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Pokédex (Pokémon Data)

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Bulbasaur1Seed PokémonIt can go for days without eating a single morsel. In the bulb on its back, it stores energy.
Ivysaur2Seed PokémonThe bulb on its back grows by drawing energy. It gives off an aroma when it is ready to bloom.
Venusaur3Seed PokémonThe flower on its back catches the sun's rays. The sunlight is then absorbed and used for energy.
Charmander4Lizard PokémonThe flame at the tip of its tail makes a sound as it burns. You can only hear it in quiet places.
Charmeleon5Flame PokémonTough fights could excite this POKéMON. When excited, it may blow out bluish- white flames.
Charizard6Flame PokémonWhen expelling a blast of super hot fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely.
Squirtle7Tiny Turtle PokémonShoots water at prey while in the water. Withdraws into its shell when in danger.
Wartortle8Turtle PokémonWhen tapped, this POKéMON will pull in its head, but its tail will still stick out a little bit.
Blastoise9Shellfish PokémonOnce it takes aim at its enemy, it blasts out water with even more force than a fire hose.
Caterpie10Worm PokémonIf you touch the feeler on top of its head, it will release a horrible stink to protect itself.
Metapod11Cocoon PokémonHardens its shell to protect itself. However, a large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell.
Butterfree12Butterfly PokémonIts wings, covered with poisonous powders, repel water. This allows it to fly in the rain.
Weedle13Hairy Bug PokémonBeware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves.
Kakuna14Cocoon PokémonAble to move only slightly. When endangered, it may stick out its stinger and poison its enemy.
Beedrill15Poison Bee PokémonIt has 3 poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly.
Pidgey16Tiny Bird PokémonVery docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back.
Pidgeotto17Bird PokémonThis POKéMON is full of vitality. It constantly flies around its large territory in search of prey.
Pidgeot18Bird PokémonThis POKéMON flies at Mach 2 speed, seeking prey. Its large talons are feared as wicked weapons.
Rattata19Mouse PokémonWill chew on any- thing with its fangs. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more live in the area.
Raticate20Mouse PokémonIts hind feet are webbed. They act as flippers, so it can swim in rivers and hunt for prey.
Spearow21Tiny Bird PokémonInept at flying high. However, it can fly around very fast to protect its ter- ritory.
Fearow22Beak PokémonA POKéMON that dates back many years. If it senses danger, it flies high and away, instantly.
Ekans23Snake PokémonThe older it gets, the longer it grows. At night, it wraps its long body around tree branches to rest.
Arbok24Cobra PokémonThe frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed.
Pikachu25Mouse PokémonIt keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you.
Raichu26Mouse PokémonWhen electricity builds up inside its body, it becomes feisty. It also glows in the dark.
Sandshrew27Mouse PokémonIts body is dry. When it gets cold at night, its hide is said to become coated with a fine dew.
Sandslash28Mouse PokémonIt is skilled at slashing enemies with its claws. If broken, they start to grow back in a day.
Nidoran♀29Poison Pin PokémonA mild-mannered POKéMON that does not like to fight. Beware, its small horns secrete venom.
Nidorina30Poison Pin PokémonWhen resting deep in its burrow, its thorns always retract. This is proof that it is relaxed.
Nidoqueen31Drill PokémonTough scales cover the sturdy body of this POKéMON. It appears that the scales grow in cycles.
Nidoran♂32Poison Pin PokémonIts large ears are always kept upright. If it senses danger, it will attack with a poisonous sting.
Nidorino33Poison Pin PokémonIts horns contain venom. If they are stabbed into an enemy, the impact makes the poison leak out.
Nidoking34Drill PokémonIts steel-like hide adds to its powerful tackle. Its horns are so hard, they can pierce a diamond.
Clefairy35Fairy PokémonAdored for their cute looks and playfulness. They are thought to be rare, as they do not appear often.
Clefable36Fairy PokémonThey appear to be very protective of their own world. It is a kind of fairy, rarely seen by people.
Vulpix37Fox PokémonBoth its fur and its tails are beautiful. As it grows, the tails split and form more tails.
Ninetales38Fox PokémonAccording to an enduring legend, 9 noble saints were united and reincarnated as this POKéMON.
Jigglypuff39Balloon PokémonUses its alluring eyes to enrapture its foe. It then sings a pleasing melody that lulls the foe to sleep.
Wigglytuff40Balloon PokémonIts body is full of elasticity. By inhaling deeply, it can continue to inflate itself without limit.
