Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Attack Explanations
Notes on ranges
The range of a move is merely a string. The range's true effect is found by checking its Range Category and Target Category.
Range Categories
Scope of the move, without concern for the targets. A move's range category can be found by checking the RC column in the list of moves.
- 0 - In front of the user
If a move has this range category, corners of walls obstruct the move's range unless the move's user can move through corners of walls. Moves with this range category can't target Pokémon on walls unless the move's user can move into walls.
- 1 - 3 tiles diagonally and in front
This range means "the Pokémon in the user's right diagonal, the Pokémon in front, and the Pokémon in user's left diagonal, in that order." For example, if the user is facing northeast, the attack affects the Pokémon east, northeast, and north of the user, in that order.
- 2 - Within a 1-tile range of the user
This range starts with the Pokémon facing the user and continuing counterclockwise around the user.
- 3 - Within room range
"Room range" means "all room tiles in this room and the one-tile edge around it if the user is on a room tile; or a two-tile range if the user is not on a room tile." In some dungeons, the visibility is limited to one tile when not in a room, thus restricting room range to a one-tile range while the user is not on a room tile. (The Luminous Orb can't affect this.) When the One-Room Orb is used, the result is (in many floors) a one-tile-wide border of water around the map. After the One-Room Orb is used, "room range" means "all tiles on the floor."
This range category affects Pokémon in the order in which they first appeared on the map, starting with the user's allies, then the user's foes, then the user.
- 4 - Up to 2 tiles ahead
Moves with this range category pass through allies and non-foes. Corners of walls do not obstruct the move's range. Walls obstruct moves with this range category, unless the move's user can move into walls. Moves with this range category can't target Pokémon on walls unless the move's user can move into walls.
- 5 - Straight line
"Straight line" means "the closest Pokémon in the user's direction up to ten tiles away, cuts corners." The attack stops when it reaches a wall tile, which is why moves with this range can't affect Pokémon on walls. The attack stops even if it reaches a shopkeeper or a Pokémon waiting to be rescued (though they won't be affected by it). This is the same range used for items (except rocks) when they are thrown.
- 6 - On floor
This range category affects Pokémon in the order in which they first appeared on the map, starting with the user's allies, then the user's foes, then the user.
- 7 - User
Some moves with a range of "Pokémon on floor", such as Rain Dance and Mud Sport, actually belong to this range category.
- 8 - In front of the user, cuts corners
Moves with this range category can't target Pokémon on walls, even if the move's user can move into walls.
Target Categories
Which Pokémon the move affects within range. A move's target category can be found by checking the TC column in the list of moves.
Moves can't target shopkeepers or Pokémon waiting to be rescued unless noted elsewhere.
Moves with a target category of 4 (User, then foe) return an attack with a target category of 0 (Foes only) and, depending on whether the move cuts corners, a range category of 0 or 8.
TC | Description |
0 | Foes only |
1 | User and allies only |
2 | Any Pokémon |
3 | User |
4 | User, then foe |
5 | All Pokémon except user |
6 | All allies except user |
Baton Pass effectively has a target category of 5, even though it is listed as having a target category of 2.
If the move's user has any of these statuses, moves can target the user and its allies as though they were foes. (For example, a move with a range of "Foes in room" also affects the user and its allies in the same room.) If Nontraitor is enabled for the user, this effect is prevented for all range categories except category 8 (In front of the user, cuts corners).
Other Notes
- The visibility of a floor is important only in defining "room range", above.
- Cross-Eyed, Eyedrops statuse, and The Blinkers do not affect the ranges of moves.
- "Members on floor" means "the user and its allies on the floor."
- "Members in room only" means "the user's allies within room range."
- "Allies in room" means "the user and its allies within room range."
- "Pokémon at side" means "a direction chosen at random."
