its strength. Sunlight also makes the bud on its back grow larger.
Venusaur3233Seed PokémonBy spreading the broad petals of its flower and catching the sun’s rays, it fills its body with power.
Charmander4234Lizard PokémonThe flame on its tail shows the strength of its life force. If it is weak, the flame also burns weakly.
Charmeleon5235Flame PokémonIt is very hotheaded by nature, so it constantly seeks opponents. It calms down only when it wins.
Charizard6236Flame PokémonIf CHARIZARD becomes furious, the flame at the tip of its tail flares up in a light blue shade.
Squirtle7237Tiny Turtle PokémonThe shell is soft when it is born. It soon becomes so resilient, prodding fingers will bounce off it.
Wartortle8238Turtle PokémonIt is a well-established symbol of longevity. If its shell has algae on it, that WARTORTLE is very old.
Blastoise9239Shellfish PokémonIt deliberately makes itself heavy so it can withstand the recoil of the water jets it fires.
Articuno144240Freeze PokémonThe magnificent, seemingly translucent wings of this legendary bird Pokémon are said to be made of ice.
Zapdos145241Electric PokémonThis legendary bird Pokémon causes savage thunderstorms by flapping its glittering wings.
Moltres146242Flame PokémonThis legendary Pokémon scatters embers with every flap of its wings. It is a thrilling sight to behold.
Raikou243243Thunder PokémonThe rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts at will. They say that it descended with lightning.
Entei244244Volcano PokémonVolcanoes erupt when it barks. Unable to contain its sheer power, it races headlong around the land.
Suicune245245Aurora PokémonSaid to be the embodiment of north winds, it can instantly purify filthy, murky water.
Dratini147246Dragon PokémonIt is born large to start with. It repeatedly sheds its skin as it steadily grows longer.
Dragonair148247Dragon PokémonThey say that if it emits an aura from its whole body, the weather will begin to change instantly.
Dragonite149248Dragon PokémonIt is said that this Pokémon constantly flies over the immense seas and rescues drowning people.
Larvitar246249Rock Skin PokémonIt feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it falls asleep so it can grow.
Pupitar247250Hard Shell PokémonIts shell is as hard as sheet rock, and it is also very strong. Its thrashing can topple a mountain.
Tyranitar248251Armor PokémonIts body can’t be harmed by any sort of attack, so it is very eager to make challenges against enemies.
Lugia249252Diving PokémonIt is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong.
Ho-Oh250253Rainbow PokémonLegends claim this Pokémon flies the world’s skies continuously on its magnificent, seven-colored wings.
Mewtwo150254Genetic PokémonBecause its battle abilities were raised to the ultimate level, it thinks only of defeating its foes.
Mew151255New Species PokémonApparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it.
Celebi251256Time Travel PokémonThis Pokémon wanders across time. Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared.
Treecko252-1Wood Gecko PokémonSmall hooks on the bottom of its feet catch on walls and ceilings. That is how it can hang from above.
Grovyle253-1Wood Gecko PokémonIt leaps from tree branch to tree branch quite swiftly. It shows astounding agility.
Sceptile254-1Forest PokémonIt agilely leaps about the jungle and uses the sharp leaves on its arms to strike its prey.
Torchic255-1Chick PokémonInside its body is a place where it keeps a small flame. Hug it! It will be as warm as a hot-water bottle.
Combusken256-1Young Fowl PokémonDuring a battle, the hot flame in its body increases. Its kicks have outstanding destructive power.
Blaziken257-1Blaze PokémonIt can clear a 30-story building in a leap. Its fiery punches scorch its foes.
Mudkip258-1Mud Fish PokémonIts power can crush boulders. It rests by covering itself with mud at the bottom of a river.
Marshtomp259-1Mud Fish PokémonLiving on muddy ground that provides poor footing has made its legs sturdy.
Swampert260-1Mud Fish PokémonIts arms are hard as rock. With one swing, it can break a boulder into pieces.
Poochyena261-1Bite PokémonIt chases its prey until the victim becomes exhausted. However, it turns tail if the prey strikes back.