Zubat41Bat PokémonEmits ultrasonic cries while it flies. They act as a sonar used to check for ob- jects in its way.
Golbat42Bat PokémonIt attacks in a stealthy manner, without warning. Its sharp fangs are used to bite and suck blood.
Oddish43Weed PokémonIt may be mistaken for a clump of weeds. If you try to yank it out of the ground, it shrieks horribly.
Gloom44Weed PokémonSmells incredibly foul! However, around 1 out of 1,000 people enjoy sniffing its nose- bending stink.
Vileplume45Flower PokémonFlaps its broad flower petals to scatter its poisonous pollen. The flapping sound is very loud.
Paras46Mushroom PokémonBurrows under the ground to gnaw on tree roots. The mushrooms on its back absorb most of the nutrition.
Parasect47Mushroom PokémonThe bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking.
Venonat48Insect PokémonIts large eyes act as radars. In a bright place, you can see that they are clusters of many tiny eyes.
Venomoth49Poison Moth PokémonThe powdery scales on its wings are hard to remove. They also contain poison that leaks out on contact.
Diglett50Mole PokémonIt prefers dark places. It spends most of its time underground, though it may pop up in caves.
Dugtrio51Mole PokémonA team of triplets that can burrow over 60 MPH. Due to this, some people think it's an earthquake.
Meowth52Scratch Cat PokémonAppears to be more active at night. It loves round and shiny things. It can't stop from picking them up.
Persian53Classy Cat PokémonThe gem in its forehead glows on its own! It walks with all the grace and elegance of a proud queen.
Psyduck54Duck PokémonAlways tormented by headaches. It uses psychic powers, but it is not known if it intends to do so.
Golduck55Duck PokémonIts slim and long limbs end in broad flippers. They are used for swim- ming gracefully in lakes.
Mankey56Pig Monkey PokémonAn agile POKéMON that lives in trees. It angers easily and will not hesitate to attack anything.
Primeape57Pig Monkey PokémonIt stops being angry only when nobody else is around. To view this moment is very difficult.
Growlithe58Puppy PokémonA POKéMON with a friendly nature. However, it will bark fiercely at anything invading its territory.
Arcanine59Legendary PokémonA legendary POKé- MON in China. Many people are charmed by its grace and beauty while running.
Poliwag60Tadpole PokémonThe direction of the spiral on the belly differs by area. It is more adept at swimming than walking.
Poliwhirl61Tadpole PokémonUnder attack, it uses its belly spiral to put the foe to sleep. It then makes its escape.
Poliwrath62Tadpole PokémonSwims powerfully using all the muscles in its body. It can even overtake champion swimmers.
Abra63Psi PokémonSleeps 18 hours a day. If it senses danger, it will teleport itself to safety even as it sleeps.
Kadabra64Psi PokémonMany odd things happen if this POKéMON is close by. For example, it makes clocks run backwards.
Alakazam65Psi PokémonA POKéMON that can memorize anything. It never forgets what it learns-- that's why this POKéMON is smart.
Machop66Superpower PokémonVery powerful in spite of its small size. Its mastery of many types of martial arts makes it very tough.
Machoke67Superpower PokémonThe belt around its waist holds back its energy. Without it, this POKéMON would be unstoppable.
Machamp68Superpower PokémonOne arm alone can move mountains. Using all four arms, this POKéMON fires off awesome punches.
Bellsprout69Flower PokémonPrefers hot and humid places. It ensnares tiny insects with its vines and devours them.
Weepinbell70Flycatcher PokémonWhen hungry, it swallows anything that moves. Its hapless prey is melted inside by strong acids.
Victreebel71Flycatcher PokémonLures prey with the sweet aroma of honey. Swallowed whole, the prey is melted in a day, bones and all.
Tentacool72Jellyfish PokémonIt can sometimes be found all dry and shriveled up on a beach. Toss it back into the sea to revive it.
Tentacruel73Jellyfish PokémonIts 80 tentacles can stretch and contract freely. They wrap around prey and weaken it with poison.
Geodude74Rock PokémonCommonly found near mountain trails, etc. If you step on one by accident, it gets angry.
Graveler75Rock PokémonOften seen rolling down mountain trails. Obstacles are just things to roll straight over, not avoid.
Golem76Megaton PokémonOnce it sheds its skin, its body turns tender and whitish. Its hide hardens when it's exposed to air.
Ponyta77Fire Horse PokémonCapable of jumping incredibly high. Its hooves and sturdy legs absorb the impact of a hard landing.
