Name | Number | Kind | Entry |
Bulbasaur | 1 | Seed Pokémon | It can go for days without eating a single morsel. In the bulb on its back, it stores energy. |
Ivysaur | 2 | Seed Pokémon | The bulb on its back grows by drawing energy. It gives off an aroma when it is ready to bloom. |
Venusaur | 3 | Seed Pokémon | The flower on its back catches the sun's rays. The sunlight is then absorbed and used for energy. |
Charmander | 4 | Lizard Pokémon | The flame at the tip of its tail makes a sound as it burns. You can only hear it in quiet places. |
Charmeleon | 5 | Flame Pokémon | Tough fights could excite this POKéMON. When excited, it may blow out bluish- white flames. |
Charizard | 6 | Flame Pokémon | When expelling a blast of super hot fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely. |
Squirtle | 7 | Tiny Turtle Pokémon | Shoots water at prey while in the water. Withdraws into its shell when in danger. |
Wartortle | 8 | Turtle Pokémon | When tapped, this POKéMON will pull in its head, but its tail will still stick out a little bit. |
Blastoise | 9 | Shellfish Pokémon | Once it takes aim at its enemy, it blasts out water with even more force than a fire hose. |
Caterpie | 10 | Worm Pokémon | If you touch the feeler on top of its head, it will release a horrible stink to protect itself. |
Metapod | 11 | Cocoon Pokémon | Hardens its shell to protect itself. However, a large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell. |
Butterfree | 12 | Butterfly Pokémon | Its wings, covered with poisonous powders, repel water. This allows it to fly in the rain. |
Weedle | 13 | Hairy Bug Pokémon | Beware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves. |
Kakuna | 14 | Cocoon Pokémon | Able to move only slightly. When endangered, it may stick out its stinger and poison its enemy. |
Beedrill | 15 | Poison Bee Pokémon | It has 3 poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly. |
Pidgey | 16 | Tiny Bird Pokémon | Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back. |
Pidgeotto | 17 | Bird Pokémon | This POKéMON is full of vitality. It constantly flies around its large territory in search of prey. |
Pidgeot | 18 | Bird Pokémon | This POKéMON flies at Mach 2 speed, seeking prey. Its large talons are feared as wicked weapons. |
Rattata | 19 | Mouse Pokémon | Will chew on any- thing with its fangs. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more live in the area. |
Raticate | 20 | Mouse Pokémon | Its hind feet are webbed. They act as flippers, so it can swim in rivers and hunt for prey. |
Spearow | 21 | Tiny Bird Pokémon | Inept at flying high. However, it can fly around very fast to protect its ter- ritory. |
Fearow | 22 | Beak Pokémon | A POKéMON that dates back many years. If it senses danger, it flies high and away, instantly. |
Ekans | 23 | Snake Pokémon | The older it gets, the longer it grows. At night, it wraps its long body around tree branches to rest. |
Arbok | 24 | Cobra Pokémon | The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed. |
Pikachu | 25 | Mouse Pokémon | It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you. |
Raichu | 26 | Mouse Pokémon | When electricity builds up inside its body, it becomes feisty. It also glows in the dark. |
Sandshrew | 27 | Mouse Pokémon | Its body is dry. When it gets cold at night, its hide is said to become coated with a fine dew. |
Sandslash | 28 | Mouse Pokémon | It is skilled at slashing enemies with its claws. If broken, they start to grow back in a day. |
Nidoran♀ | 29 | Poison Pin Pokémon | A mild-mannered POKéMON that does not like to fight. Beware, its small horns secrete venom. |
Nidorina | 30 | Poison Pin Pokémon | When resting deep in its burrow, its thorns always retract. This is proof that it is relaxed. |
Nidoqueen | 31 | Drill Pokémon | Tough scales cover the sturdy body of this POKéMON. It appears that the scales grow in cycles. |
Nidoran♂ | 32 | Poison Pin Pokémon | Its large ears are always kept upright. If it senses danger, it will attack with a poisonous sting. |