Using moves while asleep
The user of Sleep Talk or Snore can't use it if an effect prevents it from being used, though no message appears to that effect. For example, the move can't be used if the Pokémon is frozen, wrapped around foe, wrapped by foe, petrified, cringing, paused, infatuated, or terrified (in broadest sense).
Last move used
In general, the last move used is simply the last move that the Pokémon used up to a certain time. If the move is prevented, it doesn't count as the use of a move. The use of the Pokémon's regular attack (when not used as a move) doesn't reset the last move used for that Pokémon.
- Paralyzed - "X is paralyzed" - use of moves is prevented
- Cringing - "X is cringing" - use of moves is prevented
- Taunted - Move can't be used
- Torment - Move can't be used
- Sealed - Move can't be used
- Encore - Move can't be used
- Muzzled - Move can be used, so counts as last move used, even though it will fail and no PP is spent
Multi-hit attacks
These moves strike more than once in a turn.
- 2-5 times (at random): Arm Thrust, Barrage, Bone Rush, Bullet Seed, Comet Punch, Doubleslap, Fury Attack, Fury Swipes, Icicle Spear, Outrage, Petal Dance, Pin Missile, Rock Blast, Spike Cannon
- 2 times: Bonemerang, Double Kick, Fury Cutter, Twineedle
- 3 times: Thrash, Triple Kick
- 5 times: Ice Ball, Rollout
The move Trapper merely marks the tile under the user for putting a trap. The trap is actually laid at the end of the user's turn (after Exp. Point gain, if any). The move Spikes, on the other hand, creates a tile as it is being used.
The trap-laying operation fails if the tile isn't a room tile, the tile is the end of a corridor, or if an item is on the tile. A trap created this way doesn't affect the trap's creator or its allies.
Mobility types
Only certain species of Pokémon can enter tiles of certain floor types, as described here. Note that the mobility of a Pokémon depends on its species, not its type or abilities. (The actual species of the Pokémon, not its temporary species from Transform, is used in finding its mobility type.)
- Water - Water-type Pokémon. Can enter water tiles.
- Flying - Flying-type Pokémon and Pokémon with Levitate. Can enter water, magma, and sky tiles.
- Fire - Fire-type Pokémon. Can enter magma tiles.
- Ghost - Ghost-type Pokémon. Can enter water, wall, sky, and magma tiles. Can move diagonally through corners. If not the team leader, can follow invisible Pokémon as though they were visible.
- Normal - All other types of Pokémon. Can't enter water, magma, wall, or sky tiles.
Species which are exceptions to the general rules above.
- Charizard: Fire
- Beedrill: Flying
- Pidgey: Normal
- Pidgeotto: Normal
- Pidgeot: Normal
- Spearow: Normal
- Fearow: Normal
- Venomoth: Flying
- Abra: Flying
- Magnemite: Flying
- Magneton: Flying
- Farfetch'd: Normal
- Doduo: Normal
- Dodrio: Normal
- Gastly: Ghost
- Haunter: Ghost
- Gengar: Ghost
- Scyther: Normal
- Gyarados: Flying
- Porygon: Water
- Moltres: Flying
- Dratini: Water
- Dragonair: Water
- Dragonite: Water
- Mew: Flying
- Hoothoot: Normal
- Noctowl: Normal
- Togetic: Normal
- Natu: Normal
- Xatu: Normal
- Hoppip: Normal
- Skiploom: Normal
- Jumpluff: Normal
- Murkrow: Normal
- Misdreavus: Ghost
- Delibird: Normal
- Mantine: Flying
- Skarmory: Normal
- Porygon2: Water
- Lugia: Water
- Ho-Oh: Flying
- Celebi: Flying
- Dustox: Flying
- Taillow: Normal
- Swellow: Normal
- Wingull: Flying
- Pelipper: Flying
- Azurill: Water
- Sableye: Normal
- Meditite: Flying
- Altaria: Normal
- Duskull: Ghost
- Dusclops: Normal
- Tropius: Normal
- Salamence: Normal
- Beldum: Flying
- Metang: Flying
- Groudon: Fire
- Jirachi: Flying
- Deoxys: Flying
- Deoxys (Attack Form): Flying
- Deoxys (Defense Form): Flying
- Deoxys (Speed Form): Flying
- Statue: Normal
Mobile effects
- Mobile Scarf: Can enter water, sky, magma, and wall tiles, can move diagonally through corners.
