Pokémon Trading Card Game - Light Arcanine - Neo Destiny 42
Stage 1 Pokémon - Evolves from Growlithe
Light Arcanine
100 HP
Pokémon Power:
Drive Off
As long as Light Arcanine is your Active Pokémon, once during your turn (before your attack), if your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with the Defending Pokémon. This power can't be used while Light Arcanine is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Gentle Flames
If the Defending Pokémon is a Baby Pokémon, this attack does 10 damage instead of 50. If the Defending Pokémon is a Basic Pokémon, this attack does 30 damage instead of 50.
retreat cost
LV.47 #59