Nidorino | 33 | Poison Pin Pokémon | Its horns contain venom. If they are stabbed into an enemy, the impact makes the poison leak out. |
Nidoking | 34 | Drill Pokémon | Its steel-like hide adds to its powerful tackle. Its horns are so hard, they can pierce a diamond. |
Clefairy | 35 | Fairy Pokémon | Adored for their cute looks and playfulness. They are thought to be rare, as they do not appear often. |
Clefable | 36 | Fairy Pokémon | They appear to be very protective of their own world. It is a kind of fairy, rarely seen by people. |
Vulpix | 37 | Fox Pokémon | Both its fur and its tails are beautiful. As it grows, the tails split and form more tails. |
Ninetales | 38 | Fox Pokémon | According to an enduring legend, 9 noble saints were united and reincarnated as this POKéMON. |
Jigglypuff | 39 | Balloon Pokémon | Uses its alluring eyes to enrapture its foe. It then sings a pleasing melody that lulls the foe to sleep. |
Wigglytuff | 40 | Balloon Pokémon | Its body is full of elasticity. By inhaling deeply, it can continue to inflate itself without limit. |
Zubat | 41 | Bat Pokémon | Emits ultrasonic cries while it flies. They act as a sonar used to check for ob- jects in its way. |
Golbat | 42 | Bat Pokémon | It attacks in a stealthy manner, without warning. Its sharp fangs are used to bite and suck blood. |
Oddish | 43 | Weed Pokémon | It may be mistaken for a clump of weeds. If you try to yank it out of the ground, it shrieks horribly. |
Gloom | 44 | Weed Pokémon | Smells incredibly foul! However, around 1 out of 1,000 people enjoy sniffing its nose- bending stink. |
Vileplume | 45 | Flower Pokémon | Flaps its broad flower petals to scatter its poisonous pollen. The flapping sound is very loud. |
Paras | 46 | Mushroom Pokémon | Burrows under the ground to gnaw on tree roots. The mushrooms on its back absorb most of the nutrition. |
Parasect | 47 | Mushroom Pokémon | The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking. |
Venonat | 48 | Insect Pokémon | Its large eyes act as radars. In a bright place, you can see that they are clusters of many tiny eyes. |
Venomoth | 49 | Poison Moth Pokémon | The powdery scales on its wings are hard to remove. They also contain poison that leaks out on contact. |
Diglett | 50 | Mole Pokémon | It prefers dark places. It spends most of its time underground, though it may pop up in caves. |
Dugtrio | 51 | Mole Pokémon | A team of triplets that can burrow over 60 MPH. Due to this, some people think it's an earthquake. |
Meowth | 52 | Scratch Cat Pokémon | Appears to be more active at night. It loves round and shiny things. It can't stop from picking them up. |
Persian | 53 | Classy Cat Pokémon | The gem in its forehead glows on its own! It walks with all the grace and elegance of a proud queen. |
Psyduck | 54 | Duck Pokémon | Always tormented by headaches. It uses psychic powers, but it is not known if it intends to do so. |
Golduck | 55 | Duck Pokémon | Its slim and long limbs end in broad flippers. They are used for swim- ming gracefully in lakes. |
Mankey | 56 | Pig Monkey Pokémon | An agile POKéMON that lives in trees. It angers easily and will not hesitate to attack anything. |
Primeape | 57 | Pig Monkey Pokémon | It stops being angry only when nobody else is around. To view this moment is very difficult. |
Growlithe | 58 | Puppy Pokémon | A POKéMON with a friendly nature. However, it will bark fiercely at anything invading its territory. |
Arcanine | 59 | Legendary Pokémon | A legendary POKé- MON in China. Many people are charmed by its grace and beauty while running. |
Poliwag | 60 | Tadpole Pokémon | The direction of the spiral on the belly differs by area. It is more adept at swimming than walking. |
Poliwhirl | 61 | Tadpole Pokémon | Under attack, it uses its belly spiral to put the foe to sleep. It then makes its escape. |
Poliwrath | 62 | Tadpole Pokémon | Swims powerfully using all the muscles in its body. It can even overtake champion swimmers. |