- Mobile status (from Mobile Orb): Can enter water, sky, magma, and wall tiles, can move diagonally through corners.
- All-Terrain Hiker: Can enter water, sky, and magma tiles. (Applied in addition to other mobile effects, but overrides mobility type.)
- Super Mobile: Can enter water, sky, magma, and wall tiles, but can't move diagonally through corners. At the end of the Pokémon's turn, if it's on a wall tile, that tile is replaced with a regular floor tile. (Overridden by Mobile Scarf and Mobile status.)
At the end of a Pokémon's turn, if its mobility type is not Fire and the Pokémon is on a magma tile, it becomes burned unless it currently has the Water Veil ability or the Pokémon is a Fire type.
If Drought (the move, not the ability) wasn't used previously, One-Room's effect, after removing all walls, replaces all regular floor tiles on the edge of the map with water tiles.
Explosions and huge explosions
Order of operations for an explosion:
- The item under the user is destroyed.
- For each tile 1 tile away from the user, starting south and continuing counterclockwise, the item on that tile is destroyed, and the Pokémon on that tile loses HP.
- The user (or the triggerer of the trap) loses HP.
- All wall tiles within a 1-tile range become regular floor tiles.
HP losses from explosion:
- Team leader and its allies: 1/4 of current HP, rounded down, if current type includes Fire, or half of current HP, rounded down, otherwise. The HP loss can't be less than 1.
- Other Pokémon: 20 HP if current type includes Fire, or 40 HP otherwise.
Order of operations for a huge explosion:
- The item under the user is destroyed.
- For each tile 1 tile away from the user, starting south and continuing counterclockwise, the item on that tile is destroyed, and the Pokémon on that tile loses HP.
- For each tile 2 tiles away from the user, starting south and continuing counterclockwise, the item on that tile is destroyed, and the Pokémon on that tile loses HP.
- The user (or the triggerer of the trap) loses HP.
- All wall tiles within a 2-tile range become regular floor tiles.
HP losses from huge explosion:
- Team leader and its allies: 1/4 of current HP, rounded down, if current type includes Fire, or half of current HP, rounded down, otherwise. The HP loss can't be less than 1.
- Other Pokémon: 40 HP if current type includes Fire, or 80 HP otherwise.
For both types of explosions, shopkeepers, Pokémon waiting to be rescued, and items in shops are also affected.