Mightyena262-1Bite PokémonIt chases down prey in a pack of around ten. They defeat foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork.
Zigzagoon263-1TinyRaccoon PokémonIt gets interested in everything, which is why it zigs and zags. It is good at finding items.
Linoone264-1Rushing PokémonWhen running in a straight line, it can easily top 60 miles an hour. It has a tough time with curved roads.
Wurmple265-1Worm PokémonIt lives among the tall grass and in forests. It repels attacks by raising up the spikes on its rear.
Silcoon266-1Cocoon PokémonHaving wrapped silk around the branches of a tree, it quiescently awaits evolution.
Beautifly267-1Butterfly PokémonVibrantly patterned wings are its prominent feature. It sucks sweet flower nectar with its long mouth.
Cascoon268-1Cocoon PokémonIt endures attacks with patience, because the more pain before evolution, the sturdier it becomes.
Dustox269-1Poison Moth PokémonIt scatters its fine dust all over when it is attacked. It is a nocturnal Pokémon.
Lotad270-1Water Weed PokémonIts leaf grew too large for it to live on land. That is how it began to live floating in the water.
Lombre271-1Jolly PokémonIt is nocturnal and becomes active at nightfall. It feeds on aquatic mosses that grow in the riverbed.
Ludicolo272-1Carefree PokémonIf it hears festive music, it begins moving in rhythm in order to amplify its power.
Seedot273-1Acorn PokémonIt attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. Strong winds can sometimes make it fall.
Nuzleaf274-1Wily PokémonIt lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy.
Shiftry275-1Wicked PokémonIt lives quietly in the deep forest. It is said to create chilly winter winds with the fans it holds.
Taillow276-1TinySwallow PokémonWhen it gets cold, they migrate, flying over 180 miles a day. It hunts for tasty prey.
Swellow277-1Swallow PokémonIt dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. It catches its prey with sharp claws.
Wingull278-1Seagull PokémonIt soars on updrafts without flapping its wings. It makes a nest on sheer cliffs at the sea’s edge.
Pelipper279-1Water Bird PokémonIt protects its young in its beak. It bobs on waves, resting on them on days when the waters are calm.
Ralts280-1Feeling PokémonThe horns on its head provide a strong power that enables it to sense people’s emotions.
Kirlia281-1Emotion PokémonIt has a psychic power that enables it to distort the space around it and see into the future.
Gardevoir282-1Embrace PokémonIt unleashes psychokinetic energy at full power when protecting a Trainer it has bonded closely with.
Surskit283-1Pond Skater PokémonIt secretes a thick, sweet-scented syrup from the tip of its head. It lives on weed-choked ponds.
Masquerain284-1Eyeball PokémonIt flaps its four wings to hover and fly freely in any direction-- to and fro and sideways.
Shroomish285-1Mushroom PokémonIf it senses danger, it scatters spores from the top of its head to protect itself.
Breloom286-1Mushroom PokémonIt scatters poisonous spores and throws powerful punches while its foe is hampered by inhaled spores.
Slakoth287-1Slacker PokémonThe way SLAKOTH lolls around makes anyone who watches it feel like doing the same.
Vigoroth288-1Wild Monkey PokémonIts stress level rises if it cannot keep moving constantly. Too much stress makes it feel sick.
Slaking289-1Lazy PokémonThe world’s laziest Pokémon. It moves to another spot when there’s no food left within its reach.
Nincada290-1Trainee PokémonIt can sometimes live underground for more than 10 years. It absorbs nutrients from the roots of trees.
Ninjask291-1Ninja PokémonIts cry leaves a lasting headache if heard for too long. It moves so quickly that it is almost invisible.
Shedinja292-1Shed PokémonA strange Pokémon--it flies without moving its wings, has a hollow shell for a body, and does not breathe.
Whismur293-1Whisper PokémonIf it senses danger, it scares the foe by crying out with the volume of a jet-plane engine.
Loudred294-1Big Voice PokémonIt shouts loudly by inhaling air, and then uses its well-developed stomach muscles to exhale.