Abra | 63 | Psi Pokémon | Sleeps 18 hours a day. If it senses danger, it will teleport itself to safety even as it sleeps. |
Kadabra | 64 | Psi Pokémon | Many odd things happen if this POKéMON is close by. For example, it makes clocks run backwards. |
Alakazam | 65 | Psi Pokémon | A POKéMON that can memorize anything. It never forgets what it learns-- that's why this POKéMON is smart. |
Machop | 66 | Superpower Pokémon | Very powerful in spite of its small size. Its mastery of many types of martial arts makes it very tough. |
Machoke | 67 | Superpower Pokémon | The belt around its waist holds back its energy. Without it, this POKéMON would be unstoppable. |
Machamp | 68 | Superpower Pokémon | One arm alone can move mountains. Using all four arms, this POKéMON fires off awesome punches. |
Bellsprout | 69 | Flower Pokémon | Prefers hot and humid places. It ensnares tiny insects with its vines and devours them. |
Weepinbell | 70 | Flycatcher Pokémon | When hungry, it swallows anything that moves. Its hapless prey is melted inside by strong acids. |
Victreebel | 71 | Flycatcher Pokémon | Lures prey with the sweet aroma of honey. Swallowed whole, the prey is melted in a day, bones and all. |
Tentacool | 72 | Jellyfish Pokémon | It can sometimes be found all dry and shriveled up on a beach. Toss it back into the sea to revive it. |
Tentacruel | 73 | Jellyfish Pokémon | Its 80 tentacles can stretch and contract freely. They wrap around prey and weaken it with poison. |
Geodude | 74 | Rock Pokémon | Commonly found near mountain trails, etc. If you step on one by accident, it gets angry. |
Graveler | 75 | Rock Pokémon | Often seen rolling down mountain trails. Obstacles are just things to roll straight over, not avoid. |
Golem | 76 | Megaton Pokémon | Once it sheds its skin, its body turns tender and whitish. Its hide hardens when it's exposed to air. |
Ponyta | 77 | Fire Horse Pokémon | Capable of jumping incredibly high. Its hooves and sturdy legs absorb the impact of a hard landing. |
Rapidash | 78 | Fire Horse Pokémon | Just loves to run. If it sees some- thing faster than itself, it will give chase at top speed. |
Slowpoke | 79 | Dopey Pokémon | Incredibly slow and sluggish. It is quite content to loll about without worrying about the time. |
Slowbro | 80 | Hermit Crab Pokémon | Lives lazily by the sea. If the SHELLDER on its tail comes off, it becomes a SLOWPOKE again. |
Magnemite | 81 | Magnet Pokémon | It is born with the ability to defy gravity. It floats in air on powerful electro- magnetic waves. |
Magneton | 82 | Magnet Pokémon | Generates strange radio signals. It raises the tem- perature by 3.6F degrees within 3,300 feet. |
Farfetch'd | 83 | Wild Duck Pokémon | Lives where reedy plants grow. They are rarely seen, so it's thought their numbers are decreasing. |
Doduo | 84 | Twin Bird Pokémon | Its short wings make flying dif- ficult. Instead, this POKéMON runs at high speed on developed legs. |
Dodrio | 85 | Triple Bird Pokémon | One of DODUO's 2 heads splits to form a unique species. It runs close to 40 MPH in prairies. |
Seel | 86 | Sea Lion Pokémon | Loves freezing cold conditions. Relishes swimming in a frigid cli- mate of around 14F degrees. |
Dewgong | 87 | Sea Lion Pokémon | Its entire body is a snowy-white. Unharmed by even intense cold, it swims powerfully in icy waters. |
Grimer | 88 | Sludge Pokémon | Made of hardened sludge. It smells too putrid to touch. Even weeds won't grow in its path. |
Muk | 89 | Sludge Pokémon | Smells so awful, it can cause fainting. Through degeneration, it lost its sense of smell. |
Shellder | 90 | Bivalve Pokémon | The shell can withstand any attack. However, when it is open, the tender body is exposed. |
Cloyster | 91 | Bivalve Pokémon | For protection, it uses its harder- than-diamonds shell. It also shoots spikes from the shell. |
Gastly | 92 | Gas Pokémon | Said to appear in decrepit, deserted buildings. It has no real shape as it appears to be made of a gas. |
