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Pokémon Trading Card Game - Light Piloswine - Neo Destiny 55

Home > Pokémon Trading Card Game - Light Piloswine - Neo Destiny 55

Bulbapedia article

Stage 1 Pokémon - Evolves from Swinub
Light Piloswine

90 HP [W]

No picture available.

Pokémon Power: Fluffy Wool
During your opponent's turn, if Light Piloswine is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by your opponent's attack (even if it's Knocked Out), flip a coin. If heads, the attacking Pokémon is now Asleep. This power stops working if Light Piloswine is already Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed when your opponent attacks.

[C][C][C] Knock Over 30
If there is a Stadium card in play, you may discard it.


[L] -30

retreat cost

LV.43 #221