Exploud295-1Loud Noise PokémonIts roar in battle shakes the ground like a tremor--or like an earthquake has struck.
Makuhita296-1Guts PokémonIt toughens up by slamming into thick trees over and over. It gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit.
Hariyama297-1Arm Thrust PokémonIt loves challenging others to tests of strength. It has the power to stop a train with a slap.
Azurill298-1Polka Dot PokémonIts tail is packed full of the nutrients it needs to grow.
Nosepass299-1Compass PokémonIf two of these meet, they cannot get too close because their noses repel each other.
Skitty300-1Kitten PokémonIt’s adorable when it chases its own tail. It’s difficult to earn its trust.
Delcatty301-1Prim PokémonIt dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a comfortable place in which to groom itself.
Sableye302-1Darkness PokémonIt dwells in the darkness of caves. It uses its sharp claws to dig up gems to nourish itself.
Mawile303-1Deceiver PokémonIt chomps with its gaping mouth. Its huge jaws are actually steel horns that have been transformed.
Aron304-1Iron Armor PokémonWhen it evolves, it sheds the steel carapace that covered its whole body and develops a new one.
Lairon305-1Iron Armor PokémonIt loves iron ore. Groups of them fight for territory by bashing one another with their steel bodies.
Aggron306-1Iron Armor PokémonYou can tell its age by the length of its iron horns. It claims an entire mountain as its territory.
Meditite307-1Meditate PokémonIt meditates to heighten its inner energy and to float in the air. It eats one berry a day.
Medicham308-1Meditate PokémonThrough yoga training, it gained the psychic power to predict its foe’s next move.
Electrike309-1Lightning PokémonIt stores electricity in its fur. It gives off sparks from all over its body in seasons when the air is dry.
Manectric310-1Discharge PokémonIts nest can be found where a thunderbolt hits. It is discharging electricity from its mane.
Plusle311-1Cheering PokémonIt absorbs electricity from telephone poles. It shorts out its body to create crackling noises.
Minun312-1Cheering PokémonExposure to electricity from MINUN and PLUSLE promotes blood circulation and relaxes muscles.
Volbeat313-1Firefly PokémonIt emits light from its tail to communicate. It loves the sweet aroma given off by ILLUMISE.
Illumise314-1Firefly PokémonIts fragrance attracts a swarm of VOLBEAT, so they draw over 200 patterns in the night sky.
Roselia315-1Thorn PokémonROSELIA that drink nutritionally rich springwater are said to reveal rare coloration when they bloom.
Gulpin316-1Stomach PokémonIt has a small heart and brain. Its stomach comprises most of its body, with enzymes to dissolve anything.
Swalot317-1Poison Bag PokémonIt gulps anything that fits in its mouth. Its special enzymes can dissolve anything.
Carvanha318-1Savage PokémonThey form packs to attack boats and rip out their hulls to sink them. They live in rivers in the jungle.
Sharpedo319-1Brutal PokémonIt can swim at speeds of 75 mph by jetting seawater through its body. It is the bandit of the sea.
Wailmer320-1Ball Whale PokémonIt bounces playfully like a ball. The more seawater it swallows, the higher it bounces.
Wailord321-1Float Whale PokémonIt is the largest of all identified Pokémon. They jump as a pack to herd their prey.
Numel322-1Numb PokémonThe flaming magma it stores in the hump on its back is the source of its tremendous power.
Camerupt323-1Eruption PokémonIt lives in the crater of a volcano. It is well known that the humps on its back erupt every 10 years.
Torkoal324-1Coal PokémonYou find abandoned coal mines full of them. They dig tirelessly in search of coal.
Spoink325-1Bounce PokémonIt bounces around on its tail to keep its heart pumping. It carries a pearl from CLAMPERL on its head.
Grumpig326-1Manipulate PokémonIt can perform odd dance steps to influence foes. Its style of dancing became hugely popular overseas.
Spinda327-1Spot Panda PokémonThe chances of two SPINDA having identical spot patterns is less than one in four billion.
Trapinch328-1Ant Pit PokémonIts nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit in the desert. Once something has fallen in, there is no escape.
