Pokédex - Pokémon Locations (Platinum Version)
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| Level | Chance | Method |
Mt. Coronet | 38 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet (Morning, Day) | 39 | 10% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 38 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet (Morning, Day) | 39 | 10% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 203 | 4-5 | 15% | Land |
Route 215 | 19 | 10% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Mt. Coronet (Dual Slot Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 38 | 4% | Land |
Mt. Coronet (Without Poké Radar) | 40 | 1% | Land |
Mt. Coronet (Dual Slot Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 38 | 4% | Land |
Mt. Coronet (Without Poké Radar) | 40 | 1% | Land |
Special method: Revive from Old Amber
Obtained by evolving Aron, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Fuego Ironworks (With Poké Radar) | 30-31 | 22% | Land |
Special method: Sweet Honey Trees
Obtained by evolving Kadabra, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 215 | 21-22 | 10% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Swablu, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 210 | 27 | 20% | Land |
Route 210 (Day) | 27 | 10% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Aipom, which can be found below:
Special method: Sweet Honey Trees
Obtained by evolving Flaaffy, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 222 (With Poké Radar) | 38-41 | 22% | Land |
Special method: Revive from Claw Fossil
| Level | Chance | Method |
Great Marsh (Dual Slot FireRed) | 30 | 4% | Land |
Great Marsh (Dual Slot FireRed) | 30 | 4% | Land |
Great Marsh (Dual Slot FireRed) | 29 | 4% | Land |
Great Marsh (Dual Slot FireRed) | 29 | 4% | Land |
Great Marsh (Dual Slot FireRed) | 28 | 4% | Land |
Great Marsh (Dual Slot FireRed) | 28 | 4% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Growlithe, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 201 (Dual Slot FireRed) | 2 | 4% | Land |
Route 202 (Dual Slot FireRed) | 2 | 4% | Land |
Special method: Hall of Origin
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 229 (Night) | 50 | 10% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Anorith, which can be found below:
Special method: Revive from Claw Fossil
| Level | Chance | Method |
Fuego Ironworks (With Poké Radar) | 30-31 | 22% | Land |
Special method: May appear anywhere in the grass after receiving the National Pokedex
Special method: Lake Valor
| Level | Chance | Method |
VICTORY ROAD | 41-43 | 30% | Land |
VICTORY ROAD | 47-49 | 30% | Land |
Special method: Trophy Garden (Daily Pokemon)
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 210 (With Poké Radar) | 28-30 | 22% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 206 (With Poké Radar) | 16-19 | 22% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 225 (Night) | 48-50 | 20% | Land |
Route 226 (Night) | 48-50 | 20% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna City (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Mt. Coronet (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Mt. Coronet (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Mt. Coronet (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Ravaged Path (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Oreburgh Gate (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Route 205 (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Route 210 (Good Rod) | 15-20 | 40% | Fishing |
Route 225 (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Route 227 (Good Rod) | 10-25 | 45% | Fishing |
Route 228 (Good Rod) | 15-20 | 40% | Fishing |
Obtained by evolving Shieldon, which can be found below:
Special method: Revive from Armor Fossil in Oreburgh Museum (Level 20)
Not found in this version.
