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Pokédex - Heracross (Sapphire Version)

Home > Pokédex - Heracross (Sapphire Version)

[Picture of Heracross]

Basic Information

National Number#214
Height1.5 m (4'11")
Weight54.0 kg (119.0 lb)
Footprint[Footprint of Heracross]
Starting Catch Rate45
Base Experience200
Growth RateSlow (max: 1,250,000 Exp. Points)
Gender Rate50% female, 50% male
Egg GroupsBug
Steps to Hatch Egg6400
Items in Wild PokémonNo items.
Base Stat Points (EVs) GivenAttack: 2
AbilitiesSwarm, Guts

Race Values ("Base Stats")

View detailed stat info for Heracross

Special Attack40
Special Defense95

Pokédex Entries


Heracross - Single Horn Pokémon

HERACROSS has sharp claws on its feet. These are planted firmly into the ground or the bark of a tree, giving the POKéMON a secure and solid footing to forcefully fling away foes with its proud horn.


Scarhino - Pokémon Unicorne

SCARHINO est doté de griffes acérées sur ses pieds. Elles se plantent fermement dans le sol ou dans l'écorce d'un arbre, ce qui permet à ce POKéMON d'être bien stable lorsqu'il veut pro- jeter ses ennemis d'un coup de corne.


Skaraborn - Einzelhorn

SKARABORN hat scharfe Krallen an den Füßen. Diese bohren sich fest in den Boden oder in die Rinde eines Baumes und geben diesem POKéMON einen siche- ren Halt. So kann es seine Gegner mit seinem imposanten Horn wegschleudern.


Heracross - Pokémon Unicornio

HERACROSS tiene unas afiladas garras en los pies, que se clavan con firmeza en la tierra o la corteza de los árboles, dando al POKéMON gran estabilidad y seguridad a la hora de embestir y herir a su rival con el cuerno que tiene.


Heracross - Pokémon Monocorno

HERACROSS è dotato di artigli affilati sulle zampe inferiori, che conficca nel terreno o nella corteccia degli alberi per guadagnare stabilità mentre incorna violentemente i nemici e li scaglia lontano.


ヘラクロス (HERAKUROSU) - 1ぽんヅノポケモン (1PonDUNOPOKEMON)

てあしの するどい ツメが じめんや じゅもくに ふかく くいこむので じまんの ツノで あいてを なげとばす とき おもいっきり ふんばれるのだ。 (Teashino surudoi TSUMEga jimenya jumokuni fukaku kuikomunode jimanno TSUNOde aitewo nagetobasu toki omoikkiri funbarerunoda. )

Evolutions (When Heracross Evolves)

No evolutions.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Heracross)

SAFARI ZONE27-295%Land

Moves Learned

Sapphire Version

LevelNameTypePowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (%)RangeFlags
1TackleNORMAL3595350Single exc. userabef
1LeerNORMAL0100300All opposing Pokémonbce
6Horn AttackNORMAL65100250Single exc. userabef
17Fury AttackNORMAL1585200Single exc. userabef
23Brick BreakFIGHTING75100150Single exc. userabef
30CounterFIGHTING1100200No particular targetae
37Take DownNORMAL9085200Single exc. userabef
45ReversalFIGHTING1100150Single exc. userabef
53MegahornBUG12085100Single exc. userabef

What moves can Heracross learn in Pokémon Sapphire?

Heracross can learn the following moves:

AttractRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM45
BideRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move
Body Slam
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Brick Break
  • Level 23
  • TM31
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 30
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
CutRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: HM01
DigRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM28
Double TeamRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM32
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
EarthquakeRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM26
  • Ruby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 11
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
False SwipeRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move
FlailRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move
FrustrationRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM21
Fury AttackRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 17
Fury CutterEmerald: Move Tutor
HardenRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Egg Move
Hidden PowerRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM10
Horn AttackRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 6
Hyper BeamRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM15
LeerRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
MegahornRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 53
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
ProtectRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM17
Rain DanceRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM18
RestRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM44
ReturnRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM27
ReversalRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 45
Rock SlideFireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Rock SmashRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: HM06
Seismic Toss
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Sleep TalkEmerald: Move Tutor
SnoreEmerald: Move Tutor
StrengthRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: HM04
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • FireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
Sunny DayRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM11
  • Pokémon XD: Move Tutor
  • Emerald: Move Tutor
Swords DanceFireRed; LeafGreen; Emerald: Move Tutor
TackleRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 1
Take DownRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: Level 37
ThiefRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM46
ToxicRuby/Sapphire Versions and Later: TM06