Haunter | 93 | Gas Pokémon | By licking, it saps the victim's life. It causes shaking that won't stop until the victim's demise. |
Gengar | 94 | Shadow Pokémon | A GENGAR is close by if you feel a sudden chill. It may be trying to lay a curse on you. |
Onix | 95 | Rock Snake Pokémon | Burrows at high speed in search of food. The tunnels it leaves are used as homes by DIGLETTs. |
Drowzee | 96 | Hypnosis Pokémon | If you sleep by it all the time, it will sometimes show you dreams it has eaten in the past. |
Hypno | 97 | Hypnosis Pokémon | Avoid eye contact if you come across one. It will try to put you to sleep by using its pendulum. |
Krabby | 98 | River Crab Pokémon | Its pincers are superb weapons. They sometimes break off during battle, but they grow back fast. |
Kingler | 99 | Pincer Pokémon | One claw grew massively and as hard as steel. It has 10,000-HP strength. However, it is too heavy. |
Voltorb | 100 | Ball Pokémon | It is said to camouflage itself as a POKé BALL. It will self-destruct with very little stimulus. |
Electrode | 101 | Ball Pokémon | Stores electrical energy inside its body. Even the slightest shock could trigger a huge explosion. |
Exeggcute | 102 | Egg Pokémon | The heads attract each other and spin around. There must be 6 heads for it to maintain balance. |
Exeggutor | 103 | Coconut Pokémon | Its cries are very noisy. This is because each of the 3 heads thinks about whatever it likes. |
Cubone | 104 | Lonely Pokémon | Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody. |
Marowak | 105 | Bone Keeper Pokémon | Small and weak, this POKéMON is adept with its bone club. It has grown more vicious over the ages. |
Hitmonlee | 106 | Kicking Pokémon | When kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard as a diamond on im- pact and destroys its enemy. |
Hitmonchan | 107 | Punching Pokémon | Punches in cork- screw fashion. It can punch its way through a concrete wall in the same way as a drill. |
Lickitung | 108 | Licking Pokémon | Its tongue spans almost 7 feet and moves more freely than its forelegs. Its licks can cause paralysis. |
Koffing | 109 | Poison Gas Pokémon | In hot places, its internal gases could expand and explode without any warning. Be very careful! |
Weezing | 110 | Poison Gas Pokémon | It lives and grows by absorbing dust, germs and poison gases that are contained in toxic waste and garbage. |
Rhyhorn | 111 | Spikes Pokémon | A POKéMON with a one-track mind. Once it charges, it won't stop running until it falls asleep. |
Rhydon | 112 | Drill Pokémon | Walks on its hind legs. Shows signs of intelligence. Its armor-like hide even repels molten lava. |
Chansey | 113 | Egg Pokémon | A gentle and kind- hearted POKéMON that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured POKéMON. |
Tangela | 114 | Vine Pokémon | Its identity is obscured by masses of thick, blue vines. The vines are said to never stop growing. |
Kangaskhan | 115 | Parent Pokémon | Raises its young in its belly pouch. Won't run from any fight to keep its young protected. |
Horsea | 116 | Dragon Pokémon | If it senses any danger, it will vigorously spray water or a special type of ink from its mouth. |
Seadra | 117 | Dragon Pokémon | Touching the back fin causes numb- ness. It hooks its tail to coral to stay in place while sleeping. |
Goldeen | 118 | Goldfish Pokémon | When it is time for them to lay eggs, they can be seen swimming up rivers and falls in large groups. |
Seaking | 119 | Goldfish Pokémon | It is the male's job to make a nest by carving out boulders in a stream using the horn on its head. |
Staryu | 120 | Star Shape Pokémon | As long as the center section is unharmed, it can grow back fully even if it is chopped to bits. |
Starmie | 121 | Mysterious Pokémon | The center section is named the core. People think it is communicating when it glows in 7 colors. |
Mr. Mime | 122 | Barrier Pokémon | Always practices its pantomime act. It makes enemies believe something exists that really doesn't. |
