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Pokémon Trading Card Game - Armaldo ex - EX: Legend Maker 84

Home > Pokémon Trading Card Game - Armaldo ex - EX: Legend Maker 84

Bulbapedia article

Stage 2 Pokémon - Evolves from Anorith
Armaldo ex

160 HP [Ft]

No picture available.

Poké-Body: Dual Armor
As long as Armaldo ex has any React Energy cards attached to it, Armaldo ex is both [G] and [Ft] type.

[Ft][C] Spiral Drain 40
Remove 2 damage counters from Armaldo ex.

[Ft][C][C] Vortex Chop 70
If the Defending Pokemon has any Resistance, this attack's base damage is 100 instead of 70.



retreat cost