When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower’s coming bloom. After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon. The fire on the tip of its tail is a measure of its life. If healthy, its tail burns intensely. In the rocky mountains where CHARMELEON live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars. It is said that CHARIZARD’s fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles. It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity. It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is popular as a symbol of longevity. The jets of water it spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel. It releases a stench from its red antenna to repel enemies. It grows by molting repeatedly. A steel-hard shell protects its tender body. It quietly endures hardships while awaiting evolution. It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen. It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head. While awaiting evolution, it hides from predators under leaves and in nooks of branches. Its best attack involves flying around at high speed, striking with poison needles, then flying off. It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back. It flies over its wide territory in search of prey, downing it with its highly developed claws. By flapping its wings with all its might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment. It whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls. It flaps its small wings busily to fly. Using its beak, it searches in grass for prey. It has the stamina to keep flying all day on its broad wings. It fights by using its sharp beak. It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind. The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes while they are frozen in fear. If it looses crackling power from the electric pouches on its cheeks, it is being wary. It can loose 100,000-volt bursts of electricity, instantly downing foes several times its size. To protect itself from attackers, it curls up into a ball. It lives in arid regions with minimal rainfall. It curls up, then rolls into foes with its back. Its sharp spines inflict severe damage. While it does not prefer to fight, even one drop of the poison it secretes from barbs can be fatal. When it senses danger, it raises all the barbs on its body. These barbs grow slower than NIDORINO’s. Its entire body is armored with hard scales. It will protect the young in its burrow with its life. It scans its surroundings by raising its ears out of the grass. Its toxic horn is for protection. It has a violent disposition and stabs foes with its horn, which oozes poison upon impact. One swing of its mighty tail can snap a telephone pole as if it were a matchstick. It flies using the wings on its back to collect moonlight. This Pokémon is difficult to find. Its hearing is so acute it can hear a pin drop over half a mile away. It lives on quiet mountains. It controls balls of fire. As it grows, its six tails split from their tips to make more tails. Its nine tails are said to be imbued with a mystic power. It can live for a thousand years. When it wavers its big, round eyes, it begins singing a lullaby that makes everyone drowsy. Its fine fur feels sublime to the touch. It can expand its body by inhaling air. Disliking sunlight, it sleeps deep in forests and caves until sundown. Once it starts sucking blood, it does not stop until it is full. It flies at night in search of prey. It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night. The honey it drools from its mouth smells so atrocious, it can curl noses more than a mile away. Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen. Mushrooms named tochukaso grow on its back. They grow along with the host PARAS. It is controlled by a mushroom grown larger than the bug body. It is said to prefer damp places. Its big eyes are actually clusters of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is drawn by light. It flutters its wings to scatter dustlike scales. The scales leach toxins if they contact skin. A Pokémon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight. Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles. It is nocturnal in nature. If it spots something shiny, its eyes glitter brightly. A very haughty Pokémon. Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk. It never remembers using its odd powers, so it always tilts its head in puzzlement. The flippers of its well-developed limbs give it shocking speed. It is the best swimmer among Pokémon. It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason. It grows angry if you see its eyes and gets angrier if you run. If you beat it, it gets even madder. A Pokémon with a loyal nature. It will remain motionless until it is given an order by its Trainer. Its proud and regal appearance has captured the hearts of people since long ago. Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. It has trouble walking on its newly grown feet. The spiral pattern on its belly subtly undulates. Staring at it gradually causes drowsiness. With its extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting. Even while asleep, it maintains a telepathic radar. It teleports when it is threatened. When it uses its psychic power, it emits strong alpha waves that can ruin precision devices. Its highly developed brain is on par with a supercomputer. It can use all forms of psychic abilities. Its muscles never cramp however much it trains. It lives in the mountains away from humans. It can lift a dump truck with one hand. Using that power, it helps people with heavy jobs. It can knock a train flying with a punch. However, it is terrible at delicate work using its fingers. It prefers hot and humid environments. It is quick at capturing prey with its vines. A Pokémon that appears to be a plant. It captures unwary prey by dousing them with a toxic powder. It pools in its mouth a fluid with a honeylike scent, which is really an acid that dissolves anything. It drifts in sea currents. Countless fishermen are hurt by its poison stingers. It alerts others to danger by stridently flashing the red orbs on its head. It is impossible to distinguish from rocks. It slams against others in contests of hardness. It tumbles down slopes, heedless of any body parts chipping off. It eats a ton of rocks daily. It tumbles down mountains, leaving grooves from peak to base. Stay clear of these grooves. Its legs grow strong while it chases after its parent. It runs in fields and mountains all day. It has astounding acceleration. From a standstill, it can reach top speed within 10 steps. Although slow, it is skilled at fishing with its tail. It does not feel pain if its tail is bitten. Though usually dim witted, it seems to become inspired if the SHELLDER on its tail bites down. The units at its sides generate electromagnetic waves that keep it airborne. It feeds on electricity. It is actually three MAGNEMITE linked by magnetism. A group can set off a magnetic storm. It can’t live without the stalk it holds. That’s why it defends the stalk from attackers with its life. The brains in its two heads appear to communicate emotions to each other with a telepathic power. When DODUO evolves into this odd breed, one of its heads splits into two. It runs at nearly 40 mph. A Pokémon that lives on icebergs. It swims in the sea using the point on its head to break up ice. In snow, the pure white coat covering its body obscures it from predators. It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon’s X-rays. It appears among filth. A toxic fluid seeps from its body. The fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact. It swims backward by opening and closing its two shells. Its large tongue is always kept hanging out. It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes. A Pokémon born from poison gases. It defeats even the largest foes by enveloping them in gas. It licks with its gaseous tongue to steal the victim’s life force. It lurks in darkness for prey. Lurking in the shadowy corners of rooms, it awaits chances to steal its prey’s life force. It squirms through the ground using its long and rugged body. It always eats while burrowing. It can tell what people are dreaming by sniffing with its big nose. It loves fun dreams. Seeing its swinging pendulum can induce sleep in three seconds, even in someone who just woke up. It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle. The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim. It looks just like a Poké Ball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on touch. It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity. Its six eggs converse using telepathy. They can quickly gather if they become separated. It is called “The Walking Jungle.” If a head grows too big, it falls off and becomes an EXEGGCUTE. When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly. From its birth, this savage Pokémon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons. Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach. The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting. Instead of hands, it uses its tongue, which is twice its height. Its sticky saliva grips anything. Lighter-than-air gases in its body keep it aloft. The gases not only smell, they are also explosive. It grows by feeding on gases released by garbage. Though very rare, triplets have been found. Its body is clad in a thick hide, and its tackles topple buildings. Unfortunately, it is not smart. Its brain developed after it stood up on its hind legs. Its drill horn bores tunnels through solid rock. It lays several eggs a day and won’t share them with those who have evil in their hearts. It is shrouded by blue vines. No one has seen the face hidden behind this growth of vines. It raises its offspring in its belly pouch. It lets the baby out to play only when it feels safe. It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees. Its spines provide protection. Its fins and bones are prized as traditional medicine ingredients. It swims at a steady 5 knots. If it senses danger, it will strike back with its sharp horn. To protect its family, it will fight with its drill-sharp horn. It lives in hollowed rocks in streams. If its body is torn, it can grow back if the red core remains. The core flashes at midnight. At the center of its body is a red core, which sends mysterious radio signals into the night sky. Emanations from its fingertips solidify the air into invisible walls that repel even harsh attacks. It is nearly impossible to parry its attacking scythes. Its movements are like a ninja’s. Its cries sound like human speech. However, it is impossible to tell what it is trying to say. Half of all blackouts occur when this Pokémon appears at power plants and eats electricity. Born in the spout of a volcano, its body is covered by flames that shimmer like the sun. It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far. Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature. It is unable to swim against even slow-moving currents. It always splashes about for some reason. In ancient literature, there is a record of a GYARADOS that razed a village when violence flared. It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokémon on its back. It understands human speech. It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees. A rare Pokémon that adapts to harsh environments by taking on different evolutionary forms. It has evolved to be suitable for an aquatic life. It can invisibly melt away into water. It controls 10,000-volt power and can raise all the fur on its body as if it were sharp needles. It has a flame sac in its body. Its body temperature tops 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit before battle. The world’s first artificially created Pokémon. It can travel through electronic space. A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil using modern science. It swam in ancient seas. It is thought that this Pokémon became extinct because its spiral shell grew too large. It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. It is thought that this Pokémon came onto land because its prey adapted to life on land. A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. It stops eating only to sleep. It doesn’t feel full unless it eats nearly 900 pounds a day. A legendary bird Pokémon. It can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air. A legendary Pokémon that is said to live in thunderclouds. It freely controls lightning bolts. One of the legendary bird Pokémon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring. It is called the “Mirage Pokémon” because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found. If its body takes on an aura, the weather changes instantly. It is said to live in seas and lakes. It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea. It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore. A Pokémon created by recombining MEW’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon. Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe MEW to be the ancestor of Pokémon. It uses the leaf on its head to determine the temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe. The buds that ring its neck give off a spicy aroma that perks people up. Its breath has the fantastic ability to revive dead plants and flowers. It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on its back burn more vigorously. It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight. It attacks using blasts of fire. It creates heat shimmers with intense fire to hide itself. It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. Once it bites down, it won’t let go until it loses its fangs. New fangs quickly grow into place. It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey. It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas. The mother puts its offspring to sleep by curling up around them. It corners foes with speed. It switches its standing foot so quickly, it can’t be seen. It cries at the same time every day. If it flips its head upside down, it’s a sign that it is engaged in very complex thinking. It is so timid, it can’t move if it isn’t with a swarm of others. It conveys its feelings with scent. It uses starlight as energy. When more stars appear at night, the patterns on its back grow larger. It sets a trap by spinning a web with thin but strong silk. It waits motionlessly for prey to arrive. It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends. A Pokémon that gained vastly enhanced flying performance by having its legs turn into wings. It discharges positive and negative electricity from its antenna tips to shock its foes. LANTURN’s light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star.” It plays with others by touching tails and setting off sparks. This appears to be a test of courage. Many appear when the night skies are filled with shooting stars. They disappear with sunrise. It has a soft and bouncy body. Once it starts bouncing, it becomes impossible to stop. Its shell is said to be stuffed with happiness that it shares with kindhearted people. It is said to appear in front of kindly people to scatter a glowing down called “joy dust.” It picks food from cactus plants, deftly avoiding buds and spines. It seems to skip about to move. This odd Pokémon can see both the past and the future. It eyes the sun’s movement all day. Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking. If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity, its tail lights up. It fires hair that zaps on impact. The tip of its tail shines brightly. In the olden days, people sent signals using the tail’s light. When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open. The tip of its tail is filled with oil that is lighter than water, so it acts as a float. Its long ears are superb sensors. It can distinguish the movements of living things on riverbeds. It stands along paths pretending to be a tree. If it starts raining, it seems to disappear. It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make POLIWAG obey. It drifts on winds. It is said that when HOPPIP gather in fields and mountains, spring is on the way. It blooms when the weather warms. It floats in the sky to soak up as much sunlight as possible. Blown by seasonal winds, it circles the globe, scattering cotton spores as it goes. It lives atop giant trees. It wraps its tail around a branch so it won’t fall off while asleep. It suddenly falls out of the sky in the morning. A year after a cold summer, their population explodes. It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it. Its eyes can see 360 degrees without moving its head. It won’t miss prey--even those behind it. When the temperature cools in the evening, they emerge from water to seek food along the shore. A dim-witted Pokémon. It doesn’t care if it bumps its head into boats or rocks while swimming. Its fur has the look and feel of velvet. The orb on its forehead glows when it uses psycho-power. The light of the moon changed EEVEE’s genetic structure. It lurks in darkness for prey. It appears near travelers to lure them into deep forests. It is said to carry misfortune. Being bitten by SHELLDER gave it intelligence comparable to that of award-winning scientists. It gets nourishment from fear that it absorbs into its red orbs. In daytime, it sleeps in darkness. They seem to communicate among each other telepathically. They are always found stuck on walls. It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret. While it sleeps, the head on its tail keeps watch. The tail doesn’t need to sleep. It looks just like a pinecone. Its shell protects it from bird Pokémon that peck it by mistake. It is encased in a steel shell. Its peering eyes are all that can be seen of its mysterious innards. It digs into the ground with its tail and makes a mazelike nest. It can fly just a little. It sails on the winds with its limbs extended to strike from the sky. It aims for the prey’s face. It chews its way through boulders with its sturdy jaws. Its eyes can see in the darkness underground. Small Pokémon flee from its scary face. It is, however, considered by women to be cute. It is timid in spite of its looks. If it becomes enraged, however, it will strike with its huge fangs. It shoots the poison spines on its body in all directions. Its round form makes it a poor swimmer. It has a steel-hard body. It intimidates foes by upraising its eye-patterned pincers. It stores berries in its shell. The berries eventually ferment to become delicious juices. With powerful legs and claws, it generates enough power to hurl foes over great distances. It is extremely vicious and will not stop attacking until its foe is incapable of moving. It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique. In its territory, it leaves scratches on trees that bear delicious berries or fruits. Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden. Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell. It loves eating mushrooms that grow under dead grass. It also finds hot springs while foraging. Its shaggy coat makes it unable to see. It checks surroundings with its sensitive nose instead. Many live in the clean seas of the south. They apparently can’t live in polluted waters. It clings to MANTINE to feed on the big Pokémon’s scraps. This is an adaptation to avoid foes. It obscures its foe’s vision by spitting a cloud of murky ink. It makes its nest among boulders. It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains. It swims elegantly, mindless of REMORAID hitching on to its broad fins. It has a docile nature. Despite being clad entirely in iron-hard armor, it flies at speeds over 180 mph. It conveys its feelings using different cries. It works in a pack to cleverly take down prey. Long ago, people imagined its eerie howls to be the call of the grim reaper. It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back. It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit. With planetary development software installed, it became capable of working in space. Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centers. It marks its territory by using its tail like a paintbrush. There are more than 5,000 different marks. It is famous for its eagerness to fight and always nurses injuries from challenging larger foes. It fights while spinning like a top. The centrifugal force boosts its destructive power by ten. It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes. It generates electricity by whirling its arms. However, it can’t store the energy it makes. Its body temperature is around 1,100 degrees F. It is healthy if it is breathing yellow flames. It is said that kids who drink MILTANK’s milk grow up to become hearty, healthy adults. It is a Pokémon that delivers happiness. Eating its egg is said to make one kind to everyone. It is said to have fallen with lightning. It can fire thunderbolts from the rain clouds on its back. It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts somewhere around the globe. It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind. A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it has eaten a large mountain, it goes to sleep so it can grow. Its body is as hard as bedrock. By venting pressurized gas, it can launch itself like a rocket. If it rampages, it knocks down mountains and buries rivers. Maps must be redrawn afterward. It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm. Its feathers are in seven colors. It is said that anyone seeing it is promised eternal happiness. It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times. The soles of its feet are covered by countless tiny spikes, enabling it to walk on walls and ceilings. It lives in dense jungles. While closing in on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch. The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat. A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees F. Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes. Flames spout from its wrists, enveloping its knuckles. Its punches scorch its foes. To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft boulders. Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep. It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms. A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted. It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer. It walks in zigzag fashion. It is good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground. It charges prey at speeds over 60 mph. However, because it can only run straight, it often fails. It spits a white silk that turns sticky when it contacts air. It is used to immobilize foes. It drinks dew that collects on its silk and waits for evolution. Its hard cocoon repels attacks. When flower fields bloom, it flits around, collecting pollen. Despite its appearance, it is savage. Encased within its tough cocoon, it endures attacks. It never forgets the appearance of its foes. It violently flutters its wings to scatter toxic dust when attacked. It becomes active after sunset. It looks like an aquatic plant and serves as a ferry to Pokémon that can’t swim. It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere. If it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. It can’t help breaking out into a dance. When it dangles from a tree branch, it looks just like an acorn. It enjoys scaring other Pokémon. The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests. By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses. It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates. It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey. Catching sea winds with its long wings, it soars as if it were a glider. It folds its wings to rest. It acts as a delivery service by carrying small Pokémon in its bill. It bobs on the waves to rest. It uses the horns on its head to sense human emotions. It is said to appear in front of cheerful people. It is highly perceptive of its Trainer’s feelings. It dances when it is feeling happy. It will try to guard its trusted Trainer with its life. It has the ability to see the future. It appears as if it is skating on water. It draws prey with a sweet scent from the tip of its head. Its antennae have eye patterns on them. Its four wings enable it to hover and fly in any direction. It spouts poison spores from the top of its head. These spores cause pain all over if inhaled. Its short arms stretch when it throws punches. Its technique is equal to that of pro boxers. It spends nearly all its time in a day sprawled out. Just seeing it makes one drowsy. Its heart beats at a tenfold tempo, so it cannot sit still for even a moment. The world’s laziest Pokémon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back. It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes. Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. It congregates around tree sap. A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit. Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. The shock waves from its cries can tip over trucks. It stamps its feet to power up. Its howls can be heard over six miles away. It emits all sorts of noises from the ports on its body. It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest. It loves to match power with big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a truck flying with its arm thrusts. Its tail is filled with nutrients necessary for growth. It plays by bouncing on its tail. Its nose is a magnet. As a result, this Pokémon always keeps its face pointing north. It can’t stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail. It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest. It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones. Attached to its head is a huge set of jaws formed by horns. It can chew through iron beams. It usually lives deep in mountains. However, hunger may drive it to eat railroad tracks and cars. For food, it digs up iron ore. It smashes its steely body against others to fight over territory. While seeking iron for food, it digs tunnels by breaking through bedrock with its steel horns. It never misses its daily yoga workouts, and it heightens its spiritual power through meditation. Through daily meditation, it hones its spiritual power. It can sense what others are thinking. Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed. It discharges electricity from its mane. It creates a thundercloud overhead to drop lightning bolts. It cheers on friends with pom-poms made of sparks. It drains power from telephone poles. It cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks. It communicates with others by lighting up its rear at night. It loves ILLUMISE’s sweet aroma. With its sweet aroma, it guides VOLBEAT to draw signs with light in the night sky. The beautiful flowers on its arms have toxic thorns. Don’t even think about picking those flowers. Almost all its body is its stomach. Its harsh digestive juices quickly dissolve anything it swallows. It swallows anything whole. It sweats toxic fluids from its follicles to douse foes. They swarm any foe that invades their territory. Their sharp fangs can tear out boat hulls. Its fangs rip through sheet iron. It swims at 75 mph and is known as “The Bully of the Sea.” On sunny days, it lands on beaches to bounce like a ball and play. It spouts water from its nose. The biggest of all Pokémon. It can dive to a depth of almost 10,000 feet on only one breath. Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. It has volcanoes on its back. If magma builds up in its body, it shudders, then erupts violently. It burns coal inside its shell for energy. It blows out black soot if it is endangered. It bounces constantly, using its tail like a spring. The shock of bouncing keeps its heart beating. It uses black pearls to amplify its psycho-power. It does an odd dance to gain control over foes. No two SPINDA have the same pattern of spots. Its tottering step fouls the aim of foes. It makes a conical pit in desert sand and lies in wait at the bottom for prey to come tumbling down. It violently shudders its wings, generating ultrasonic waves to induce headaches in people. It whips up sandstorms with powerful flaps of its wings. It is known as “The Desert Spirit.” By storing water in its body, this desert dweller can survive for 30 days without water. It becomes active at night, seeking prey that is exhausted from the day’s desert heat. Its wings are like cotton tufts. If it perches on someone’s head, it looks like a cotton hat. It looks like a fluffy cloud when it is in flight. It hums with its soprano voice. It has feuded with SEVIPER for many generations. Its sharp claws are its biggest weapons. For many generations, it has feuded with ZANGOOSE. It whets its bladed tail on rocks for battle. Because it turns active on nights of the full moon, it is said to have some link to the lunar phases. A new Pokémon species, rumored to be from the sun. It gives off light while spinning. Its whiskers make a superb radar. They are used to locate prey, even in the murkiest of water. As a result of causing tremors by thrashing about, it developed the ability to foretell real quakes. Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any environment. Its pincers will never release prey. It is a ruffian that uses its pincers to pick up and toss out other Pokémon from its pond. It moves by spinning on its foot. It is a rare Pokémon that was discovered in ancient ruins. An ancient clay figurine that came to life as a Pokémon from exposure to a mysterious ray of light. It lived on the seafloor 100 million years ago and was reanimated scientifically. It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches. A Pokémon ancestor that was reanimated from a fossil. It lived in the sea and hunted with claws. It went ashore after evolving. Its entire body is clad in a sturdy armor. It eats anything, so it can even live in polluted streams and lakes. No one pays any attention to it. It is the world’s most beautiful Pokémon. There are many works of art featuring MILOTIC. Its appearance changes with the weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water. It can freely change its body’s color. The zigzag pattern on its belly doesn’t change, however. It loves vengeful emotions and hangs in rows under the eaves of houses where vengeful people live. A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it. It doggedly pursues its prey wherever it goes. However, the chase is abandoned at sunrise. Its body is hollow. It is said that those who look into its body are sucked into the void. Because it continually ate only its favorite fruit, the fruit started growing around its neck. Emitting ultrasonic cries, it floats on winds to travel great distances. It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger. It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit. In the snow country, certain folklore says a house will prosper if a SNORUNT lives there. To protect itself, it clads its body in an armor of ice, made by freezing moisture in the air. It rolls across ice floes to reach shore because its body is poorly shaped for swimming. It habitually spins things on its nose. By doing so, it learns textures and odors. It shatters ice with its big tusks. Its thick blubber repels not only the cold, but also enemy attacks. It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power. It lives deep in the sea. With a tail shaped like a small fish, it attracts unsuspecting prey. It lives at the bottom of the sea. In the springtime, its pink body turns more vivid for some reason. A rare Pokémon discovered during a deep-sea exploration. It has not changed in over 100 million years. It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokémon will be blessed with eternal love. Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day. Within its rugged shell, its cells have begun changing. The shell peels off the instant it evolves. As a result of its long-held dream of flying, its cellular structure changed, and wings grew out. It converses with others by using magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison. It is formed by two BELDUM joining together. Its steel body won’t be scratched if it collides with a jet. METANG combined to form it. With four brains, it has the intelligence of a supercomputer. Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off in battle, it attaches rocks to repair itself. Its body is made of ice from the ice age. It controls frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit. Tempered by pressure underground over tens of thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched. Its body is covered with a down that can refract light in such a way that it becomes invisible. A highly intelligent Pokémon. By folding back its wings in flight, it can overtake jet planes. It is said to have widened the seas by causing downpours. It had been asleep in a marine trench. It had been asleep in underground magma ever since it fiercely fought KYOGRE long ago. It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground. It is said to have the ability to grant any wish for just one week every thousand years. An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this Pokémon. It undertakes photosynthesis with its body, making oxygen. The leaf on its head wilts if it is thirsty. The shell is hardened soil. Some Pokémon come to peck the berries growing on the trees on its back. Groups of this Pokémon migrating in search of water have been mistaken for “moving forests.” Its fiery rear end is fueled by gas made in its belly. Even rain can’t extinguish the fire. It uses ceilings and walls to launch aerial attacks. Its fiery tail is but one weapon. Its crown of fire is indicative of its fiery nature. It is beaten by none in terms of quickness. It lives along shores in northern countries. A skilled swimmer, it dives for over 10 minutes to hunt. Its wings deliver wicked blows that snap even the thickest of trees. It searches for prey in icy seas. It swims as fast as a jet boat. The edges of its wings are sharp and can slice apart drifting ice. Usually with a large flock, it is barely noticeable when alone. Its cries are very strident. It lives in forests and fields. Squabbles over territory occur when flocks collide. The muscles in its wings and legs are strong. It can easily fly while gripping a small Pokémon. It constantly gnaws on logs and rocks to whittle down its front teeth. It nests alongside water. While its movements out of water are sluggish, it can swim as fast as any FEEBAS. It chats with others using the sounds of its colliding antennae. These sounds are fall hallmarks. It signals its emotions with its melodies. Scientists are studying these melodic patterns. Its forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Its body shines if endangered. It rests its forelegs on others to communicate with rhythmic electric pulses from its claws. When its eyes gleam gold, it can spot hiding prey--even those taking shelter behind a wall. It lives alongside clear ponds. It scatters pollen that induces harsh sneezing and runny noses. With the movements of a dancer, it strikes with whips that are densely lined with poison thorns. It was resurrected from an iron ball-like fossil. It downs prey with its head butts. Its skull is as hard as iron. It is a brute that tears down jungle trees while catching prey. It habitually polishes its face by rubbing it against tree trunks. It is weak to attacks from behind. When attacked, they form a wall with their shieldlike faces to protect their young. If its cloak is broken in battle, it quickly remakes the cloak with materials nearby. Its appearance changes depending on where it evolved. The materials on hand become a part of its body. It does not keep a nest. It flies over fields and mountains in constant search of floral honey. It collects and delivers honey to its colony. At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep. When endangered, grubs from its six-cell honeycomb strike back. There is only one in a colony. It makes electricity with pouches in its cheeks and shoots charges from its tail. It lives atop trees. It swims by rotating its two tails like a screw. When it dives, its flotation sac collapses. Its flotation sac developed as a result of pursuing aquatic prey. It can double as a rubber raft. Sunlight colors it red. When the small ball is drained of nutrients, it shrivels to herald evolution. It is docile as a bud, but turns cheerful when it blooms. It folds back into a bud if sunlight wanes. It lives along bodies of water. Its body shape has changed to suit its habitat. It apparently had a huge shell for protection in ancient times. It lives in shallow tidal pools. They work in large colonies and make rings by linking their tails, apparently in friendship. It tugs on the hands of children to steal them away. However, it gets pulled around instead. It carries people and Pokémon when it flies. But since it only drifts, it can end up anywhere. When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur. It is very conscious of its looks and never fails to groom its ears. It runs with sprightly jumps. It chants incantations. While they usually torment targets, some chants bring happiness. It makes its MURKROW cronies bring it food. It idles its time away, grooming itself in its nest. With its sharp glare, it puts foes in a mild hypnotic state. It is a very fickle Pokémon. To make itself appear intimidatingly beefy, it tightly cinches its waist with its twin tails. Each time it hops, it makes a ringing sound. It deafens foes by emitting high-frequency cries. It sprays a