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Pokédex - Nidoran♀ (Silver Version)

Home > Pokédex - Nidoran♀ (Silver Version)

[Picture of Nidoran♀]

Basic Information

National Number#029
New Pokédex#095
Height10.4 m (1'4")
Weight2 7.0 kg (15.4 lb)
Footprint5[Footprint of Nidoran♀]
Starting Catch Rate6235
Base Experience759
Growth Rate8Parabolic (max: 1,059,860 Exp. Points)
Gender Rate9Always female
Egg Groups11Monster, Field
Steps to Hatch Egg125120
Items in Wild Pokémon13No items.

Race Values ("Base Stats")14

View detailed stat info for Nidoran♀15

Special Attack40
Special Defense40

Pokédex Entries16


Nidoran♀ - Poison Pin Pokémon

Although not very combative, it will torment its foes with poison spikes if it is threat- ened in any way.


Nidoran♀ - Pokémon Venepic

Peu combatif, il préfère tourmenter ses ennemis à l'aide de dards empoisonnés s'il est menacé.


Nidoran♀ - Giftdorn

Obwohl es nicht aggressiv ist, malträtiert es seine Feinde bei Bedrohung mit sei- nen Giftstacheln.


Nidoran♀ - Pokémon Pin Veneno

Aunque no es muy agresivo, castiga a sus enemigos con púas venenosas, si se siente amenazado.


Nidoran♀ - Pokémon Velenago

Sebbene non troppo agguerrito, se si sente minacciato tormenta i nemici con i suoi aculei velenosi.


ニドラン♀ (NIDORAN♀) - どくばりポケモン (DokubariPOKEMON)

すごい いきおいで じめんをほると トゲや ツメがおれてしまうが つぎのひには はえそろっている。 (Sugoi ikioide jimenwohoruto TOGEya TSUMEgaoreteshimauga tsuginohiniha haesorotteiru. )

Evolutions (When Nidoran♀ Evolves)

Sort list
Evolves into Nidorina at level 16.
Sort list
Evolves into Nidoqueen if Moon Stone is used on it.

Locations (Where to Find or Catch Nidoran♀)

ROUTE 351230%Land
ROUTE 35 (Mass Outbreak)1230%Land
ROUTE 361230%Land

Area Map

Nidoran♀'s Nest

  • ROUTE 35
  • ROUTE 36

Moves Learned

Silver Version17

LevelNameTypePowerAccuracyPPEffect Chance (/256)Flags
12Double KickFIGHTING30255300fg
17Poison StingPOISON152553576g
23Tail WhipNORMAL0255300g
38Fury SwipesNORMAL18204150fg

What moves can Nidoran♀ learn in Pokémon Silver?

Nidoran♀ can learn the following moves:

AttractGold/Silver; Crystal: TM45
BideRed/Blue; Yellow: TM34
  • Red/Blue: Level 29
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 30
BlizzardRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM14
Body SlamRed/Blue; Yellow: TM08
CurseGold/Silver; Crystal: TM03
Defense CurlGold/Silver; Crystal: TM40
DetectGold/Silver; Crystal: TM43
Double Kick
  • Red/Blue: Level 43
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 12
Double TeamRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM32
Double-EdgeRed/Blue; Yellow: TM10
EndureGold/Silver; Crystal: TM20
FrustrationGold/Silver; Crystal: TM21
Fury Swipes
  • Red/Blue: Level 36
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 38
GrowlRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
HeadbuttGold/Silver; Crystal: TM02
Hidden PowerGold/Silver; Crystal: TM10
Iron TailGold/Silver; Crystal: TM23
Lovely KissGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY
MimicRed/Blue; Yellow: TM31
MoonlightGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY
Mud-SlapGold/Silver; Crystal: TM31
Poison Sting
  • Red/Blue: Level 14
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 17
ProtectGold/Silver; Crystal: TM17
RageRed/Blue; Yellow: TM20
Rain DanceGold/Silver; Crystal: TM18
ReflectRed/Blue; Yellow: TM33
RestRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM44
ReturnGold/Silver; Crystal: TM27
ScratchRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 8
Skull BashRed/Blue; Yellow: TM40
Sleep TalkGold/Silver; Crystal: TM35
SnoreGold/Silver; Crystal: TM13
SubstituteRed/Blue; Yellow: TM50
Sunny DayGold/Silver; Crystal: TM11
SwaggerGold/Silver; Crystal: TM34
Sweet KissGold/Silver; Crystal: Pokémon Distribution: Pokemon Center NY
TackleRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 1
Tail Whip
  • Red/Blue: Level 21
  • Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: Level 23
Take Down
ThiefGold/Silver; Crystal: TM46
ThunderRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM25
  • Red/Blue; Yellow: TM24
  • Crystal: Move Tutor
ToxicRed/Blue; Yellow; Gold/Silver; Crystal: TM06

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