Vibrava329-1Vibration PokémonIt vibrates its wings vigorously, creating ultrasonic waves that cause serious headaches.
Flygon330-1Mystic PokémonIt is nicknamed “The Desert Spirit” because the flapping of its wings sounds like a woman singing.
Cacnea331-1Cactus PokémonIt lives in arid locations. Its yellow flowers bloom once a year.
Cacturne332-1Scarecrow PokémonPacks of them follow travelers through the desert until the travelers can no longer move.
Swablu333-1Cotton Bird PokémonIts wings bring cottony clouds to mind. It grooms with springwater and loves to sit on heads.
Altaria334-1Humming PokémonIt flies gracefully through the sky. Its melodic humming makes you feel like you’re in a dream.
Zangoose335-1Cat Ferret PokémonIts fur would all stand on end if it smelled a SEVIPER nearby. Its sharp claws tear up its foes.
Seviper336-1Fang Snake PokémonIn battle, it uses its bladed tail to counter any ZANGOOSE. It secretes a deadly venom in its tail.
Lunatone337-1Meteorite PokémonIt was discovered at the site of a meteor strike 40 years ago. Its stare can lull its foes to sleep.
Solrock338-1Meteorite PokémonWhen it rotates itself, it gives off light similar to the sun, thus blinding its foes.
Barboach339-1Whiskers PokémonBARBOACH uses its whiskers to taste things just as a person uses his or her tongue to taste things.
Whiscash340-1Whiskers PokémonIt claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around.
Corphish341-1Ruffian PokémonIt was originally a Pokémon from afar that escaped to the wild. It can adapt to the dirtiest river.
Crawdaunt342-1Rogue PokémonA brutish Pokémon that loves to battle. It will crash itself into any foe that approaches its nest.
Baltoy343-1Clay Doll PokémonIt moves while spinning around on its single foot. Some BALTOY have been seen spinning on their heads.
Claydol344-1Clay Doll PokémonIt is said that it originates from clay dolls made by an ancient civilization.
Lileep345-1Sea Lily PokémonIt disguises its tentacles as flowers to attract and catch prey. It became extinct in ancient times.
Cradily346-1Barnacle PokémonIt lives in warm seas. Its heavy body weighs it down so it won’t get washed away in rough weather.
Anorith347-1Old Shrimp PokémonAn ancestral Pokémon that lived in the ocean. Over time, its eight feet transformed into wings.
Armaldo348-1Plate PokémonIts enormous, retractable claws can cut through most anything. Its entire body is clad in sturdy plates.
Feebas349-1Fish PokémonIt is the shabbiest Pokémon of all. It forms in schools and lives at the bottom of rivers.
Milotic350-1Tender PokémonIt’s said that a glimpse of a MILOTIC and its beauty will calm any hostile emotions you’re feeling.
Castform351-1Weather PokémonThis Pokémon can change its cells, taking different forms based on the temperature and humidity.
Kecleon352-1Color Swap PokémonIt changes its shading to match its surroundings so it can sneak up on prey. Only its belly patterns stay fixed.
Shuppet353-1Puppet PokémonIt uses its horn to feed on envy and malice, or so it’s said. It’s very active at night.
Banette354-1Marionette PokémonThis Pokémon developed from an abandoned doll that amassed a grudge. It is seen in dark alleys.
Duskull355-1Requiem PokémonIf it finds bad children who won’t listen to their parents, it will spirit them away--or so it’s said.
Dusclops356-1Beckon PokémonAnyone who dares peer into its body to see its spectral ball of fire will have their spirit stolen away.
Tropius357-1Fruit PokémonThe bunch of fruit around its neck ripens twice a year and is delicious. It’s a highly favored tropical snack.
Chimecho358-1Wind Chime PokémonIt uses the sucker on its head to hang from a tree or from eaves. It can produce seven different tones.
Absol359-1Disaster PokémonIt has the ability to foretell natural disasters. Its life span is over a hundred years.
Wynaut360-1Bright PokémonIt tends to move in a pack. Individuals squash against one another to toughen their spirits.