nose-curling, stinky fluid from its rear to repel attackers. It sprays a stinky fluid from its tail. The fluid smells worse the longer it is allowed to fester. X-ray photos were taken to check its body structure. Nothing appeared, however. It can summon rain clouds. People long ago revered it as the bringer of plentiful harvests. It prefers arid environments. It leaks water from its eyes to adjust its body’s fluid levels. It likes places where people gather. It mimics foes to confuse them, then makes its getaway. It carries a round, egg-shaped rock in its belly pouch and gives the rock to its friends. It keeps rhythm by flicking its tail feathers like a metronome. It imitates human speech. It was bound to a fissure in an odd keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago. It once lived in the tropics. To avoid the cold, it lives in caves warmed by geothermal heat. It habitually digs up and hoards gems in its nest. Its loot is constantly targeted by thieves. It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane. It never allows its prey to escape. It hides food under its long body hair. However, it forgets it has hidden the food. Its body is lithe yet powerful. It can crest three mountains and cross two canyons in one night. By catching the aura emanating from others, it can read their thoughts and movements. It enshrouds itself with sand to protect itself from germs. It does not enjoy getting wet. Its huge mouth is almost seven feet across. It has enough power to completely crush a car. It lives in arid lands. It buries itself in sand and lies in wait for unsuspecting prey. Its body is encased in a sturdy shell. Its head rotates 180 degrees, eliminating blind spots. Inflating its poison sacs, it makes an eerie blubbering sound for intimidation. The toxin made in its poison sacs is pumped to the knuckle claws through tubes down its arms. Hanging from branches using its tentacles, it looks like a plant. It awaits prey, mouth wide open. The way its two tail fins flutter while it swims has earned it the nickname “BEAUTIFLY of the Sea.” To avoid detection by predators, it crawls along the seafloor using the two fins on its chest. Scientists discovered that the distinctive patterns on its back differ by region. In the spring, it grows berries with the texture of frozen treats around its belly. It blankets wide areas in snow by whipping up blizzards. It is also known as “The Ice Monster.” It sends signals to others by carving odd patterns in frost- covered trees and ice. It evolved from exposure to a special magnetic field. Three units generate magnetism. It wraps things with its extensible tongue. Getting too close to it will leave you soaked with drool. It puts rocks in holes in its palms and uses its muscles to shoot them. GEODUDE are shot at rare times. It ensnares prey by extending arms made of vines. Losing arms to predators does not trouble it. It pushes the tips of its two tails against the foe, then lets loose with over 20,000 volts of power. It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees F from the ends of its arms. It lives in volcanic craters. It will never appear where there is strife. Its sightings have become rare recently. By churning its wings, it creates shock waves that inflict critical internal injuries to foes. Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result, it is always enveloped in clear air. As a protective technique, it can completely freeze its fur to make its hairs stand like needles. It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops! Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population thinned when it turned warm after the ice age. Additional software was installed to make it a better Pokémon. It began acting oddly, however. A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights using extending swords on its elbows. It exudes strong magnetism from all over. It controls three small units called Mini-Noses. The antenna on its head captures radio waves from the world of spirits that command it to take people there. It freezes foes with an icy breath nearly -60 degrees F. What seems to be its body is actually hollow. Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. It is said that its emergence gave humans the intelligence to improve their quality of life. It sleeps at the bottom of a lake. Its spirit is said to leave its body to fly on the lake’s surface. It is thought that UXIE, MESPRIT and AZELF all came from the same egg. A Pokémon spoken of in legend. It is said that time began moving when DIALGA was born. It is said to live in a gap in the spatial dimension parallel to ours. It appears in mythology. It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls. There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes. A Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery. Shiny particles are released from its wings like a veil. It is said to represent the crescent moon. A Pokémon that lives in warm seas. It inflates the flotation sac on its head to drift and search for food. Water makes up 80% of its body. This Pokémon is easily affected by its environment. Folklore has it that on moonless nights, this Pokémon will make people see horrific nightmares. It can dissolve toxins in the air to instantly transform ruined land into a lush field of flowers. It is told in mythology that this Pokémon was born before the universe even existed.