Rapidash78Fire Horse PokémonJust loves to run. If it sees some- thing faster than itself, it will give chase at top speed.
Slowpoke79Dopey PokémonIncredibly slow and sluggish. It is quite content to loll about without worrying about the time.
Slowbro80Hermit Crab PokémonLives lazily by the sea. If the SHELLDER on its tail comes off, it becomes a SLOWPOKE again.
Magnemite81Magnet PokémonIt is born with the ability to defy gravity. It floats in air on powerful electro- magnetic waves.
Magneton82Magnet PokémonGenerates strange radio signals. It raises the tem- perature by 3.6F degrees within 3,300 feet.
Farfetch'd83Wild Duck PokémonLives where reedy plants grow. They are rarely seen, so it's thought their numbers are decreasing.
Doduo84Twin Bird PokémonIts short wings make flying dif- ficult. Instead, this POKéMON runs at high speed on developed legs.
Dodrio85Triple Bird PokémonOne of DODUO's 2 heads splits to form a unique species. It runs close to 40 MPH in prairies.
Seel86Sea Lion PokémonLoves freezing cold conditions. Relishes swimming in a frigid cli- mate of around 14F degrees.
Dewgong87Sea Lion PokémonIts entire body is a snowy-white. Unharmed by even intense cold, it swims powerfully in icy waters.
Grimer88Sludge PokémonMade of hardened sludge. It smells too putrid to touch. Even weeds won't grow in its path.
Muk89Sludge PokémonSmells so awful, it can cause fainting. Through degeneration, it lost its sense of smell.
Shellder90Bivalve PokémonThe shell can withstand any attack. However, when it is open, the tender body is exposed.
Cloyster91Bivalve PokémonFor protection, it uses its harder- than-diamonds shell. It also shoots spikes from the shell.
Gastly92Gas PokémonSaid to appear in decrepit, deserted buildings. It has no real shape as it appears to be made of a gas.
Haunter93Gas PokémonBy licking, it saps the victim's life. It causes shaking that won't stop until the victim's demise.
Gengar94Shadow PokémonA GENGAR is close by if you feel a sudden chill. It may be trying to lay a curse on you.
Onix95Rock Snake PokémonBurrows at high speed in search of food. The tunnels it leaves are used as homes by DIGLETTs.
Drowzee96Hypnosis PokémonIf you sleep by it all the time, it will sometimes show you dreams it has eaten in the past.
Hypno97Hypnosis PokémonAvoid eye contact if you come across one. It will try to put you to sleep by using its pendulum.
Krabby98River Crab PokémonIts pincers are superb weapons. They sometimes break off during battle, but they grow back fast.
Kingler99Pincer PokémonOne claw grew massively and as hard as steel. It has 10,000-HP strength. However, it is too heavy.
Voltorb100Ball PokémonIt is said to camouflage itself as a POKé BALL. It will self-destruct with very little stimulus.
Electrode101Ball PokémonStores electrical energy inside its body. Even the slightest shock could trigger a huge explosion.
Exeggcute102Egg PokémonThe heads attract each other and spin around. There must be 6 heads for it to maintain balance.
Exeggutor103Coconut PokémonIts cries are very noisy. This is because each of the 3 heads thinks about whatever it likes.
Cubone104Lonely PokémonWears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody.
Marowak105Bone Keeper PokémonSmall and weak, this POKéMON is adept with its bone club. It has grown more vicious over the ages.
Hitmonlee106Kicking PokémonWhen kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard as a diamond on im- pact and destroys its enemy.
Hitmonchan107Punching PokémonPunches in cork- screw fashion. It can punch its way through a concrete wall in the same way as a drill.
Lickitung108Licking PokémonIts tongue spans almost 7 feet and moves more freely than its forelegs. Its licks can cause paralysis.
Koffing109Poison Gas PokémonIn hot places, its internal gases could expand and explode without any warning. Be very careful!
Weezing110Poison Gas PokémonIt lives and grows by absorbing dust, germs and poison gases that are contained in toxic waste and garbage.
Rhyhorn111Spikes PokémonA POKéMON with a one-track mind. Once it charges, it won't stop running until it falls asleep.
Rhydon112Drill PokémonWalks on its hind legs. Shows signs of intelligence. Its armor-like hide even repels molten lava.
Chansey113Egg PokémonA gentle and kind- hearted POKéMON that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured POKéMON.
Tangela114Vine PokémonIts identity is obscured by masses of thick, blue vines. The vines are said to never stop growing.