Snorunt361-1Snow Hat PokémonIt’s said that if they are seen at midnight, they’ll cause heavy snow. They eat snow and ice to survive.
Glalie362-1Face PokémonIt can instantly freeze moisture in the atmosphere. It uses this power to freeze its foes.
Spheal363-1Clap PokémonIt crosses the oceans by rolling itself on drifting ice. Fluffy fur keeps it warm when the temperature is below freezing.
Sealeo364-1Ball Roll PokémonIt has a very sensitive nose. It touches new things with its nose to examine them.
Walrein365-1Ice Break PokémonIt shatters drift ice with its strong tusks. Its thick layer of blubber repels enemy attacks.
Clamperl366-1Bivalve PokémonWhen it evolves, it makes a mysterious pearl that amplifies psychic powers when it’s held.
Huntail367-1Deep Sea PokémonIt lives deep in the pitch-dark sea. It attracts prey by moving its tail in mimicry of a small animal.
Gorebyss368-1South Sea PokémonIts pink body becomes more vivid with the rise of water temperatures in the springtime.
Relicanth369-1Longevity PokémonDiscovered by chance during deep-sea explorations, it has not changed since ancient times.
Luvdisc370-1Rendezvous PokémonIts heart-shaped body makes it popular. In some places, you would give a LUVDISC to someone you love.
Bagon371-1Rock Head PokémonIts well-developed neck muscles and ironlike head can smash boulders into pieces.
Shelgon372-1Endurance PokémonIt surrounds its body in an iron-hard shell to accumulate enough power to evolve.
Salamence373-1Dragon PokémonIt’s uncontrollable if enraged. It flies around spouting flames and scorching fields and mountains.
Beldum374-1Iron Ball PokémonThe magnetic force generated by its body repels the ground’s natural magnetism, letting it float.
Metang375-1Iron Claw PokémonWhen two BELDUM fuse together, a magnetic nervous system places their brains in union.
Metagross376-1Iron Leg PokémonIt folds its four legs when flying. Its four brains are said to be superior to a supercomputer.
Regirock377-1Rock Peak PokémonThe same rocks that form its body have been found in ground layers around the world.
Regice378-1Iceberg PokémonIt is said to have slept in a glacier for thousands of years. Its body can’t be melted, even by magma.
Registeel379-1Iron PokémonIts body is said to be harder than any kind of metal. A study has revealed that its body is hollow.
Latias380-1Eon PokémonIt communicates using telepathy. Its body is covered in down that refracts light to make it invisible.
Latios381-1Eon PokémonIt understands human speech and is highly intelligent. It is a tender Pokémon that dislikes fighting.
Kyogre382-1Sea Basin PokémonA mythical Pokémon said to have swelled the seas with rain and tidal waves. It battled with GROUDON.
Groudon383-1Continent PokémonSaid to have expanded the lands by evaporating water with raging heat. It battled titanically with KYOGRE.
Rayquaza384-1Sky High PokémonIt flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it.
Jirachi385-1Wish PokémonGenerations have believed that any wish written on a note on its head will come true when it awakens.
Deoxys386-1DNA PokémonDNA from a space virus mutated and became a Pokémon. It appears where auroras are seen.
Turtwig387-1Tiny Leaf PokémonPhotosynthesis occurs across its body under the sun. The shell on its back is actually hardened soil.
Grotle388-1Grove PokémonA GROTLE that lives in the forest is said to have its own secret springwater.
Torterra389-1Continent PokémonAncient people imagined that beneath the ground, a gigantic TORTERRA dwelled.
Chimchar390-1Chimp PokémonThe gas made in its belly burns from its rear end. The fire burns weakly when it feels sick.
Monferno391-1Playful PokémonA bigger fire on its tail and a brighter blue pattern on its face means its rank in its pack is higher.
Infernape392-1Flame PokémonIt tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all its limbs to fight in its own unique style.
Piplup393-1Penguin PokémonIt doesn’t like to be taken care of. It’s difficult to bond with since it won’t listen to its Trainer.