Low Kick
The damage from Low Kick is multiplied by a factor dependent on the target's species:
- 153/256: All species not listed below, as well as Statue
- 179/256: Wartortle, Beedrill, Sandslash, Nidorina, Parasect, Mankey, Poliwhirl, Geodude, Seadra, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Croconaw, Hoothoot, Lanturn, Azumarill, Espeon, Umbreon, Wobbuffet, Shuckle, Sneasel, Octillery, Tyrogue, Elekid, Magby, Grovyle, Marshtomp, Beautifly, Nuzleaf, Pelipper, Kirlia, Slakoth, Carvanha, Numel, Altaria, Whiscash, Baltoy, Lileep, Kecleon, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth
- 204/256: Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Fearow, Raichu, Venonat, Dugtrio, Persian, Primeape, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Doduo, Grimer, Muk, Drowzee, Chansey, Tangela, Seaking, Staryu, Electabuzz, Porygon, Omastar, Furret, Ledian, Ariados, Sudowoodo, Politoed, Yanma, Slugma, Houndoom, Phanpy, Porygon2, Mightyena, Linoone, Dustox, Lombre, Breloom, Delcatty, Medicham, Spoink, Crawdaunt, Dusclops, Spheal
- 230/256: Clefable, Alakazam, Tentacool, Gengar, Marowak, Hitmonlee, Jynx, Magmar, Kabutops, Noctowl, Girafarig, Granbull, Hitmontop, Blissey, Gardevoir, Vigoroth, Loudred, Manectric, Zangoose, Absol, Bagon, Latias
- 256/256: Golbat, Poliwrath, Kadabra, Tentacruel, Hitmonchan, Mr. Mime, Scyther, Pinsir, Aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, Heracross, Magcargo, Piloswine, Skarmory, Smeargle, Sceptile, Blaziken, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Cacnea, Seviper, Clamperl
- 281/256: Arbok, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Magneton, Kingler, Electrode, Lickitung, Moltres, Ampharos, Gligar, Aron, Cradily, Armaldo, Latios, Deoxys, Decoy
- 307/256: Golduck, Machoke, Slowbro, Hypno, Typhlosion, Crobat, Quagsire, Slowking, Stantler, Miltank, Larvitar, Grumpig, Cacturne
- 332/256: Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Arcanine, Machamp, Graveler, Rapidash, Dodrio, Seel, Dewgong, Cloyster, Exeggutor, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Kangaskhan, Starmie, Tauros, Mewtwo, Meganium, Feraligatr, Forretress, Scizor, Ursaring, Kingdra, Donphan, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Pupitar, Ho-Oh, Swampert, Slaking, Exploud, Makuhita, Nosepass, Lairon, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Torkoal, Flygon, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Milotic, Tropius, Sealeo, Walrein, Shelgon, Salamence, Beldum, Regice, Munchlax
- 358/256: Golem, Onix, Gyarados, Lapras, Snorlax, Dragonite, Steelix, Mantine, Tyranitar, Lugia, Hariyama, Aggron, Wailord, Camerupt, Glalie, Metang, Metagross, Regirock, Registeel, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza
HP loss when Echo (the Sizebust Orb) is used.
- 8: Unown I, Unown Q
- 9: Unown P, Unown R, Unown X, Unown Z
- 10: Unown J, Unown K, Unown L, Unown T
- 11: Unown W, Unown Y, Unown !
- 12: Unown A, Unown E, Unown G, Unown S, Unown V, Castform (Normal Form), Unown ?, Statue
- 13: Weedle, Unown B, Unown D, Unown F, Remoraid
- 14: Diglett, Qwilfish, Luvdisc
- 15: Magnemite, Unown N, Unown U, Taillow