Scyther | 123 | Mantis Pokémon | Leaps out of tall grass and slices prey with its scythes. The move- ment looks like that of a ninja. |
Jynx | 124 | Human Shape Pokémon | Appears to move to a rhythm of its own, as if it were dancing. It wiggles its hips as it walks. |
Electabuzz | 125 | Electric Pokémon | If a major power outage occurs, it is certain that this POKéMON has eaten electricity at a power plant. |
Magmar | 126 | Spitfire Pokémon | Born in an active volcano. Its body is always cloaked in flames, so it looks like a big ball of fire. |
Pinsir | 127 | Stag Beetle Pokémon | Grips its prey in its pincers and squeezes hard! It can't move if it's cold, so it lives in warm places. |
Tauros | 128 | Wild Bull Pokémon | A rowdy POKéMON with a lot of stamina. Once running, it won't stop until it hits something. |
Magikarp | 129 | Fish Pokémon | Famous for being very unreliable. It can be found swimming in seas, lakes, rivers and shallow puddles. |
Gyarados | 130 | Atrocious Pokémon | Brutally vicious and enormously destructive. Known for totally destroying cities in ancient times. |
Lapras | 131 | Transport Pokémon | A gentle soul that can read the minds of people. It can ferry people across the sea on its back. |
Ditto | 132 | Transform Pokémon | When it spots an enemy, its body transfigures into an almost perfect copy of its oppo- nent. |
Eevee | 133 | Evolution Pokémon | Its genetic code is unstable, so it could evolve in a variety of ways. There are only a few alive. |
Vaporeon | 134 | Bubble Jet Pokémon | Its cell structure is similar to water molecules. It will melt away and become invis- ible in water. |
Jolteon | 135 | Lightning Pokémon | A sensitive POKé- MON that easily becomes sad or angry. Every time its mood changes, it charges power. |
Flareon | 136 | Flame Pokémon | It has a flame chamber inside its body. It inhales, then blows out fire that is over 3,000F degrees. |
Porygon | 137 | Virtual Pokémon | The only POKéMON people anticipate can fly into space. None has managed the feat yet, however. |
Omanyte | 138 | Spiral Pokémon | An ancient POKéMON that was recovered from a fossil. It swims by cleverly twisting its 10 tentacles about. |
Omastar | 139 | Spiral Pokémon | Sharp beaks ring its mouth. Its shell was too big for it to move freely, so it became extinct. |
Kabuto | 140 | Shellfish Pokémon | A POKéMON that was recovered from a fossil. It uses the eyes on its back while hiding on the sea floor. |
Kabutops | 141 | Shellfish Pokémon | A slim and fast swimmer. It slices its prey with its sharp sickles and drinks the body fluids. |
Aerodactyl | 142 | Fossil Pokémon | A savage POKéMON that died out in ancient times. It was resurrected using DNA taken from amber. |
Snorlax | 143 | Sleeping Pokémon | Will eat anything, even if the food happens to be a little moldy. It never gets an upset stomach. |
Articuno | 144 | Freeze Pokémon | A legendary bird POKéMON. It freezes water that is contained in winter air and makes it snow. |
Zapdos | 145 | Electric Pokémon | This legendary bird POKéMON is said to appear when the sky turns dark and lightning showers down. |
Moltres | 146 | Flame Pokémon | A legendary bird POKéMON. As it flaps its flaming wings, even the night sky will turn red. |
Dratini | 147 | Dragon Pokémon | The existence of this mythical POKéMON was only recently confirmed by a fisherman who caught one. |
Dragonair | 148 | Dragon Pokémon | According to a witness, its body was surrounded by a strange aura that gave it a mystical look. |
Dragonite | 149 | Dragon Pokémon | It is said that this POKéMON lives somewhere in the sea and that it flies. However, it is only a rumor. |
Mewtwo | 150 | Genetic Pokémon | Its DNA is almost the same as MEW's. However, its size and disposition are vastly dif- ferent. |
Mew | 151 | New Species Pokémon | When viewed through a micro- scope, this POKéMON's short, fine, delicate hair can be seen. |