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna Forest (Without Poké Radar) | 14 | 1% | Land |
Route 205 (Without Poké Radar) | 15 | 1% | Land |
Route 224 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 52 | 4% | Land |
Route 224 | 52 | 1% | Land |
Route 229 (Dual Slot FireRed, LeafGreen) | 48 | 4% | Land |
Route 229 (Without Poké Radar) | 48 | 1% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Kakuna, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna Forest (Dual Slot LeafGreen) | 13 | 4% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 228 (Mass Outbreak) | 51-52 | 40% | Land |
Obtained by evolving Gloom, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 224 | 51 | 5% | Land |
Route 230 | 49 | 5% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 224 (Morning, Day) | 49 | 10% | Land |
Route 230 (Morning, Day) | 47 | 10% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Great Marsh | 28 | 20% | Land |
Great Marsh | 28 | 20% | Land |
Great Marsh | 27 | 20% | Land |
Great Marsh (Morning, Day) | 28 | 10% | Land |
Great Marsh | 27 | 20% | Land |
Great Marsh (Morning, Day) | 28 | 10% | Land |
Great Marsh | 26 | 20% | Land |
Great Marsh (Morning, Day) | 27 | 10% | Land |
Great Marsh | 26 | 20% | Land |
Great Marsh (Morning, Day) | 27 | 10% | Land |
Sendoff Spring | 37-38 | 30% | Land |
Lake Valor | 39-41 | 30% | Land |
Lake Valor (Dual Slot Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 41 | 4% | Land |
Lake Valor (Without Poké Radar) | 41 | 1% | Land |
Lake Acuity | 39-40 | 21% | Land |
Lake Acuity (Dual Slot FireRed, LeafGreen) | 40 | 4% | Land |
Valor Lakefront | 25-27 | 29% | Land |
Valor Lakefront (Without Poké Radar) | 27 | 1% | Land |
Route 208 (Without Poké Radar) | 18-20 | 11% | Land |
Route 208 | 19 | 5% | Land |
Route 208 (Dual Slot Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 20 | 4% | Land |
Route 209 (No Mass Outbreak) | 18 | 20% | Land |
Route 209 (Without Poké Radar) | 19 | 10% | Land |
Route 210 | 28 | 20% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna Forest (Without Poké Radar) | 12 | 10% | Land |
Lake Verity | 2-4 | 25% | Land |
Lake Verity (Without Poké Radar) | 3-4 | 11% | Land |
Lake Verity (Night) | 3 | 10% | Land |
Lake Verity (Dual Slot Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 4 | 4% | Land |
Lake Verity | 2-4 | 35% | Land |
Lake Verity (Without Poké Radar) | 3-4 | 11% | Land |
Lake Verity (Dual Slot Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 4 | 4% | Land |
Route 201 (No Mass Outbreak) | 2 | 20% | Land |
Route 201 (Without Poké Radar) | 2-3 | 11% | Land |
Route 201 (Day, Night) | 3 | 10% | Land |
Route 201 | 3 | 5% | Land |
Route 201 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen) | 2 | 4% | Land |
Route 202 (No Mass Outbreak) | 3 | 20% | Land |
Route 202 (Without Poké Radar) | 2-3 | 11% | Land |
Route 202 (Day, Night) | 3 | 10% | Land |
Route 202 | 4 | 5% | Land |
Route 202 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen) | 2 | 4% | Land |
Route 203 | 5-7 | 11% | Land |
Route 203 (Day) | 4 | 10% | Land |
Route 203 (Dual Slot FireRed, LeafGreen) | 6 | 4% | Land |
Route 204 | 4-6 | 21% | Land |
Route 204 (No Dual Slot) | 5 | 4% | Land |
Route 204 | 9 | 20% | Land |
Route 204 (No Dual Slot) | 10 | 4% | Land |
Route 204 (Without Poké Radar) | 11 | 1% | Land |
Route 205 (Without Poké Radar) | 10 | 10% | Land |
Route 205 | 12-14 | 30% | Land |
Route 208 (No Mass Outbreak) | 18 | 20% | Land |
Route 211 | 14 | 20% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.