- 16: Caterpie, Pidgey, Bellsprout, Surskit, Chimecho
- 17: Kabuto, Cyndaquil, Natu, Unown C, Unown M, Mudkip, Ralts, Barboach
- 18: Spearow, Oddish, Voltorb, Igglybuff, Unown H, Wurmple, Nincada
- 19: Ponyta, Krabby, Horsea, Quilava, Unown O, Trapinch, Feebas, Gorebyss
- 20: Metapod, Rattata, Togetic, Murkrow, Swinub, Aron, Plusle, Minun, Lunatone, Shuppet
- 21: Squirtle, Kakuna, Vulpix, Omanyte, Togepi, Dunsparce, Houndour, Phanpy, Porygon2, Larvitar, Torchic, Poochyena
- 22: Nidoran♀, Paras, Staryu, Eevee, Chikorita, Sunkern, Pineco, Swellow, Shroomish, Gulpin, Numel, Baltoy, Spheal, Decoy
- 23: Raticate, Meowth, Weepinbell, Porygon, Hoothoot, Cleffa, Mareep, Slugma, Corsola, Celebi, Silcoon, Lotad, Seedot, Azurill, Beldum
- 24: Sandshrew, Poliwag, Slowpoke, Farfetch'd, Pichu, Wooper, Smoochum, Treecko, Zigzagoon, Cascoon, Kirlia, Spoink, Castform (Rain Form), Wynaut
- 25: Pidgeotto, Zubat, Persian, Shellder, Goldeen, Spinarak, Marshtomp, Wingull, Electrike
- 26: Charmander, Charmeleon, Nidorina, Jigglypuff, Machop, Doduo, Electrode, Mew, Sentret, Yanma, Girafarig, Teddiursa, Tyrogue, Whismur, Skitty, Swablu, Snorunt
- 27: Bulbasaur, Abra, Geodude, Starmie, Ditto, Dratini, Chinchou, Flaaffy, Jumpluff, Umbreon, Misdreavus, Combusken, Manectric, Carvanha
- 28: Growlithe, Seel, Totodile, Lanturn, Marill, Sudowoodo, Skiploom, Kingdra, Magby, Mightyena, Shedinja, Sharpedo, Torkoal, Solrock, Banette, Bagon
- 29: Pidgeot, Clefairy, Psyduck, Tentacool, Rapidash, Cubone, Koffing, Magikarp, Crobat, Xatu, Ampharos, Shuckle, Pupitar, Grovyle, Pelipper, Gardevoir, Meditite, Corphish, Castform (Sun Form), Sealeo
- 30: Venonat, Wobbuffet, Snubbull, Magcargo, Linoone, Delcatty, Seviper, Castform (Hail Form), Relicanth
- 31: Pikachu, Arcanine, Slowbro, Furret, Noctowl, Houndoom, Stantler, Slakoth, Sableye, Mawile, Medicham, Illumise, Roselia, Kecleon, Jirachi, Munchlax
- 32: Parasect, Dewgong, Grimer, Drowzee, Seadra, Bayleef, Bellossom, Hoppip, Forretress, Nuzleaf, Masquerain, Cacnea, Lileep, Duskull
- 33: Ivysaur, Nidoran♂, Gloom, Mankey, Dodrio, Hitmonchan, Tauros, Typhlosion, Politoed, Breloom, Claydol, Anorith, Absol, Huntail
- 34: Wartortle, Ekans, Wigglytuff, Alakazam, Magneton, Rhyhorn, Jolteon, Omastar, Ledyba, Sceptile, Nosepass, Spinda
- 35: Vileplume, Primeape, Poliwhirl, Flareon, Croconaw, Espeon, Smeargle, Hitmontop, Lairon, Altaria, Clamperl
- 36: Fearow, Ninetales, Golbat, Dugtrio, Kadabra, Hypno, Kingler, Chansey, Mr. Mime, Aerodactyl, Azumarill, Quagsire, Sneasel, Blaziken, Vibrava, Cradily
- 37: Clefable, Venomoth, Tentacruel, Seaking, Magmar, Ariados, Slowking, Granbull, Heracross, Piloswine, Donphan, Miltank, Makuhita, Camerupt, Grumpig, Crawdaunt, Latias
- 38: Sandslash, Gastly, Sunflora, Vigoroth, Volbeat, Whiscash, Walrein
- 39: Butterfree, Beedrill, Nidorino, Victreebel, Golem, Muk, Marowak, Kabutops, Delibird, Armaldo, Deoxys (Speed Form)
- 40: Nidoqueen, Machoke, Gengar, Exeggcute, Jynx, Vaporeon, Aipom, Octillery, Swampert, Ninjask, Wailmer
- 41: Graveler, Meganium, Elekid, Lombre, Zangoose, Tropius, Shelgon
- 42: Golduck, Tangela, Scyther, Pinsir, Loudred