Prinplup394-1Penguin PokémonIt lives a solitary life. Its wings deliver wicked blows that can snap even the thickest of trees.
Empoleon395-1Emperor PokémonIt avoids unnecessary disputes, but it will decimate anything that threatens its pride.
Starly396-1Starling PokémonThey flock around mountains and fields, chasing after bug Pokémon. Their singing is noisy and annoying.
Staravia397-1Starling PokémonThey maintain huge flocks, although fierce scuffles break out between various flocks.
Staraptor398-1Predator PokémonWhen STARAVIA evolve into STARAPTOR, they leave the flock to live alone. They have sturdy wings.
Bidoof399-1Plump Mouse PokémonIt lives in groups by the water. It chews up boulders and trees around its nest with its incisors.
Bibarel400-1Beaver PokémonIt busily makes its nest with stacks of branches and roots it has cut up with its sharp incisors.
Kricketot401-1Cricket PokémonWhen its antennae hit each other, it sounds like the music of a xylophone.
Kricketune402-1Cricket PokémonBy allowing its cry to resonate in the hollow of its belly, it produces a captivating sound.
Shinx403-1Flash PokémonThe extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it’s in trouble.
Luxio404-1Spark PokémonBy gathering their tails together, they collectively generate powerful electricity from their claws.
Luxray405-1Gleam Eyes PokémonLUXRAY’s ability to see through objects comes in handy when it’s scouting for danger.
Budew406-1Bud PokémonWhen it feels the sun’s warm touch, it opens its bud to release pollen. It lives alongside clear pools.
Roserade407-1Bouquet PokémonIts sweet aroma attracts prey. Then it spews poison. The more toxic it is, the sweeter its aroma.
Cranidos408-1Head Butt PokémonCRANIDOS toughen up their already rock-hard heads by headbutting one another.
Rampardos409-1Head Butt PokémonIts skull withstands impacts of any magnitude. As a result, its brain never gets the chance to grow.
Shieldon410-1Shield PokémonIt was generated from a fossil dug out of a layer of clay that was older than anyone knows. It has a sturdy face.
Bastiodon411-1Shield PokémonWhen attacked, they form a wall. Their rock-hard faces serve to protect them from the attacks.
Burmy412-1Bagworm PokémonIt covers itself with a cloak to shelter from the cold. When it’s hot, its cloak is thinner.
Wormadam413-1Bagworm PokémonIt is said that a WORMADAM that evolves on a cold day will have a thicker cloak.
Mothim414-1Moth PokémonIt flutters around at night and steals honey from the COMBEE hive.
Combee415-1Tiny Bee PokémonAt night, COMBEE sleep in a group of about a thousand, packed closely together in a lump.
Vespiquen416-1Beehive PokémonIt raises grubs in the holes in its body. It secretes pheromones to control COMBEE.
Pachirisu417-1EleSquirrel PokémonIt’s one of the kinds of Pokémon with electric cheek pouches. It shoots charges from its tail.
Buizel418-1Sea Weasel PokémonIt inflates its flotation sac, keeping its face above water in order to watch for prey movement.
Floatzel419-1Sea Weasel PokémonWith its flotation sac inflated, it can carry people on its back. It deflates the sac before it dives.
Cherubi420-1Cherry PokémonIt evolves by sucking the energy out of the small ball where it had been storing nutrients.
Cherrim421-1Blossom PokémonDuring times of strong sunlight, its bud blooms, its petals open fully, and it becomes very active.
Shellos422-1Sea Slug PokémonIts shape and coloration vary, depending on its habitat.
Gastrodon423-1Sea Slug PokémonWhen its natural enemy attacks, it oozes purple fluid and escapes.
Drifloon425-1Balloon PokémonIt is whispered that any child who mistakes DRIFLOON for a balloon and holds on to it could wind up missing.
Drifblim426-1Blimp PokémonIt can generate and release gas within its body. That’s how it can control the altitude of its drift.
Buneary427-1Rabbit PokémonYou can tell how it feels by the way it rolls its ears. When it’s scared, both ears are rolled up.
