Pokédex - Export Data (Platinum Version)
Choose the type of data to export (the data will appear one line for each Pokémon):
- Pokémon Names
- Pokémon Kinds
- Pokédex Entries
- Growth Rates
- Starting Catch Rates
- Attacks Learned (Each line contains one or more pairs of numbers - the first is level, the second is the attack number starting at 1.)
- Inherent HP
- Inherent Attack
- Inherent Defense
- Inherent Speed
- Inherent Special Attack
- Inherent Special Defense
- Base Experience
- Egg Groups (Breeding compatibility of Pokémon species.)
- Egg Moves (Each line is a comma-separated list of attack numbers.)
- Gender Rate
- Happiness
- Steps to hatch egg
- Items in Wild Pokémon (Each line is comma separated, with 50% and 5% chance of finding the respective item in wild Pokémon. If both items are the same, the chance is 100% instead.)
- Base Stat Points Given (HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defense.)
- Moves Taught By People (Moves taught by people in this version. One line for each species.)
- Abilities
- Types
- Heights (The game stores heights as tenths of a meter; foot/inch conversions are calculated.)
- Weights (The game stores weights as tenths of a kilogram; pound conversions are calculated.)
- TMs and HMs Learned
- Evolutions
- TMs and HMs (Attack numbers, one line for each TM. HMs are included in the list.)