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Pokémon Trading Card Game - Rocket's Sneasel ex - EX: Team Rocket Returns 103

Home > Pokémon Trading Card Game - Rocket's Sneasel ex - EX: Team Rocket Returns 103

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Basic Pokémon
Rocket's Sneasel ex

90 HP [D]

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[D] Drag Off 10
Before doing damage, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with the Defending Pokémon. If you do, this attack does 10 damage to the new Defending Pokémon. Your opponent chooses the Defending Pokémon to switch.

[D][D][C] Dark Ring 30+
Does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each of your [D] Pokémon in play.


[P] -30

retreat cost