Kangaskhan115Parent PokémonRaises its young in its belly pouch. Won't run from any fight to keep its young protected.
Horsea116Dragon PokémonIf it senses any danger, it will vigorously spray water or a special type of ink from its mouth.
Seadra117Dragon PokémonTouching the back fin causes numb- ness. It hooks its tail to coral to stay in place while sleeping.
Goldeen118Goldfish PokémonWhen it is time for them to lay eggs, they can be seen swimming up rivers and falls in large groups.
Seaking119Goldfish PokémonIt is the male's job to make a nest by carving out boulders in a stream using the horn on its head.
Staryu120Star Shape PokémonAs long as the center section is unharmed, it can grow back fully even if it is chopped to bits.
Starmie121Mysterious PokémonThe center section is named the core. People think it is communicating when it glows in 7 colors.
Mr. Mime122Barrier PokémonAlways practices its pantomime act. It makes enemies believe something exists that really doesn't.
Scyther123Mantis PokémonLeaps out of tall grass and slices prey with its scythes. The move- ment looks like that of a ninja.
Jynx124Human Shape PokémonAppears to move to a rhythm of its own, as if it were dancing. It wiggles its hips as it walks.
Electabuzz125Electric PokémonIf a major power outage occurs, it is certain that this POKéMON has eaten electricity at a power plant.
Magmar126Spitfire PokémonBorn in an active volcano. Its body is always cloaked in flames, so it looks like a big ball of fire.
Pinsir127Stag Beetle PokémonGrips its prey in its pincers and squeezes hard! It can't move if it's cold, so it lives in warm places.
Tauros128Wild Bull PokémonA rowdy POKéMON with a lot of stamina. Once running, it won't stop until it hits something.
Magikarp129Fish PokémonFamous for being very unreliable. It can be found swimming in seas, lakes, rivers and shallow puddles.
Gyarados130Atrocious PokémonBrutally vicious and enormously destructive. Known for totally destroying cities in ancient times.
Lapras131Transport PokémonA gentle soul that can read the minds of people. It can ferry people across the sea on its back.
Ditto132Transform PokémonWhen it spots an enemy, its body transfigures into an almost perfect copy of its oppo- nent.
Eevee133Evolution PokémonIts genetic code is unstable, so it could evolve in a variety of ways. There are only a few alive.
Vaporeon134Bubble Jet PokémonIts cell structure is similar to water molecules. It will melt away and become invis- ible in water.
Jolteon135Lightning PokémonA sensitive POKé- MON that easily becomes sad or angry. Every time its mood changes, it charges power.
Flareon136Flame PokémonIt has a flame chamber inside its body. It inhales, then blows out fire that is over 3,000F degrees.
Porygon137Virtual PokémonThe only POKéMON people anticipate can fly into space. None has managed the feat yet, however.
Omanyte138Spiral PokémonAn ancient POKéMON that was recovered from a fossil. It swims by cleverly twisting its 10 tentacles about.
Omastar139Spiral PokémonSharp beaks ring its mouth. Its shell was too big for it to move freely, so it became extinct.
Kabuto140Shellfish PokémonA POKéMON that was recovered from a fossil. It uses the eyes on its back while hiding on the sea floor.
Kabutops141Shellfish PokémonA slim and fast swimmer. It slices its prey with its sharp sickles and drinks the body fluids.
Aerodactyl142Fossil PokémonA savage POKéMON that died out in ancient times. It was resurrected using DNA taken from amber.
Snorlax143Sleeping PokémonWill eat anything, even if the food happens to be a little moldy. It never gets an upset stomach.
Articuno144Freeze PokémonA legendary bird POKéMON. It freezes water that is contained in winter air and makes it snow.
Zapdos145Electric PokémonThis legendary bird POKéMON is said to appear when the sky turns dark and lightning showers down.
Moltres146Flame PokémonA legendary bird POKéMON. As it flaps its flaming wings, even the night sky will turn red.
Dratini147Dragon PokémonThe existence of this mythical POKéMON was only recently confirmed by a fisherman who caught one.
Dragonair148Dragon PokémonAccording to a witness, its body was surrounded by a strange aura that gave it a mystical look.
Dragonite149Dragon PokémonIt is said that this POKéMON lives somewhere in the sea and that it flies. However, it is only a rumor.
Mewtwo150Genetic PokémonIts DNA is almost the same as MEW's. However, its size and disposition are vastly dif- ferent.
Mew151New Species PokémonWhen viewed through a micro- scope, this POKéMON's short, fine, delicate hair can be seen.