- 43: Cloyster, Haunter, Mewtwo, Ledian, Tyranitar, Dustox
- 44: Shiftry, Swalot
- 45: Raichu, Exeggutor, Hitmonlee, Slaking, Dusclops
- 46: Poliwrath
- 47: Lickitung, Gligar, Flygon, Glalie, Metang
- 48: Venusaur, Scizor, Blissey, Beautifly
- 49: Electabuzz, Feraligatr, Ludicolo, Cacturne, Regice
- 50: Skarmory, Exploud
- 51: Blastoise, Rhydon, Snorlax, Deoxys (Attack Form)
- 52: Charizard, Raikou
- 53: Dragonair, Registeel
- 54: Ursaring, Deoxys (Normal Form)
- 55: Weezing, Kangaskhan, Hariyama
- 56: Dragonite
- 57: Nidoking, Latios
- 58: Machamp
- 59: Metagross
- 60: Regirock
- 61: Entei
- 63: Deoxys (Defense Form)
- 64: Aggron
- 65: Arbok, Suicune
- 69: Articuno
- 72: Lapras
- 76: Onix
- 86: Mantine
- 87: Moltres
- 92: Salamence
- 94: Steelix
- 107: Groudon
- 115: Zapdos
- 116: Gyarados
- 119: Milotic
- 122: Lugia
- 124: Kyogre
- 156: Rayquaza, Rayquaza
- 167: Wailord
- 225: Ho-Oh
Hidden Power
For each Pokémon, a random type and a random power are determined for the purposes of Hidden Power. These values change whenever a dungeon is entered, and not whenever the Pokémon enters a new floor. Hidden Power can have any type and Hidden Power's power can be 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, or 17. (Actually, the game chooses from among the seventeen types as well as typeless, and it tries up to 100 times to not choose "typeless" at random. If this somehow happens after 100 times, it chooses "Fire.")
Return and Frustration cause the target to lose HP, depending on the user's IQ. Minimum 5, maximum 45.
IQ Stars | Return | Frustration |
1, 2 (IQ=0-49) | 5 | 45 |
3 (IQ=50-99) | 10 | 40 |
4, 5 (IQ=100-199) | 15 | 35 |
6 (IQ=200-299) | 20 | 30 |
7 (IQ=300-399) | 25 | 25 |
8 (IQ=400-499) | 30 | 20 |
9 (IQ=500-599) | 35 | 15 |
10 (IQ=600-699) | 40 | 10 |
11, MAX (IQ=700-999) | 45 | 5 |
For completeness, here are rates for impossible IQ values.
IQ | Return | Frustration |
1000-9999 | 9999 | 1 |
10000-65535 | 1 | 1 |
Metronome uses one of the following moves at random:
Iron Tail, Yawn, Nightmare, Charm, Encore, Super Fang, Pain Split, Torment, Swagger, Rock Slide, Whirlpool, Fake Tears, Spite, Smokescreen, Flatter, Will-O-Wisp, Return, Flame Wheel, Gust, Disable, Crunch, Bite, Thunder, Endeavor, Facade, Constrict, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Giga Drain, Reversal, Smellingsalt, Metal Sound, Tickle, Outrage, Low Kick, Ancientpower, Rapid Spin, Scary Face, Submission, Lick, Fissure, Extrasensory, Absorb, Skill Swap, Headbutt, Double-Edge, Sand-Attack, Smog, Sacred Fire, Sheer Cold, Muddy Water, Twister, Twineedle, Seismic Toss, Supersonic, Taunt, Horn Drill, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Block, Poison Gas, Toxic, Poison Fang, Poison Sting, Tri Attack, Trick, Triple Kick, Mud-Slap, Thief, Role Play, Leer, Pay Day, Curse, Frenzy Plant, Superpower, Dynamicpunch, Knock Off, Secret Power, Dizzy Punch, Imprison, Featherdance, Beat Up, Blast Burn, Crush Claw, Blaze Kick, Present, Eruption, Glare, Poison Tail, Roar, Fire Spin, Wrap, Magnitude, Mist Ball, Destiny Bond, False Swipe, Hidden Power, Attract, Mimic, Frustration, Leech Seed, Dream Eater, Luster Purge, Dragon Rage, Fake Out