Lopunny428-1Rabbit PokémonIt sheds its fur twice a year. Its winter fur is soft and fluffy.
Mismagius429-1Magical PokémonIts cries sound like incantations to torment the foe. It appears where you least expect it.
Honchkrow430-1Big Boss PokémonIt is merciless by nature. It is said that it never forgives the mistakes of its MURKROW followers.
Glameow431-1Catty PokémonWhen it’s happy, GLAMEOW demonstrates beautiful movements of its tail, like a dancing ribbon.
Purugly432-1Tiger Cat PokémonIt would claim another Pokémon’s nest as its own if it finds a nest sufficiently comfortable.
Chingling433-1Bell PokémonIt emits high-frequency cries that people can’t hear. Once it starts, it can cry for an awfully long time.
Stunky434-1Skunk PokémonThe foul fluid from its rear is so revolting that it can make people feel queasy up to a mile and a quarter away.
Skuntank435-1Skunk PokémonIt attacks by spraying a repugnant fluid from its tail, but the stench dulls after a few squirts.
Bronzor436-1Bronze PokémonAncient people believed that the pattern on BRONZOR’s back contained a mysterious power.
Bronzong437-1Bronze Bell PokémonAncient people believed that petitioning BRONZONG for rain was the way to make crops grow.
Bonsly438-1Bonsai PokémonIn order to adjust the level of fluids in its body, it exudes water from its eyes. This makes it appear to be crying.
Mime Jr.439-1Mime PokémonIn an attempt to confuse its enemy, it mimics the enemy’s movements. Then it wastes no time in making itself scarce!
Happiny440-1Playhouse PokémonIt carefully carries a round, white rock that it thinks is an egg. It’s bothered by how curly its hair looks.
Chatot441-1Music Note PokémonIt mimics the cries of other Pokémon to trick them into thinking it’s one of them. This way they won’t attack it.
Spiritomb442-1Forbidden PokémonIt was formed by uniting 108 spirits. It has been bound to the Odd Keystone to keep it from doing any mischief.
Gible443-1Land Shark PokémonIt nests in horizontal holes warmed by geothermal heat. Foes who get too close can expect to be pounced on and bitten.
Gabite444-1Cave PokémonAs it digs to expand its nest, it habitually digs up gems that it then hoards in its nest.
Garchomp445-1Mach PokémonIts body is covered in fine scales that reduce drag, enabling it to fly at high speeds.
Munchlax446-1Big Eater PokémonIt conceals food under the long fur on its body. It carts around this food stash and swallows it without chewing.
Riolu447-1Emanation PokémonThey communicate with one another using their auras. They are able to run all through the night.
Lucario448-1Aura PokémonIt’s said that no foe can remain invisible to LUCARIO, since it can detect auras. Even foes it could not otherwise see.
Hippopotas449-1Hippo PokémonIt shrouds itself in sand to ward off germs. It travels easily through the sands of the desert.
Hippowdon450-1Heavyweight PokémonIt brandishes its gaping mouth in a display of fearsome strength. It raises vast quantities of sand while attacking.
Skorupi451-1Scorpion PokémonIt burrows under the sand to lie in wait for prey. Its tail claws can inject its prey with a savage poison.
Drapion452-1Ogre Scorp PokémonIt attacks people and Pokémon that cross the desert. This has only furthered its bad reputation.
Croagunk453-1Toxic Mouth PokémonFluid squeezed from its finger, albeit poisonous, is a significant ingredient in remedies for lower-back pain.
Toxicroak454-1Toxic Mouth PokémonSwaying and dodging the attacks of its foes, it weaves its flexible body in close, then lunges out with its poisonous claws.
Carnivine455-1Bug Catcher PokémonIt walks around on its tentacles in search of a tree branch where it can dangle down and ambush prey.
Finneon456-1Wing Fish PokémonSwimming and fluttering its two tail fins, it looks like a BEAUTIFLY. At night, the patterns on its tail fins softly shine.
Lumineon457-1Neon PokémonLUMINEON swimming in the darkness of the deep sea look like stars shining in the night sky.
