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Pokédex - Scyther (LeafGreen Version)

Home > Pokédex - Scyther (LeafGreen Version)

[Picture of Scyther]

Basic Information

National Number#123
Height11.5 m (4'11")
Weight256.0 kg (123.5 lb)
Footprint6[Footprint of Scyther]
Starting Catch Rate845
Base Experience9187
Growth Rate10Medium (max: 1,000,000 Exp. Points)
Gender Rate1150% female, 50% male
Egg Groups13Bug
Steps to Hatch Egg146400
Items in Wild Pokémon15No items.
Base Stat Points (EVs) Given16Attack: 1

Race Values ("Base Stats")18

View detailed stat info for Scyther19

Special Attack55
Special Defense80

Pokédex Entries20


Scyther - Mantis Pokémon

With ninja-like agility and speed, it can create the illusion that there is more than one of itself.


Insécateur - Pokémon Mante

Rapide et agile comme un ninja, il se déplace si vite qu'il crée l'illusion d'être en groupe.


Sichlor - Mantis

Dieses POKéMON ist schnell und wendig wie ein Ninja. Man glaubt, mehrere Gegner zu sehen.


Scyther - Pokémon Mantis

Con una agilidad y velocidad de ninja, puede hacer creer que hay más de uno.


Scyther - Pokémon Mantide

Con l'agilità e la velocità di un ninja, crea l'illusione ottica che ce ne siano più di uno.


ストライク (SUTORAIKU) - かまきりポケモン (KamakiriPOKEMON)

ニンジャの ような すばやさ。 あまりに はやく うごいたときは なんびきも いるように みえる。 (NINJAno youna subayasa. Amarini hayaku ugoitatokiha nanbikimo iruyouni mieru. )

Evolutions (When Scyther Evolves)

Sort list
Evolves into Scizor if traded while holding Metal Coat.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Scyther)

Not found in this version.

Moves Learned

LeafGreen Version21

LevelNameTypePowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (%)RangeFlags
1Quick AttackNORMAL40100300Single exc. userabef
1LeerNORMAL0100300All opposing Pokémonbce
6Focus EnergyNORMAL00300Userd
11PursuitDARK40100200Single exc. userabe
16False SwipeNORMAL40100400Single exc. userabef
26Wing AttackFLYING60100350Single exc. userabef
31SlashNORMAL70100200Single exc. userabef
36Swords DanceNORMAL00300Userd
41Double TeamNORMAL00150Userd
46Fury CutterBUG1095200Single exc. userabef

What moves can Scyther learn in Pokémon LeafGreen?

Scyther can learn the following moves:

AgilityRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 21
AttractRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM45
Baton PassRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move22
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move23
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
CutRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: HM01
Double Team
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 41
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM32
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move24
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
False SwipeRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 16
Focus EnergyRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 6
FrustrationRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM21
Fury Cutter
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 46
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
Hidden PowerRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM10
Hyper BeamRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM15
LeerRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
Light ScreenRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move25
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Morning SunPokémon XD: Learned when purified
ProtectRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM17
PursuitRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 11
Quick AttackRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
Rain DanceRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM18
Razor Wind
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move26
  • Pokémon XD: Learned when purified
RestRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM44
ReturnRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM27
ReversalRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move27
Rock SmashRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: HM06
SafeguardRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move28
Silver Wind
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 31
  • Pokémon XD: Learned when purified
Sleep TalkEmerald: Move Tutor
SnoreEmerald: Move Tutor
Steel WingRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM47
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Sunny DayRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM11
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
SwiftEmerald: Move Tutor
Swords Dance
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 36
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
ThiefRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM46
ToxicRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM06
Wing AttackRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 26

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