Obtained by evolving Chansey, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 209 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed) | 17 | 4% | Land |
Route 209 (Without Poké Radar) | 19 | 1% | Land |
Route 210 (Dual Slot Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 19 | 4% | Land |
Route 210 (Without Poké Radar) | 21 | 1% | Land |
Special method: Trophy Garden (Daily Pokemon)
Obtained by evolving Shroomish, which can be found below:
Special method: Great Marsh (Daily Binocular Pokemon)
| Level | Chance | Method |
Mt. Coronet | 37 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 37 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 37 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 37 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 37 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 37 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 35 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 35 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 35 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 35 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 35 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 35 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 35 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 35 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 45 | 20% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Mt. Coronet | 18 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 33 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 14 | 20% | Land |
Mt. Coronet | 33 | 20% | Land |
[Turnback Cave] | 15 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 15 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 15 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 15 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 15 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 15 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 15 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 25 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 25 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 25 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 25 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 25 | 20% | Land |
Turnback Cave | 25 | 20% | Land |
Wayward Cave | 18-20 | 30% | Land |
Wayward Cave | 18-20 | 30% | Land |
Route 211 | 14 | 5% | Land |
Route 211 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 16 | 4% | Land |
Route 211 (Without Poké Radar) | 16 | 1% | Land |
Route 211 | 29 | 10% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna Forest (No Mass Outbreak) | 10 | 20% | Land |
Eterna Forest (Day) | 12 | 10% | Land |
Eterna Forest (Without Poké Radar) | 11 | 10% | Land |
Route 204 | 4-5 | 15% | Land |
Route 204 (Day) | 3 | 10% | Land |
Route 204 (Day) | 8 | 10% | Land |
Route 204 (Without Poké Radar) | 9 | 10% | Land |
Route 204 | 10 | 5% | Land |
Route 205 | 12 | 20% | Land |
Route 205 (Day) | 12 | 10% | Land |
Route 205 (Dual Slot Ruby, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 13-14 | 8% | Land |
Route 208 (No Mass Outbreak) | 18 | 20% | Land |
Route 208 (Morning, Day) | 19 | 10% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Valley Windworks | 9-11 | 14% | Land |
Valley Windworks (Without Poké Radar) | 10-11 | 11% | Land |
Route 205 | 10-11 | 14% | Land |
Route 205 (Without Poké Radar) | 11 | 1% | Land |
Route 212 | 25 | 10% | Land |
Route 212 (Dual Slot Ruby, Emerald, LeafGreen) | 23 | 4% | Land |
Route 212 (Without Poké Radar) | 23 | 1% | Land |
Route 213 | 23-25 | 24% | Land |
Route 213 (Night) | 25 | 10% | Land |
Route 213 (Without Poké Radar) | 25 | 1% | Land |
Not found in this version.
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna Forest (No Mass Outbreak) | 11 | 20% | Land |
Eterna Forest (Dual Slot Sapphire) | 13 | 4% | Land |
Special method: Sweet Honey Trees
Obtained by evolving Metapod, which can be found below:
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna Forest (Dual Slot FireRed) | 13 | 4% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 228 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed) | 50 | 4% | Land |
Route 228 | 50 | 1% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 228 (No Mass Outbreak) | 52 | 20% | Land |
Route 228 (Night) | 50 | 10% | Land |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Stark Mountain | 53 | 20% | Land |
Route 227 (No Mass Outbreak) | 53 | 20% | Land |
Special method: Great Marsh (Daily Binocular Pokemon)
| Level | Chance | Method |
Great Marsh (Super Rod) | 30-55 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Super Rod) | 30-55 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Super Rod) | 30-55 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Super Rod) | 30-55 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Super Rod) | 30-55 | 45% | Fishing |
Great Marsh (Super Rod) | 30-55 | 45% | Fishing |
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna Forest | 12 | 5% | Land |
Route 205 (Without Poké Radar) | 14 | 10% | Land |
Special method: Trophy Garden (Daily Pokemon)
| Level | Chance | Method |
Eterna Forest (Dual Slot FireRed) | 13 | 4% | Land |
Route 204 (Dual Slot FireRed) | 5 | 4% | Land |
Route 204 (Dual Slot FireRed) | 10 | 4% | Land |
Not found in this version.
| Level | Chance | Method |
Route 209 (Dual Slot Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed) | 17 | 4% | Land |
Route 209 (Without Poké Radar) | 19 | 1% | Land |
Route 210 (Dual Slot Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen) | 19 | 4% | Land |
Route 210 (Without Poké Radar) | 21 | 1% | Land |
Not found in this version.
Not found in this version.