Mantyke458-1Kite PokémonWhen it swims close to the surface of the ocean, people aboard ships are able to observe the pattern on its back.
Snover459-1Frost Tree PokémonDuring cold seasons, it migrates to the mountain’s lower reaches. It returns to the snow-covered summit in the spring.
Abomasnow460-1Frost Tree PokémonIt lives a quiet life on mountains that are perpetually covered in snow. It hides itself by whipping up blizzards.
Weavile461-1Sharp Claw PokémonIt lives in snowy regions. It carves patterns in trees with its claws as a signal to others.
Magnezone462-1Magnet Area PokémonExposure to a special magnetic field changed MAGNETON’s molecular structure, turning it into MAGNEZONE.
Rhyperior464-1Drill PokémonFrom holes in its palms, it fires out GEODUDE. Its carapace can withstand volcanic eruptions.
Electivire466-1Thunderbolt PokémonAs its electric charge amplifies, blue sparks begin to crackle between its horns.
Magmortar467-1Blast PokémonIt blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit out of its arms. Its breath also sears and sizzles.
Togekiss468-1Jubilee PokémonAs everyone knows, it visits peaceful regions, bringing them gifts of kindness and sweet blessings.
Leafeon470-1Verdant PokémonWhen you see LEAFEON asleep in a patch of sunshine, you’ll know it is using photosynthesis to produce clean air.
Glaceon471-1Fresh Snow PokémonIt causes small ice crystals to form by lowering the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.
Gliscor472-1Fang Scorp PokémonIts flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do the rest.
Porygon-Z474-1Virtual PokémonIts programming was modified to enable it to travel through alien dimensions. Seems there might have been an error...
Gallade475-1Blade PokémonBecause it can sense what its foe is thinking, its attacks burst out first, fast, and fierce.
Probopass476-1Compass PokémonIt controls three units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force. With them, it can attack the foe from three directions.
Dusknoir477-1Gripper PokémonThis feared Pokémon is said to travel to worlds unknown. Some even believe that it takes lost spirits along with it.
Froslass478-1Snow Land PokémonLegends in snowy regions say that a woman who was lost on an icy mountain was reborn as FROSLASS.
Rotom479-1Plasma PokémonResearch continues on this Pokémon, which could be the power source of a unique motor.
Uxie480-1Knowledge PokémonAccording to some sources, this Pokémon provided people with the intelligence necessary to solve various problems.
Mesprit481-1Emotion PokémonThis Pokémon is said to have endowed the human heart with emotions, such as sorrow and joy.
Azelf482-1Willpower PokémonThis Pokémon is said to have endowed humans with the determination needed to face any of life’s difficulties.
Dialga483-1Temporal PokémonThis Pokémon completely controls the flow of time. It uses its power to travel at will through the past and future.
Palkia484-1Spatial PokémonIts total control over the boundaries of space enable it to transport itself to faraway places or even other dimensions.
Heatran485-1Lava Dome PokémonBoiling blood, like magma, circulates through its body. It makes its dwelling place in volcanic caves.
Regigigas486-1Colossal PokémonIt is believed to have shaped REGIROCK, REGICE, and REGISTEEL out of clay, ice, and magma.
Giratina487-1Renegade PokémonThis Pokémon is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours, where common knowledge is distorted and strange.
Cresselia488-1Lunar PokémonThose who sleep holding CRESSELIA’s feather are assured of joyful dreams. It is said to represent the crescent moon.
Phione489-1Sea Drifter PokémonWhen the water warms, they inflate the flotation sac on their heads and drift languidly on the sea in packs.
Manaphy490-1Seafaring PokémonIt starts its life with a wondrous power that permits it to bond with any kind of Pokémon.
Darkrai491-1Pitch-Black PokémonIt chases people and Pokémon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers.
Shaymin492-1Gratitude PokémonThe blooming of Gracidea flowers confers the power of flight upon it. Feelings of gratitude are the message it delivers.
Arceus493-1Alpha PokémonAccording to the legends of Sinnoh, this Pokémon emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in this world.