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Pokédex - Rattata (Red Version)

Home > Pokédex - Rattata (Red Version)

[Picture of Rattata]

Basic Information

National Number#019
Height0.3 m (1'0")
Weight 3.5 kg ( 7.7 lb)
Starting Catch Rate255
Base Experience57
Growth RateMedium (max: 1,000,000 Exp. Points)

Race Values ("Base Stats")

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Pokédex Entries


Rattata - Mouse Pokémon

Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.


Rattata - Pokémon Souris

Sa morsure est très puissante. Petit et rapide, on en voit un peu partout.


Rattfratz - Maus

Ein kleines, sehr wendiges und bissiges POKéMON, welches in vielen Gegenden heimisch ist.


Rattata - Pokémon Ratón

Cuando ataca lo muerde todo. Pequeño y muy rápido, es muy fácil de ver en muchos sitios.


Rattata - Pokémon Topo

Quando attacca morde tutto. Piccolo e veloce si vede comunemente in molti luoghi.


コラッタ (KORATTA) - ねずみポケモン (NezumiPOKEMON)

キバは ながくて するどい。 いっしょう のびつづけるので かたい モノを かじって けずる。 (KIBAha nagakute surudoi. Isshou nobitsudukerunode katai MONOwo kajitte kezuru. )

Evolutions (When Rattata Evolves)

Evolves into Raticate at level 20.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Rattata)

ROUTE 12-450%Land
ROUTE 22-540%Land
ROUTE 48-1240%Land
ROUTE 914-1740%Land
ROUTE 1618-2230%Land
SEA ROUTE 2121-2330%Land
ROUTE 222-445%Land

Area Map

Rattata's Nest

Area Map
  • ROUTE 1
  • ROUTE 2
  • ROUTE 4
  • ROUTE 9
  • ROUTE 16
  • SEA ROUTE 21
  • ROUTE 22

Moves Learned

Red Version

1Tail WhipNORMAL025530
7Quick AttackNORMAL4025530
14Hyper FangNORMAL8022915
23Focus EnergyNORMAL025530
34Super FangNORMAL122910

What moves can Rattata learn in Pokémon Red?

Rattata can learn the following moves:

BideRed/Blue; Yellow: TM34
BlizzardRed/Blue; Yellow: TM14
Body SlamRed/Blue; Yellow: TM08
BubbleBeamRed/Blue; Yellow: TM11
DigRed/Blue; Yellow: TM28
Double TeamRed/Blue; Yellow: TM32
Double-EdgeRed/Blue; Yellow: TM10
Focus EnergyRed/Blue; Yellow: Level 23
Hyper FangRed/Blue; Yellow: Level 14
MimicRed/Blue; Yellow: TM31
Quick AttackRed/Blue; Yellow: Level 7
RageRed/Blue; Yellow: TM20
RestRed/Blue; Yellow: TM44
Skull BashRed/Blue; Yellow: TM40
SubstituteRed/Blue; Yellow: TM50
Super FangRed/Blue; Yellow: Level 34
SwiftRed/Blue; Yellow: TM39
TackleRed/Blue; Yellow: Level 1
Tail WhipRed/Blue; Yellow: Level 1
Take DownRed/Blue; Yellow: TM09
ThunderRed/Blue; Yellow: TM25
ThunderboltRed/Blue; Yellow: TM24
ToxicRed/Blue; Yellow: TM06
Water GunRed/Blue; Yellow: TM12